3rd DYNAMO Workshop
Issues to be Discussed |
8:00 am Registration and Coffee
8:30 am Welcome and logistics remarks (Lien/Medina)
8:45 am DYNAMO/CINDY2011 update (Zhang/Katsumata)
9:30 am Site (Gan and Diego Garcia) assessment update (Moore)
10:00 am ONR DRI (Harper)
10:15 am Break
10:45 am Summary of LOIs
soundings (Johnson/Ciesielski):
radars (Houze/Medina/Schumacher/Rutledge)
AMF2 (Schumacher/Long)
air-sea interaction:
ocean (Moum/McPhaden/Lien)
aerosol (Bates)
water isotopes (Noone/Galewsky)
other observations (Zhang/open)
atmospheric and coupled modeling (Maloney)
ocean modeling (Shinoda)
1:30 pm Discussion: gaps, redundancy, new LOIs, issues 1 and 5
(1) Water vapor measurement:
(5) Modification of the experimental design in the event of
4:00 pm Breakout discussion I: Intra-group coordination
- Radar (issue 4)
(4) Synergy among radars in terms of operations and data analysis
(deployment, scanning strategies for all radars; coordination of radars
at the supersite; linkage between Gan and ship radars, synthesis of all
radar data to be used by non-radar PIs)- See (3ia)
Ship schedules (location and time for TOGA radar installation and test, port calls for mooring loading/unloading, and staff swap)
(13) Adequacy of oceanic measurement for upper-ocean heat budget estimate (horizontal advection)
(6) Aircraft issues (base selection, flight pattern coordination between air-sea and convection missions, instrumentations, real time forecast support, etc.)
(3) Strengthening the modeling-observation connection:
5:30 pm Plenary session: Brief report from breakout discussion I: Issues that need to be addressed
6:15 pm Adjourn
8:00 am Coffee
8:30 am Update of Aircraft request (McFadden/Fairall/Wang/Khelif/Jorgensen/Chen)
9:00 am Plenary discussion:
Operations Support and Data Management
(7) Support needs from a Project Office (functions, staff support)
(8) The need and location of an Operations Center
(9) Real time data (from the field observations, satellites, and operational centers) availability, display, and archive
- forecast from NCEP (Vintzileos)
- potential support from ECMWF (Zhang)
(10) Supporting documents (operations plan and data management plan)
(11) In-field Communication among site scientists, PIs, and the Ops Center
10:30 am Break
11:00 am Plenary discussion (continue)
12:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Breakout discussion II: Inter-group coordination
- Radar - modeling (issue 3ia)
- air-sea flux/ocean - modeling (issues 3ia and c)
- aircraft-radar (airborne and ground radar coordination, air-sea/radar flight coordination)
3:30 pm Break
4:00 pm Plenary discussion: Report of breakout discussion II - Progress and remaining issues
5:30 Adjourn
8:00 am Coffee
8:30 am Updated full project timeline (including proposal submission,
facility requests and deployment, meetings for operations and data management,
etc.), remaining issues
(15) Students helpers, their travel and pre-field training arrangement
10:30 am Break
11:00 am Summary, action items.
12:30 pm End
2:00 pm Discussion on NCAR facility requests (only for those whose NSF proposals will include NCAR facilities)