Project #2001-131 ACE-Asia
Asian Pacific Regional Aerosol Characterization Experiment
Barry Huebert, et al.
NSF/NCAR C-130Q Hercules (N130AR)
Changes to Web Site Pages
SCD Mass Store System Preliminary Low-Rate netCDF Files (Ferry Flights)
(23 June 2006)
(corrected this broken link so it now works)
Retired original "Home Page" due to needed web-site file deletions
(13 April 2005)
(Data base used to find flight information was deleted.)
SCD Mass Store System Bitfile List (ATD path)
(7 July 2004)
(Added new link)
Example Production Output netCDF File Header (High Rate)
(7 July 2004)
(Added new link)
SCD Mass Store System Production High-Rate Output netCDF Files
(Research Flights)
(19 June 2003)
(added selected high-rate data)
Flight Summary Information Matrix
(22 April 2002)
(added Ferry Flight preliminary data)
SCD Mass Store System Preliminary netCDF Files
(22 April 2002)
(This link added to
Documentation Summary)
Data files available via ftp
(22 April 2002)
(page deleted, since the following links can be used instead)
SCD Mass Store System
Production Low-Rate Output netCDF Files
SCD Mass Store System
Preliminary Low-Rate netCDF Files
Data Quality Report
(19 December 2001)
(Calibration change to XUCN - "Clarke - Ultrafine CN
Concentrations" for flights RF01 through RF08)