PROJECT = ATOM2, FLIGHT = TF01, FILE = 170111b
PROCESSED Sat Feb 6 02:59:30 MST 2021

All Periods Data
Calibration Data
Calibration Parameters
Assigned Cylinder Values
~ 0.5 Hz Measured Data File
1 Hz 10-sec Median Data File - plain text format
1 Hz Interpolated Data File - ICARTT format
1 Hz Interpolated Data File - ICARTT format - O2 adjusted / CO2 screened (from medcomp.r)


Using data from 0 to 367 (Day of Year and Day Fraction)
Using data from 00:00:00 to 00:00:00 (HH:MM:SS)
Calibration gases:
HS: OK30771, CO2 (GMD) = 391.1, O2 (SIO) = -445.9
LS: OK30764, CO2 (GMD) = 403.86, O2 (SIO) = -706.1
LT: OK30772, CO2 (GMD) = 393.23, O2 (SIO) = -582.1
WT: OK30769, CO2 (GMD) = 398.15, O2 (SIO) = -764
LP: OK30770, CO2 (GMD) = 398.11, O2 (SIO) = -782

Raw Data and Diagnostics Figures

High Rate Data
Medium Rate Data 1
Medium Rate Data 2
Medium Rate Data 3
Medium Rate Data 4
Medium Rate Data 5

Recalculated Data Figures

PdO2 and PdRef Corrections
All Flight HR Jog Shape
HR Jog Shapes by NGAS
HR Jog Shapes by NGAS 2
HR PdO2 Jog Shapes by NGAS
HR Jog Shapes by Individual NGAS
HR Jog Shapes by Individual NGAS
HR Jog Shapes by Individual NGAS
Jog Shape Trends

Data Filtering Figures

Jog SD Filter
Spikes and Level Shifts
Li840 Cabin Pressure Senisitivity
O2 PCab, H2O, PaO2 Senisitivity
SP-WT Slope Diff
SP and WT Slopes
Total Slope and Jog Time
LiH2O and PdO2

Calibration Figures

Calibration Data 1
Calibration Data 2
Calibration Data 3
Calibration Data 4
Calibrations vs Cylinder Temps
Calibrations vs Cylinder Flows and PAs
Calibration Interval Shapes - O2
Calibration Interval Shapes - SP-WT Slope Diff
Calibration Interval - O2 vs. SP-WT Slope Diff
Calibration Interval Shapes - CO2
Calibration Interval SDs
Calibration Interval Slopes
CO2 Fit Parameters
O2 Fit Parameters
Calibration Data 5
CO2 Fits 1
O2 Fits 1

Aircraft Data Figures

Aircraft Data 1
Aircraft Data 2
Aircraft Data 3
Aircraft Data 4
Aircraft Data 5
Aircraft Data 6

Inlet Pressures

Aircraft Data 7

Subinterval Figures

Subinterval flight
Using data from 11.95574 to 12.12184 (Day of Year and Day Fraction)
Using data from 22:56:15 to 02:55:27 (HH:MM:SS)
Aircraft Data 1
O2 vs. CO2

Subinterval a
Using data from 12.03924 to 12.12184 (Day of Year and Day Fraction)
Using data from 00:56:29 to 02:55:27 (HH:MM:SS)
Aircraft Data 1
O2 vs. CO2

Subinterval b
Using data from 12.03924 to 12.075 (Day of Year and Day Fraction)
Using data from 00:56:29 to 01:47:59 (HH:MM:SS)
Aircraft Data 1
O2 vs. CO2

Subinterval c
Using data from 12.075 to 12.102 (Day of Year and Day Fraction)
Using data from 01:47:59 to 02:26:52 (HH:MM:SS)
Aircraft Data 1
O2 vs. CO2

Subinterval d
Using data from 12.102 to 12.12184 (Day of Year and Day Fraction)
Using data from 02:26:52 to 02:55:27 (HH:MM:SS)
Aircraft Data 1
O2 vs. CO2

Subinterval MMS
Using data from 12.0185 to 12.0243 (Day of Year and Day Fraction)
Using data from 00:26:38 to 00:34:59 (HH:MM:SS)
Aircraft Data 1