GCIP has evolved from its beginning as largely an
international project to a largely national project with
participation from many different agencies in the USA. This
evolution has fostered the development of cooperative and
collaborative activities in many different areas.
8.1 Collaboration with Other GEWEX Projects
The GCIP applied research project has connectivity to GEWEX
as a whole and to its components through a commonality of
scientific objectives. For example the Project for the
Intercomparison of Land-Surface Parameterizartion Schemes (PILPS)
is partially supported by the NOAA/OGP GCIP Program. The
mesoscale convective cloud modeling tasks are coordinated with
the theoretical and observational tasks of the GEWEX Cloud
Systems Study, and surface flux studies and modeling of the
atmospheric planetary boundary-layer research will be carried out
in close collaboration with ISLSCP.
During 1995, GCIP and other similar continental-scale projects
were combined under a Hydrometeorology Panel within GEWEX. The
principal research task for this panel is to assist GEWEX in
demonstrating skill in predicting changes in water resources and
soil moisture on time scales up to seasonal and annual as an
integral part of the climate system. GCIP will benefit from this
coordination of continental-scale experiments. The results of the
Canadian Mackenzie GEWEX Study (MAGS) will contribute to an
improved understanding of cold-region, high-latitude hydrological
and meteorological processes, and the role they play in the global
climate system. An essential goal of the GEWEX Asian Monsoon
Experiment (GAME) is to understand the physical basis of the
seasonal forecast of the Asian monsoon and to improve the modeling
techniques related to predicting and assessing the regional
hydrometeorological conditions under anthropogenic as well as
natural climate changes. The key scientific issues in the Baltic
Sea Experiment (BALTEX) relate to coupling between the atmosphere
and hydrological processes over relatively complicated terrain,
sea, and ice.
Adequate description of hydrologic processes is required in
global models of the ocean-atmosphere-land system to improve the
prediction of weather and climate at all time scales. Research is
required to make best use of the data available from GCIP and other
GEWEX large-scale observational programs to guide the formulation
and validation of such hydrologic submodels. Improving the
description of hydrologic processes in global models is a priority
issue for GCIP which will be best addressed in collaboration with
PILPS, ISLSCP, and the GEWEX Hydrometeorology Panel.
8.1.1 Research relating to the GEWEX Cloud Systems Study
The goal of the GEWEX Cloud Systems Study (GCSS) is to improve
the parameterization of cloud systems in climate and NWP models.
This objective will be achieved through a better quantitative
knowledge of the physical processes involved in cloud systems as
well as a quantification of their large-scale effects (
GCSS 1994).
Key issues are described in Browning (1994).
The investigation of
continental cloud systems is part of the long-term objectives of
the GCSS Working Group on Precipitating Convective Cloud Systems
(Moncrieff et al. 1997).
One of the aims of GCIP is to improve the treatment of
surface and hydrologic processes in NWP and climate models, but
clouds have an important impact on these processes. GCSS
involvement would contribute to the cloud component to GCIP, by
way of cloud-resolving modeling and related activities. In turn,
the GCIP data sets would be used to evaluate these models against observations.
Cloud Resolving Models
Cloud resolving models, identified by their ability to resolve
cloud dynamics, are the approach of choice of the GCSS. These
models derive from traditional nonhydrostatic cloud models but
their scope is more ambitious. The effects of convection on the
environment and the interaction among physical processes (boundary
layer, surface layer, radiation, and microphysics) are the pacing
issues, rather than individual processes per se. Since the time
scales of some interactions (e.g., cloud--radiation) can be weeks,
this is not only demanding on model design but also requires large computer resources.
When used to study precipitating convection (e.g.
Grabowski et al. 1996a,
b) or frontal cloud systems
(Dudhia 1994) grid
lengths of about 1km can be successfully employed to calculate bulk
effects. Consequently, the domains of cloud resolving models span
many NWP grid volumes. The time scales examined by 2D models is up
to several weeks and these models are poised to address issues on
intraseasonal time scales. An example is the effect of
cloud-radiation interactions on the atmospheric and surface energy
budgets (Wu et al. 1995b).
Cloud-resolving models also explicitly resolve convection-mean
flow interactions that are impossible to accurately observe and
since cloud-scale dynamics is explicitly simulated, one key
uncertainty is minimized. Data sets from cloud resolving models
can be used to evaluate single-column climate models - the testbeds
for convective parameterization schemes. These data sets are also
a key element in formulating new and more comprehensive approaches
to parameterization.
Models need to be evaluated against atmospheric data sets.
The GCIP region features several cloud system types, ranging from
deep precipitating convection during the warm season, to frontal
clouds dominated by ice processes in winter. GCIP will provide
data sets for evaluating cloud resolving models, noting the
relatively high density of routine observations over the U.S., not
to say the special long-term observations available from the ARM/CART site.
Two different types of evaluation are required. First, an
evaluation of the physical parameterizations used in cloud-resolving
models (e.g., microphysics, turbulence, surface processes
and radiation) is needed. However, this requires detailed cloud-scale
observations, as well as intensive observation periods
involving airborne platforms. Neither is available from GCIP.
Second, the effect of clouds on the environment directly
relates to convective parameterizations in GCMs and is, in
principle, an area to which GCIP can contribute. It is, however,
far from a simple matter to utilize data collected during the GCIP
Enhanced Seasonal Observing Periods (ESOPs) to evaluate the models.
A basic issue is: what is the minimum observational detail
required to evaluate cloud resolving models? An ultimate answer
will involve data assimilation in both regional and global models
to "fill in" missing or data-void areas. However, present
assimilation methods are neither a panacea nor even practicable on
cloud resolving model grids. GCSS will therefore focus on basic
problems such as the ensemble response of clouds (deep and shallow)
to spatially-averaged, time-dependent forcing applied over scales
comparable to or exceeding, climate model grid scales.
The GCSS has a cloud-resolving model intercomparison
component. Modeling workshops have been conducted by the Working
Group on Boundary Layer Clouds. Non-precipitating stratocumulus
clouds in idealized environments were examined using Large Eddy
Simulation models (Moeng et al. 1995).
The GCSS Working Group on Precipitating Convective Cloud
Systems has an ongoing model intercomparison based on convection
over the tropical western Pacific. The data set used in the model
evaluation is from the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled
Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA COARE). To identify
scientific and numerical issues as well as to minimize the
complications and difficulties of modeling precipitating cloud
systems, prototype numerical experiments were conducted (e.g.
Grabowski et al. 1996a).
This working group intends to move on to
continental cloud systems in due course. The GCIP ESOP in 1996,
that focused on the GCIP Large Scale Area-South West (LSA-SW)
during the warm season, is an opportunity to study organized
precipitating systems. A prototype experiment relating to GCIP
could start as soon as adequate resources are available and the
ESOP data have been analyzed.
GCSS/GCIP Projects
The following are candidate projects. Additional projects may
arise; for example, noting that the 1997 GCIP ESOP will
concentrate on wintertime processes, a GCSS initiative on frontal
clouds is a possibility (Ron Stewart, private communication).
Project 1: Investigate the coupling of surface and boundary
layer processes with convection under the influence of
evolving large-scale forcing.
Comprehensive modeling studies of convection over the tropical
oceans have been performed. Grabowski et al.
(1996a) and Xu and Randall (1996)
demonstrated, in simulations of
convection during the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment
(GATE), that realistic life cycles and transports could be
achieved using two-dimensional cloud resolving models. This
has been extended to three dimensions by Grabowski et al. A
39-day simulation of TOGA COARE convection (Wu et al. 1996)
is equally encouraging.
Since the convective life cycle over land is quite different
from that over the ocean, 2D modeling should be undertaken
over the GCIP region (e.g. a domain of ~900km in the
horizontal by ~40km in the vertical) to examine the coupling
of convection with the boundary layer and surface processes---
that is to add a precipitating cloud component to existing
GCIP studies. A key issue will be the treatment in these
coarse-grid models of the atmospheric boundary layer in
convectively-disturbed conditions. This could involve two
GCSS Working Groups (Boundary Layer and Precipitating
Convective Cloud Systems). The precipitating convection study
could progress to three-dimensional simulations (e.g. domain
of ~400km in the horizontal by ~400km by ~40km in the vertical).
Project 2: Quantify uncertainties in NWP models associated
with precipitating convective cloud systems.
An issue to be explored is the large-scale effect of organized
cloud systems, which are ubiquitous over the U.S. Southern
Great Plains. These systems are copious (but intermittent)
producers of precipitation over a large-area because of their
longevity and propagation. Consequently, they have a
significant hydrologic impact; they affect the surface fluxes;
and they are likely to be responsive to changes in the large-scale
circulation (e.g., through the influence on convection
of vertical shear which may change in response to
variability, on various time scales, in the low-level
nocturnal jet originating from the Gulf of Mexico).
These organized systems violate the scale-separation
assumption underpinning present parameterization methods.
Organized fluxes are not adequately treated in existing
convective parameterization schemes. For example, it has been
shown that large mesoscale systems in the tropical western
Pacific cause uncertainties in a medium-range NWP model
(Moncrieff and Klinker 1997),
mainly because the part-resolution causes an over-prediction of the thermodynamic and
momentum tendencies.
Project 3: Quantify the large-scale effects of organized
Cloud-resolving models have been successfully employed to
determine the transport properties by organized convection in
idealized tropical western Pacific environments (Wu and
Moncrieff 1996). A modeling and analysis study over the
continental U.S., recognizing the very different role of the
boundary layer over continental land masses from over the
ocean, would be a valuable addition to existing knowledge.
Interactively-nested, three-dimensional models (e.g. Clark
and Farley 1984), containing microphysical and surface flux
parameterizations would be used to simulate organized
convection over the GCIP/ARM domain.
The CSU Regional Area Modeling System (RAMS) is another
interactively-nested model being used to devise
parameterizations of mesoscale convective systems (MCSs).
The mesoscale parameterization is tied to a version of the
Arakawa-Schubert convective parameterization scheme which is
modified to employ a prognostic closure. One of the two MCS
case studies being used is from the central U.S. (
Alexander and Cotton 1995).
Moncrieff (1992)
addressed the poorly-understood issue of
convective momentum transport at a basic level by formulating
a dynamical model of the mass and momentum fluxes, and also
pointed the way to its parameterization in large-scale
models. LeMone and Moncrieff (1994)
evaluated the fluxes predicted from this model against observations.
Liu and Moncrieff (1996)
added the effects of shear and buoyancy to
the archetypal model. As far as GCIP is concerned, a
possible course of action is to evaluate how well these
dynamical models represent the mass and momentum fluxes by
squall line convection over the Southern Great Plains. This
could be a stand-alone project but, preferably, should be
conducted as part of the analysis of cloud-resolving model data sets.
8.1.2 ISLSCP/GCIP Surface Flux Measurements
The purpose of the ISLSCP initiative within GCIP is to provide
data sets that can be used to complement the operational and other
research data sets being collected in the Mississippi basin.
Particularly needed are sensible and latent heat fluxes and related
measurements. The basic science question that the ISLSCP
initiative will address is: Can the application of more complete
bio-physical models and the development and application of relevant
remote sensing algorithms be used to improve the quality of the
continental-scale description of surface and water exchanges?
The strategy of the ISLSCP initiative will be to use flux
towers to study temporal variability of fluxes at a point over an
extended period of time and to use aircraft measurements to study
spatial variability near the flux towers for selected times
representing different seasons. This strategy will support
investigations of scaling properties of land surface models and
processes and the development and testing of approaches to estimate
effective parameters for large areas.
The GCIP science plan (WMO 1992)
identified one particular
field campaign that cut across several GCIP scientific objectives.
The year long field effort (with embedded IOPs) would be used to
validate the largescale application of surface-atmosphere flux
calculation models forced by remote sensing data, standard
meteorological observations, and analyses thereof. This project
would provide the following missing components, which are directly
relevant to the large-scale objectives of GCIP:
The provision of these additional quantities would not only
close the water and energy budget equations for the region but
would also provide more detailed information on the spatial
distributions of moisture and energy sinks and sources within the
experimental area. Measurement and modeling techniques developed
with ISLSCP over the last five years could be used to address these
missing components.
NOAA has already started a contribution to this effort with a
new flux tower operating since May, 1995 in the Little Washita area
of Oklahoma. Also augmentation of a flux tower at Oak Ridge,
Tennessee has occurred and a third flux tower was added in 1996 at
Bondville, Illinois.
In keeping with the philosophy of an effective, directed but
economic field effort the following measurements are proposed.
(i) Four to six flux towers should be located within the GCIP
area. These will be sited on the basis of a land
cover/climatological classification of the GCIP area,
conducted well ahead of time, using AVHRR data among other
sources. The flux towers should be located near the
(monitoring) radiation rigs and should measure:
These measurements should be made throughout one experiment year,
preferably several years.
(ii) Airborne eddy correlation
Eddy correlation aircraft (preferably twin engine aircraft
like the NCAR King Air or the NAS/NRC Twin Otter) will be used
during a series of Intensive Field Campaigns (IFC); perhaps
three or four IFC's each of 10-20 days during the experimental year.
The aircraft will be used to conduct the following tasks:
These airborne eddy correlation data will be used to validate
the large-scale application of surface-atmosphere flux
calculation models forced by remote sensing data and meteorological observations or analyses.
(iii) Airborne soil moisture measurements
Aircraft equipped with gamma-ray or microwave sensors should
be used to make soil moisture transect measurements. In
some cases, these should be validated by a compact ground
measurement exercise.
The routinely-acquired satellite data and the combined surface
observations/analysis fields of meteorological conditions will be
used to drive regional scale models that will calculate continuous
time-series fields of the following quantities:
Heat Fluxes:
Surface conditions:
8.2 Collaboration with the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement
Since 1993, GCIP has been coordinating many of its data
collection activities with the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement
(ARM) to achieve synergistic benefits from the outstanding
observation facilities established by ARM at the southern great
plains Clouds and Radiation Testbed (CART) in Oklahoma and Kansas.
In this regard, the soil water and temperature system (SWATS) is a
joint venture between the GCIP and ARM. The GCIP has provided the
SWATS and data loggers, and supported their installation. The ARM
Program is supporting the operation of the system.
Given the fact that the ARM program is investigating radiative
transfer processes in the atmosphere as its highest priority at a
site within the GCIP study area, GCIP will continue to collaborate
with ARM via the existing ARM/GCIP/ISLSCP working group. However,
there is a need for GCIP to take a more active role in developing
a new joint focus of interest between ARM and GCIP in the area of
measuring and modeling the warm season convective production of
clouds and precipitation. This is an emerging joint interest of
high priority to both scientific programs that should be addressed
as a collaborative initiative over the next few years.
8.3 Collaboration with NASA Initiatives in the Mississippi River
Several aspects of the NASA program relate direct to priority
science of GCIP. The field studies on soil moisture in the
ARM/CART region in 1997 relate directly to some of the science
discussed in Section 6, and active collaboration should be sought
between GCIP coupled modeling scientists and NASA observational
scientists to secure maximum scientific benefit from that study.
Equally, NASA and NOAA share an interest in providing improved
management of water resources in the GCIP LSA-E, most probably
through the Tennessee Valley Authority. Both agencies also share
an important common interest in documenting, understanding and, to
the extent possible, predicting seasonal-to-interannual variability
in the southwest monsoon season, and evaluating the consequences of
that variability on the vulnerable human management systems in that region.
8.4 Collaboration with PACS and GOALS
Prediction of weather and climate is made with models which
include description of the entire global domain and which, in
consequence of technical constraints, necessarily operate with a
level of spatial and temporal precision that is inconsistent with
the hydrological interpretation of their predictions over
continents. Increased specificity in space and time is possible
using regional models which operate over a more limited continental
domain. In order to allow hydrological interpretation of weather
predictions at seasonal-to-interannual time scales, research is
required to foster and demonstrate effective coupling between
regional models of atmospheric and hydrologic systems on the one
hand and global models of atmospheric and oceanic systems on the
GCIP is working with the Pan-American Climate Studies (PACS)
portion of the GOALS Program to develop a plan for joint studies
centered on the North American monsoon system. Such research will
include interfacing regional coupled atmosphere-land system models
with global coupled ocean-atmosphere models as an important
scientific focus.
8.5 Collaboration with the US Weather Research Program
The US Weather Research Program (USWRP), which is jointly
funded by NOAA and NSF, has as one of its major goals the
development of techniques to improve quantitative precipitation
forecasts over short time scales. As part of this process the USWRP
has been holding small workshops on relevant issues including
precipitation prediction. GCIP is exploring areas of common
interest to the USWRP with a view to initiating some joint studies
in precipitation estimation and prediction. The data collection
for ESOP-95 was carried out as a joint undertaking with the USWRP WAVE project.
8.6 FAA Collaboration - The Water Vapor Sensing System (WVSS)
for Commercial Aircraft
Water vapor is ubiquitous, energetically important and
volatile, highly variable in space and time, and unfortunately,
poorly measured by current methods. The water vapor information
from the twice-per-day radiosonde sites will be marginal for the
diagnostic budget studies to be performed for GCIP. Two major
systems can be used during GCIP to augment these radiosondes. The
first of these is to add ascent and descent profiles from
commercial aircraft. The second approach is to make greater use of
the water vapor channel information from geostationary satellites.
Here, however, one needs to continuously calibrate the satellite
information because of its vertical-error structure. The
horizontal gradient structure in water vapor as seen by the
satellite is quite good; however, the data from the commercial
aircraft is needed to calibrate the satellite data and provide both
the vertical consistency and the missing lower tropospheric water
vapor information that the satellite cannot see.
The commercial aircraft high resolution sounding will provide
winds, temperature, and water vapor (discussed below). Such
profiles will aid the research goals stated in Section 5 concerning
the ability to improve water balance calculations with soundings at
a far greater frequency than twice per day. Such water vapor
profiles will also contribute to the precipitation
research discussed in Section 6.
The development of a water vapor sensing system (WVSS) for
commercial air carriers was funded by the FAA under the Commercial
Aviation Sensing Humidity (CASH) Program. NOAA's Office of Global
Programs (GCIP) is now co-funding the procurement phase with the
FAA (which is now called the WVSS program). A competitive contract
was awarded to Lockheed Martin Corporation (LMC) in July 1995.
1998 Activities
Data from the first commercial aircraft with the WVSS was
continuously available for the last four months of WY97. We are
achieving an excellent dynamic range of mixing ratio information,
the data comparison between ascent and descent from the same air
terminal has been consistent, and comparisons against radiosondes
(when possible) have been quite good with consistent vertical
changes in degrees of wetness. All of our error quality control
checks also appear to be working as we gave them to Allied Signal.
This first aircraft was a United Parcel Service (UPS) B-757.
FAA certification for all B-757 was finally granted in August 1997.
Installation for the next five WVSS units on UPS aircraft began in
September 1997 and is expected to be completed in November 1997.
The government exercised an option in the LMC contract for 60
additional units in September 1997.
A radiosonde intercomparison test of the six WVSS units and
radiosondes launched at Louisville, KY (there is currently no
radiosonde site at the UPS hub), will occur in November 1997. This
is being co-funded by this project and the National Weather
Service. The UPS labor strike, other FAA delays, and the reduced
GCIP budget for this program have all contributed to a delay in the
government's decision on the next 60 units. Subsequently, the
production team for the WVSS must be reassembled and the delivery
of the next 60 units can only begin in February 1998 and be
completed by the end of fiscal year 1998. However, considerable
work can be accomplished with the first six WVSS units (they
provide 24 ascents and 24 descents per day) toward data evaluation
and new 4DDA algorithms for water vapor information being combined
with satellite data. By the end of the year the 66 WVSS units will
be providing 264 new water vapor profiles each day, primarily over
the GCIP region. The descent and en route data will also
contribute to the satellite calibration and water vapor flux
Evaluation of the data will be performed by NOAA Forecast
Systems Laboratory (FSL) for GCIP and the FAA. Quality-controlled
data sets of wind, temperature, and water vapor from the commercial
aircraft will be made available through the GCIP in situ data
source module described in Section 9.
1999 and 2000 Activities
A second contract option for an additional 100 WVSS units will
be made in FY98 as originally planned; however, due to GCIP budget
decreases for this program, the full amount of money for this
option is not available. The current price for this option is
approximately $9K per unit and $6K for installation. The FAA has
agreed to continue their share in FY99 and thus pay
back a lender of funds in FY98. If GCIP continues to fund this
program at the current rate (including a similar FY99 commitment),
then approximately 80 of the 100 units can be procured. This would
provide the last two years of GCIP with water vapor information
from 146 aircraft. Moreover, the WVSS can be continued into the
future for a continued GCIP/PACS project as once the capital costs
for the WVSS have been paid, the operational and maintenance cost
are trivial.
8.7 Cooperative Atmospheric-Surface Exchange Study (CASES)
CASES is a facility of about 5000 km2 to study mesoscale
processes of and linkages among meteorology, hydrology, climate,
ecology and chemistry, in the upper Walnut River watershed, north
of Winfield, Kansas. This is located within the ARM/CART site.
Boundary layer instrumentation, in conjunction with WSR-88D radars,
stream gauges, soil moisture data, topographical and land use data,
mesonet surface data, and coupled atmospheric-hydrologic models,
will produce data sets useful to GCIP SSA and ISA studies when this
facility is fully implemented.
CASES will provide seasonal and interannual information on
precipitation, soil moisture, runoff, vegetation,
evapotranspiration, and atmospheric thermodynamics, which will
allow modelers to not only define the surface hydrology but
approach closure on the hydrologic cycle between the atmosphere and
the watershed as well. CASES will provide a comprehensive data set
on a scale which will allow aggregate testing of model structure
and model parameters derived from studies of the Little Washita
watershed and the FIFE experiment.
Initial activities are ongoing to prepare a retrospective data
set for the Walnut River basin. Further plans exist for
implementing some of the sensor systems identified above, and these
will be implemented as resources become available.
Latent heat flux
Sensible heat flux
Shear stress
Soil heat flux
Insolation, PAR
Absorbed insolation, Absorbed PAR, Albedo
Downward longwave
Emitted longwave
Net radiation
Latent heat flux (evapotranspiration)
Sensible heat flux
Ground heat flux
Shear stress (roughness length)
Soil moisture
Vegetation state (FPAR)