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Project #2001-131 ACE-Asia

Asian Pacific Regional
Aerosol Characterization Experiment

Barry Huebert, et al.

NSF/NCAR EC-130Q Hercules (N130AR)

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Start Date Flight Times (UTC) Mission Summary Mission Scientist Instrument Anomalies
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FF01 03/22/2001 21:04:57
3.3 hours
ferry to San Jose, CA Huebert Not Available
(Preliminary Data)
Low-Rate Preliminary netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
FF02 03/24/2001 02:24:19
9.1 hours
ferry to Honolulu, HI Huebert Not Available
(Preliminary Data)
Low-Rate Preliminary netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
FF03 03/27/2001 20:26:29
8.0 hours
ferry to Wake Island Huebert Not Available
(Preliminary Data)
Low-Rate Preliminary netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
FF04 03/29/2001 02:29:20
9.0 hours
ferry to Iwakuni, Japan Huebert Not Available
(Preliminary Data)
Low-Rate Preliminary netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
FF05 05/07/2001 12:41:09
8.2 hours
document dust/pollution in Pacific troposphere,
ferry to Wake Island
Huebert Not Available
(Preliminary Data)
Low-Rate Preliminary netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
FF06 05/08/2001 21:36:26
7.8 hours
characterize central Pacific FT aerosols,
ferry to Honolulu, HI
Huebert Not Available
(Preliminary Data)
Low-Rate Preliminary netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
FF07 05/10/2001 17:39:27
8.3 hours
ferry to Broomfield, CO unknown Not Available
(Preliminary Data)
Low-Rate Preliminary netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF01 03/30/2001 22:46:11
7.8 hours
intercomparison with P-3,
MBL profile,
vertical dust/aerosols
Huebert XUCN, ADS, SPP-300 Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF02 04/01/2001 23:35:18
8.6 hours
profile near Terra overpass,
locate Chinese plume
Huebert XUCN, XGLWC, SPP-300, Icing Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF03 04/03/2001 23:13:34
9.8 hours
column closure w/Terra overpass,
intercomparison w/Ron Brown,
aerosol characterization
P. Russell XUCN, SPP-300, GALT Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF04 04/05/2001 23:34:49
10.2 hours
intercomparison w/Kosan,
aerosol gradients in Yellow Sea
Huebert XUCN, ADS, MRLA, RHOLA, SPP-300 Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF05 04/08/2001 03:04:10
7.6 hours
intercomparison w/Ron Brown,
sample in Sea of Japan,
investigate dust/radiation gradients,
sample sulfate/organic pollution
P. Russell XUCN, SPP-300 Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF06 04/10/2001 23:15:32
8.1 hours
characterize aerosol from lg. dust storm Huebert XUCN, PLWCC, Icing Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF07 04/11/2001 23:42:06
9.5 hours
measure radiation/aerosol over Yellow Sea,
intercomparison w/Kosan,
measure column optical depth w/Seawifs overpass
P. Russell XUCN, PLWCC Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF08 04/12/2001 23:38:22
9.2 hours
intercomparison w/TERRA-MISR/Ron Brown,
intercomparison w/Amami ground station,
column closure,
intercomparison w/satellite & model,
chemical characterization
Clarke XUCN, SPP-300 Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF09 04/16/2001 23:58:16
9.5 hours
intercomparison w/Ron Brown,
cross-island flow impact study
Huebert ATRL, DPBC Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF10 04/17/2001 23:36:05
9.5 hours
column optical depth w/SeaWiFS overpass,
measure aerosols just west of Kosan
P. Russell ATRL, XGLWC Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF11 04/19/2001 23:33:07
9.8 hours
gather data for comparison w/regional transport models Huebert DPBC, DPTC, DPXC, IRS Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF12 04/22/2001 22:45:00
9.4 hours
radiation intercomparison (at 100 ft) w/4 satellite overpasses,
characterize aerosol chemical composition,
intercomparison w/ 5 Lidars
L. Russell ATRL, MRLA, RHOLA, XGLWC, SPP-300, GALT Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF13 04/23/2001 23:30:09
9.7 hours
measure predicted aerosol concentration gradient,
intercomparison w/Kosan
Huebert ATRL, DPTC, MRLA, RHOLA, PLWCC, PLWCC1, XGLWC, SPP-300, GALT Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF14 04/24/2001 23:26:18
9.9 hours
measure aerosol property variations near Kosan,
column closure incl. satellite overpasses
P. Russell ATRL, DPTC, MRLA, RHOLA, SPP-300 Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF15 04/27/2001 00:03:57
10.1 hours
chemical characterization upwind/downwind of Korea,
intercomparison w/Twin Otter,
radiation intercomparison at 100 ft w/satellite overpass
L. Russell ATRL, DPTC, MRLA, RHOLA Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF16 04/29/2001 23:31:44
9.2 hours
precipitation's impacton Shanghai plume,
Intercomparison w/KingAir
Huebert ATRL, DPTC, MRLA, RHOLA, XGLWC, RSTB Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF17 04/30/2001 23:23:47
10.0 hours
measure radiative fluxes and optical depths,
column closure,
measure full-column optical depths w/ satellite overpasses,
measure long-leg aerosol chemistry and physics
P. Russell DPTC, MRLA, RHOLA, GALT Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF18 05/02/2001 00:16:10
9.0 hours
measure multiple variations and properties near the Kosan surface site,
column optical depth,
measure aerosol chemistry and physics over the Yellow Sea
P. Russell ATRL, DPTC, MRLA, RHOLA, MRLA1, RHOLA1, GALT, QCRC, Icing Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
RF19 05/03/2001 22:56:05
8.7 hours
measure radiation gradient due to aerosol gradient,
long-leg integrated aerosol samples
Huebert/Valero ATRL, ATWH, DPTC, MRLA, RHOLA, SPP-300 Low-Rate netCDF file Temp/Dew Point Reference Altitude X-Y Track X-Y-Z Track
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