Full Name: King (CSIRO) Liquid Water Sensor
Short Name or Acronym:King Probe
Model if applicable:
Measurements Provided: cloud liquid water content
Manufacturer or Builder of the Instrument: PMS originally; now DMT
When Acquired: Likely in the later 1980’ties or 1990’ties
Operational Status:
requestable, ready for deployment
General Description:
Measurement Characteristics:
Precision: <0.01 g/m^3, limited primarily by fluctuations in the "dry" term described below.
Calibration Methods: Measurement relating dissipated heat to analog output voltage.
History of Significant Changes to the Instrument:
Description of Software, Data Handling, and Data Flow:
Software Components (data acquisition, display, processing, and analysis): The power is recorded by the NIDAS data system as variable PLWC. Standard processing is described in the RAF Technical Note on Processing Algorithms, Section 5.1. See rafscience wiki note, at this URL, for additional information.
Data Processing Chain (from flight to archival): Data processing follows the standard data path for RAF measurements: instrument -> NIDAS -> nimbus -> netCDF archives. See this page for more information.
QA Procedures and Needs: Data review should monitor the accuracy of the baseline correction in clear air and should look for response corresponding to cloud as indicated by other instruments. Comparison to otheer measurements of liquid water content is also useful.
Safety Issues: none, except wire can be hot
Examples of Measurements: Measurements from VOCALS flight RF02: CONCD is the concentration measured by a Cloud Droplet Probe, TASX is the true airspeed, PLWC1 is the power measured by the King Probe, PDRY is the estimate of the power required in dry air, PLWCC1 is the standard LWC in the processed file, and PLWCX is the liquid water content produced by the new processing used beginning in 2012, as described in the wiki note referenced above.
Lead Contact: Jorgen Jensen
Internal users: See http://wiki.eol.ucar.edu/rafscience/KingProbe (last edited 2012-12-10)