A number of variables are critical to the success of GCIP and were designated as Principal Research Areas for GCIP. Each of these are described in this Section.
GOAL: To achieve better understanding and estimation of space-time precipitation
structure over the Mississippi River Basin, including improvements in atmospheric model
representation of precipitation to support improved coupled modeling.
The hypothesis behind GCIP precipitation research is that improved high-resolution
precipitation prediction from atmospheric models is expected to result (via coupled land-
atmosphere modeling) in better predictions of other hydrologic variables (e.g., soil moisture
and runoff) at the small basin scale and over storm to daily to seasonal time scales. Such
improved predictions will be useful for water management decisions and basin interpretations
of climatic changes.
Objective: Study the statistical structure of precipitation variability at a range of
space-time scales and develop subgrid scale precipitation downscaling algorithms (from
large to small scales) to be used in atmospheric models.
Activities to support this objective are:
Objective: Understand the physics of precipitating clouds and their relation to the
storm environment and the produced precipitation fields.
Activities to support this objective are:
Objective: Assess the limits of predictability of atmospheric model precipitation as a
function of scale.
Activities to support this objective are:
Objective: Improve the availability and quality of data that are neeeded to support the
research activities descibed above.
Activities to support this objective are:
Objective: Produce gridded snow water equivalent data sets for the upper
Mississippi River basin by integrating ground-based, airborne and satellite snow cover data
Activities to support this objective are:
Overall Objective: Improve understanding and estimation of the space-time structure of soil
moisture, the relationship between model estimates of soil moisture and observations of soil
moisture, and to produce soil moisture fields for the GCIP area to be used as diagnostic and
input data for modeling.
Objective: Produce the best possible estimates of soil moisture at four depths over the entire
GCIP study area with the initial emphasis over the LSA-SW.
Activities that are needed or support this objective are:
A validated soil moisture product is needed for the Mississippi River Basin at a
spatial scale of about 40 km and a daily temporal scale for four depths corresponding to the
Eta and MAPS model output. This assimilated product must be produced from a variety of
data sources, including output from hydrologic models driven by measured meteorological
data, instu soil moisture observations, and remote sensing. The challenge will be to combine
the various data forms to produce the "best" possible gridded product and to develop a way to
validate the product with in-situ data, preferably data not used in the assimilation process.
Initially, a subset of the soil moisture product is to be developed for the LSA-
SW because this is the area where the most in situ data are available and the region where
remote sensing can provide the best information because of the relativly less dense vegetation
A second subset of the soil moisture product needs to be developed for the
LSA-NC. Here the Illinois in situ soil moisture data set can be used for validation and or
assimilating the data set. The issue of cold season hydrology and frozen soils need to be
addressed with this data set.
Activities that are needed or support this objective are:
Activities that are needed or support his objective are:
Activities that are needed or support this objective are:
Multiresolution land characterization research in the near-term will be directed toward
meeting the minimum requirements of GCIP Principal Research Areas for land cover, soils,
and topographic data, including associated characteristics and properties of each, at four
regional scales. The initial project regions and their associated gridding intervals include the
CSA and LSA-SW (40-km grids), ARM/CART as the initial ISA (10-km grid), and Little
Washita as the initial SSA (4-km grid). The primary land surface data sets that are currently
available throughout the conterminous United States to potentially meet some of GCIP's
immediate requirements for land data within these four regions include various 1-km and
coarser spatial resolution, advanced very-high-resolution radiometer (AVHRR) data products
from NOAA's polar-orbiting satellites; the 1:250,000-scale USDA/Natural Resources
Conservation Service State Soil Geographic Database (STATSGO); and DEMs of 0.5-km and
approximately 100-m grid cell resolutions, respectively, available from the USGS. Land
characterization research will focus on the adaptation and use of these primary data sets as the
basis to develop, test, and evaluate key derivative land surface characteristics data sets for use
by GCIP modelers.
As GCIP evolves, land characterization research will focus on meeting changing land data
requirements, developing data sets for new regions, and facilitating the use of geographic
information systems (GIS) technology and other appropriate tools for land surface data
analysis. For example, model sensitivity analysis from GCIP and PILPS investigators will
help to more clearly identify requirements for specific types of land surface characteristics
including accuracy specifications. Detailed analysis of multiresolution satellite data for the
ARM/CART region will lead to remote sensing algorithms that can be applied within the
LSA- and CSA-scale regions. GCIP would also significantly benefit from remote sensing
algorithms developed and tested under the proposed ISLSCP Initiative No. 2 project.
Additional regions will be defined and higher resolution land data sources will be
investigated and developed, as required. Candidate regions include the Upper Walnut River
watershed located within the ARM/CART as related to the proposed Cooperative
Atmosphere-Surface Exchange Study (CASES); the LSA-NC; and SSAs within the LSA
EAST, for example, River subbasins within the Tennessee River Drainage basin and the
Goodwin Creek watershed (part of the Yazoo River basin) a USDA/ARS experimental
watershed located in north central Mississippi. Organization of the LSA-NC and LSA-East is
Some of the key secondary land data sources will include various types of 30-m
LANDSAT thematic mapper (TM) data products for land cover characterization within the
ISA- and SSA-scale regions, selected county-level digital USDA/Natural Resources
Conservation Service Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) (as available), USGS
digital 60-m DEMs for the ARM/CART, and USGS 30-m DEMs available in a 7.5-minute
quad format for selected locations within the GCIP domain. The land data sets developed for
the Upper Mississippi region by the Scientific Assessment and Strategy Team (SAST)
concerning flood plain management following the 1993 floods potentially represent a
significant contribution to the land surface characterization requirements for the LSA-NC (see
the World Wide Web at the URL address: http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/sast-home.html).
Additionally, the identification and facilitation of the use of appropriate data analysis
tools, such as GISs and digital image processing systems, will be needed to tailor land surface
characteristics from primary data sets and to integrate and analyze disparate data sets of
interest to land process modelers. Both standard and new image processing techniques will
be necessary for analysis of multitemporal land cover characteristics data, frequently available
from satellite remote sensing systems with different spatial resolutions. Moreover, the
application of appropriate geostatistical techniques, such as measures of dispersion or
aggregation of landscape patterns, will be investigated to assist in understanding the spatial
linkages extant between land surface characteristics and the hydrometeorological conditions
within the GCIP study area.
This land surface characterization research strategy will be accomplished through
objectives and associated research activities involving land cover characteristics, soils and
geology, and topographic information. The research activities under each objective are listed
according to priority for accomplishment. To meet the requirements of GCIP's other Principal
Research Areas, the highest priority activities within this land surface characterization plan
was initiated during 1996. Tailoring available multiresolution AVHHR land cover
characteristics data for multiresolution model test and evaluation, preparing preliminary soils
data sets from STATSGO for the Mississippi River basin, and evaluating high resolution land
cover classifications and obtaining Landsat TM images for the ARM/CART and Little
Washita regions are the top priorities for 1996 and early-1997.
Land surface characterization research is a highly interdisciplinary effort. Therefore, an
equally important high-priority task is to develop Federal agency participation and resource
support for beginning and working cooperatively on the accomplishment of these land surface
characteristics research objectives and activities. Some of the potential Federal agency
participants for conducting and supporting this land surface characterization research include
NOAA (NWS and NESDIS), the USGS (National Mapping Division and Water Resources
Division), NASA [Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) and GSFC] and the USDA [ARS,
Natural Resources Conservation Service, and National Agricultural Statistics Service
(NASS)]. In many cases, the results of this interdisciplinary land surface characterization
research will directly benefit agency missions, such as those concerning land data set
development, remote sensing science, operational programs involving atmospheric and
hydrological modeling, natural resource assessment, and agricultural monitoring and
forecasting. Furthermore, activities such as SAST, involving flood disaster management, can
contribute to GCIP both in terms of a supplier of land data and as a key user of GCIP
atmospheric, hydrologic, and water resource products for policy decision making. The efforts
of such Federal agencies would complement contributions made by GCIP's research
community including expertise at universities such as Penn State University, Colorado State
University and Texas A&M University. The coordination of this research with potential
contributions by GEWEX/ISLSCP presents an outstanding opportunity, especially for
biophysical remote sensing algorithm development, operational database development, and
scaling research.
Some of the sources for vegetation/land cover characteristics data include the global one-
degree latitude-longitude modeling data sets recently published on CD-ROM by NASA/GSFC
under GEWEX/ISLSCP Initiative No. 1 and various AVHRR data sets produced by
NOAA/NESDIS and USGS. For example, NASA's ISLSCP CD-ROM includes monthly one-
degree by one-degree calibrated, continental NDVI data (1982 to 1990); enhanced NDVI
fields; Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR) fields derived from
enhanced-NDVI data; LAI and canopy greenness resistance fraction calculated from the
derived FPAR fields; surface albedo and roughness length fields derived from land process
models; and canopy photosynthesis and canopy conductance fields estimated by inverting the
Simple Biosphere (SiB) Model 2 land surface parameterization (LSP) with FPAR as the key
model input. The CD-ROM also includes a one-degree global land cover data set.
Although these ISLSCP Initiative No. 1 CD-ROM data are of direct interest to GCM and
coarse grid cell resolution mesoscale modeling, the remote sensing algorithms and
approaches for inverting an LSP to derive the land cover characteristics will guide efforts to
similar use of higher resolution AVHRR and LANDSAT TM data. NASA/GSFC is currently
planning ISLSCP Initiative No. 2 which would focus on enhanced global land cover
characteristics data sets at a 1/2-degree latitude-longitude grid. The ISLSCP No. 2 data are
planned for release during late 1997.
The NOAA/NESDIS has developed AVHRR global vegetation index (GVI) data sets.
These data sets include weekly satellite image composites consisting of five AVHRR
channels, solar zenith and azimuth angles, and the GVI for 1985 to the present. These data
are calibrated for sensor drift and intersensor variability, and are available in a 1/6-degree
resolution latitude-longitude product. Recently, NOAA/NESDIS produced a five-year
climatology of the GVI data, and is now working to derive vegetation fraction from the GVI.
The NOAA/NESDIS is also working with NASA/GSFC on the AVHRR Global Area
Coverage (GAC) Pathfinder project to develop calibrated 8-km AVHRR data with a period of
record beginning in 1981.
The USGS EROS Data Center (EDC) has developed 1-km AVHRR databases for the
conterminous United States and is now processing global 1-km AVHRR data for land areas.
The databases for the conterminous United States include biweekly AVHRR time-series
image composites on CD-ROM (1990-1995) and a prototype land cover characteristics
database for 1990 on CD-ROM. This 1990 land cover characteristics database is currently
undergoing validation based on field survey data. Ongoing USGS activities also include the
preliminary development of experimental, temporally smoothed 1-km seasonal NDVI
greenness statistics for test and evaluation. These statistics consist of 12 seasonal
characteristics that are associated with each 1-km NDVI seasonal profile for each year during
the period 1989 to 1993, as well as the five-year means throughout the conterminous United
States. Under the auspices of the International Geosphere Biosphere Project (IGBP)-led 1-km
AVHRR global landcover database development activity, the USGS is currently processing
global, 10-day AVHRR image composites for land areas. A proto-type 1-km AVHRR land
cover data for the North American continent was recently made available for test and
evaluation. These land cover data (for example, the BATS, Sib2, IGBP, and other land cover
classification schemes), ten-day global AVHRR data, and a 1-km digital elevation model
(DEM) for North America can be obtained via ftp through the EDC Distributed Active
Archive (DAAC) Homepage (http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/landdaac/).
Several global climate change research modelers, including some GCIP investigators, are
currently testing and evaluating these USGS data sets.
In mid-1998, the Earth Observing System (EOS) AM1 platform is scheduled for launch as
part of NASA's Mission to Planet Earth (MTPE). A wide variety of land cover
characteristics data will be produced from data collected by the MODIS, MISR, ASTER, and
CERES sensors on board the AM1 Platform. These data will be subsequently available for
GCIP research through the EOS Data and Information System. For example, atmospherically-
corrected reflectance and vegetation index data will be potentially available. In addition,
current NASA plans also call for the 1998-launch of Landsat 7, which will be in near-
synchronous orbit with the AM1 package. Land surface research will benefit from concurrent
overlapping Landsat 7 and EOS AM1 products.
Objective: Improve the quantitative understanding of the relationships between land cover
characteristics and the land surface parameterizations and land process components of
atmospheric and hydrological models, and meet the requirements of the GCIP modeling and
research activities for multiresolution land cover characteristics data.
Activities to support this objective in order of priority follow:
a. Definition of the requirements of GCIP modelers for multiresolution land cover
characteristics data, documentation of available data sources, and assessment of the
adequacy of available data for GCIP Principal Research Areas.
As a first priority, the requirements of GCIP's scientific investigators for multiresolution
land cover characteristics data must be determined, specifically, requirements for land
cover classes, agricultural crop and land use categories, and seasonally variable
biophysical properties (i.e., vegetation attributes or characteristics). The potential sources
for land cover and land use data will be identified and documented. This effort includes
published data on vegetation characteristics and biophysical attributes such as those
prescribed for Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (BATS), Simple Biosphere Model
2 (SiB2), Land-Ecosystem-Atmosphere Feedback (LEAF), and other land cover
classification schemes. The adequacy of available data sources for GCIP modeling,
especially in terms of detailed agricultural land use classes and attributes, will be assessed.
Ongoing feedback is needed from GCIP, PILPS, and ISLCSP activities concerning
requirements for land cover characteristics data and the results of model sensitivity
analysis concerning land cover characteristics. (Note: The requirements for
multiresolution land surface characteristics data on land cover, soil, and topography
identified under this and subsequent objectives will be used to prepare a matrix gridding
plan showing regions versus land surface characteristics data requirements.)
b. Tests and evaluation of AVHRR-derived land cover data in GCIP models and assessment
of data accuracy limitations.
Available 1-km and coarser resolution AVHRR-derived land cover data sets (i.e., the
BATS, SiB2, USGS Anderson Level II-modified, Olson, and similar vegetation and land
use classifications) will be tailored for test and evaluation in the land surface
parameterization component of atmospheric GCMs, nested mesoscale meteorological
models, and multiscale watershed hydrological models. The sensitivity of GCIP models to
potential data accuracy limitations will be assessed.
c. Facilitation of the use of GCIP model output and data assimilation products by remote
sensing data centers to improve remote sensing processing techniques, especially
approaches for making atmospheric corrections to satellite reflectance data for atmospheric
water vapor content and aerosol concentrations.
d. Facilitation of the adaptation, development, and use of biophysical remote sensing
algorithms to estimate seasonally variable land cover characteristics data needed to
parameterize, initialize, and validate GCIP's models; validation of the remote sensing
algorithms and tests to evaluate the biophysical data in GCIP's atmospheric and
hydrological models.
This effort is focused on facilitating the use of multitemporal AVHRR channel
reflectance, NDVI greenness, and GVI data to develop and evaluate seasonally variable,
time-dependent biophysical land cover characteristics data that are required by GCIP
investigators for development, initialization, test and evaluation, and validation of their
land process models and parameterizations. For example, NOAA/NESDIS has developed
5-year climatologies of the GVI including derived estimates of vegetation fraction from
the GVI. Another potential data resource is the experimental 1-km resolution vegetation
seasonality characteristics data set now under development by the USGS from biweekly,
1-km AVHRR NDVI greenness temporal profile data (1989-1994). Following the
application of temporal smoothing algorithms, calculated seasonality data for each 1-km
pixel of each year and the five-year averages include the NDVI Julian dates and
associated numerical values for onset, peak, and end of greenness; rates of NDVI change;
duration of greenness season; greenness curve modality; and seasonally integrated total
Some of the biophysical characteristics to be potentially developed and tested from these
types of seasonality data include estimated LAI, ratio of vegetation to bare soil (i.e.,
vegetation fraction), greenleaf fraction, vegetation height, and FPAR. Research on the
interannual variability of satellite vegetation indexes, for example, due to the effects of the
atmospheric water vapor and aerosols or due to year-to-year weather variations or other
factors is a key requirement to ensure the proper use of seasonality data. These
atmospheric corrections are also essential to the use of channel reflectance data to estimate
land surface albedo and other derived parameters. This biophysical remote sensing
research is impeded by the lack of operational algorithms to correct satellite reflectance
data for the effects of atmospheric water vapor and aerosols.
e. Development of high-resolution land cover classifications (i.e., vegetation type and land
use) including preliminary land cover characteristics data sets for the ARM/CART site
and selected SSAs, for example, based on 30-m resolution LANDSAT TM data.
Facilitating the use of relatively inexpensive LANDSAT TM data by Federal agencies and
state university remote sensing centers to develop digital land cover classification maps is
one possible strategy to meet this need. Comparisons with AVHRR-derived land cover
characteristics data are needed.
The DOE ARM program has identified available high-resolution land cover and land use
data sets for the ARM/CART, while the USDA/ARS is presently completing a GIS for the
Little Washita including recent Landsat TM-derived land cover classifications, historical
Landsat MSS products back to 1972, and other land surface characteristics data sets.
f. Exploration of multiresolution relationships among land cover/vegetation, soil, and
topographic characteristics data, as well as relationships with microclimatic and
hydrometeorological data, ranging from the landscape and watershed scales up to the ISA
and LSA regions.
One prime reason for this research is to ensure that the land surface characteristics data
sets on land cover, vegetation attributes, soil properties, and topography are appropriately
and consistently tailored within model grid cells or watershed polygons for model
applications. In addition to model sensitivity studies concerning accuracy issues for
individual data layers, error propagation analysis will also be conducted to assess the net
impact of effectively "overlaying" land cover, soil, and topographic data sets in the model,
where these data are characterized by differing levels of accuracies, precision,
uncertainties, and other data limitations.
g. Conductance of advanced land cover characterization research within SSAs and ISAs to
meet GCIP's requirements for more detailed land cover characteristics data and
Several types of advanced land cover characterization research activities are needed. For
example, a strategy is needed for collecting essential ground-based data and field
observations that will be used in combination with published research results to develop,
adapt, test, and/or validate remote sensing algorithms at the ISA/SSA-scales. In addition
to basic remote sensing algorithms for making atmospheric corrections or other image
processing, applications could also involve remote sensing algorithms for making regional
extrapolations of land surface processes such as seasonal evapotranspiration or net primary
productivity, or the validation of satellite-derived land cover characteristics data such as
LAI. Field-based data sets are also needed to develop land surface parameterizations or to
properly use satellite remote sensing data, such as multitemporal NDVI greenness data, as
part of special studies to investigate how vegetation controls evapotranspiration.
Research on state-of-the-art canopy reflectance modeling is needed, especially as related
to the estimation of canopy characteristics for agricultural crops. Model-based approaches
for estimating key canopy parameters need investigation, for example the inversion of a
land surface parameterization such as was done by NASA/GSFC with SiB2 as part of the
ISLSCP Initiative No. 1 CD-ROM development. Advanced remote sensing research is
also needed to investigate the potential use of other remote sensing data in GCIP, for
example, the use of Airborne Visible Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS), Thermal
Infrared Multispectral Scanner (TIMS), ERS-1, or RADARSAT data.
Research is needed to investigate how the spatial heterogeneity of vegetation (i.e.,
landscape patchiness) affects model parameterization, especially as related to spatial
aggregation of data within model grid cells and polygons, or scaling parameterizations.
This land surface characterization research emphasizes the spatial component within the
landscape, for example, concerning the arrangement, pattern, distribution, and composition
of various land cover types within a region that influence or potentially affect land-
atmosphere interactions and hydrometeorological relationships.
Elements of land characterization research will focus on the use of remote sensing
algorithms and geostatistical analysis tools to investigate the estimation and analysis of
land surface energy fluxes and scaling issues, especially as related to comparisons with
tower flux site, SSA, ISA ARM/CART observations, and GCIP model outputs. Scaling
research issues involve remote sensing, for example, concerning the use of the NDVI or
the simple ratio in canopy conductance modeling based on LANDSAT TM and AVHRR
data inputs. The use of satellite-based remote sensing technology to directly or indirectly
estimate surface energy fluxes is still an open research topic. This land surface
characterization research will also contribute to efforts by GCIP researchers to investigate
how landscape spatial heterogeneity contributes to surface flux distribution and
These aspects of land characterization research will use digital image processing, GIS, and
various geostatistical tools for spatial and temporal analysis. Examples of geostatistical
tools include autocorrelation analysis, kriging, variograms, and potentially other types of
spatial analysis which may be useful in characterizing the impact of landscape pattern,
arrangement, type, and distribution as a forcing function in hydrometeorological processes
within the Mississippi River basin.
h. Organization of an annual joint GCIP/ISLSCP workshop on the development, test and
evaluation, and validation of remote sensing algorithms for land cover characterization and
regional estimation of biophysical processes.
The land-atmosphere interactions modeling community is interested in the movement of
water within the soil, as well as the influence of vegetation in linking soil water with the
atmosphere. Modeling approaches are typically based on the Richards equation which
describes the flow of water through the soil as a function of soil water content and its vertical
gradient. The texture and structure of the soil medium are the primary controls on water
movement. These physical properties determine the hydraulic nature (water-holding capacity
and conductivity) of the soil. Due to the extremely difficult and tedious nature of the
procedures required to measure the water content and hydraulic conductivity of soils, research
since the early 1950s has focused on developing empirical relationships between traditionally
observed soil physical properties and hydraulic characteristics. This work has been referenced
by the land- atmosphere interactions modeling community in an effort to parameterize soil
moisture conditions over the typically large domains encountered in mesoscale modeling.
Unfortunately, the lack of a soil database corresponding to these regional scales has
confounded efforts to improve this portion of the parameterization dilemma. Clearly, the
community of modelers working in this area requires reliable, quantitative information on soil
physical properties and, where feasible, direct observations of the hydraulic nature of the soil
for use in quantification and validation of the empirical approaches used over large areas to
estimate these properties. A range of soil survey products and databases will be required by
GCIP researchers for use in land surface parameterizations.
The USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, through the National
Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS), is developing soil geographic databases at three scales. The
familiar county-level soil survey is being converted to a digital database for use primarily in
local-level planning. This database is SSURGO. At the regional level, the State Soil
Geographic Database (STATSGO) has just been developed for river basin, multistate, state,
and multicounty resource planning. The compiled soil maps were created with the USGS
1:250,000-scale topographic quadrangles as base maps and comply with national map
accuracy guidelines. The third soil map product being created is the National Soil
Geographic Database (NATSGO). This product is being compiled at a scale of 1:7,500,000
and is not yet available.
The STATSGO database provides the most useful resource for characterizing the role of
soil in mesoscale atmospheric and hydrological models. This database was developed by
generalizing soil-survey maps, including published and unpublished detailed soil surveys,
county general soil maps, state general soil maps, state major land resource area maps, and,
where no soil survey information was available, LANDSAT imagery. Map-unit composition
is determined by transects or sampling areas on the detailed soil surveys that are then used to
develop a statistical basis for map-unit characterization. The STATSGO map units
developed in this manner are a combination of associated phases of soil series.
The STATSGO database will be useful for regional-scale analysis; however, GCIP
researchers will require, on a selective basis, SSURGO data for detailed watershed studies and
intense field observation programs. Although this database will not be complete for the entire
United States or even the GCIP study area for many years, selected watersheds within the
Mississippi basin should have this, or similar coverage, within the EOP. The SSURGO and
STATSGO databases are linked through their mutual connection to the NCSS Soil
Interpretation Record (Soil-5) and Map Unit Use File (Soil-6). A further description of soil
characteristics data set derived from the STATSGO data base is given in Section 10.
A geologic map of surficial geology for the upper Mississippi River Basin was developed by
Dr. David Soller of the U.S. Geological Survey in Reston, VA.
Objective: Develop methods for using soil physical property data for GCIP
atmospheric and hydrological modeling.
Activities to support this objective in order of priority follow:
a. Definitions of the requirements of GCIP modelers and scientific investigators for
multiresolution soil physical and derived hydraulic properties data.
Ongoing feedback is needed from GCIP, PILPS, and ISLCSP activities concerning data
requirements for soil properties and the results of model sensitivity analysis to these
b. Use of the STATSGO soils database to develop multiresolution gridded soil physical and
hydraulic properties data for the entire GCIP domain to include soil texture, available
water-holding capacity, vegetation rooting depth, and other soil physical and hydraulic
properties that help to determine the soil thermal and moisture conditions.
These requirements will need to come from the GCIP modeling community. Conceivably
a broad range of models ranging from detailed, distributed parameter, physically based
models to lumped parameter and stochastic models will be used in GCIP activities. Each
may require a unique level of detail of soils information. The modeling and database
development (soil science) communities must consult on the nature of these needs.
c. Facilitated development of SSURGO databases for selected watersheds within the GCIP
domain. This information will be vital for support of intense field observations and
campaigns during the EOP.
d. Tests and evaluations of the STATSGO and SSURGO data in GCIP modeling activities.
e. Improve quantitative understanding of STATSGO and SSURGO data limitations for
developing gridded soil physical and hydraulic properties. Specifically, GCIP researchers
need quantitative estimates of the uncertainties inherent in the aggregation and
disaggregation of soil properties based on sparse soil field measurements and of the
limitations of traditional methods for estimating soil hydraulic characteristics (e.g.,
hydraulic conductivity/matrix potential) from soil physical properties.
This activity also entails research to determine the acceptable minimum resolution for
gridding SSURGO and STATSGO data according to soil property and location within the
GCIP domain. Research is required to investigate various approaches for generating soils
information for models. Sensitivity analyses must be conducted.
f. Explore need for and availability of geologic databases on local and regional scales for
use in defining the impact of ground water on land surface- atmosphere interactions.
The impact of ground water on land surface-atmosphere interactions must be further
explored. Typically, the upper 2 to 4 m or less of soil profile has been the focus of
concern for the parameterizations of these processes. Locally, however, the link to ground
water may be significant. GCIP should support further research on this topic by studies of
selected data as geologic properties, structure, and knowledge of their relationship to
ground water characteristics are known.
The 100-m DEM is generally appropriate for hydrological modeling in large basins (e.g.,
greater than 1,000 km2 in area). However, topographic data for small basins down to
watersheds are needed at two general hydrological scales: hillslope and stream network. The
hillslope scale is the scale at which water moves laterally to the stream network. Available
USGS 60 m DEMs derived from 2-arcsecond contour data are generally available for the
ARM/CART region.
Hillslope flow distances vary and may be as great as 500 m to 1 km. Definition of
hillslope flow paths and the statistics of hillslope characteristics require surface elevation data
at about 30 m spatial resolution. Such data have been digitized by the USGS from 1:24,000
scale map sheets for part, but not all of the Mississippi River basin. Also, stream locations
(but not drainage boundaries) are available in vector form for these map sheets. Because 30-
m resolution data are not available globally nor in some parts of the Mississippi basin,
research is needed to see how well hillslope statistics, that are important to some hydrological
models, can be estimated from topographic properties of lower resolution terrain data.
Research is also needed to determine how important hillslope information is to hydrological
response of the land surface. Because 1:24,000 scale maps are not available globally,
research is needed on how best to use remote sensing techniques as part of a sampling
strategy to develop regionalized hillslope statistics (which may be mapped at an appropriately
large scale).
An important application of topographic information is to define the hydrological
connectivity of basic hydrological computational elements of a model. These elements may
be hydrological subbasins or grid elements. The model domain may be a river basin or a set
of atmospheric model grid elements. In any case, a set of methods is needed to merge
digital terrain, stream location, and existing basin boundary data to establish additional
drainage boundaries relative to key locations in the stream channel network and to establish
the hydrological connectivity of model elements. The research need is not so much to
develop new methods but rather to organize some of the existing methods into a robust and
user-friendly system to satisfy many of the needs for basin boundary locations and for
hydrological connectivity. (The USGS/WRD and NOAA/NWS are developing a project to
address some of these watershed basin and stream network delineation issues, especially
standardization of algorithms and data).
The resolution at which stream network data are needed varies depending on the
application. Digital stream locations data are available for the entire United States at several
resolutions ranging from 1:250,000 to 1:24,000 scale.
Objective: Develop strategies to use available topographic information for
model development and model parameter estimation, and investigate approaches
suitable to obtain required multiresolution topographic data on a global
Activities to support this objective follow:
a. Definitions of overall GCIP modeler and scientific investigator requirements for
multiresolution topographic data including derivative topographic characteristics,
documentation of available data sources, and assessment of data adequacy for GCIP
Principal Research Areas.
b. Organization of existing topographic data analysis tools and algorithms into a user-friendly
software package that will facilitate the generation of basin boundary locations and
hydrological networks from existing topographic data resources, as well as hydrological
modeling research.
c. Facilitation of hydrological modeling research that is focused on determining which
topographic properties, including appropriate horizontal and vertical DEM resolution and
accuracies, are essential for properly modeling the effects of hillslope processes on the
surface water budget and on the timing of hillslope runoff.
d. Determination of the adequacy of available multiresolution topographic data sets to meet
model requirements based on research results in the preceding activity.
e. Investigation of remote sensing technology as part of a sampling strategy to develop
regionalized hillslope statistics that are suitable for global data set development, especially
in other GEWEX project areas.
Streamflow is determined from measurements of stream stage at a stream-gauging station.
Runoff is the spatially distributed supply of water to the stream network which cannot be
measured directly. Both surface and sub-surface components are part of runoff. A delay is
also inherent between runoff initiation and the time when the runoff reaches a stream-gauging
station. This delay varies spatially depending on the distance to the gauge and on how much
runoff is occurring.
This research area is concerned with relationships between runoff as computed by
atmospheric models, which is distributed in space, and streamflow as measured at
streamgauges. This area includes development of globally applicable routing methods to
account for the time lags between occurrence of runoff and occurrence of streamflow. Such
routing methods might be used in a model to translate runoff to streamflow or they may be
used as part of an analysis system to infer runoff from streamflow. Streamflow data are
needed to assist in model development, model parameter estimation, and model testing and
validation. Although methods may already exist for making streamflow data useful for each
of these purposes, additional studies are needed to improve these methods and make them
more useful globally.
Two scales of time delay exist between the initiation of runoff and when the runoff
reaches a downstream gauge. The first is the hillslope or landscape scale when runoff is
moving above and below the surface into the stream channel network; the second is the
stream network scale. Because the hydrological processes that occur at the hillslope scale
influence both the amount and timing of runoff, this research area is also concerned with
estimating both the amount and timing of runoff at the hillslope scale.
Streamflow data and runoff estimates are required both for the development and for the
testing and verification of coupled atmospheric/hydrological models. Testing and verification
may be approached in two complementary ways. First, runoff from the coupled models can
be verified by routing the runoff from a number of grid points (10 or more) to a streamgauge
and comparing the model discharge with the observed discharge on a designated basis. The
gauges used for this purpose must be essentially unaffected by upstream regulation or
diversion. In practice, most of the continental discharge gauges are influenced by regulation
and diversion, and may not be good choices for verification (except perhaps on an annual or
climatological basis). Therefore, a second complementary approach to compensate for these
upstream effects is needed.
Activities to support this objective follow:
The runoff routing problem has two components. The first is to account for the time
delay for water to flow over and through hillslopes and the ground water system to the
stream network and to pass through the upper, highly disperse reaches of the stream
network. This time lag is often accounted for in hydrology using a "unit hydrograph."
Globally transferrable applicable synthetic unit hydrograph approaches or some
mathematically equivalent alternatives must be developed and tested, including nonlinear
The second component of the routing problem is to account for the time that water flows
from upstreamgauges to those downstream or from the runoff generated from the
atmospheric model grid through intervening grids to a streamflow measuring point
downstream in the river network. Although the equations describing the unsteady flow of
water in river channels are well known, further work is needed on methods of estimating
a priori parameter values to apply these equations to specific river reaches globally. This
estimation could include developing and testing various simplified, globally applicable
approaches to the solution of the full unsteady flow equations using geographic
information systems to estimate channel slope and other hydraulic parameters. These
approaches must handle leaky rivers" and account for the natural losses in rivers and
marsh areas.
While routing may not be critical for estimating water budgets over a month this may not
be the case for extremes and routing effects cannot always be ignored.
Activities to support this objective follow:
Gridded monthly runoff data (on a 30-minute grid) are needed to assess the coupled
model validation and diagnostic aspects. The model representation of the surface water
budget depends on both local and large-scale processes. To understand how to improve
the limitations indicated in model variations at specific streamgauges, additional
information on a larger spatial scale is fundamental. For an initial comparison of coupled
model gridded runoff, reconstituted runoff that accounts for diversions and ignores
reservoir operations would be the simplest approach to developing diagnostic contours of
runoff. This approach would enable a more qualitative comparison of the spatial
variability of actual and model runoff and would enable the researcher to look more
clearly at the various parts of the water budget. Distribution functions could be developed
to obtain a better space-time resolution of the water budget components. The emphasis
would be on the distribution, not necessarily the actual numbers. If reservoir storage
effects are significant, they should be taken into account in developing the reconstituted
The grid-mapping approach of river discharge was recently reviewed by Arnell (1995).
Five methods are considered. These methods and other appropriate approaches need to be
evaluated in relation to related activities of agencies in the Mississippi River basin. The
Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) is coordinating the data for a German-funded project,
"Transformation of measured flow data to grid points" as a contribution to World Climate
Programme (WCP)-Water Project B.3. The pilot area under study covers the basins of the
Rhine, Weser, Elbe, Oder, and Weichsel Rivers within Germany, Czechoslovakia, and
Poland. The results of this project and further work with European data by the UK
Institute of Hydrology will assist in planning the best approach for the Mississippi River
Overall Objective: Improve the description and understanding of the radiative fluxes that
drive land-atmosphere interactions and their parameterization in predictive models.
Activities to support this objective follow:
The components of the Earth's radiation budget at the top of the atmosphere planetary
albedo and outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) are routinely derived by NOAA/NESDIS
from the AVHRR on NOAA's polar orbiters and will be part of the derived data products
of GCIP. But polar satellite observations provide only two measurements per day for
each area: one in the daytime and one at night. Clearly, for land/atmosphere interactions
the diurnal variation of radiation is a key factor, and the geostationary satellites can
provide such information.
Algorithms for deriving planetary albedo and insolation from GOES observations of
reflected solar radiation have been developed by several investigators (e.g., Pinker and
Laszlo, 1992). These products are being produced as part of the derived data products
described in Section 10. Further research is needed to accurately retrieve the vertical
profile of shortwave and longwave radiative fluxes.
GOES longwave products [OLR, downward longwave radiation (DLR), and longwave
cooling (LC)] can be derived from GOES sounder data using the techniques developed for
the polar-orbiting sounder data [the high-resolution infrared sounder (HIRS)] (Lee and
Ellingson, 1990; Ellingson et al., 1994a; Ellingson et al., 1994b; Shaffer and Ellingson,
1990). Although the satellite platforms are quite different (geostationary vs. polar
orbiting) with sharply differing altitudes, the structure of the algorithms will be quite
similar. The OLR will be estimated from the sounder channels as the weighted sum of
radiance observations in a number of narrow spectral intervals. Regression equations
relating DLR and LC to cloud-cleared sounder radiances and effective cloud fraction will
be derived. Most of the progress to date in satellite OLR, DLR, and LC have been for
cloud-free conditions. The difficulty in making radiation budget estimates under cloudy
sky conditions is related to problems in determining accurate cloud base altitude from
satellite observations.
The clear sky OLR, DLR, and LC that are obtained from the GOES sounder will be
compared with equivalent values derived from the polar sounder for identical targets and
for times of observation that are reasonably close.
A gridded version of the operational GOES ASOS cloudiness product will be generated
for GCIP. Cloud information will also be available from the polar-orbiting environmental
satellite (POES). The GOES and POES satellite cloud products will provide cloud
information for the GCIP continental-scale area at 0.5° spatial resolution and hourly
(GOES) to twice daily (POES) time resolution. For many studies related to mesoscale
convective systems and their relationships to land surface-atmospheric interactions on
small horizontal scales, higher spatial and temporal cloud information is needed. A high-
resolution cloud algorithm for GOES-8 will be developed. The algorithm will be based
on GOES-8 imager observations and could provide cloud analyses with spatial resolutions
as fine as a 4X4 pixel retrieval box or visible imagery and temporal resolutions of 30
minutes. Funding for the development of satellite radiation budget products for
ARM/CART will be from the NASA EOS project.
This objective meets one of the central goals of GCIP namely, the improvement of global
systems for the observation of the energy cycle by means of intensive studies in well-
instrumented areas. This GCIP activity will:
(2) regionally validate the fluxes from the GEWEX global-scale Surface Radiation
budget (SRB) Project (Whitlock et al., 1995);
(3) foster the development of Satellite and Atmospheric Radiation Budget (SARB)
retrievals in the EOS Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES)
(Wielicki and Barkstrom, 1991) and in the French-Russian Scanner for Earth
Radiation Budget (ScaRab); then validate CERES and ScaRab retrievals of the
SARB;ScaRab was launched in February 1994, and it functioned until March 5,
1995. A preliminary comparison of ScaRab with the ERBE wide field of view
(WFOV) measurements for March 1994 is favorable (T.D. Bess, personal
communication, NASA La RC).
(4) expand the use of ARM, SURFRAD, and BSRN surface-based measurements
to operational satellite systems and to the MODIS (Moderate Resolution
Imaging Spectrometer), MISR, ASTER (Atmosphere Surface Turbulent
Exchange Research facility,CERES, and AIRS (Advanced Infrared Studies)
sensors on EOS.
Version 1 of the CERES/ARM/GEWEX Experiment (CAGEX) contains such a
comprehensive radiative description of the atmosphere in the longwave (LW) and shortwave
(SW). CAGEX (Charlock and Alberta, 1995) Version 1 provides, for 26 days in April 1994,
a space-time grid with:
(b) vertical profiles of radiative fluxes calculated with that data as input; and
(c) validating measurements for broadband radiative fluxes and cloud properties.
One surprising result in CAGEX is the demonstration of a significant discrepeancy
between measured and computed SW fluxes at the surface for clear skies; this has been
confirmed by various ARM researchers in ARESE. In the NASA EOS, CAGEX serves as a
window for community-wide access to preliminary retrievals of fluxes and cloud properties in
the CERES program. CAGEX fluxes are determined with the Fu and Liou (1993) delta-4-
stream radiative transfer code using the Minnis et al. (1993) cloud retrievals. Experiments
with tuned fluxes, in which atmospheric constituents are adjusted to cause computed and
observed fluxes to better match, are underway (Charlock et al., 1994). For limited time
periods, within-the-atmosphere fluxes as measured by Unmanned Aerospace Vehicles (UAV)
will be inserted in the data stream. Subsequent versions of CAGEX will be used to validate
CERES determinations of atmospheric fluxes and similar exercises using ISCCP and ScaRab.
Hence CAGEX will continue well after the launch of CERES on TRMM (August 1997;
possible delay to January 1998) and EOS-AM (1998). The MODIS and CERES teams in
EOS are now drafting plans for a concentrated validation effort over the ARM/CART site in
September 1998.
The dense coverage of measurements over the ARM site are presently supplemented with
the geographically dispersed SURFRAD (Section 10.4). When combined with comprehensive
satellite-based retrievals and radiative transfer calculations, SURFRAD will provide a rigorous
measure of the radiative forcing of climate at selected sites. For example, the present
satellite-based record of the interannual variability (IAV) of snow cover lacks an exacting
validation in terms of radiative flux; this poses a great uncertainty in monitoring a key climate
feedback. There is a corresponding uncertainty in radiative forcing of aerosols; measurements
of aerosols and measurements of fluxes have not been matched with calculations to
satisfactory accuracy. The SURFRAD monitoring sites at Fort Peck, Montana (high seasonal
snow cover and IAV) and Bondville, Illinois (large annual loading of atmospheric sulfur) are
well-suited for diagnosing the impacts of snow and aerosols when combined with calculations
such as CAGEX (above) or with the NOAA retrievals (Section 6.5.1), which are based on
operational satellite data.
The procedures honed in these exercises will be used again with more advanced MODIS,
MISR, ASTER, and CERES sensors after the launch of EOS-AM in 1998. In preparation for
CERES, helicopter measurements of the SW bidirectional reflectance function (BDRF in 4
channels), the LW window directional radiance, and the broadband SW and LW fluxes (i.e.,
Purgold et al., 1994) will be made over the ARM site in 1996. The helicopter measurements
are vital for improving the integration of space-based and surface-based data for two reasons.
First, they are needed to determine the full angular dependence of surface radiation; a given
satellite measurement covers only a single angle. Second, they are needed to determine the
spatial distribution of radiation about the surface radiometer; the surface radiometer covers
only a tiny area. It is hoped that resources will permit helicopter measurements over some
SURFRAD and BSRN sites, too. Another supplement to routine surface measurement is
enhancement with a spatial network of instruments. In conjunction with CERES preparations
during the fall of 1995, NASA Langley deployed of a network of five additional radiometer
sites to supplement CAGEX retrievals of surface fluxes in the ARM Enhanced Shortwave
Experiment (ARESE). The enhanced spatial network will measure fluxes over a large area,
as does a
satellite pixel, permitting a more realistic validation of the satellite results.
The combination of (1) detailed radiative transfer calculations, (2) satellite-based
retrievals, and (3) surface measurements as anticipated in GCIP will permit a significant
advance in the description of atmospheric radiation and associated forcings and feedbacks.
Supplements to the surface measurements are needed, however; only a single helicopter
survey of ARM is definitely planned; deployment of photometers and cloud lidars at more
surface sites is uncertain; the determination of aerosol optical properties is a step forward but
not the answer; and snow sites especially should have a network of radiometers on towers.
A process has been established whereby the University of Maryland accesses the GCIP
insolation products as generated at NESDIS, as well as the input files used at NESDIS to
generate the product. The input files are used to run the model off-line, compare with the
product produced at NESDIS, and to test various options in the model configuration. Of
particular interest are possibilities to optimize the models operation and/or introduce
simplifications. The model output will be validated against ground observations,to include, in
the near future, observations from SURFRAD, BSRN and ARM/CART. Ground with data
for PAR are also needed for validation of this component of the SRB. This process is
essential for achieving the best possible accuracy from satellite products.
In addition to the NOAA GOES-8/9 and POES operationally based retrievals in GCIP, the
NASA CERES is sponsoring a more limited domain program of research retrievals of the
SARB (Charlock et al., 1994). Satellite-based cloud retrievals, meteorological data, and
radiative transfer calculations will be used to retrieve the SARB over the ARM/CART site in
Oklahoma. Computed fluxes and radiances will be compared with ARM-observed surface
and unmanned aerospace vehicles (UAV) fluxes, as well as with other satellite data. Tuning
algorithms will subsequently adjust atmospheric and surface input parameters, bringing the
calculated SARB to closer agreement with observations. Results of the SARB retrievals will
be compared with those of other groups and with data. The aim is to develop accurate
retrievals of the SARB based on satellite data and to foster the development of such retrievals
in the atmospheric sciences community. The first research data set in this
CERES/ARM/GEWEX activity covers the April 1994 IOP. In a 3 x 3 matrix with 0.3°
increments, daylight cloud retrievals every 30 minutes are provided from GOES-7 with the
Minnis et al. (1993) cloud retrievals for cloud albedo, cloud center height, cloud amount,
cloud center temperature, cloud thickness, cloud infrared (IR) emissivity, cloud reflectance,
cloud optical depth, cloud top height, cloud IR optical depth, cloud mean IR temperature, and
cloud top temperature. In a subsequent ARM IOP, Dr. Charles Whitlock plans to employ a
helicopter to measure the spectral bidirectional reflectance of the surface. This measurement
will permit a detailed study of the clear as well as cloudy sky effects of the surface and
aerosols on the profile of radiative fluxes.
The SARB drives the hydrological cycle, the general circulation, and the global climate
change. The SARB computed by GCMs is not regarded to be sufficiently reliable for
accurate climate prediction. The state of numerical weather prediction (NWP) model
simulations of the SARB limits medium-range weather prediction, too. We lack an adequate
observational record of the SARB either in clear or cloudy skies. Cloud feedback is generally
considered vital to climate but remains uncertain. More fundamentally, forcing occurs, as
well as feedback uncertainties because of the radiative effects due to atmospheric aerosols and
the Earth's surface.
An observational SARB record is needed for the validation of GCMs and for diagnostic
investigations of low-frequency variability and secular climate change. The development of
an observational record of the SARB is one objective of the CERES activity (Wielicki and
Barkstrom, 1991) in the EOS and GEWEX. The array of instruments deployed by ARM over
the CART site presents a unique opportunity for developing and validating satellite-based
retrievals of the SARB. The ARM is well suited to observing the profile of atmospheric
water vapor, the vertical and horizontal structure of clouds, and aerosols; these parameters, as
well as the ARM surface and UAV measurements of radiometric fluxes, are critical for
testing satellite-based retrievals of the SARB. Activities to support this objective include:
Activities to support this objective are:
Observational studies of the diurnal forcing of the land-atmosphere system have been
hampered by the lack of good data sets on both clouds and radiation. The derived data
sets on clouds and radiation as described in Section 5 on the continental scale and the
high spatial/temporal clouds to be generated for GCIP LSAs will be used to study the
diurnal variation of clouds and radiation. Such studies are necessary to achieve the GCIP
objective to determine the time-space variability of the hydrological and energy budgets
over a continental scale. The satellite radiation measurements will provide information on
the top-of-the-atmosphere, surface, and atmospheric radiative energy budgets. The
satellite cloud data will provide information on the major modulator of the radiative
energy budgets and will permit analyses of cloud radiative forcing on a wide range of
time scales.
Satellite-observed cloud and radiation fields will be compared with clouds and radiation
predicted by regional models. Satellite-observed clouds, top-of-the-atmosphere radiative
fluxes, and insolation can be used to validate model predictions of these quantities.
Particular attention will be paid to diurnal variations.
Under certain conditions, large horizontal gradients in surface vegetation can cause
mesoscale circulations leading to the development of mesoscale convective cloud systems.
These systems can also arise as a result of large-scale irrigation of crops, which introduces
surface gradients between the irrigated and nonirrigated land areas. Using the satellite
data sets on vegetation index and clouds, GCIP researchers will analyze the impact of
such land surface gradients on the development of mesoscale convective clouds.
One of the aims of GCIP is to improve the treatment of surface and hydrologic processes
in NWP and climate models, but clouds have an important impact on these processes. GCSS
involvement would contribute to the cloud component to GCIP, by way of cloud-resolving
modeling and related activities. In turn, the GCIP data sets would be used to evaluate these
models against observations.
Cloud Resolving Models
Cloud resolving models, identified by their ability to resolve cloud dynamics, are the
approach of choice of the GCSS. These models derive from traditional nonhydrostatic cloud
models but their scope is more ambitious. The effects of convection on the environment and
the interaction among physical processes (boundary layer, surface layer, radiation, and
microphysics) are the pacing issues, rather than individual processes per se. Since the time
scales of some interactions (e.g., cloud--radiation) can be weeks, this is not only demanding
on model design but also requires large computer resources.
When used to study precipitating convection (e.g., Grabowski et al. 1996a, b) or frontal
cloud systems (Dudhia 1994) grid lengths of about 1km can be successfully employed to
calculate bulk effects. Consequently, the domains of cloud resolving models span many NWP
grid volumes. The time scales examined by 2D models is up to several weeks and these
models are poised to address issues on intraseasonal time scales. An example is the effect of
cloud-radiation interactions on the atmospheric and surface energy budgets (Wu et al.
Cloud-resolving models also explicitly resolve convection-mean flow interactions that are
impossible to accurately observe and since cloud-scale dynamics is explicitly simulated, one
key uncertainty is minimized. Data sets from cloud resolving models can be used to evaluate
single-column climate models - the testbeds for convective parameterization schemes. These
data sets are also a key element in formulating new and more comprehensive approaches to
Models need to be evaluated against atmospheric data sets. The GCIP region features
several cloud system types, ranging from deep precipitating convection during the warm
season, to frontal clouds dominated by ice processes in winter. GCIP will provide data sets
for evaluating cloud resolving models, noting the relatively high density of routine
observations over the U.S., not to say the special long-term observations available from the
ARM CART site.
Two different types of evaluation are required. First, an evaluation of the physical
parameterizations used in cloud-resolving models (e.g., microphysics, turbulence, surface
processes and radiation) is needed. However, this requires detailed cloud-scale observations,
as well as intensive observation periods involving airborne platforms. Neither is available
from GCIP.
Second, the effect of clouds on the environment directly relates to convective
parameterizations in GCMs and is, in principle, an area to which GCIP can contribute. It is,
however, far from a simple matter to utilize data collected during the GCIP Enhanced
Seasonal Observing Periods (ESOPs) to evaluate the models.
A basic issue is: what is the minimum observational detail required to evaluate cloud
resolving models? An ultimate answer will involve data assimilation in both regional and
global models to "fill in'' missing or data-void areas. However, present assimilation methods
are neither a panacea nor even practicable on cloud resolving model grids. GCSS will
therefore focus on basic problems such as the ensemble response of clouds (deep and
shallow) to spatially-averaged, time-dependent forcing applied over scales comparable to or
exceeding, climate model grid scales.
The GCSS has a cloud-resolving model intercomparison component. Modeling workshops
have been conducted by the Working Group on Boundary Layer Clouds. Non-precipitating
stratocumulus clouds in idealized environments were examined using Large Eddy Simulation
models (Moeng et al. 1995).
The GCSS Working Group on Precipitating Convective Cloud Systems has an ongoing
model intercomparison based on convection over the tropical western Pacific. The data set
used in the model evaluation is from the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean
Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA COARE). To identify scientific and numerical
issues as well as to minimize the complications and difficulties of modeling precipitating
cloud systems, prototype numerical experiments were conducted (e.g., Grabowski et al.
1995a). This working group intends to move on to continental cloud systems in due course.
The GCIP ESOP in 1996, that focused on the GCIP Large Scale Area-South West (LSA-SW)
during the warm season, is an opportunity to study organized precipitating systems. A
prototype experiment relating to GCIP could start as soon as adequate resources are available
and the ESOP data have been analyzed.
(Note GCSS looks to the GCIP Data Management and Service System to provide data sets in
the desired form).
GCSS/GCIP Projects
The following are candidate projects. Additional projects may arise; for example, noting
that the 1997 GCIP ESOP will concentrate on wintertime processes, a GCSS initiative on
frontal clouds is a possibility (Ron Stewart, private communication).
Comprehensive modeling studies of convection over the tropical oceans have been
performed. Grabowski et al. (1996a) and Xu and Randall (1996) demonstrated, in
simulations of convection during the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment (GATE), that
realistic life cycles and transports could be achieved using two-dimensional cloud
resolving models. This has been extended to three dimensions by Grabowski et al. A 39-
day simulation of TOGA COARE convection (Wu et al. 1996) is equally encouraging.
Since the convective life cycle over land is quite different from that over the ocean, 2D
modeling should be undertaken over the GCIP region (e.g. a domain of ~900km in the
horizontal by ~40km in the vertical) to examine the coupling of convection with the
boundary layer and surface processes--- that is to add a precipitating cloud component to
existing GCIP studies. A key issue will be the treatment in these coarse-grid models of
the atmospheric boundary layer in convectively-disturbed conditions. This could involve
two GCSS Working Groups (Boundary Layer and Precipitating Convective Cloud
Systems). The precipitating convection study could progress to three-dimensional
simulations (e.g. domain of ~400km in the horizontal by ~400km by ~40km in the
Project 2: Quantify uncertainties in NWP models associated with precipitating
convective cloud systems.
An issue to be explored is the large-scale effect of organized cloud systems, which are
ubiquitous over the U.S. Southern Great Plains. These systems are copious (but
intermittent) producers of precipitation over a large-area because of their longevity and
propagation. Consequently, they have a significant hydrologic impact; they affect the
surface fluxes; and they are likely to be responsive to changes in the large-scale
circulation (e.g., through the influence on convection of vertical shear which may change
in response to variability, on various time scales, in the low-level nocturnal jet originating
from the Gulf of Mexico).
These organized systems violate the scale-separation assumption underpinning present
parameterization methods. Organized fluxes are not adequately treated in existing
convective parameterization schemes. For example, it has been shown that large
mesoscale systems in the tropical western Pacific cause uncertainties in a medium-range
NWP model (Moncrieff and Klinker 1996), mainly because the part-resolution causes an
over-prediction of the thermodynamic and momentum tendencies.
Project 3: Quantify the large-scale effects of organized convection
Cloud-resolving models have been successfully employed to determine the transport
properties by organized convection in idealized tropical western Pacific environments
(Wu and Moncrieff 1996). A modeling and analysis study over the continental U.S.,
recognizing the very different role of the boundary layer over continental land masses
from over the ocean, would be a valuable addition to existing knowledge. Interactively-
nested, three-dimensional models (e.g., Clark and Farley 1984), containing
microphysical and surface flux parameterizations would be used to simulate organized
convection over the GCIP/ARM domain.
The CSU Regional Area Modeling System (RAMS) is another interactively-nested
model being used to devise parameterizations of mesoscale convective systems (MCSs).
The mesoscale parameterization is tied to a version of the Arakawa-Schubert convective
parameterization scheme which is modified to employ a prognostic closure. One of the
two MCS case studies being used is from the central U.S. (Alexander and Cotton 1995).
Moncrieff (1992) addressed the poorly-understood issue of convective momentum
transport at basic level by formulating a dynamical model of the mass and momentum
fluxes, and also pointed the way to its parameterization in large-scale models. LeMone
and Moncrieff (1994) evaluated the fluxes predicted from this model against observations.
Liu and Moncrieff (1995) added the effects of shear and buoyancy to the archetypal
model. As far as GCIP is concerned, a possible course of action is to evaluate how well
these dynamical models represent the mass and momentum fluxes by squall line
convection over the Southern Great Plains. This could be a stand-alone project but,
preferably, should be conducted as part of the analysis of cloud-resolving model data
6.1. Precipitation
6.1.1. Space-time Structure of Precipitation Fields
6.1.2. Atmospheric Precipitation Processes
6.1.3. Precipitation Predictability
6.1.4. Data for GCIP Precipitation Research
6.1.5 Snow
6.2 Soil moisture
6.2.1 Soil Moisture Fields
6.2.2 Model Estimates of Soil Moisture
Objective: Assess the role of soil moisture in hydrological models and develop understanding
of the relationship between model soil moisture state variables and observation-based values
of soil moisture, i.e., is the model produced value of soil moisture anything like that what we
can measure?
6.2.3 Local Variability of Soil Moisture
Objective: Use a combination of in situ, remotely sensed measurements, and physically based
models to develop procedures for scaling up of soil moisture from point to hillslope to grid
cell and to characterize the uncertainties associated with the data at all scales.
6.2.4 Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture
Objective: Develop improved remote sensing techniques for areal estimation of soil moisture.
6.3 Land Surface Characteristics
Overall Objective: Improve the quantitative understanding of the relationships between
model parameterizations of land processes and land surface characteristics; and facilitate the
development, test, evaluation, and validation of multiresolution land surface characteristics
data and information required by GCIP researchers for developing, parameterizing,
initializing, and validating atmospheric and hydrological models.
6.3.1 Land Surface Characteristics Research
The strategy for this land surface characterization research is twofold. In the near term,
the primary emphasis is on facilitating the adaptation, tailoring, test and evaluation, and
validation of existing land surface characteristics databases that will meet the immediate
requirements of GCIP's Principal Research Areas. The first priority is to supplement the GCIP
Implementation plan by further documenting the specific multiresolution land surface data
requirements of GCIP researchers, with provisions for updating the land surface
characterization research plan based on regular feedback from GCIP modelers, as well as
research results concerning land process modeling activities of PILPS and ISLSCP. The near-
term strategy also includes adapting and testing promising remote sensing algorithms that are
available in the literature, for example published results from ISLSCP's remote sensing
science activities involving FIFE, Boreal Ecosystem Atmosphere Study (BOREAS), or the
GEWEX/ISLSCP global one-degree latitude-longitude land datasets recently published on
compact disk, read-only memory (CD-ROM). Many GCIP modelers will conduct land
characterization research as an integral part of their efforts to develop land surface process
models and parameterizations. Therefore, facilitating the cross-disciplinary flow and sharing
of land characterization results and information within the GCIP research community are also
key factors in this near-term strategy. GCIP's longer-term strategy for land surface
characterization research will focus on the SSAs and ISAs to develop high-resolution land
data sets; to collect field data that are necessary to develop, adapt, test, and validate
promising remote sensing algorithms for land cover characterization and model
parameterizations; to conduct advanced remote sensing research, for example, canopy
reflectance modeling; and to investigate landscape heterogeneity as related to land process
6.3.2 Land Cover Characteristics
The biophysical remote sensing and land-atmosphere interactions modeling communities
are currently addressing many of the research questions and related data development issues
concerning the potential role of landcover characteristics as determinants of land surface
processes. This research by atmospheric and hydrological modelers is concerned with
understanding and parameterizing the effects of land cover characteristics in their models and
parameterizations (i.e., land cover and vegetation type, land use, the physical and biophysical
properties of vegetation including the temporal dynamics, and more recently the spatial
heterogeneity of the landscape). In many cases, these two communities also share common
interests in developing the experimental remote sensing algorithms that are needed to estimate
or derive various types of land cover characteristics from satellite data over large areas.
Examples range from the use of multitemporal satellite-derived vegetation greenness indexes
for land cover classification and estimating leaf area index (LAI) to more advanced canopy
reflectance modeling for estimating biophysical parameters and processes. Facilitating the
adaptation and use of published research results and biophysical remote sensing algorithms
within GCIP is a key requirement.
6.3.3 Soils and Geology
Information on the nature of soils and geology is needed to support the parameterization
of land surface processes in atmospheric and hydrological models. Soil is an important
coupling mechanism between the land surface and the atmosphere. The pore space between
the various constituent elements of the soil (sand-silt-clay particles, rock fragments, plant
roots, etc.) forms the "reservoir" of water available for meeting the evaporation and
transpiration demands at the land surface-atmosphere interface, in addition to being the
recharge source for ground water. An accurate description of soil and soil-water relationships
is a prerequisite for improving the simulation of water movement in the subsurface and,
ultimately, the water and energy exchange at the land surface-atmosphere interface. Beneath
the soil, the geologic structure and properties control the saturated zone (ground water)
component of the hydrological cycle. A complete portrayal of the hydrological cycle requires
an understanding of the physical and hydraulic properties of both the soil and geology
beneath the land surface.
6.3.4 Topographic Information
Topographic information includes surface elevation data and various derived
characteristics such as aspect, slope, stream networks, and drainage basin boundaries. In
general, the requirements of atmospheric modelers for topographic data (i.e., spatial and
vertical resolution and accuracies) are much less demanding than the requirements for
hydrological modeling. For example, available DEMs for the conterminous United States (0.5
km and approximately 100-m resolution) are generally adequate for most atmospheric
modeling. A 60-m DEM derived by USGS from 2-arc second elevation contours is available
for the entire ARM/CART region and other selected quads.
6.4 Streamflow and Runoff
Overall Objective: To improve the description of the space-time distribution of runoff over
the GCIP study area and to develop mechanisms for incorporation of streamflow
measurements in the validation and updating of coupled land/atmosphere models.
6.4.1 Relationships between Runoff and Streamflow
OBJECTIVE: Develop and apply improved techniques for the determination/estimation of
runoff and streamflow appropriate to the scales of primary interest to GCIP.
6.4.2 Estimation of Runoff from Streamflow and Climate Data
OBJECTIVE: Apply sensitivity analysis to the error budgets in estimating runoff from
streamflow and climate data.
The above activities will be supported by the following specific activities and outputs in
6.5 Clouds And Radiation
Clouds and radiation are important for several GCIP studies. Cloud formation, in which
water vapor condenses into water or ice phase droplets, is an important part of the
hydrological cycle. Furthermore, clouds are the major modulator of the Earth's radiation
budget. Radiative fluxes at the surface, in the atmosphere, and at the top of the atmosphere
are critical factors in the land-atmosphere energy budget. The solar radiation that reaches the
surface drives the diurnal and annual cycles of land-atmosphere interactions. Radiation
absorbed in the atmosphere is also important for the diurnal cycle of some cloud systems
(e.g., stratocumulus) and is always important for the annual cycle. Radiative forcings due to
changes in aerosol and land use (surface albedo) have not been accurately quantified to date
by the IRC. Satellite data, ground based measurements, and models will be integrated over
the ARM/CART site to determine such forcings in GCIP.
6.5.1 Satellite Product Development
Objective: Produce satellite products to define spatial and temporal variability of clouds and
radiation over the Mississippi basin.
6.5.2 Validation of Satellite Algorithms to Retrieve the Surface and Atmospheric
Radiation Budget
OBJECTIVE: Assess satellite retrieval algorithms and select a preferred algorithm for
retrieving GCIP surface and atmospheric radiation budgets.
(1) validate the NOAA operationally-based retrievals of radiation and cloud
parameters, especially the new product list from the GOES I spacecraft series
(described in previous Section 1).
Recent advances in fast radiative transfer techniques (i.e., Fu and Liou, 1993), in satellite
remote sensing, and in the deployment of surface instruments in the GCIP region permit the
development of a more accurate and comprehensive description of the radiative fluxes in the
atmospheric column. Previous efforts to obtain radiative fluxes by remote sensing have
concentrated on the surface (SRB) and the top of the atmosphere (TOA). The full vertical
profile of broadband fluxes, as well as the narrowband radiances observed by the satellites,
can now readily be computed and compared with measurements at a number of sites. A
more internally consistent description of atmospheric radiation is thereby produced. The
resulting surface fluxes can be used to validate the operational retrievals described in the
previous Section 1. They also serve to test the satellite-based retrievals of clouds, which are
used for the calculations. The within-the-atmosphere flux profiles (SARB) can be used to test
the fluxes produced by mesoscale and general circulation models. The SARB is the basic
driver of the hydrological cycle, the general circulation, and global change.
(a) satellite-based cloud properties, aerosol, and atmospheric sounding data that are
sufficient for broadband radiative transfer calculations;
CAGEX is available by anonymous FTP (http://info.arm.gov/docs/data/CAGEX.html,
with instructions). Version 0 was issued in February 1995 at NASA Langley, where it was
used to test the Gupta LW algorithm for the next phase of the GEWEX SRB Project.
CAGEX is used to test radiation codes at GKSS (Germany), McGill University (Canada),
ECMWF, and other institutions. Version 1 also has SW fluxes and aerosol data. An
expanded CAGEX run will span approximately one half of the GCIP region for six
continuous months in 1996; this will be used to test Land Data Assimilation Systems (LDAS)
and the within-the-atmosphere fluxes in the Eta model (Section 5.2).
6.5.3 Validation and Improvement of Operational GOES Shortwave Radiation
Budget Products
The operational production of downwelling and upwelling shortwave (SW) and
photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) for GCIP is done using the University of Maryland
algorithm (Pinker and Laszlo, 1992), as modified for the GOES 8/9 imager. The model also
allows estimation of top of the atmosphere shortwave radiative fluxes. The procedure uses
clear sky and cloudy top of the atmosphere calibrated radiances in the visible band, the cloud
fraction in the target, and information on the state of the atmosphere, as available in real-time
from the Eta model, as input to the algorithm. Snow information is also appended, as
available from the Eta model data base. Cloud detection is done with a two threshold method,
from visible data only. The new GOES 8/9 procedures, namely, the algorithm, the cloud
detection methods, the atmospheric input parameters, and changes in calibration, need to be
evaluated. The need for incorporation of seasonal/monthly surface type models in the
shortwave algorithm has also to be evaluated.
6.5.4 Analyses of Clouds and Radiation
OBJECTIVE: Assess model estimates of clouds and radiation and develop improved
parameterizations of clouds and radiation processes.
6.5.5 Research relating to the GEWEX Cloud Systems Study
The goal of the GEWEX Cloud Systems Study (GCSS) is to improve the parameterization
of cloud systems in climate and NWP models. This objective will be achieved through a
better quantitative knowledge of the physical processes involved in cloud systems as well as a
quantification of their large-scale effects (GCSS 1994). Key issues are described in Browning
(1994). The investigation of continental cloud systems is part of the long-term objectives of
the GCSS Working Group on Precipitating Convective Cloud Systems (Moncrieff et al.
Project 1: Investigate the coupling of surface and boundary layer processes with
convection under the influence of evolving large-scale forcing.