Data Quality Summary
Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean (SHEBA)
Project No. 8-101
J. Curry, et al.
Prepared by: Krista Laursen (NCAR/RAF)
This document is intended to provide a general overview of problems, limitations, and features to be found in the SHEBA C-130 data set. It should be noted that the quality of the C-130 microphysical (PMS 1-D and 2-D, liquid water content, and CN) data is discussed in a separate document, "Quality Assurance of Cloud and Aerosol Microphysical Measurements SHEBA Project." This document, prepared by Darrel Baumgardner, is included in the data documentation notebook section "Data Quality Reports" and should be consulted by users interested in using any of the SHEBA microphysical data for analytical purposes. Any questions regarding either the SHEBA microphysical data or the microphysical quality summary should be directed to Darrel Baumgardner.
Investigators should also note that cloud pass microphysical summaries for the SHEBA research flights are available on line by accessing the following RAF Web site: Any questions regarding the data presented in the cloud pass Web site pages should be direct to Darrel Baumgardner.
The overview information presented in this document is supplemented by a set of Data Quality Overview (DQO) sheets for the sixteen C-130 research flights. Each DQO sheet (one per flight) summarizes the quality of the measurements made in each of several categories (aircraft position and attitude, dewpoint, humidity, etc.) and lists specific problems and bad data time periods as appropriate for that flight. The DQO sheets are not exhaustive; that is, not all variables included in the final low rate netCDF files are listed in the sheets. The variables listed in the DQO sheets were chosen for inclusion because they are believed to be representative of the various categories of measurements and thus provide a good picture of problems detected within the SHEBA C-130 data set.
Users will note during their perusal of the DQO sheets and the microphysical data quality report that the quality of the data collected from some instruments is sometimes listed as "No Good (NG)" or "Bad." In those cases for which the data were not good or bad for an entire flight, the instrument(s) output (i.e., the associated variable or variables) were not output in that flight's netCDF file.
Every attempt has been made to be as thorough and complete as possible during the quality checking of the SHEBA C-130 data set. However, given the significant number of variables in the processed data files, it is possible that some problems within the data set were not detected. Users of these data are encouraged to notify the RAF should they discover additional problems and/or limitations within the data set. Information regarding such problems should be brought to the attention of either Krista Laursen, the SHEBA C-130 project manager, email or phone: (303)497-1031, or RAF Data Manager Ron Ruth, email or phone: (303)497-1084.
General Data Set Quality and Limitations
Following a thorough review of all of the ambient temperature data collected on the C-130 during SHEBA, it was decided that ATRL is the most reliable ambient temperature measurement. Thus, the reference ambient temperature variable ATX has been set to ATRL for all sixteen research flights, and users of the data set should use ATRL in all calculations and studies requiring ambient temperature data.
Note: The page Gerber PVM-100 Probe Corrections for SHEBA has been added to this site on 26 April 2000.