nidas  v1.2-1520
Classes | Macros
ncar_a2d_priv.h File Reference
#include <nidas/linux/ncar_a2d.h>
#include <nidas/linux/filters/short_filters_kernel.h>
#include <linux/wait.h>
#include <linux/device.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  a2d_sample
struct  A2DBoard


#define A2D_MAX_RATE   5000
#define A2DINSTBSY   0x8000
#define A2DDATARDY   0x4000
#define A2DDATAREQ   0x2000
#define A2DIDERR   0x1000
#define A2DCRCERR   0x0800
#define A2DDATAERR   0x0400
#define A2DINSTREG15   0x0200
#define A2DINSTREG13   0x0100
#define A2DINSTREG12   0x0080
#define A2DINSTREG11   0x0040
#define A2DINSTREG06   0x0020
#define A2DINSTREG05   0x0010
#define A2DINSTREG04   0x0008
#define A2DINSTREG01   0x0004
#define A2DINSTREG00   0x0002
#define A2DCONFIGEND   0x0001
#define A2DSTAT_INSTR_MASK   0x3fe
#define MAX_A2D_BOARDS   4
#define HWFIFODEPTH   1024
 Define this if you want a fixed polling rate of the A2D FIFO. More...
#define A2DMASTER   0
#define A2DIOWIDTH   0x10
#define A2DCMDADDR   0xF
#define A2DIO_FIFO   0x0
#define A2DIO_CS_CMD   0x1
#define A2DIO_I2C   0x2
#define A2DIO_DATA   0x3
#define A2DIO_D2A1   0x4
#define A2DIO_CALV   0x5
#define A2DIO_SYSCTL   0x6
#define A2DIO_FIFOSTAT   0x7
#define A2DIO_CS_WR   0x0
#define A2DIO_CS_RD   0x8
#define AD7725_READID   0x8802
#define AD7725_READDATA   0x8d21
#define AD7725_WRCONFIG   0x1800
#define AD7725_WRCONFEM   0x1A00
#define AD7725_ABORT   0x0000
#define AD7725_BFIR   0x2000
#define FIFOCLR   0x01
#define A2DAUTO   0x02
#define A2DSYNC   0x04
#define A2DSYNCCK   0x08
#define A2D1PPSEBL   0x10
#define FIFODAFAE   0x20
#define A2DSTATEBL   0x40
#define FIFOWREBL   0x80
#define FIFOHF   0x01
#define FIFOAFAE   0x02
#define FIFONOTEMPTY   0x04
#define FIFONOTFULL   0x08
#define INV1PPS   0x10
#define PRESYNC   0x20

Macro Definition Documentation

#define A2D1PPSEBL   0x10

Referenced by A2DEnable1PPS().

#define A2D_MAX_RATE   5000
#define A2DAUTO   0x02

Referenced by A2DAuto(), and A2DNotAuto().

#define A2DCMDADDR   0xF

Referenced by ncar_a2d_init().

#define A2DCONFIGEND   0x0001

Referenced by A2DConfig().

#define A2DCRCERR   0x0800

Referenced by A2DConfig().

#define A2DDATAERR   0x0400
#define A2DDATARDY   0x4000
#define A2DDATAREQ   0x2000

Referenced by A2DConfig().

#define A2DIDERR   0x1000

Referenced by A2DConfig().

#define A2DINSTBSY   0x8000
#define A2DINSTREG00   0x0002

Referenced by AD7725StatusInstrBits().

#define A2DINSTREG01   0x0004

Referenced by AD7725StatusInstrBits().

#define A2DINSTREG04   0x0008

Referenced by AD7725StatusInstrBits().

#define A2DINSTREG05   0x0010

Referenced by AD7725StatusInstrBits().

#define A2DINSTREG06   0x0020

Referenced by AD7725StatusInstrBits().

#define A2DINSTREG11   0x0040

Referenced by AD7725StatusInstrBits().

#define A2DINSTREG12   0x0080

Referenced by AD7725StatusInstrBits().

#define A2DINSTREG13   0x0100

Referenced by AD7725StatusInstrBits().

#define A2DINSTREG15   0x0200

Referenced by AD7725StatusInstrBits().

#define A2DIO_CALV   0x5

Referenced by SetVcal(), and UnSetVcal().

#define A2DIO_CS_CMD   0x1
#define A2DIO_CS_RD   0x8
#define A2DIO_CS_WR   0x0
#define A2DIO_D2A1   0x4

Referenced by A2DSetGainAndOffset().

#define A2DIO_DATA   0x3

Referenced by A2DConfig(), and A2DSetGain().

#define A2DIO_FIFO   0x0
#define A2DIO_FIFOSTAT   0x7

Referenced by A2DBoardStatus(), and A2DSetMaster().

#define A2DIO_I2C   0x2

Referenced by A2DTemp().

#define A2DIO_SYSCTL   0x6

Referenced by SetCal(), SetOffset(), and wait7725Int().

#define A2DIOWIDTH   0x10

Referenced by ncar_a2d_cleanup(), and ncar_a2d_init().

#define A2DMASTER   0
#define A2DSTAT_INSTR_MASK   0x3fe

Referenced by A2DConfig(), A2DStart(), and ncar_a2d_init().

#define A2DSTATEBL   0x40
#define A2DSYNC   0x04

Referenced by A2DClearSYNC(), and A2DSetSYNC().

#define A2DSYNCCK   0x08

Referenced by A2DClearSYNC(), and A2DSetSYNC().

#define AD7725_ABORT   0x0000

Referenced by A2DStopRead(), and ncar_a2d_init().

#define AD7725_BFIR   0x2000
#define AD7725_READDATA   0x8d21

Referenced by A2DStart().

#define AD7725_READID   0x8802
#define AD7725_WRCONFEM   0x1A00
#define AD7725_WRCONFIG   0x1800

Referenced by A2DConfig().

#define FIFOAFAE   0x02
#define FIFOCLR   0x01

Referenced by A2DClearFIFO().

#define FIFODAFAE   0x20
#define FIFOHF   0x01
#define FIFONOTEMPTY   0x04

Referenced by getA2DFIFOLevel().

#define FIFONOTFULL   0x08

Referenced by getA2DFIFOLevel().

#define FIFOWREBL   0x80
#define HWFIFODEPTH   1024

Referenced by startBoard().

#define INV1PPS   0x10

Referenced by ppsCallback1().

#define MAX_A2D_BOARDS   4

Referenced by ncar_a2d_init().


Define this if you want a fixed polling rate of the A2D FIFO.

If FIXED_POLL_RATE is not defined, a minimum rate will be chosen so that the maximum is read on each poll, but less than 1/4 the FIFO size.

gmaclean, 8 Feb 2012: 50 Hz polling (reading 80 words each time) may result in less chance of a buffer overflow on Vulcans than the computed polling rate of 20 Hz (200 words). Needs testing... Set POLL_WHEN_QUARTER_FULL if you want polling to be delayed by one or more periods so that the FIFO is at least 1/4 full before a poll. Then a poll is guaranteed not to empty the FIFO. If overflows of the FIFO are more of an issue, don't define this, and the polling will be delayed by just one period.

#define PRESYNC   0x20