Hilton Washington D.C./Silver Spring |
4-5 May 2006 |
Click on the presentation author for the slide show. |
Thursday, 4 May 2006 |
08:30 |
Introduction to AMMA International Research and Field Programme and rationale for the workshop |
Chris Thorncroft |
09:10 |
I. Water Cycle (Chair: Paul Houser) |
Introduction to key issues and International WG2 (30)
| Jean-Luc Redelsperger/Amadou Gaye |
Radars and lightning observations in Africa (30) |
Earle Williams and Manos Anagnostou |
The global water cycle and Sahel droughts (20) |
Aiguo Dai |
10:30 |
Coffee |
10:50 |
I. Water Cycle (continued) |
Column dataset analyses from observations and models (20) |
Brian Mapes |
Downscaling of seasonal precipitation and climate variability (20) |
Sylwia Trzaska |
Scenario modeling of drought conditions and the effect on surface runoff in Wankama watershed in Niger (20) |
Baxter Vieux |
Discussion |
12:10 |
Lunch |
01:40 |
II. Radiation-aerosol issues (Chair Pete Lamb) |
The ARM mobile facility and related science issues (20) |
Mark Miller |
Aerosol-water cycle interaction; a new challenge for monsoon system research (30) |
Bill Lau |
Radiative heating rate profiles in the tropics (30) |
Sally McFarlane |
AMF In-situ aerosol from Niger: Preliminary data from the first three months (30) |
Anne Jefferson |
CLASIC and COPS: Land-Surface Field Experiments in 2007 |
Mark Miller |
Observations of from a major dust outbreak in West Africa (15) |
Gary Robinson |
04:00 |
Coffee |
04:20 |
III. AMMA-downstream (Chair Greg Jenkins) |
Overview of science issues and NASA-AMMA (20) |
Greg Jenkins |
Tropical cyclogenesis and the role of the SAL (20) |
Jason Dunion |
The application of ship-based radar datasets to AMMA objectives (20) |
Zuidema (pdf) |
NASA modeling project (20) |
Bill Lapenta |
07:15 |
IV. Climate Variability and Change (Chairs: Alesandra Giannini/Bob Molinari) |
A global climate system perspective on African climate variability and change (20) |
Alesandra Giannini |
Sahel forcing of multidecadal variability of vertical shear and tropical cyclones in the Atlantic (20) |
Anantha Aiyyer |
West African Monsoon Modeling Evaluation project (20) |
Yongkang Xue and Bill Lau |
Long-term observations to study the WAM and climate with emphasis on ocean-atmosphere interactions (20) |
Bob Molinari |
Discussion |
Friday, 5 May 2006 |
08:30 |
V. Land surface feedbacks (Chair Eric Wood) |
Introduction to international WG3 (20) |
Jan Polcher (pdf) |
Observational and diagnostic studies for AMMA (30) |
Alan Betts (pdf) |
LDAS systems for AMMA (20) |
Aaron Boone and Christa Peters-Lidard |
Regional and global teleconnections generated by land-cover change in African tropical regions (20) |
Roni Avissar |
Soil moisture feedbacks on rainfall generation in the AMMA region (20) |
Randy Koster |
West African Monsoons: Regional feedbacks and Local Impacts (30) |
Fatih Eltahir |
10:50 |
Role of NCEP in AMMA (20) |
Jim Laver |
11:10 |
Breakout Groups |
The following two presentations were made during the water cycle breakout |
AMMA-Africa in WG2: Water Cycle |
Amadou Gaye |
Representing convective organization in prediction models by a hybrid strategy |
Mitch Moncrieff |
02:00 |
Data Policy |
Jan Polcher |
Data and datacenters |
Steve Williams |
02:30 |
Conclusion of breakout groups and recommendations |
02:30 |
I. Water Cycle |
Paul Houser |
02:50 |
II. Radiation/aerosol issues |
Mark Miller/Pete Lamb |
03:10 |
III. Land surface atmosphere feedbacks |
Eric Wood |
03:30 |
IV. AMMA downstream |
Greg Jenkins |
03:50 |
V. Climate variability and change |
Alesandra Giannini/Bob Molinari |
04:10 |
GEWEX presentation |
Rick Lawford |
04:30 |
Inputs from US funding managers |
Final Comments |
Chris Thorncroft |