A number of variables are critical to the success of GCIP and were designated as Principal Research Areas for GCIP. Each of these are described in this section in terms of research activities needed by GCIP and the plans for data products to support GCIP research activities.
GOAL: To achieve better understanding and estimation of the
space-time precipitation structure over the Mississippi River
Basin including improvements in atmospheric model representation
to support improved coupled modeling.
The accurate prediction of precipitation in atmospheric and
coupled models is a key element in reaching GCIP's objectives.
How well precipitation can be predicted by a model depends on
many factors including model physics, model resolution, scale at
which predictions are evaluated, initial and boundary conditions,
extent of data assimilation, accurate modeling of land-surface
influences, etc. These factors interact with each other in
nonlinear ways and improvement in one might not always
proportionally counteract deficiencies in another. For example,
improving cloud microphysics while neglecting key land-surface
influences will not realize proportional overall prediction
improvements. Studying and understanding the effects of all
these factors on precipitation prediction forms a major focus of
the Precipitation research area within GCIP.
Although for climate studies, the scales of prediction are
monthly to seasonal, efforts in understanding precipitation
processes at very fine scales should be vigorously continued.
Precipitation anomalies (which cause the largest societal
impacts) are dominated by a few extreme events within which the
key physics are extremely intermittent in time and space. This
requires study of precipitation on an event-by-event basis and on
very fine spatial scales (down to 1 km). Such understanding will
also be essential in translating the results of a global or
climate model down to hydrologic scales via downscaling or via a
nested modeling environment when the high resolution model must
conserve the large-scale average and be able to reproduce the
space-time dynamics and the location and maximum precipitation
within the large-scale model grid cell.
Issues on Precipitation research have been grouped below in the following
OBJECTIVE: Study the statistical structure of precipitation
variability at a range of space-time scales and develop
precipitation downscaling algorithms and accurate
parameterizations of precipitation processes to be used in
atmospheric models or coupled atmospheric-hydrologic models.
Activities to support this objective are:
6.1.2. Atmospheric Precipitation Processes
OBJECTIVE: Understand the physics of precipitating clouds and
their relation to the storm environment and the produced
precipitation fields.
Activities to support this objective are:
6.1.3. Orographic Precipitation
OBJECTIVE: Improve the understanding of the precipitation
climatology in the Appalachian region of the Mississippi River
Activities to support this objective are:
Note: A Pilot Project involving studies of Orographic
Precipitation in the LSA-NW and specifically the Black Hills
region of South Dakota is described briefly in
Section 7.4.2.
6.1.4. Precipitation Predictability
OBJECTIVE:Assess the limits of predictability of
atmospheric model precipitation as a function of scale.
Activities to support this objective are:
6.1.5 Snow and Snow water Equivalent
OBJECTIVE:Develop improved parameterizations of snow
processes, develop supporting data sets and produce gridded snow
water equivalent for the upper Mississippi River basin by
integrating ground-based, airborne, WSR-88D radar and satellite
snow data.
Activities to support this objective are:
6.1.6 Precipitation Data for GCIP Research
OBJECTIVE: Improve the availability and quality of data that
are needed to support the research activities described above.
Activities to support this objective are:
6.1.7 Precipitation Measurements and Analysis
It is a goal of GCIP to contribute to the development of a
derived product which combines WSR-88D, gauge, and satellite
estimates of precipitation resulting in a product with a 4-km
spatial and hourly temporal resolution. Such a goal is not
expected to be achieved for a routine product until much later in
the EOP since it is dependent upon some of the modernization
improvements yet to be implemented by the NWS.
OBJECTIVE: Produce the best possible estimates of spatial
and temporal distribution of precipitation at time increments of
one hour to one month and spatial increments of 4 to 50 km.
GCIP requires the best available precipitation products and
recognizes the potential value of the WSR-88D radars in meeting
this requirement. Combined radar and gauge-based precipitation
fields are expected to provide better estimates of precipitation
than estimates based on raingauge values only. However, the
limitations of radar estimates need to be evaluated because these
are not well enough understood to provide research quality data
sets over continental-scale areas.
Associated with the measurement of precipitation caught by
the gauge is the question of representative exposure of the gauge
and the effect of not having wind shields or the characteristics
of different shields on gauge catch, evaporation, etc. The
systematic adjustment of gauge errors is a necessary requirement
for the development of good-quality precipitation fields. The
National Climate Data Center (NCDC) applies basic quality control
techniques to the cooperative observer network, but quality
control and adjustment for measurement errors of all the
operational data that might be used in a national precipitation
product are major tasks that could require the development of new
GCIP has an ongoing effort to provide precipitation data
products for GCIP investigators. A precipitation analysis is
being produced routinely by the NOAA/NCEP and archived at NCAR. A
composite of precipitation observations from all available
observing networks is produced by the UCAR/JOSS and archived as
part of the GCIP data set in the In-situ data source module.
The current precipitation analysis product consists of a
national daily precipitation analysis at a 40 km resolution based
on the gauge only measurements collected in near real time at the
NCEP. This is an operational product produced by the NCEP
beginning in the summer of 1994. Evolutionary changes are being
implemented as part of a Stage IV national precipitation
composite mosaic at the NCEP. An interim real-time Stage IV
national product is being produced hourly since the summer of
1996, using real-time Stage I products and gauge data as well as
any Stage III products then available. Improvements in the
spatial and temporal resolution are also being made.
The contact person for this archived precipitation analysis data
product is Roy Jenne at NCAR (e-mail:
The objective of the precipitation observation composite is
to provide a quality controlled composite of all available
precipitation gauge observations in a common format. The data
product contains precipitation data from all real-time and
recording gauges in the geographic domain as both hourly and
daily totals. The Composite is produced by the In-Situ Data
Source Module using data from up to 14 different observing
networks. A precipitation observation composite was produced for
each of the GCIP Initial Data Sets. Evolutionary improvements in
quality control procedures will be implemented as proven
techniques warrant. There are no current plans to correct for
measurement errors by the different sensor systems. However, it
is expected that any adjustments for measurement errors could be
done using this precipitation observation composite data set. The
contact person for this archived precipitation observation
composite data product is Steve Williams at UCAR/JOSS (e-mail:
6.1.8 Snow Measurements and Analysis
Point snow measurement relies primarily on the Natural
Resources Conservation Survey SNOpack TELemetry (SNOTEL) network,
which is largely to the west of the Mississippi River basin, and
a comparatively sparse network of snow depth measurements at NWS
synoptic stations. Snow courses are measured by various agencies,
but these are limited and are restricted to the higher snowfall
Remote sensing offers a more practical approach to assess
snow over large areas. However, the need for new techniques or
additional ground truth measurements has to be considered. The
program in NESDIS is focused on the development of an interactive
system for producing daily, rather than the current weekly,
Northern Hemisphere snow maps on Hewlett Packard 755 UNIX-based
workstations from a variety of satellite imagery and derived
mapped products in one hour or less. Resolution of the final
product will be improved from 190 Km to 23 Km. The final product
will also provide information on snow depth in addition to snow
GCIP is planning to derive adjusted values for in-situ solid
precipitation measurements compiled for ESOP-97 and ESOP-98 based
on the results of studies by E. Peck and P. Groisman now
OVERALL OBJECTIVE: Improve understanding and estimation
of the space-time structure of soil moisture, the relationship
between model estimates of soil moisture and observations of soil
moisture, and to produce soil moisture fields for the GCIP area
to be used as diagnostic and input data for modeling.
6.2.1 In Situ Soil Moisture Measurements
A survey by the Natural Resources Conservation Service at
the time GCIP was preparing its implementation Plan in 1992-93
revealed that there were very few soil measurement sites in the
Mississippi river basin. A network operated by the Illinois
State Water Survey could provide measurements on a weekly
schedule during the crop growing season and biweekly during the
remainder of the year.
GCIP started an effort in 1994 to enhance the soil moisture
measurements both in number of sites and frequency of
measurements by providing some support to the ARS experimental
site in Little Washita Watershed to analyze a set of automated
soil moisture profile measurement systems and to install some
test sites in the watershed. This small evaluation task has
evolved to a rather extensive network of soil moisture and soil
temperature profile measurement sites in the LSA-SW.
Six soil moisture sensing systems were installed in the
Little Washita Watershed in the summer of 1995. An additional
seven sensor systems were installed in this Watershed during
1996. A total of 22 soil moisture sensing systems were installed
within the ARM/CART site. The first seven were installed and
operating by the beginning of ESOP-96 in April 1996 and the
remaining were installed by April 1997. An example of the
relative soil moisture response curves in the ARM/CART site is
given in Figure 6-1 which was very dry during the spring and
early summer. The Campbell Scientific Heat Dissipation Soil
Moisture Sensor (Model 229L) provides data from six different
depths as shown in Figure 6-1. The calibration to convert the
sensor is not yet completed. Therefore, the relative response in
degrees celsius is given in the figure with lower values wetter
and higher values drier. The curves from Ashton in May 1996 are
typical of the response from many sites this spring and summer.
The soil was very dry throughout the profile, and what little
rain fell did not infiltrate very deeply into the profile. At
Ashton, the rain on May 10th wetted the top two sensors, with
only a slight amount of moisture penetrating as far as the 35-cm
sensor. The Oklahoma Mesonet installed soil moisture sensing
systems at about half of their 109 stations in the state-wide
mesonetwork. There are plans to extend the soil moisture
measuring systems to all of the 109 sites in the network. The
situation in the LSA-SW is such that GCIP can potentially compile
in-situ soil moisture measurements on three different scales
using automated soil moisture sensing systems
Figure 6-1 Relative soil moisture response curves for Ashton, OK during May 1996
from the Campbell Scientific Heat Dissipation Soil Moisture Sensor.
An initial soil moisture data set for the ARM/CART site is
being compiled as part of the ESOP-96 data set. In-situ soil
moisture measurements on the three different scales noted above
are potentially available as a more complete data set during
WY97, if the issues of data availability and distribution can be
GCIP is supporting some additional soil moisture
measurements in the LSA-NC. Partial support was provided to the
Water Resources Division of the USGS to install soil moisture
sensors at the Shingobee River watershed. The surface flux site
installed near Bondville, IL includes soil moisture sensors. J.
Baker is installing soil moisture sensors at Lamberton and
Waseca, MN.
GCIP is also coordinating an activity to establish a North -
South Transect of soil moisture and other measurements along or
near 96W longitude. The N-S transect starts at Plainview , TX
(~30N latitude ) and continue North to Shingobee Watershed (~47N
latitude) . Although sparse in the LSA-NC portion, the temporal
variability of the soil moisture and soil temperature profiles
over the course of an annual cycle should still be informative ,
especially during the cold period of theESOP-98 from October 1997
to May 1998. Contributions of measurements are being made by the
USDA/ARS sites at Little Washita Watershed, National Soil Tilth
Laboratory near Ames, IA and the Rosemount plus the two other
sites mentioned in the preceding paragraph by J. Baker of the
ARS. The NRCS is contributing data from three sites and the
ARM/CART site has at least eight measurements sites applicable to
the transect. The northern end measurements at Bemiji, MN and
Shingobee Watershed are contributed by the Bureau of Reclamation
in the Department of Interior.
There are a number of large-scale data sets of gravimetric
soil moisture (Global Soil Moisture Data Bank, located at the
University of Maryland) being assembled from the former Soviet
Union, Asia, and the United States for studying variability and
scales of soil moisture variations, for development and
validation of land surface models, and for the calibration of
satellite microwave indices. The data cover a number of
different climate zones and will be used to evaluate
interseasonal and interannual trends in soil moisture.
The Southern Great Plains Experiment conducted in June-July
1997 was an intensive observing period focused on measuring and
mapping soil moisture. Further details on this experiment are
provided in Section 6.2.5
Additional in situ soil moisture measurements throughout the
GCIP region should be encouraged, especially in the LSA-E and
LSA-NW. The in situ measurements are necessary to document the
seasonal and interannual variability in addition to providing
index measurement sites for the validation and continued
evaluation of model estimates of soil moisture discussed in the
following section.
6.2.2 Soil Moisture Fields
OBJECTIVE: Produce the best possible estimates of soil
moisture at four depths over the entire GCIP study area with the
initial emphasis over the LSA-SW.
Activities that are needed to support this objective are:
6.2.3 Model Estimates of Soil Moisture
OBJECTIVE: Assess the role of soil moisture in hydrological
models and develop understanding of the relationship between
model soil moisture state variables and observation-based values
of soil moisture, i.e., is the model-produced value of soil
moisture comparable with the in situ measurements?
Activities that are needed to support this objective are:
6.2.4 Local Variability of Soil Moisture
OBJECTIVE: Use a combination of in situ, remotely sensed
measurements, and physically based models to develop procedures
for scaling up of soil moisture from point to hillslope to grid
cell and to characterize the uncertainties associated with the
data at all scales.
Activities that are needed to support this objective are:
6.2.5 Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture
OBJECTIVE: Develop improved remote sensing techniques for
areal estimation of soil moisture.
An EOS interdisciplinary science hydrology experiment
conducted by NASA and USDA called Southern Great Plains '97
(SGP97), which involved mapping surface soil moisture with an
airborne L band microwave radiometer on a daily basis for a month
over an 11,000 km2 area at 1 km resolution, took
place in June-July, 1997 in Oklahoma. Operated at a scale equivalent to a GCIP
ISA, this experiment offers a unique data set for examining the
applicability of microwave soil moisture retrieval algorithms at
spatial and temporal scales more typical of satellite systems, as
well as the value of soil moisture information to regional scale
hydrology, weather, and land-atmosphere interactions. The spatial
area covered ranged from the Little Washita River watershed in the
south to the ARM/CART Central Facility near the Kansas border in
the north. Extensive ground measurements of soil moisture were
collected at the Little Washita watershed and the Central Facility
area as well as USDA's El Reno watershed in conjunction with the
aircraft mapping. On four occasions microwave mapping of soil
moisture was also extended to the CASES site in Kansas. A total of
18 complete missions and 3 partial missions (truncated due to
occurrence of severe weather) were successfully flown with the
ESTAR airborne L-band microwave radiometer during the experimental period.
The primary objectives of SGP97 are to:
Additional activities as part of SGP97 include:
Other Participants in SGP97
Over 30 guest investigators also participated in the
experiment to extend the utility of the resulting data set to
broader areas of interdisciplinary research in hydrology,
meteorology, and associated modeling and scaling issues. Besides
the core mapping by the ESTAR airborne radiometer, the experiment
included a comprehensive flux measurement component, enhanced
ground measurement of soil and vegetation properties, extensive
soil moisture sampling through both gravimetric and TDR techniques,
and other aircraft remote sensing instruments (SLFMR, TIMS, CASI,
LASE, etc.). Temporal analysis of the microwave data will be
facilitated by continuous 24-hour observations made by truck and
tower based microwave radiometer systems to complement the
once-a-day aircraft measurements; these observations cover the microwave
spectrum from ESTAR to SSM/I frequencies. Studies of the influence
of soil moisture on the local and mesoscale surface energy budget
will utilize automated micrometeorological and soil profile
measurements from the three research instrument networks in the
SGP97 area: the DOE ARM/CART facilities, the Oklahoma Mesonet, and
the USDA/ARS Micronet in the Little Washita watershed.
Surface cover in the test area during the experiment time
frame from June 18 to July 16, 1997 was predominantly senesced or
harvested winter wheat and rangeland pasture. Several significant
soil moisture dry downs occurred at different times in different
parts of the test area due to thunderstorm activity. Additional
information about SGP97 can be found on the World Wide Web at the
URL address:
ESTAR brightness temperature maps of the SGP97 area are
currently undergoing detailed reprocessing and registration. It is
anticipated that soil moisture maps derived from the ESTAR data
will made available to the scientific community near the end of
Future Satellite Sensors
Within the near future, there will be several space borne
instruments that will contribute to the technology of remote
sensing of soil moisture. The japanese are currently building two
identical passive microwave instruments, AMSR (Advanced Microwave
Scanning Radiometer) that will have a C-band radiometer (6.9 GHz)
in addition to other microwave bands that match the SSM/I bands.
The first instrument will be launched on the Japanese ADEOS-II
(Advanced Earth Observing Satellite-II) in 1999 and the second will
be launched on the NASA EOS PM platform in 2000. The C-band
instrument will provide useful data for soil moisture at a spatial
resolution of about 50km and a three to four day repeat cycle.
The first opportunity for an L-Band instrument may come in the
2002 to 2003 time frame through an ESSP (Earth System Science
Pathfinder) program. The challenge for an L-Band instrument is to
erect a very large antenna in space in order to achieve useful
spatial resolution. Several concepts are being studied and one or
more will be proposed in 1998. The ESTAR instrument flown in the
SGP-97 is an airborne prototype of a likely space borne instrument
and the previous flights with this instrument have provided a large
amount of data and experience in imaging processing and algorithm
6.2.6 Recommended High Priority Activities
The Soil Moisture Research Area has very little ongoing
research or activities that can be specifically attributable to
GCIP, with a major exception being the support for installation of
in situ soil moisture stations. The needs for soil moisture have
been expressed by a number of other GCIP Research Areas, e.g.
Coupled Modeling Research in Section 2, as well as individual
researchers. The following items were identified in the GCIP Soil
Moisture meeting (in Boulder in November 1997) as being essential
to the successful implementation of the entire GCIP program:
Three specific steps were recommended to accomplish this:
Long term activities that should be started within the next
two or three years includes:
6.3 Land Surface Characteristics
OVERALL OBJECTIVE: Improve the quantitative
understanding of the relationships between model
parameterizations of land processes and land surface
characteristics; and facilitate the development, test,
evaluation, and validation of multiresolution land surface
characteristics data and information required by GCIP researchers
for developing, parameterizing, initializing, and validating
atmospheric and hydrological models.
6.3.1 Land Surface Characteristics Research
The strategy for this land surface characterization
research is twofold. In the near term, the primary emphasis is on
facilitating the adaptation, tailoring, test and evaluation, and
validation of existing land surface characteristics data sets
that will meet the immediate requirements of GCIP's Principal
Research Areas. The multiresolution land surface data
requirements of GCIP researchers will be documented and the GCIP
land surface characterization research plan will be updated based
on regular feedback from GCIP modelers, as well as research
results concerning land process modeling activities of PILPS and
ISLSCP. This near-term strategy also includes adapting and
testing promising biophysical remote sensing algorithms that are
available in the literature, for example published results from
ISLSCP's remote sensing science activities involving FIFE, Boreal
Ecosystem Atmosphere Study (BOREAS), or the GEWEX/ISLSCP global
latitude-longitude global land data sets published on compact
disk, read-only memory (CD-ROM). Many GCIP modelers will conduct
land characterization research as an integral part of their
efforts to develop land surface process models and
parameterizations, therefore, facilitating the cross-disciplinary
flow and sharing of land characterization results and information
within the GCIP research community is needed. GCIP's longer-term
strategy for land surface characterization research will focus on
developing and testing enhanced high-resolution land data sets.
This includes collecting field data that are necessary to
develop, adapt, test, and validate promising remote sensing
algorithms for land cover characterization and model
parameterizations; conducting advanced remote sensing research,
for example, canopy reflectance modeling; and investigating
landscape heterogeneity, grid cell aggregation rules, and land
data interrelationships as related to land process
parameterizations. This longer-term strategy also includes
provisions by GCIP to test and evaluate remote sensing data sets
that will become potentially available at as yet unknown dates
following the planned launches of the NASA-led Earth Observing
System (EOS) AM1 Platform and Landsat 7 during the mid-1998 time-frame.
Multiresolution land surface characterization research
in the near-term will be directed towards meeting the minimum
requirements of GCIP Principal Research Areas for land cover,
soils, and topographic data, including associated characteristics
and properties of each, at four regional scales. For example,
the initial project regions and their associated gridding
intervals included the CSA and LSA-SW (30-km grids), ARM/CART as
the initial ISA (10-km grid), and Little Washita as the initial
SSA (4-km grid). The primary land surface data sets that were
available throughout the conterminous United States to meet some
of GCIP's early requirements for land data within these four
regions included various 1-km and coarser spatial resolution,
advanced very-high-resolution radiometer (AVHRR) data products
from NOAA's polar-orbiting satellites; the 1:250,000-scale
USDA/Natural Resources Conservation Service State Soil Geographic
Database (STATSGO); and DEMs of 0.5-km and approximately 100-m
grid cell resolutions, respectively, available from the USGS.
Land characterization research focused on the adaptation and use
of these primary data sets as the basis to develop, test, and
evaluate key derivative land surface characteristics data sets
for use by GCIP modelers.
As GCIP evolves, land surface characterization research
will focus on meeting the changing requirements of coupled
modeling in GCIP and the testing of land surface data in newly
defined LSAs. For example, land surface parameterization
sensitivity studies by PILPS and GCIP
investigators have helped to identify critical requirements for
detailed soils information and
fractional vegetation cover data (percent bare soil .vs. percent
vegetation) as key inputs to
land surface parameterizations. The GCIP research activities for
the LSA-NC began in 1997 with
research planning for the LSA-E (1998-1999) in the final stages.
The GCIP research planning for the LSA-NW (1999-2000) is
scheduled to begin in early 1998. The GCIP research at the CSA
and LSA scales will benefit from land cover characteristics data
derived from remote sensing algorithms developed as part of
ISLSCP Initiatives (No. 1 and No. 2) or, as part of EOS AM1
project activities, when available.
Higher resolution land data sources are need for
ISA-scale and small watershed regions in GCIP. Examples of these
subregions include the ISA ARM/CART, the Upper Walnut River
watershed located within the ARM/CART as part of the Cooperative
Atmosphere-Surface Exchange Study (CASES) project, and the SSA
Little Washita watershed located just to the south of the
ARM/CART. Candidate SSAs within the LSA EAST include the river
subbasins within the Tennessee River drainage basin and the
Goodwin Creek watershed (part of the Yazoo River
basin), a USDA/ARS experimental watershed located in north
central Mississippi. Similar ISAs and SSAs for the LSA-NC and
the LSA-NW are yet to be determined.
Some of the key secondary land data sources could
include various types of 30-m LANDSAT thematic mapper (TM) data
products for land cover characterization within the ISA- and
SSA-scale regions, selected county-level digital USDA/Natural
Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey Geographic Database
(SSURGO) (as available), USGS digital 60-m DEMs for the ARM/CART,
and USGS 30-m DEMs available in a 7.5-minute quad format for
selected locations within the GCIP domain. The land data sets
developed for the Upper Mississippi region by the Scientific
Assessment and Strategy Team (SAST) concerning flood plain
management following the 1993 floods potentially represent a
significant contribution to the land surface characterization
requirements for the LSA-NC and LSA-NW (see the World Wide Web at
the URL address:
http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/sast-home.html). Detailed
analysis of multiresolution satellite
data for the ISAs, for example the ARM/CART region, can
contribute improved remote sensing
algorithms that can be applied within the LSA- and CSA-scale regions.
Additionally, the identification and facilitation of
the use of appropriate data analysis tools,
such as GISs and digital image processing systems, will be needed
to tailor land surface
characteristics from primary data sets and to integrate and
analyze disparate data sets of
interest to land process researchers. Both standard and new image
processing techniques will be
necessary for analysis of multitemporal land cover
characteristics data, frequently available from
satellite remote sensing systems with different spatial
resolutions. Moreover, the application of
appropriate geostatistical techniques, such as measures of
dispersion or aggregation of landscape
patterns, will be investigated to assist in understanding the
spatial linkages extant between land surface characteristics and
the hydrometeorological conditions within the GCIP study area.
Land surface characterization research is highly
interdisciplinary in scope. Therefore, an equally important
high-priority task is to develop Federal agency participation and
resource support for cooperative work on the accomplishment of
GCIP's land surface characteristics research objectives and
activities. Some of the potential Federal agency participants for
conducting and supporting this land surface characterization
research include NOAA (NWS and NESDIS), the USGS (National
Mapping Division and Water Resources Division), NASA [Marshall
Space Flight Center (MSFC) and GSFC] and the USDA [ARS, Natural
Resources Conservation Service, and National Agricultural
Statistics Service (NASS)]. In many cases, the results of this
interdisciplinary land surface characterization research will
directly benefit agency missions, such as those concerning land
data set development, remote sensing science, operational
programs involving atmospheric and hydrological modeling, natural
resource assessment, and agricultural monitoring and forecasting.
Furthermore, activities such as SAST, involving flood disaster
management, can contribute to GCIP both in terms of a supplier of
land data and as a key user of GCIP atmospheric, hydrologic, and
water resource products for policy decision making. The efforts
of such Federal agencies would complement contributions made by
GCIP's research community including expertise at universities.
The coordination of this research with potential contributions by
GEWEX/ISLSCP presents an outstanding opportunity, especially for
biophysical remote sensing algorithm development, operational
data set development, and scaling research.
This land surface characterization research strategy
will be accomplished through objectives
and associated research activities involving land cover
characteristics, soils and geology, and
topographic information. The research activities under each
objective are listed according to priority for accomplishment.
6.3.2 Land Cover Characteristics and Associated Data Products
The biophysical remote sensing and land-atmosphere
interactions modeling communities are currently addressing many
of the research questions and related data development issues
concerning the potential role of land cover characteristics as
determinants of land surface processes. This research by
atmospheric and hydrological modelers is concerned with
understanding and parameterizing the effects of land cover
characteristics in their models and parameterizations (i.e., land
cover and vegetation type, land use, the physical and biophysical
properties of vegetation including the temporal dynamics, and
more recently the spatial heterogeneity of the landscape). In
many cases, these two communities also share common interests in
developing the experimental remote sensing algorithms that are
needed to estimate or derive various types of land cover
characteristics from satellite data over large areas. Examples
range from the use of multitemporal satellite-derived spectral
vegetation greenness indexes for land cover classification and
estimating leaf area index (LAI) to more advanced canopy
reflectance modeling for estimating biophysical parameters and
processes. Facilitating the adaptation and use of published
research results and biophysical remote sensing algorithms within
GCIP is a key requirement.
Some of the sources for land cover characteristics data
include the global land data sets for land-atmosphere
interactions modeling published on CD-ROM by NASA/GSFC under
GEWEX/ISLSCP Initiative No. 1, plus various AVHRR data sets
produced by NASA, NOAA/NESDIS, and USGS. For example, NASA's
ISLSCP Initiative No. 1 CD-ROM includes monthly one-degree by
one-degree latitude-longitude calibrated, continental-scale NDVI
data (1987-88); enhanced NDVI fields; Fraction of Absorbed
Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR) fields derived from
enhanced-NDVI data; LAI and canopy greenness resistance fraction
calculated from the derived FPAR fields; surface albedo and
roughness length fields derived from land process models; and
canopy photosynthesis and canopy conductance fields estimated by
inverting the Simple Biosphere Model (SiB2) land surface
parameterization (LSP) with FPAR as the key model input. A key
step in the biophysical parameter estimation was the development
of the "Fourier-adjusted, solar zenith angle-corrected,
interpolated and reconstructed" (FASIR) algorithm to derive the
enhanced-NDVIs. The CD-ROM also includes a one-degree global
land cover data set developed by the University of Maryland.
Overall, this ISLSCP CD-ROM contains the first set of global land
cover and land cover biophysical parameter data that are derived
in an internally consistent fashion.
Although these ISLSCP Initiative No. 1 CD-ROM data are
of direct interest to GCM and coarse grid cell resolution
mesoscale modeling, the remote sensing algorithms and approaches
for processing satellite reflectance data and inverting an LSP to
derive the land cover characteristics can guide similar data set
development efforts using higher resolution AVHRR and LANDSAT TM
data. The FASIR algorithm can be adapted for developing LSA-scale
data sets for test and evaluation in GCIP. NASA/GSFC is
currently leading the development of new global consistently-derived
data sets under the ISLSCP Initiative No. 2 activity
which is focusing on enhanced global land cover characteristics
data sets at a 1/2-degree latitude-longitude grid for the ten
year period, 1986-1995. The ISLSCP No. 2 data are planned for
release during the 1998-99 timeframe. One source for this multi-year
global analysis is the 8-km AVHRR Global Area Coverage (GAC)
Pathfinder data set developed jointly by NASA and NOAA for the
period 1982-1995. This global 8-km data set and the ISLSCP
Initiative No. 1 global data can be obtained
via the NASA/GSFC DAAC WWW site (
The NOAA/NESDIS has developed several AVHRR global
vegetation index (GVI) data sets. These data sets include weekly
satellite image composites consisting of five AVHRR channels,
solar zenith and azimuth angles, and the GVI for 1985 to the
present. These data are calibrated for sensor drift and
intersensor variability, and are available in a 1/6-degree
resolution latitude-longitude global product. NOAA/NESDIS has
produced a five-year climatology of average GVI data for the
globe. More recently, NOAA/NESDIS has developed a NDVI-scaled
"fraction of green vegetation index"
http://orbit-net.nesdis.noaa.gov:80/ora/lst/gutmanpage.html). This data set
is currently undergoing test and evaluation in the NOAA/NCEP Eta
model. NOAA/NESDIS has also investigated the use of GVI data in
vegetation crop indexes as a tool to detect and monitor large-area
meteorological drought. Finally, the NOAA/NESDIS National
Geophysical Data Center recently released Disk B of the Global
Ecosystems Database that includes the Fedorova et al., World
Vegetation Cover and the Bazilevich Global Primary Productivity.
The USGS EROS Data Center (EDC) has developed 1-km
AVHRR data sets for the conterminous United States and is now
processing global 1-km AVHRR data for land areas. The data sets
for the conterminous United States include biweekly AVHRR time-series
image composites on CD-ROM (1990-1996) and a prototype
land cover characteristics data set for 1990 on CD-ROM. Ongoing
USGS activities for the conterminous United States include the
development of experimental, temporally smoothed 1-km seasonal
NDVI greenness statistics for test and evaluation. These
statistics consist of 12 seasonal characteristics that are
associated with each 1-km NDVI seasonal profile for each year
during the period 1989 to 1993, as well as the five-year means
throughout the conterminous United States.
Under the auspices of the International
Geosphere-Biosphere Project (IGBP)-led 1-km AVHRR global land cover data
set development activity, the USGS is currently processing
global, 10-day AVHRR image composites for land areas. Prototype
1-km AVHRR land cover data sets for the North American continent
were developed as part of a global land cover mapping effort.
These land cover data for North America include individual data
sets for the BATS, Sib2, IGBP, and other land cover
classification schemes plus associated monthly AVHRR image
composites and a 1-km digital elevation model (DEM) for North
America. These data sets can be accessed online via the EDC
Distributed Active Archive (DAAC) Home page
global land cover data are currently undergoing validation as
part of an independently-led IGBP project activity. Several
global climate change research modelers, including some GCIP
investigators, are currently testing and evaluating these USGS
data sets.
In mid-1998, the Earth Observing System (EOS) AM1
platform is scheduled for launch as part of NASA's Mission to
Planet Earth (MTPE). A wide variety of land cover characteristics
data are scheduled to be produced from data collected by the
MODIS, MISR, ASTER, and CERES sensors on board the AM1 Platform.
When ready for test and evaluation at some later date, these new
data sets would be an important contribution to GCIP research
investigations. For example, enhanced atmospherically-corrected
reflectance data and spectral vegetation index data would be
potentially available. In addition, current NASA plans also call
for the 1998-launch of Landsat 7, which will be in near-synchronous
orbit with the AM1 package. Land surface research
will benefit from concurrent overlapping Landsat 7 and EOS AM1
products. Further information is available
from the NASA Mission to Planet Earth WWW page
OBJECTIVE: Improve the quantitative understanding of
the relationships between land cover characteristics and the land
surface parameterizations and land process components of
atmospheric and hydrological models, and meet the requirements of
the GCIP modeling and research activities for multiresolution
land cover characteristics data.
Activities in support of this objective in order of
priority will:
One prime reason for this research is to ensure
that the land surface characteristics data sets on
land cover, vegetation attributes, soil
properties, and topography are appropriately and
consistently tailored within model grid cells or
watershed polygons for model applications. In
addition to model sensitivity studies concerning
accuracy issues for individual data layers, error
propagation analysis will also be conducted to
assess the net impact of effectively "overlaying"
land cover, soil, and topographic data sets in the
model, where these data are characterized by
differing levels of accuracies, precision,
uncertainties, and other data limitations.
6.3.3 Soils, Geology and Associated Data Products
Information on the nature of soils and geology is
needed to support the parameterization of land surface processes
in atmospheric and hydrological models. Soil is an important
coupling mechanism between the land surface and the atmosphere.
The pore space between the various constituent elements of the
soil (sand-silt-clay particles, rock fragments, plant roots,
etc.) forms the"reservoir" of water available for meeting the
evaporation and transpiration demands at the landsurface-atmosphere
interface, in addition to being the recharge source
for ground water. An accurate description of soil and soil-water
relationships is a prerequisite for improving the simulation of
water movement in the subsurface and, ultimately, the water and
energy exchange at the land surface-atmosphere interface. Beneath
the soil, the geologic structure and properties control the
saturated zone (ground water) component of the hydrological
cycle. A complete portrayal of the hydrological cycle requires an
understanding of the physical and hydraulic properties of both
the soil and geology beneath the land surface.
The land-atmosphere interactions modeling community is
interested in the movement of water within the soil, as well as
the influence of vegetation in linking soil water with the
atmosphere. Modeling approaches are typically based on the
Richards equation which describes the flow of water through the
soil as a function of soil water content and its vertical
gradient. The
texture and structure of the soil medium are the primary controls
on water movement. These physical properties determine the
hydraulic nature (water-holding capacity and conductivity) of the
soil. Due to the extremely difficult and tedious nature of the
procedures required to measure the water content and hydraulic
conductivity of soils, research since the early 1950s has focused
on developing empirical relationships between traditionally observed
soil physical properties
and hydraulic characteristics. This work has been referenced by
the land-atmosphere interactions
modeling community in an effort to parameterize soil moisture
conditions over the typically large
domains encountered in mesoscale modeling. Unfortunately, the
lack of a soil data set
corresponding to these regional scales has confounded efforts to
improve this portion of the
parameterization dilemma. Clearly, the community of modelers
working in this area requires
reliable, quantitative information on soil physical properties
and, where feasible, direct observations of the hydraulic nature
of the soil for use in quantification and validation of the
empirical approaches used over large areas to estimate these
properties. A range of soil survey
products and data sets will be required by GCIP researchers for
use in land surface parameterizations.
The USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service,
through the National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS), is
developing soil geographic data sets at three scales. The
familiar county-level soil survey is being converted to a digital
data set for use primarily in local-level planning. This data set
is SSURGO. At the regional level, the State Soil Geographic
Database (STATSGO) has just been developed for river basin,
multistate, state, and multicounty resource planning. The
compiled soil maps were created with the USGS 1:250,000-scale
topographic quadrangles as base maps and comply with national map
accuracy guidelines.
The STATSGO data set provides the most useful resource
for characterizing the role of soil in mesoscale atmospheric and
hydrological models. This data set was developed by generalizing
soil-survey maps, including published and unpublished detailed
soil surveys, county general soil maps, state general soil maps,
state major land resource area maps, and, where no soil survey
information was available, LANDSAT imagery. Map-unit composition
is determined by transects or sampling areas on the detailed soil
surveys that are then used to develop a statistical basis for
map-unit characterization. The STATSGO map units developed in
this manner are a combination of associated phases of soil
GCIP-funded research has resulted in the development of
the first 1-km multi-layer soil characteristics data set for the
conterminous United States (CONUS-SOIL). This data set is based
on the STATSGO data and provides soil physical and hydraulic
properties (soil texture, rock fragment class and volume,
depth-to-bedrock, bulk density, porosity, sand, silt, and clay
fractions, available water capacity, and hydrologic soil group)
for the 48 conterminous United States. A key element of the
functional design requirements behind CONUS-SOIL was to provide
the data in map projections and formats that would permit users
to more easily integrate soil information into their particular
modeling applications.The complete CONUS-SOIL data set was
released in February, 1997 (WWW access:
The response to this data
set from the environmental modeling community has been extremely
supportive and positive. System logs indicate downloads of
various portions of the data set at a rate of about one dozen per
week. Other forms of feedback, including requests and comments,
indicate a measurable level of success for this approach to
delivering soils information.
CONUS-SOIL provides the most useful data set for
regional-scale analysis; however, GCIP researchers will still
require, on a selective basis, SSURGO data for detailed watershed
studies and intense field observation programs. Although this
data set will not be complete for the entire United States or
even the GCIP study area for many years, selected watersheds
within the Mississippi basin should have this, or similar
coverage, within the EOP. The SSURGO and S%' *sets are linked
through their mutual connection to the NCSS Soil Interpretation
Record (Soil-5) and Map Unit Use File (Soil-6).
A geologic map of surficial geology for the upper
Mississippi River Basin was developed by Dr. David Soller of the
U.S. Geological Survey in Reston, VA.
OBJECTIVE: Develop methods for using soil physical
property data for GCIP atmospheric and hydrological modeling.
Activities in support of this objective in order of
priority will:
6.3.4 Topographic Information
Topographic information includes surface elevation data
and various derived characteristics such as aspect, slope, stream
networks, and drainage basin boundaries. In general, the
requirements of atmospheric modelers for topographic data (i.e.,
spatial and vertical resolution and accuracies) are much less
demanding than the requirements for hydrological modeling. For
example, available DEMs for the conterminous United States (0.5
km and approximately 100-m resolution) are generally adequate for
most atmospheric modeling. A 60-m DEM derived by USGS from 2-arc
second elevation contours is available for the entire ARM/CART
region and other selected quads. In addition the USGS EROS Data
Center has recently completed the development of a global 1-km
digital elevation model (DEM), now available on the WWW
The 100-m DEM is generally appropriate for hydrological
modeling in large basins (e.g.,
greater than 1,000 km2 in area). However, topographic data for
small basins down to
watersheds are needed at two general hydrological scales:
hillslope and stream network. The
hillslope scale is the scale at which water moves laterally to
the stream network. Available USGS 60 m DEMs derived from 2-arc
second contour data are generally available for the ARM/CART region.
Hillslope flow distances vary and may be as great as
500 m to 1 km. Definition of hillslope flow paths and the
statistics of hillslope characteristics require surface elevation
data at about 30 m spatial resolution. Such data have been
digitized by the USGS from 1:24,000 scale map sheets for part,
but not all of the Mississippi River basin. Also, stream
locations (but not drainage boundaries) are available in vector
form for these map sheets. Because 30-m resolution data are not
available globally nor in some parts of the Mississippi basin,
research is needed to see how well hillslope statistics, that are
important to some hydrological models, can be estimated from
topographic properties of lower resolution terrain data. Research
is also needed to determine how important hillslope information
is to hydrological response of the land surface. Because 1:24,000
scale maps are not available globally, research is needed on how
best to use remote sensing techniques as part of a sampling
strategy to develop regionalized hillslope statistics (which may
be mapped at an appropriately large scale).
An important application of topographic information is
to define the hydrological connectivity of basic hydrological
computational elements of a model. These elements may be
hydrological subbasins or grid elements. The model domain may be
a river basin or a set of atmospheric model grid elements. In any
case, a set of methods is needed to merge digital terrain, stream
location, and existing basin boundary data to establish
additional drainage boundaries relative to key locations in the
stream channel network and to establish the hydrological
connectivity of model elements. The research need is not so much
to develop new methods but rather to organize some of the
existing methods into a robust and user-friendly system to
satisfy many of the needs for basin boundary locations and for
hydrological connectivity. (The USGS/WRD and NOAA/NWS are
developing a project to address some of these watershed basin
and stream network delineation issues, especially standardization
of algorithms and data).
The resolution at which stream network data are needed
varies depending on the application. Digital stream locations
data are available for the entire United States at several
resolutions ranging from 1:250,000 to 1:24,000 scale.
OBJECTIVE: Develop strategies to use available
topographic information for model development and model parameter
estimation, and investigate approaches suitable to obtain
required multiresolution topographic data on a global basis.
Activities in support of this objective include:
6.4 Clouds And Radiation
Clouds and radiation are important for several GCIP
studies. Cloud formation, in which water vapor condenses into
water or ice phase droplets, is an important part of the
hydrological cycle. Furthermore, clouds are the major modulator
of the Earth's radiation budget. Radiative fluxes at the
surface, in the atmosphere, and at the top of the atmosphere are
critical factors in the land-atmosphere energy budget. The solar
radiation that reaches the surface drives the diurnal and annual
cycles of land-atmosphere interactions. Radiation absorbed in
the atmosphere is also important for the diurnal cycle of some
cloud systems (e.g., stratocumulus) and is always important for
the annual cycle. Radiative forcings due to changes in aerosol
and land use (surface albedo) have not been accurately quantified
to date by the International Radiation Commission. Satellite
data, ground based measurements, and models will be integrated
over the ARM/CART site to determine such forcings in GCIP.
OVERALL OBJECTIVE: Improve the description and
understanding of the radiative fluxes that drive land-atmosphere
interactions and their parameterization in predictive models.
6.4.1 Satellite Product Development
OBJECTIVE: Produce satellite products to define
spatial and temporal variability of clouds and radiation over the
Mississippi basin.
Activities to support this objective include:
The components of the Earth's radiation budget at
the top of the atmosphere--planetary albedo and
outgoing longwave radiation (OLR)--are routinely
derived by NOAA/NESDIS from the AVHRR on NOAA's
polar orbiters and will be part of the derived
data products of GCIP. But polar satellite
observations provide only two measurements per day
for each area: one in the daytime and one at
night. Clearly, for land/atmosphere interactions
the diurnal variation of radiation is a key
factor, and the geostationary satellites can provide such information.
Algorithms for deriving planetary albedo and
insolation from GOES observations of reflected
solar radiation have been developed by several
investigators (e.g., Pinker and Laszlo 1992).
Further research is needed to accurately retrieve
the vertical profile of shortwave and longwave radiative fluxes.
GOES longwave products [OLR, downward longwave
radiation (DLR), and longwave cooling (LC)] can be
derived from GOES sounder data using the
techniques developed for the polar-orbiting
sounder data [the high-resolution infrared sounder
(HIRS)] (Lee and Ellingson 1990;
Ellingson et al. 1994a;
Ellingson et al. 1994b;
Shaffer and Ellingson 1990). Although the satellite
platforms are quite different (geostationary vs.
polar orbiting) with sharply differing altitudes,
the structure of the algorithms will be quite
similar. The OLR will be estimated from the
sounder channels as the weighted sum of radiance
observations in a number of narrow spectral
intervals. Regression equations relating DLR and
LC to cloud-cleared sounder radiances and
effective cloud fraction will be derived. Most of
the progress to date in satellite OLR, DLR, and LC
have been for cloud-free conditions. The
difficulty in making radiation budget estimates
under cloudy sky conditions is related to problems
in determining accurate cloud base altitude from satellite observations.
The clear sky OLR, DLR, and LC that are obtained from
the GOES sounder will be compared with equivalent
values derived from the polar sounder for identical
targets and for times of observation that are
reasonably close.
A gridded version of the GOES ASOS cloud cover
product will be generated routinely at the
NOAA/NESDIS within a few months. This product is
derived from the GOES sounder and is produced
hourly whenever the sounder data are available.
This product is generated without using the
visible band of the sounder and is fairly accurate
at higher levels in the atmosphere, but it may not
do a good job of estimating low level clouds or
subpixel cumulus clouds. Both the POES and GOES
satellite cloud products will provide cloud
information for the GCIP continental-scale area at
0.5° spatial resolution and hourly (GOES) to twice
daily (POES) time resolution.
A significantly more accurate, high resolution
satellite cloud product is needed from the GOES
(hourly) that would provide cloud information at a
resolution of 5 - 10 km. This product would allow
validation and improvement in the cloud physics
parameterization (and from this, the radiation
physics and surface energy fluxes) in climate and
NWP models. The imager on the current generation
of GOES is a 5 channel instrument with resolution
and bands very similar to AVHRR. An automated
cloud detection algorithm (CLAVR) has been
developed and tested on AVHRR data. This
algorithm does a better job of cloud detection
than the sounder product described above because
CLAVR makes use of the very high contrast between
land and clouds in the visible band. To properly
meet the GCIP cloud requirements, CLAVR, modified
to work with the GOES imager data should be
developed and implemented. Such an algorithm
applied to GOES imager would be of much use for
snow/cloud discrimination applied to snow mapping.
6.4.2 Validation of Satellite Algorithms to Retrieve the Surface
and Atmospheric Radiation Budget
OBJECTIVE: Assess satellite retrieval algorithms and
select a preferred algorithm for retrieving GCIP surface and
atmospheric radiation budgets.
This objective meets one of the central goals of
GCIP--namely, the improvement of global systems for the
observation of the energy cycle by means of intensive studies in
well-instrumented areas. This GCIP activity will:
(1) validate the NOAA operationally-based retrievals
of radiation and cloud parameters, especially the
new product list from the GOES I spacecraft series
(described in the previous section ).
(2) regionally validate the fluxes from the GEWEX
global-scale Surface Radiation budget (SRB)
Project (Whitlock et al. 1995);
(3) foster the development of Satellite and
Atmospheric Radiation Budget (SARB) retrievals in
the EOS Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy
System (CERES) (Wielicki and Barkstrom 1991) and
in the French-Russian Scanner for Earth Radiation
Budget (ScaRab); then validate CERES and ScaRab
retrievals of the SARB;ScaRab was launched in
February 1994, and it functioned until March 5,
1995. A preliminary comparison of ScaRab with the
ERBE wide field of view (WFOV) measurements for
March 1994 is favorable (T.D. Bess, personal
communication, NASA La RC).
(4) expand the use of ARM, SURFRAD, and BSRN surface-based measurements to operational satellite
systems and to the MODIS (Moderate Resolution
Imaging Spectrometer), MISR, ASTER (Atmosphere Surface Turbulent Exchange Research
facility,CERES, and AIRS (Advanced Infrared Studies) sensors on EOS.
Recent advances in fast radiative transfer techniques
(i.e. Fu and Liou 1993), in satellite remote sensing, and in
the deployment of surface instruments in the GCIP region permit
the development of a more accurate and comprehensive description
of the radiative fluxes in the atmospheric column. Previous
efforts to obtain radiative fluxes by remote sensing have
concentrated on the surface (SRB) and the top of the atmosphere
(TOA). The full vertical profile of broadband fluxes, as well as
the narrowband radiances observed by the satellites, can now
readily be computed and compared with measurements at a number of
sites. A more internally consistent description of atmospheric
radiation is thereby produced. The resulting surface fluxes can
be used to validate the operational retrievals described in the
previous Section 1. They also serve to test the satellite-based
retrievals of clouds, which are used for the calculations. The
within-the-atmosphere flux profiles (SARB) can be used to test
the fluxes produced by mesoscale and general circulation models.
The SARB is the basic driver of the hydrological cycle, the
general circulation, and global change.
Version 1 of the CERES/ARM/GEWEX Experiment (CAGEX)
contains such a comprehensive radiative description of the
atmosphere in the longwave (LW) and shortwave (SW). CAGEX
(Charlock and Alberta 1995)
Version 1 provides, for 26 days in April 1994, a space-time grid with:
(a) satellite-based cloud properties, aerosol, and
atmospheric sounding data that are sufficient for
broadband radiative transfer calculations;
(b) vertical profiles of radiative fluxes calculated
with that data as input; and
(c) validating measurements for broadband radiative
fluxes and cloud properties.
CAGEX is available by anonymous FTP:
http://www.arm.gov/docs/data/CAGEX.html, with instructions).
Version 0 was issued in February 1995 at NASA Langley, where it
was used to test the Gupta LW algorithm for the next phase of the
GEWEX SRB Project. CAGEX is used to test radiation codes at GKSS
(Germany), McGill University (Canada), ECMWF, and other
institutions. Version 1 also has SW fluxes and aerosol data.
Version 2.0.0 of CAGEX covers the ARM Enhanced Shortwave
Experiment (ARESE) from Sept. 25 to Nov. 1, 1995. New features
of Version 2.0.0 include (a) multiple sets of sounding data from
3-hourly ARM radiosondes, from instruments like the ground-based
AERI (LW spectrometer), the MWR (microwave) and the GPS receiver,
and from the NCEP Eta model output, (b) broadband surface
radiation measurements from RAMS (Valero et al.)
and adjustments to standard observations based on cavity measurements
(Michalsky et al.),
(c) vertical profiles of aerosol from the MicroPulse
Lidar (MPL; Spinhirne and Hlavka), (d) cloud profiling radar data
(Clothiaux), (e) cloud LWP from MWR, (f) changes to the Fu-Liou
code including the insertion (Kratz and Rose) of the CKD (Clough
et al.) LW H2O continuum, (g) calculations with aerosol optical
properties for various mineral dust particle sizes (Tegen and
Lacis), in addition to the original d'Almeida et al. aerosols,
and (h) modifications to the Minnis et al. GOES-8 TOA fluxes and
cloud property retrievals.
The clear-sky data in CAGEX Version 2.0.0 has been
designed, as per the "Open SW Workshop" at the AMS Ninth
Conference on Atmospheric Radiation at Long Beach (Feb. 97), to
permit more rigorous testing of SW radiative transfer routines
and input data, as well as measured fluxes. Clouds observations
in Version 2.0.0 have more redundancy; optical depth from GOES-8
and LWP from surface MWR; height of cloud top from GOES-8 and
radar; measurements of the height of cloud base from lidar and
radar (and estimates from GOES-8).
In CAGEX Version 1's for April 1994, the computed SW
insolation for clear skies generally exceeded the observations;
the discrepancy for cloudy skies was similar. By using different
aerosol optical properties, some colleagues (Trishchenko, Li, Fu
and others) have reduced or eliminated the clear sky discrepancy
for April 1994. The clear sky discrepancy for Version 2.0.0
(Fall 1995) appears to be more robust. A large cloudy sky
discrepancy for ARESE October 30, 1995 (first reported by Pope
and Cess using aircraft data) is quite apparent when comparing
computed fluxes with satellite and surface data in Version 2.0.0.
CAGEX Version 2.0.0 has been used to test the vertical
profiles of humidity, SW diabatic heating, and LW diabatic
cooling in the NCEP Eta model, which activated a prognostic
scheme for clouds during fall 1995.
One surprising result in CAGEX is the demonstration of
a significant discrepancy between measured and computed SW fluxes
at the surface for clear skies; this has been confirmed by
various ARM researchers in ARESE. In the NASA EOS, CAGEX serves
as a window for community-wide access to preliminary retrievals
of fluxes and cloud properties in the CERES program. CAGEX
fluxes are determined with the Fu and Liou
(1993) delta-4-stream
radiative transfer code using the
Minnis et al. (1993) cloud
retrievals. Experiments with tuned fluxes, in which atmospheric
constituents are adjusted to cause computed and observed fluxes
to better match, are underway (
Charlock et al. 1994). For
limited time periods, within-the-atmosphere fluxes as measured by
Unmanned Aerospace Vehicles (UAV) will be inserted in the data
stream. Subsequent versions of CAGEX will be used to validate
CERES determinations of atmospheric fluxes and similar exercises
using ISCCP and ScaRab. Hence CAGEX will continue well after the
launch of CERES on TRMM in November, 1997 and EOS-AM (1998). The
MODIS and CERES teams in EOS are now drafting plans for a
concentrated validation effort over the ARM/CART site in
September 1998. "Joint validation planning among the MOPITT,
MISR, ASTER, CERES, MODIS, and SAGE III teams were discussed at
the Workshop on Atmospheric Validation in EOS-AM1 and SAGE III
(WAVES) at Hampton University in October, 1997.
The dense coverage of measurements over the ARM site
are presently supplemented with the geographically dispersed
SURFRAD described later in this section. When combined with
comprehensive satellite-based retrievals and radiative transfer
calculations, SURFRAD will provide a rigorous measure of the
radiative forcing of climate at selected sites. For example, the
present satellite-based record of the interannual variability
(IAV) of snow cover lacks an exacting validation in terms of
radiative flux; this poses a great uncertainty in monitoring a
key climate feedback. There is a corresponding uncertainty in
radiative forcing of aerosols; measurements of aerosols and
measurements of fluxes have not been matched with calculations to
satisfactory accuracy. The SURFRAD monitoring sites at Fort Peck,
Montana (high seasonal snow cover and IAV) and Bondville,
Illinois (large annual loading of atmospheric sulfur) are well-suited
for diagnosing the impacts of snow and aerosols when
combined with calculations such as CAGEX (above) or with the NOAA
retrievals (Section 6.5.1), which are based on operational
satellite data.
The procedures honed in these exercises will be used
again with more advanced MODIS, MISR, ASTER, and CERES sensors
after the launch of EOS-AM in 1998. In preparation for CERES,
helicopter measurements of the SW bidirectional reflectance
function (BDRF with about 10 nanometer resolution spanning the
shortwave spectrum, the LW window directional radiance, and the
broadband SW and LW fluxes (i.e.,
Purgold et al. 1994) are
planned for the ARM/CART site during the spring of 1998. The
helicopter measurements are vital for improving the integration
of space-based and surface-based data for two reasons. First,
they are needed to determine the full angular dependence of
surface radiation; a given satellite measurement covers only a
single angle. Second, they are needed to determine the spatial
distribution of radiation about the surface radiometer; the
surface radiometer covers only a tiny area. It is hoped that
resources will permit helicopter measurements over some SURFRAD
and BSRN sites, too. Another supplement to routine surface
measurement is enhancement with a spatial network of instruments.
In conjunction with CERES preparations during the fall of 1995,
NASA Langley deployed a network of five additional radiometer
sites to supplement CAGEX retrievals of surface fluxes in the ARM
Enhanced Shortwave Experiment (ARESE). The enhanced spatial
network measures fluxes over a large area, as does a satellite
pixel, permitting a more realistic validation of the satellite results.
The combination of (1) detailed radiative transfer
calculations, (2) satellite-based retrievals, and (3) surface
measurements as anticipated in GCIP will permit a significant
advance in the description of atmospheric radiation and
associated forcings and feedbacks. Supplements to the surface
measurements are needed, however; only a single helicopter survey
of ARM is definitely planned; deployment of photometers and cloud
lidars at more surface sites is uncertain; the determination of
aerosol optical properties is a step forward but not the answer;
and snow sites especially should have a network of radiometers on towers.
6.4.3 Validation and Improvement of Operational GOES Shortwave
Radiation Budget Products
The operational production of downwelling and upwelling
shortwave (SW) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) for
GCIP is done using the University of Maryland algorithm
and Laszlo 1992), as modified for the GOES 8/9 imager. The
model also allows estimation of top of the atmosphere shortwave
radiative fluxes. The procedure uses clear sky and cloudy top of
the atmosphere calibrated radiances in the visible band, the
cloud fraction in the target, and information on the state of the
atmosphere, as available in real-time from the Eta model, as
input to the algorithm. Snow information is also appended, as
available fa new routine snow map product at NESDIS. Cloud
detection is done with a two threshold method, from visible data
only. The new GOES 8/9 procedures, namely, the algorithm, the
cloud detection methods, the atmospheric input parameters, and
changes in calibration, need to be evaluated. The need for
incorporation of seasonal/monthly surface type models in the
shortwave algorithm has also to be evaluated.
A process has been established whereby the University
of Maryland accesses the GCIP insolation products as generated at
NESDIS, as well as the input files used at NESDIS to generate the
product. The input files are used to run the model off-line,
compare with the product produced at NESDIS, and to test various
options in the model configuration. Of particular interest are
possibilities to optimize the models operation and/or introduce
simplifications. The model output will be validated against
ground observations,to include, in the near future, observations
from SURFRAD, BSRN and ARM/CART. Ground truth data for PAR are
also needed for validation of this component of the SRB. This
process is essential for achieving the best possible accuracy
from satellite products.
In addition to the NOAA GOES-8/9 and POES operationally
based retrievals in GCIP, the NASA CERES is sponsoring a more
limited domain program of research retrievals of the SARB
(Charlock et al. 1994).
Satellite-based cloud retrievals,
meteorological data, and radiative transfer calculations will be
used to retrieve the SARB over the ARM/CART site in Oklahoma.
Computed fluxes and radiances will be compared with ARM-observed
surface and unmanned aerospace vehicles (UAV) fluxes, as well as
with other satellite data. Tuning algorithms will subsequently
adjust atmospheric and surface input parameters, bringing the
calculated SARB to closer agreement with observations. Results
of the SARB retrievals will be compared with those of other
groups and with data. The aim is to develop accurate retrievals
of the SARB based on satellite data and to foster the development
of such retrievals in the atmospheric sciences community. The
first research data set in this CERES/ARM/GEWEX activity covers
the April 1994 IOP. In a 3 x 3 matrix with 0.3° increments,
daylight cloud retrievals every 30 minutes are provided from
GOES-7 with the Minnis et al. (1993)
cloud retrievals for cloud
albedo, cloud center height, cloud amount, cloud center
temperature, cloud thickness, cloud infrared (IR) emissivity,
cloud reflectance, cloud optical depth, cloud top height, cloud
IR optical depth, cloud mean IR temperature, and cloud top
temperature. In a subsequent ARM IOP, Dr. Charles Whitlock plans
to employ a helicopter to measure the spectral bidirectional
reflectance of the surface. This measurement will permit a
detailed study of the clear as well as cloudy sky effects of the
surface and aerosols on the profile of radiative fluxes.
The SARB drives the hydrological cycle, the general
circulation, and the global climate change. The SARB computed by
GCMs is not regarded to be sufficiently reliable for accurate
climate prediction. The state of numerical weather prediction
(NWP) model simulations of the SARB limits medium-range weather
prediction, too. We lack an adequate observational record of the
SARB either in clear or cloudy skies. Cloud feedback is
generally considered vital to climate but remains uncertain.
More fundamentally, forcing occurs, as well as feedback
uncertainties because of the radiative effects due to atmospheric
aerosols and the Earth's surface.
An observational SARB record is needed for the
validation of GCMs and for diagnostic investigations of low-frequency
variability and secular climate change. The
development of an observational record of the SARB is one
objective of the CERES activity (
Wielicki and Barkstrom 1991) in
the EOS and GEWEX. The array of instruments deployed by ARM over
the CART site presents a unique opportunity for developing and
validating satellite-based retrievals of the SARB. The ARM/CART
site is well suited to observing the profile of atmospheric water
vapor, the vertical and horizontal structure of clouds, and
aerosols; these parameters, as well as the ARM/CART surface and
UAV measurements of radiometric fluxes, are critical for testing
satellite-based retrievals of the SARB. Activities to support
this objective include:
6.4.4 Analyses of Clouds and Radiation
OBJECTIVE: Assess model estimates of clouds and
radiation and develop improved parameterizations of clouds and
radiation processes.
Activities to support this objective are:
Observational studies of the diurnal forcing of
the land-atmosphere system have been hampered by
the lack of good data sets on both clouds and
radiation. The derived data sets on clouds and
radiation as described in the next section on the
continental scale and the high spatial/temporal
clouds to be generated for GCIP LSAs will be used
to study the diurnal variation of clouds and
radiation. Such studies are necessary to achieve
the GCIP objective to determine the time-space
variability of the hydrological and energy budgets
over a continental scale. The satellite radiation
measurements will provide information on the top-of-the-atmosphere, surface, and atmospheric
radiative energy budgets. The satellite cloud
data will provide information on the major
modulator of the radiative energy budgets and will
permit analyses of cloud radiative forcing on a
wide range of time scales.
Satellite-observed cloud and radiation fields will
be compared with clouds and radiation predicted by
regional models. Satellite-observed clouds, top-of-the-atmosphere radiative fluxes, and insolation
can be used to validate model predictions of these
quantities. Particular attention will be paid to diurnal variations.
Under certain conditions, large horizontal
gradients in surface vegetation can cause
mesoscale circulations leading to the development
of mesoscale convective cloud systems. These
systems can also arise as a result of large-scale
irrigation of crops, which introduces surface
gradients between the irrigated and nonirrigated
land areas. Using the satellite data sets on
vegetation index and clouds, GCIP researchers will
analyze the impact of such land surface gradients
on the development of mesoscale convective clouds.
6.4.5 Cloud Data Products
To properly validate the cloud parameterization
packages in climate and NWP models, the following cloud products
should be developed and delivered on an hourly basis from
satellite observations: fractional cloudcover on a resolution of
20 to 50 km, cloud height and type, fraction of each type of
cloud (this is difficult) and cloud top temperature.
Several satellite-based cloud data sets will be
generated during the course of the EOP, based on both POES and
GOES observations: ASOS (GOES), CLAVR (POES), and high-resolution (time and space) clouds (GOES).
A gridded version of the Automated Surface Observing
System (ASOS) clouds will be generated for GCIP as a continental-scale
product. The ASOS clouds are produced operationally from
GOES at weather station locations to supplement the laser
ceilometer observations of the ASOS of the modernized weather
service. The ASOS clouds are generated from the GOES sounder
using the carbon dioxide slicing technique (
Menzel and Strabala 1989; Wylie and Menzel 1989).
They can also be generated from
the image data by substituting the water vapor channel for the
carbon dioxide band. Whether the sounder or imager version is
implemented depends on which technique is chosen by the NWS for
the operational ASOS product. In addition to cloud information,
the ASOS-cloud processing system produces clear sky surface
temperature as an intermediate product, which will be evaluated
for surface energy budget studies and validation of the Eta and other models.
CLAVR stands for clouds from the advanced very high
resolution radiometer (AVHRR) on the POES. NESDIS has developed
this cloud product over the last few years, and it is currently
being generated on a routine basis from the afternoon POES
observations (Stowe et al., 1991). This product includes cloud
amount, type, and height of each cloud type at a resolution of
one degree in latitude. During GCIP it will be produced
routinely on a global basis by NESDIS for day and night from both
POES spacecraft. The NESDIS will access the product to produce a
CONUS sector for the GCIP database.
The ASOS cloud product produced from the GOES data
meets the needs of GCIP users better than the CLAVR cloud product
produced from POES data. We shall therefore select the ASOS
product as the "best available now" for GCIP with the CLAVR to be
used in the event of difficulties with the ASOS product.
6.4.6 Radiation Data Products
Radiation data sets are required for the GCIP EOP on a
continental scale. This information will include top-of-the-atmosphere,
surface, and atmospheric radiation data based on both POES and GOES observations.
6.4.7 Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) and Planetary Albedo
The OLR and planetary albedo radiation budget products
have been obtained from multispectral, narrowband radiometric
scanners for many years. This product is currently being
produced using a technique to infer the OLR from four of the
channels on the high-resolution infrared sounder (HIRS) flown on
the POES(Ellingson et al. 1989;
Ellingson et al. 1994a).
The above methodologies for obtaining top-of-the-atmosphere,
OLR, and planetary albedo are being applied to GOES-8
data and are being produced for GCIP.
6.4.8 Surface and Atmospheric Radiation Budget Components
In addition to the OLR, methods have been developed to
infer the downward longwave radiation (DLR) flux at the surface
(Lee and Ellingson 1990)
and the vertical profile of longwave cooling (LC)
(Shaffer and Ellingson 1990;
Ellingson et al. 1994b)
from POES observations. The DLR and LC estimation
techniques require spectral radiance data from the HIRS and the
vertical distribution of cloud amount and cloud base height. The
NESDIS is implementing the techniques in an experimental
operations test in the TOVS sounding system.
Insolation and photosynthetically active radiation
(PAR) for the GCIP CSA (and in fact, for the whole U.S.)
will be produced from GOES 8/9 imager observations. The
insolation algorithm, developed at the University of
Maryland (Pinker and Ewing 1985;
Pinker and Laszlo 1992)
is a physical algorithm that uses GOES imager observations
of reflected visible radiation. The algorithm uses target
clear radiance, target cloudy radiance, fraction of clouds
in the target and atmospheric precipitable water (from the
Eta model). Other required input to the model is surface
albedo (Matthews 1985) and snow cover. Net solar
irradiance at the surface can be derived from the insolation and surface albedo.
This algorithm has been modified at the University of
Maryland to use GOES 8/9 data as input. A two threshold cloud
detection method has been developed that provides the clear and
cloudy radiances and the fractional cloud cover required by the
algorithm. Over the past two years the insolation algorithm has
been implemented into the GOES sounding system at NESDIS and
routine production has begun. The products are not operational,
however, but are currently experimental and generated specifically for GCIP.
Because the insolation algorithm is newly developed for
GOES 8/9 data, it is vital that the insolation estimates be
compared with ground truth and all aspects of the procedure, from
cloud detection through insolation production, and be subject to
modification and improvement. This way, the accuracy and
reliability of the products will increase, thereby meeting one of
the main objectives of GCIP.
Outgoing longwave radiation, DLR at the surface, and
atmospheric LC rates will be derived from GOES-8 by applying the
methodologies used to generate these quantities from POES-HIRS
observations. Some development is needed to apply the techniques to GOES data.
In the case of clear skies, surface temperature will be
retrieved from the GOES shortwave radiation budget processing.
For the clear radiances for each target a split-window surface
temperature will be applied. At first simple algorithms that
assume a unit surface emissivity will be used, but research is
needed to develop an algorithm that adjusts for the different
surface emissivity of a variety of surface types. Estimates of
surface temperature can be used to obtain upward longwave
radiation fields at the surface. It is also important that land
surface temperature be retrieved where it is cloudy by use of
microwave (AMSU) window channel data. Such products are being
developed at NESDIS for NOAA K-M, and will be available to GCIP.
There is another source of surface temperature that
should be considered for GCIP. This is the Derived Product
Imagery (DPI) which includes surface skin temperature, lifted
index, and total precipitable water. The DPI is a planned
operational suite of products from the GOES 8/9 imager that is
currently under active development. The resolution of the
surface temperature in the DPI is 4 km, so in addition to
averages of surface temperature for targets of about 50 km.
resolution, histograms of surface temperature could be saved.
This could be of considerable interest to the modeling community.
6.4.9 SURFRAD Sites for GCIP
Six Surface Radiation (SURFRAD) sites are planned for
the contiguous 48 states (three of these are already installed in
the Mississippi River basin). This network is intended to
provide high quality, long term solar and infrared radiation
measurements for a variety of research needs: to validate
satellite-derived surface insolation; to provide a long term
climatology of surface radiation measurements (at least 25
years); to detect trends in surface radiation; and, to verify
radiative transfer models. The basic instrumentation set (see
Table 6-1) includes radiometers for upwelling and downwelling
solar and INFRARED radiation, a sun-tracking normal incident
pyrheliometer (NIP) for measuring direct solar irradiance, and a
meteorological tower. Other special sensors may be added.
Table 6-1. Basic Instrumentation at a
Surfrad Site.
6.1. Precipitation
(1) Space-time precipitation variability;
6.1.1. Space-time Structure of Precipitation Fields
(2) Atmospheric precipitation processes;
(3) Orographic precipitation;
(4) Precipitation predictability;
(5) Snow and snow water equivalent;
(6) Data for GCIP precipitation research;
(7) Precipitation measurements and analysis; and,
(8) Snow measurements and analysis.
Direct Solar Irradiance | Cavity radiometer (required at BSRN) shadow band radiometer NIP | 18,000
10,000 1,800 | 2 Wm-2
5 Wm-2 |
Diffuse Solar | Pyranometer (2(pi) solar flux)
(radiation >2.5 pm filtered out) | 1,800 | 5 Wm-2 |
Global Solar
(direct and diffuse) | Pyranometer
(no tracker) | 1,800 | 10 Wm-2 |
Reflected Shortwave | Inverted pyranometer
(shaded from sun) | 2,000 | 10 Wm-2 |
Downward Longwave | Pyrgeometer (filtered pyranometer) | 2,850 | 6-8 Wm-2 |
Upward Longwave | Inverted Pyrgeometer | 2,850 | 6-8 Wm-2 |
Photsynthetically Active Radiation | PAR Instrument
(filtered silicon detector) | 200 | TBD |
Surface Meteorology Tower | 10-m height: winds, pressure, temperature, humidity | 6,000 | TBD |
The URL address: ( http://www.srrb.noaa.gov) has detailed information on SURFRAD sites, instrumentation, and access to data. In addition to the instrumentation mentioned in Table 6-1, NOAA has obtained Multi-Filter Rotating Shawdowband Radiometers (MFRSR) for SURFRAD. Operational MFRSR algorithms retrieve column aerosol optical depth, predictable water, and ozone; research algorithms provide cloud optical depth. The SURFRAD combination of broadband and MFRSR measurements will permit the estimation of aerosol direct radiative forcing to climate over GCIP.
SURFRAD sites have been chosen to be representative of extended regions. Each has reasonably uniform and stable surface properties that are representative of the region. This requirement is the primary concern of those doing verification of satellite-based algorithms. Those who will use SURFRAD data to verify the satellite-derived surface radiation data require that the area surrounding the sites be spatially uniform over at least the area of one GOES-8 sounder pixel, which is 10 km (E-W) by 40 km (N-S).
One SURFRAD site in the GCIP region is at Bondville, Illinois, located approximately eight miles southwest of Champaign, Illinois. It is owned by the University of Illinois Electrical Engineering Department and managed by the Illinois State Water Survey. This site consists of six acres of grassland (being updated to 14 acres) and surrounded by 220 acres of soybeans and corn. This site is currently operational and also contains a suite of aerosol measurement systems operating under a separate NOAA funded aerosol monitoring program. A second SURFRAD site in the GCIP region is the Poplar River site (near Fort Peck, Montana). The Poplar River flows south out of Canada and into the Missouri River. This site has good hydrological data available and the Poplar River is not used for irrigation (because of high levels of alkali). The site is on rangeland with no trees in northeastern Montana. This site was operational in the summer of 1994. A third SURFRAD site in the GCIP region is the Goodwin Creek site (near Oxford Mississippi). The Goodwin Creek Experimental Watershed is an ARS site located in northern Mississippi. It is relatively flat, and its land use is about 14 percent agricultural, 26 percent timber, and 60 percent idle pasture land. Four lakes are in the region. This site is operational since the fall of 1994. The data from these sites will be quality controlled by NOAA's Air Resource Laboratory (ARL) in Boulder, Colorado. Data will be archived at the ARL facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee and accessible via the GCIP in situ data source module.
In addition to the usual radiation and hydrological measurements at the three SURFRAD sites identified earlier, funds have been requested to add instrumentation for the following: soil moisture, snowfall measurements (in the northern sites), ground heat flux, and cloud determination via lidar and/or possibly digitized pictures.
Not all the requested instrumentation will be immediately
available at all the GCIP SURFRAD sites. It is expected that
further implementation of instrumentation will likely occur as
more resources become available and become part of the normal
operations at the three SURFRAD sites.
6.5 Streamflow and Runoff
OVERALL OBJECTIVE: To improve the description of the space-time
distribution of runoff over the GCIP study area and to develop
mechanisms for incorporation of streamflow measurements in the
validation and updating of coupled land/atmosphere models.
Streamflow is determined from measurements of stream stage at a
stream-gauging station. Runoff is the spatially distributed
supply of water to the stream network which cannot be measured
directly. Both surface and sub-surface components are part of
runoff. A delay is also inherent between runoff initiation and
the time when the runoff reaches a stream-gauging station. This
delay varies spatially depending on the distance to the gauge and
on how much runoff is occurring.
This research area is concerned with relationships between runoff
as computed by atmospheric models, which is distributed in space,
and streamflow as measured at streamgauges. This area includes
development of globally applicable routing methods to account for
the time lags between occurrence of runoff and occurrence of
streamflow. Such routing methods might be used in a model to
translate runoff to streamflow or they may be used as part of an
analysis system to infer runoff from streamflow. Streamflow data
are needed to assist in model development, model parameter
estimation, and model testing and validation. Although methods
may already exist for making streamflow data useful for each of
these purposes, additional studies are needed to improve these
methods and make them more useful globally.
Two scales of time delay exist between the initiation of runoff
and when the runoff reaches a downstream gauge. The first is the
hillslope or landscape scale when runoff is moving above and
below the surface into the stream channel network; the second is
the stream network scale. Because the hydrological processes
that occur at the hillslope scale influence both the amount and
timing of runoff, this research area is also concerned with
estimating both the amount and timing of runoff at the hillslope
Streamflow data and runoff estimates are required both for the
development and for the testing and verification of coupled
atmospheric/hydrological models. Testing and verification may be
approached in two complementary ways. First, runoff from the
coupled models can be verified by routing the runoff from a
number of grid points (10 or more) to a streamgauge and comparing
the model discharge with the observed discharge on a designated
basis. The gauges used for this purpose must be essentially
unaffected by upstream regulation or diversion. In practice,
most of the continental discharge gauges are influenced by
regulation and diversion, and may not be good choices for
verification (except perhaps on an annual or climatological
basis). Therefore, a second complementary approach to compensate
for these upstream effects is needed.
6.5.1 Relationships between Runoff and Streamflow
OBJECTIVE: Develop and apply improved techniques for the
determination/estimation of runoff and streamflow appropriate to
the scales of primary interest to GCIP.
Activities to support this objective follow:
6.5.2 Estimation of Runoff from Streamflow and Climate Data
OBJECTIVE: Apply sensitivity analysis to the error budgets in
estimating runoff from streamflow and climate data.
Activities to support this objective follow:
The above activities will be supported by the following specific
activities and outputs in 1998-2000.
As an alternative to naturalized flows, compute the regulated
runoff from atmospheric models by using runoff routing and
reservoir storage models. The model feasibility has already been
demonstrated. Model parameters from the NWS ABRFC are already
available, together with their conversion to the application of
gridded or distributed models as part of the NWS/NESDIS core
Project and the macro-scale model parameters developed over the
Arkansas-Red River basin by the University of Washington, the
models and parameters will be available in 1996.
6.5.3 Surface and Ground Water Measurements
The primary observations of hydrological variables are from in
situ networks and consist of stream gauges, measuring wells,
measurements of water storage in large reservoirs, soil moisture,
evaporation and estimates of snow cover. GCIP is treating soil
moisture as a separate variable (see Section 6.2) and also
estimates of snow cover. (see Section 6.1). There are few
measurements of evaporation available. This leaves stream gauges,
measuring wells and measurements of water storage which are
needed to provide derived information for computing water
budgets. In cooperation with many other Federal, state, and
local agencies, the USGS collects water data at thousands of
locations throughout the nation and prepares records of stream
discharge (flow), and storage in reservoirs and lakes, ground-water
levels, well and spring discharge and the quality of
surface and ground water. The number of stations collecting such
data was summarized in Table 1 of the GCIP Implementation Plan,
Volume I (IGPO 1993),
and is updated for each of the data sets compiled by GCIP.
Most of the gauged streams in the Mississippi River basin are
affected by various water management activities such as upstream
storage and diversion for human activities and irrigation. The
USGS has a hydrological benchmark network of 58 stations
virtually unaffected by human activity distributed across the
United States (Lawrence 1987).
Wallis et al. (1991) prepared a
set of 1009 USGS streamflow stations for which long-term (1948-88)
observations have been assembled into a consistent daily
database and missing observations estimated using a simple
"closest station" prorating rule. Estimated values for missing
data, as well as suspicious observations, are flagged. The data
are retrievable by station list, state, latitude-longitude range,
and hydrologic unit code from a CD-ROM. This data set is being
updated to include the years since 1988 with primary emphasis on
those stations important to GCIP.
Landwehr and Slack (1992)
compiled measured streamflow data for 1659 stations with at least
20 years of complete records between 1874 and 1988.This data set
is available by anonymous ftp at URL:
ftp://ftprvares.er.usgs.gov/hcdn92. This data set is also
available on CD-ROM and is being updated with post-1988 data. A
streamflow data product similar to those described above will be
produced for the GCIP EOP.