Project #2002-301 IHOP_2002
International H2O Project 2002
D. Parsons, T. Weckwerth, et al.
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory P-3 Orion
Documentation Summary
This site contains the final documentation for the airborne measurements obtained from the Naval Research Lab's P-3 Orion aircraft (modified for the NCAR/EOL/RTF ELDORA radar) during the International H2O project (IHOP 2002). This field campaign took place from 13 May to 25 June 2002.
The Low-Rate (LRT, 1 sample per second) production data set is available
on-line at the URL:
Please note that only the P-3's in-situ data can be accessed from this
If you are interested in the ELDORA data, please contact:
Wen-Chau Lee.
If you are interested in the Leandre II data, please contact:
Cyrille Flamant.
All data for this project are available from the NCAR/EOL IHOP 2002 Data Management web site. Users wishing to obtain any of the above-listed data products also can visit this site.
Software for viewing the Low-Rate data is available from the RAF. Please consult the RAF Software Product Guide for more information on available RAF data perusal programs.
As you proceed with the analysis of RAF's P-3 data system products, you may have questions, encounter problems, or uncover discrepancies or other aspects of the data set that may be of interest to the RAF and other users. We ask that you bring these issues to the attention of the IHOP 2002 project managers:
Allen Schanot, (303)497-1063
Dick Friesen FAX phone number: (303)497-1092
Mail address:National Center for Atmospheric Research
ATD/Research Aviation Facility
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
We also solicit your more general comments on the quality, usefulness, and/or new applications of the data.
We hope the support of this project provided by the Research Aviation Facility has been satisfactory. It has been our pleasure to serve you. If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call on us.
Allen Schanot
Project Manager/Associate Scientist
Dick Friesen
Project Manager/Project and Data Support Group Chief
Jeffrey L. Stith, Ph.D.
Manager, Research Aviation Facility