TREX: Logbook Entries

TREX: Site all Messages, 77 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
266 Mon 01-May-2006Final status and tear down duties in briefallpoulos
264 Sun 30-Apr-2006Lent gravimetric/TRIME to Berkeley/Stanford de-install teamallpoulos
263 Sun 30-Apr-2006Daily statusallpoulos
261 Sat 29-Apr-2006Trime Measurements, etc.allgolubieski
257 Sat 29-Apr-2006Daily statusallpoulos
254 Fri 28-Apr-2006Daily statusallpoulos
253 Thu 27-Apr-2006Krypton cleanings - South, Central, Westallpoulos
251 Thu 27-Apr-2006ISFF T-REX daily status 27 Apr 2006allpoulos
250 Wed 26-Apr-2006Redundant copies for exthd7, 8, 9, 10allpoulos
249 Wed 26-Apr-2006Radiation Sensor Cleaningallagee
248 Wed 26-Apr-2006Soil Sensor Photosallagee
244 Wed 26-Apr-2006Daily statusallpoulos
241 Tue 25-Apr-2006Daily status 26 Apr 2006allpoulos
233 Mon 24-Apr-2006Daily statusallmilitzer
231 Sun 23-Apr-2006Rebooted TPOP, Slight adjust of EantJ on centralallmilitzer
229 Sun 23-Apr-2006Daily statusallpoulos
220 Fri 21-Apr-2006Daily statusallpoulos
215 Thu 20-Apr-2006Daily statusallmilitzer
211 Wed 19-Apr-2006Daily statusallpoulos
203 Tue 18-Apr-2006Daily statusallpoulos
202 Mon 17-Apr-2006Daily statusallmilitzer
200 Sun 16-Apr-2006Daily statusallpoulos
192 Sat 15-Apr-2006Daily statusallmilitzer
187 Fri 14-Apr-2006Daily statusallmilitzer
179 Thu 13-Apr-2006Daily statusallmilitzer
175 Wed 12-Apr-2006Daily statusallmilitzer
172 Tue 11-Apr-2006Daily statusallmilitzer
170 Mon 10-Apr-2006restarted data systemsallmaclean
169 Mon 10-Apr-2006Daily statusallmilitzer
167 Sun 09-Apr-2006guy wire tensionsallmilitzer
162 Sun 09-Apr-2006Daily statusallmilitzer
153 Thu 06-Apr-2006Daily statusallhorst
148 Tue 04-Apr-2006Daily statusallhorst
140 Mon 03-Apr-2006Daily statusallhorst
139 Sun 02-Apr-2006Daily statusallhorst
130 Fri 31-Mar-2006Daily statusallhorst
129 Thu 30-Mar-2006Krypton cals & locationallsemmer
128 Thu 30-Mar-2006gravimetric soil moistureallhorst
125 Thu 30-Mar-2006Daily statusallhorst
122 Wed 29-Mar-2006guy wire tensionsallhorst
120 Wed 29-Mar-2006Daily statusallhorst
116 Tue 28-Mar-2006Daily statusallhorst
111 Mon 27-Mar-2006Daily statusallhorst
109 Sun 26-Mar-2006Daily statusallhorst
104 Sat 25-Mar-2006Daily statusallhorst
100 Fri 24-Mar-2006Daily statusallhorst
95 Thu 23-Mar-2006Daily statusallhorst
89 Wed 22-Mar-2006Cleaning KH2O windowsallhorst
88 Wed 22-Mar-2006Daily statusallhorst
85 Tue 21-Mar-2006Daily statusallhorst
81 Mon 20-Mar-2006KH2O serializer dataallhorst
80 Mon 20-Mar-2006Daily statusallhorst
76 Sun 19-Mar-2006Daily statusallhorst
72 Sat 18-Mar-2006Daily statusallhorst
65 Fri 17-Mar-2006Daily statusallhorst
61 Thu 16-Mar-2006one-time tasksalloncley
60 Thu 16-Mar-2006gravimetric soil measurementsalloncley
58 Thu 16-Mar-2006Daily statusallhorst
46 Mon 13-Mar-2006Daily statusalloncley
41 Sat 11-Mar-2006Daily statusalloncley
37 Fri 10-Mar-2006Daily statusalloncley
34 Thu 09-Mar-2006Daily statusalloncley
33 Thu 09-Mar-2006Daily statusalloncley
30 Tue 07-Mar-2006Daily statusalloncley
24 Sun 05-Mar-2006sonic S/Nalloncley
23 Sun 05-Mar-2006site visitsalloncley
22 Sun 05-Mar-2006Proceduresalloncley
21 Sat 04-Mar-2006Sonic Updateallagee
20 Wed 01-Mar-2006Daily statusalloncley
13 Tue 28-Feb-2006Daily statusalloncley
12 Tue 28-Feb-2006guy wire tensionsallagee
11 Tue 28-Feb-2006network stuff alloncley
9 Mon 27-Feb-2006Old status messagesalloncley
8 Mon 27-Feb-2006Network configuationalloncley
5 Mon 27-Feb-2006soilsalloncley
4 Mon 27-Feb-2006Daily statusalloncley
2 Thu 23-Feb-2006Phone numbersallmaclean

266: daily status, Site all, Mon 01-May-2006 08:54:34 PDT, Final status and tear down duties in brief
ISFF T-REX Daily Status 1 May 2006

All systems and sensors are operating normally. 

Teardown begins today with South, West and then Central.

A singly redundant copy of isff... data has been copied to exthd9 and of the final hotfilm run to exthd7 through the end of the UTC day 30 Apr 2006 (the end of T-REX). Discs are quite full but I anticipate sufficient space. The final copies will be made as the pocketecs are gathered today.

I will bring home one copy, and the pocketecs on Friday 5 May 2006.

The Stanford/Berkeley group continues to extract soil moisture/temperature sensors and utilize the ISFF oven/TRIME/scales as the trailer fills. Poulos will finish their gravimetric scales from his hotel room so that they can return for finals, starting Tuesday.
264: soil, Site all, Sun 30-Apr-2006 11:51:24 PDT, Lent gravimetric/TRIME to Berkeley/Stanford de-install team
This morning we lent the TRIME and gravimetric sampling system to the students soil moisture tear-down team. This team consists of Rica, Megan Bela (applied to NCAR summer intern program), Megan D., Bob Street and Frank Ludwig. Brad Agee joined one of their teams of 3 persons. They plan to de-install those soil moisture sites that during a previous visit have shown to give invalid values. Later, after the EOP ends, they will begin uninstalling working sensors. The remainder will be gathered tomorrow.

They will be utilizing the ISFF oven for the gravimetric samples. In addition, equipment borrowed from Inyo County Water Department by that team will be used, along with larger Inyo County ovens.

The Stanford/Berkeley team has become quite good at utilizing the equipment and was thankful for the help of ISFF throughout.
263: daily status, Site all, Sun 30-Apr-2006 10:36:56 PDT, Daily status
ISFF T-REX Daily status - 30 Apr 2006
Poulos, Knudson, Golubieski, Agee on-site

All sensors and systems are operating normally. T-REX EOP-5 will complete at 1300 LT today and T-REX itself formally ends at 00UTC 1 May.

The OTIHS run is ongoing with the ASU lidar staring at the 3m system for lidar/hot-film/sonic dissipation estimate intercomparisons.
261: soil, Site all, Sat 29-Apr-2006 17:08:36 PDT, Trime Measurements, etc.
Took TRIME readings and soil samples at all tower locations.

Central:  1329-1345 local time at site.
0-3cm sample
Total Wt.= 128.1g - container wt. 53.5g
Net Wt. = 82.4g w/o container/rocks/roots
container/tare/wet wt/dry wt(without tare)
e1 1.4,25.1,22.5
e2 1.6,25.0,22.7
e3 1.5,23.2,21.8

3-6cm sample
Total Wt= 136.1g - container wt 26.8g
Net Wt = 108.6g w/o container/rocks/roots
container/tare/wet wt/dry wt(without tare)
d1 1.3,35.9,30.2
d2 1.5,38.5,32.2
d3 1.5,34.7,21.8

Sample #,Moisture%,TDR

South: 1445 - 1507 local time at site
0-3cm sample
Total Wt = 171.5g - Container wt 54.2g
Net Wt = 117.2g w/o container/rocks/roots
container/tare/wet wt/dry wt(without tare)
c1 1.5,35.4,36.9
c2 1.4,36.2,37.6
c3 1.5,40.2,41.5

3-6cm sample
Total Wt. = 118.6g - Container Wt 26.8g
Net Wt = 85.8g w/o container/roots/rocks
container/tare/wet wt/dry wt(without tare)
b1 1.6,28.5,29.8
b2 1.3,28.4,29.7
b3 1.5,27.7,29.0

Sample #,Moisture %,TDR

WEST:  1531 - 1545 Time on site
0-3cm sample
Total Wt = 173.7g - container wt 48.4g
Net Wt. = 108.4g w/o container/rocks/roots
container/tare/wet wt/dry wt(without tare)
a1 1.5,36.9,38.4
a2 1.4,35.0,36.5
a3 1.4,36.1,37.6

3-6cm sample
Total Wt. = 103.3g - Container Wt 29.3g
Net Wt. = 73.9g w/o container/rocks/roots
container/tare/wet wt/dry wt(without tare)
f1 1.5,25.7,26.8
f2 1.5,24.7,25.9
f3 1.5,24.3,24.1

sample #, moisture %, TDR

In oven at 1630 local time

257: daily status, Site all, Sat 29-Apr-2006 15:16:56 PDT, Daily status
ISFF T-REX Daily status 29 Apr 2006
Poulos, Golubieski on-site

All sensors, systems and data plotting routines are functioning well today. The OTIHS run continues today (> 25 hours). EOP-4 has concluded at this time and EOP-5 begins shortly and will run until 1pm 30 April.

Today we'll be taking final gravimetric/TRIME measurements at each tower today.

It appears, after further investigation, that the soil temperature deviation at Central versus West/South (Delta T ~ 10C) may yet be realistic. The soil moisture levels, perhaps due to local groundwater conditions or soil type differences (alkali vs. sand/mixed) seem to be combining to create these differences during daytime. Interestingly, the soil temperature at all three sites converges overnight - implying that the calibration coefficients that have been checked at least once earlier in the experiment, are correct.
254: daily status, Site all, Fri 28-Apr-2006 15:58:32 PDT, Daily status
ISFF T-REX Apr Daily Status
Poulos, Golubieski on site

All sensors and systems are operating well.  OTIHS run began at ~1230 LT and expected to continue until data system is longer running.
EOP4 began today at 1600 LT and will continue to 1300 4/29.  EOP5 will run 1600 LT through 1300 4/30.

253: krypton, Site all, Thu 27-Apr-2006 18:50:37 PDT, Krypton cleanings - South, Central, West
The krypton hygrometers were cleaned as follows:

Central, 5m (Agee) - 1600-1607
Central, 30m - not cleaned due to high winds

South, 5m and 30 m (Poulos) - 1645-1705

West, 5m and 30 m (Poulos) - 1745-1800

The cleanings seem to have had a significant effect at the south and west tower kryptons(noted as sudden increases in kh2oV).
251: daily status, Site all, Thu 27-Apr-2006 09:22:01 PDT, ISFF T-REX daily status 27 Apr 2006
ISFF T-REX Daily status 27 Apr 2006

Poulos, Agee on site

All sensors except the 30m T/RH at the west tower are operating normally. Data systems and online data plots are operating well.

IOP-15 ended at 12UTC today.

Krypton voltages appear to be getting low at 30 m for South and West, and at 5 m at Central.

250: data-system, Site all, Wed 26-Apr-2006 16:53:43 PDT, Redundant copies for exthd7, 8, 9, 10
All hard-drives exthd7, 8, 9, 10 have been check_dirs and updated (through the 25 Apr hot-film run and the latest pocketec downloads from each tower).
249: radiation, Site all, Wed 26-Apr-2006 15:11:20 PDT, Radiation Sensor Cleaning
All of the radiation sensors were cleaned today.  South was cleaned at 12:25PST, West at 2:25PST, and Central at 2:43, 2:44, and 2:45 from south to north, respectively.  The net rad (1m) at central was particularly dirty to the point that it was difficult to see through the dome.  Unable to clean the 10m due to being at the site alone.  

248: soil, Site all, Wed 26-Apr-2006 15:09:50 PDT, Soil Sensor Photos
Today I took pictures of the soil sensors at each site.  There are 3 photos for each site, one each from the SW, N, and SE, respectively.
244: daily status, Site all, Wed 26-Apr-2006 11:35:04 PDT, Daily status
T-REX ISFF Daily Status 26 Apr 2006

Poulos, Agee on site

All sensors are operating normally at this time.

In the past 24 hours we have 1) executed a series of wireless tests to fix a flaky wireless link to the Central, and 2) experienced a hardware failure of the Aster docking station (at approximately 2300 local, last night). Item #1 resulted in the loss of ~ 1.5 hours of Central data (all) and an additional 4.5 hours of 5m and 15m sonic data at Central mid-day 25 Apr. Item #2 resulted in a large gap in the online data plots until the Aster system could be restarted with a partial power (65W) cord from Poulos' much smaller laptop. Golubieski will be bringing a full 90W AC/DC power cord from Boulder tomorrow and we will return to near full capability.

Agee has been given responsibility for the following field duties today:
1) Triply redundant TRIME and gravimetric measurements at the South tower
2) Pictures of the soil sensor installation area at South, West and Central
3) Checking the H_2 level at Central
4) Checking spotting of the radiation sensors at South, West and Central (excluding the tall rad sensor) from recent rains and cleaning as needed
5) Obtaining replacement batteries for the GPS and a few extras for a supply in the Base.

241: daily status, Site all, Tue 25-Apr-2006 10:27:14 PDT, Daily status 26 Apr 2006
All sensors are operating at this time. 

The wireless to Central continues to perform poorly at intervals. We are switching it to the high-gain antenna in an attempt to improve performance further.

It appears that South and West soil temperature may be miscalculated (their values are in a reasonable range but are behaving non-physcially. The coefficients will be checked.
233: daily status, Site all, Mon 24-Apr-2006 08:20:05 PDT, Daily status
Daily status 4/23/2006

Poulos, Militzer

All installed sensors are operating normally.
The aerosol sensor at west had its laser go and was returned to the factory.

All data systems are operating.
Wireless outages with Central have improved greatly overnight with (multiple choice)
a) lack of rain
b) slight readjustment of eantj's pointing angle.
c) reboot of tpop
d) coincidence
e) all of the above

231: wireless-network, Site all, Sun 23-Apr-2006 19:08:04 PDT, Rebooted TPOP, Slight adjust of EantJ on central
~17:45 Rebooted TPOP.  Reestablished link with central-eantJ, and sodar-eantg.

~18:30 Realigned very slightly eantJ at central.  Steven Mobbs, watched the
signal strength for us at the time and noted we got roughly 3db improvement.
Also slightly improved the tape job on the connector.  I didn't/couldn't
really pull apart the connector to see if water had gotten inside but my
impression is that it probably did not.

229: daily status, Site all, Sun 23-Apr-2006 07:20:39 PDT, Daily status
Daily status 4/23/2006

Poulos, Militzer

All installed sensors are operating normally.
The aerosol sensor at west had its laser go and will be returned to the factory.

All data systems are operating.
Wireless outages with Central have worsened substantially.
We installed a different antenna yesterday morning and it ran through the day.
However about 20:00PDT 4/22 it became very intermittent.  Perhaps coincidentally
light drizzle entered the valley at that time with heavier rain this morning.
When conditions allow we'll make another attempt.

220: daily status, Site all, Fri 21-Apr-2006 11:30:48 PDT, Daily status
Daily status 4/21/2006

Poulos, Militzer

All sensors are operating normally, with the exception of the West tower aerosol system. Discussions are ongoing between John, Shane and the manufacturer. The hot-film ran successfully overnight and is now shutdown due to increasing southerly flow outside the acceptance cone of the system. The pocketec local storage device from hotfilm was moved to Central to allow data download from Central to Base.

All data systems are operating, although we had an overnight outage of the network connection at Central NIDS at ~1am local 4/21.
This required a hard boot to re-establish at ~ 9am 4/21. No data, except for the reboot process, was lost due to ongoing local storage during the network outage.

Intermittently, we also had outages of the wireless network connection to Central through the flaky etherant there. With consultation to Gordon, we will attempt to change it out with the spare in the ISFF Base (eantG, as 12.40 in place of eantH at Central). 

215: daily status, Site all, Thu 20-Apr-2006 10:56:04 PDT, Daily status
Daily status, ISFF T-REX, 20 Apr 2006
Poulos, Militzer onsite, Maclean left this morning

The aerosol sensor at West has been removed from the tower for checkout in the base station. 

All other sensors are operating normally.
The Hotfilm is continuing to run normally and had very good conditions last night.

211: daily status, Site all, Wed 19-Apr-2006 13:00:05 PDT, Daily status
Daily status, ISFF T-REX, 19 Apr 2006
Poulos, Militzer and Maclean onsite

The TP01 west was repaired and returned to functionality as of 6pm, 4/18/06.
The aerosol sensor at West has been down since the afternoon of 4/18/06 - it did not recover after a power cycle.

All other sensors are operating normally (although occasional Etherant outages at Central continue to create gaps in our online plots).

203: daily status, Site all, Tue 18-Apr-2006 09:30:26 PDT, Daily status
ISFF T-REX Daily status for April 18, 2006

One sensor is currently inoperative: the volumetric soil heat capacity probe at the West tower. All other sensors are operating normally.

A hot-film run began at 3pm LT April 17 and is ongoing (expected to continue through EOP-3 [4pm LT 4/18 - 1pm LT 4/19]) until, perhaps as late as Friday 4/21.
202: daily status, Site all, Mon 17-Apr-2006 05:51:48 PDT, Daily status
Daily status April 16, 2006, with Maclean, Militzer, Poulos on site.

All sensors at all tower sites and data systems are operational at this time. 

See 15 minute updates at

OTIHS (hot-films) were run last night from ~19:00PDT 16 Apr to ~0830PDT 17 Apr. Data acquisition was successful. OTIHS will be redeployed later today as synoptic flow subsides.

Winds during the night rotated the antenna from the base to the hotfilm site, losing the remote link to the system (all data was recorded locally). Velocities remained below 10m/s at the ground level but increased significantly this morning such that OTIHS was shut down at 830am LT. 

200: daily status, Site all, Sun 16-Apr-2006 10:09:50 PDT, Daily status
Daily status April 16, 2006, with Maclean, Militzer, Poulos on site.

All sensors at all tower sites and data systems are operational at this time. Online plots are now updated every 15 minutes at:

IOP #13 is underway and scheduled through today and until 08UTC Monday.

There was an ~2.5 hour wireless outage to Central in the early morning hours and a brief dsm-server outage to all three sites also in the early morning hours. No data was lost due to local storage at the tower sites but the online plots and redundant data storage on Aster show these gaps.

Another OTIHS (hot-film) data acquisition test began this morning in a new configuration where data files are written in 30 minute increments (each file is ~ 250Mb). Recent data acquisition driver changes have stabilized data acquisition. The next run with the hot-film sensors attached will begin Monday without automated data system restarts.

192: daily status, Site all, Sat 15-Apr-2006 07:09:44 PDT, Daily status
Daily status April 15, 2006,

On site: Maclean, Militzer, Poulos

5m CSAT at West has been down since 9:45PDT 14Apr.  Restarted at 7:30PDT today.
Other Sensors and data systems operating normally at this time.
IOP #13 begins at 13:00PDT and scheduled to last 36 hours.

Another HotFilm test began last night to check edits Gordon made to the a/d code.

NOTE: ISFF ONLINE DATA PLOTS plots are available.
We are increasing the real-time update rate from 1-hour to 15-minutes.

ISFF on-line logbook is available at:
187: daily status, Site all, Fri 14-Apr-2006 08:43:57 PDT, Daily status
Daily status April 14, 2006,

On site: Maclean, Militzer

Sensors and data systems operating normally at this time.
We've noticed that the etherant on central has remained on-line for several days despite frequent 'halts' roughly a week ago.  Factors could be a) luck, b) improved battery/energy situation c) we removed the etherant at the school d) unknown interfering source has gone away...most likely 'a'.

Imitation HotFilm test began last night to test some edits Gordon made to the a/d code.  Halted this morning due to full usbstick and to save power.

179: daily status, Site all, Thu 13-Apr-2006 12:17:55 PDT, Daily status
Daily status April 13, 2006,

On site: Maclean, Militzer

Sensors operating normally at this time.

Added extra guy wires to the 5m tower @ central to
reduce the twist oscillations.

60W fuel cell in base trailer for testing, shipping to manufacturer.

Hotfilm data system in base for testing.
175: daily status, Site all, Wed 12-Apr-2006 08:23:24 PDT, Daily status
Daily status April 12, 2006,

On site: Maclean, Militzer

Most sensors operating normally at this time. The 5m Csat at Central was down overnight from roughly 17:00-6:30.  Data messages were coming through, but all flags were set.  The 5m krypton running off this sensor shows a large drop in voltage (.4) at this time but the trace otherwise is believable. 

The blankety-blank Fuel Cell at Central provided a whopping .5 A charging current at best overnight.

172: daily status, Site all, Tue 11-Apr-2006 09:24:56 PDT, Daily status
Daily status April 11, 2006,

On site: Maclean, Militzer

Most sensors operating normally at this time. The 15m Csat at Central was down until this morning after we power cycled the station at ~14:00PDT yesterday afternoon when we installed the power monitor board. 

Hotfilm run began last night at ~19:30PDT (2:30Z today).  We will remove it later this morning.

170: data-system, Site all, Mon 10-Apr-2006 11:59:51 PDT, restarted data systems
Towers and base are now running new NIDS code

New code has the StatisticsProcessor and support for
prompting serial sensors (needed for SOAD charge monitor).

169: daily status, Site all, Mon 10-Apr-2006 09:19:38 PDT, Daily status
Daily status April 10, 2006,

On site: Maclean, Militzer

All sensors operating normally at this time.  Wireless link at central went down yesterday afternoon again and required a power reset.  As usual, there was no data loss on the local storage.

167: LOG, Site all, Sun 09-Apr-2006 17:48:03 PDT, guy wire tensions
Measured guy wire tensions yesterday/today, April 8-9

West	   From,March30th	Apr9th, west breeze
	se	ne	w	se	n	sw
1	395	350	360	380	375	350
2	330	285	300	275	280	300
3	395	300	290	350	375	300
4	350	300	300	300	300	300

Central	   From,March30th	Apr8th, lt south breeze
	se	n	sw	se	n	sw
1	430	460	435	410	460	440
2	330	320	350	320	300	350
3	300	345	315	310	340	310
4	305	295	310	340	300	330

South	   From,March30th	Apr9th, 
	se	n	sw	se	n	sw
1	400	355	420	400	340	390
2	350	300	300	340	300	300
3	400	280	350	390	290	340
4	340	300	310	325	310	300

162: daily status, Site all, Sun 09-Apr-2006 09:18:45 PDT, Daily status
Daily status April 9, 2006

On site: Maclean, Militzer

All sensors operating normally at this time.  Wireless link had been going down but remained up through the night.  Battery voltage have risen in the last few days with solar charging, may be a factor.

Hot film run began around 1700 PDT yesterday and ran successfully through
the night with some drop outs in the morning.

153: daily status, Site all, Thu 06-Apr-2006 09:24:43 PDT, Daily status
Daily status April 6, 2006

On site: Horst, Semmer, Militzer

All sensors operating normally at this time.  Wireless link to central went downyesterday.

Hot film run began around 1800 PDT yesterday and ran successfully through
the night.  

148: daily status, Site all, Tue 04-Apr-2006 09:54:14 PDT, Daily status
Daily status April 4, 2006

On site: Horst and Semmer

All sensors operating normally at this time.  10m sonic and kryptons at west
affected by rain last night.

140: daily status, Site all, Mon 03-Apr-2006 09:35:24 PDT, Daily status
Daily status April 3, 2006

On site: Horst and Semmer

All sensors operating normally at this time.

139: daily status, Site all, Sun 02-Apr-2006 11:45:16 PDT, Daily status
Daily status April 2, 2006

On site: Horst and Semmer

All sensors operating normally at this time.
Hot-film EOP last night.

The periodic losses of data from the loggers at south and west no longer appear
in the netcdf data, even for prior time periods!?!?!?

The wireless network went down yesterday, but data continue to be recorded 
at the tower sites.

130: daily status, Site all, Fri 31-Mar-2006 10:12:57 PST, Daily status
Daily status March 31, 2006

On site: Horst and Semmer

All sensors operating normally at this time.

The Campbell data loggers at south and west have periodic data losses.
Steve suspects that this may be interference at 915 MHz.

129: krypton, Site all, Thu 30-Mar-2006 12:55:06 PST, Krypton cals & location
According to logbook entry #9, here's the krypton layout:

     5m     1390
    30m SN: 1394

     5m SN: 1391
    30m SN: 1393

     5m SN: 1395 (no cal below)
    30m SN: 1258


1/19/2006	K1258
Calibration	TREX06
pathlength	1.3
Kw		-0.1576957
V0		4306.955643

1/21/2006	K1390
Calibration	TREX06
pathlength	1.3
Kw		-0.1513344
V0		968.0184596

1/21/2006	K1391
Calibration	TREX06
pathlength	1.3
Kw		-0.1511835
V0		3961.417306

1/19/2006	K1393
Calibration	TREX06
pathlength	1.3
Kw		-0.1584523
V0		2988.347174

1/21/2006	K1394
Calibration	TREX06
pathlength	1.3
Kw		-0.1656531
V0		2601.645432

/19/06		K1395
Calibration	TREX06
pathlength	1.3
Kw		-.1551411
V0		4295.005517

1/21/2006	K1397
Calibration	TREX06
pathlength	1.3
Kw		-0.1275433
V0		1723.074647

1/19/2006	K1525
Calibration	TREX06
pathlength	1.3
Kw		-0.162492
V0		6556.380341


128: soil, Site all, Thu 30-Mar-2006 12:27:01 PST, gravimetric soil moisture
gravimetric soil moisture measurements

South at 11:45 PST

3-6 cm	total mass = 176.4 - 73.1 gm = 103.3 gm
	wet (gm)	dry
d1	19.9		19.2
d2	27.9		26.9
d3	21.3		20.5

0-3 cm total mass = 154.0 - 45 gm = 109 gm

e1	20.4		20.1
e2	20.7		20.3
f2	19.0		18.7

Central at 14:40 PST
Soil samples were too dry to provide a valid bulk density

3-6 cm

b2	17.8		14.5
b3	16.0		13.0

1-3 cm

c1	11.0		9.8
c2	11.7		10.4

West at 15:40 PST
Soil samples were too dry to provide a valid bulk density

3-6 cm

a1	19.6		18.7
a2	18.3		17.4

1-3 cm

a3	26.8		26.2
b1	24.7		24.0

125: daily status, Site all, Thu 30-Mar-2006 10:47:15 PST, Daily status
Daily status March 30, 2006

On site: Horst and Semmer

All sensors operating normally at this time.
15 m sonic had to be rebooted last night.
Hot-film EOP started last night at 16:35 PST; ran okay through the night.

122: LOG, Site all, Wed 29-Mar-2006 11:44:56 PST, guy wire tensions
Measured guy wire tensions today, March 30:

	se	ne	w
1	395	350	360
2	330	285	300
3	395	300	290
4	350	300	300

1	430	460	435
2	330	320	350
3	300	345	315
4	305	295	310

1	400	355	420
2	350	300	300
3	400	280	350
4	340	300	310
120: daily status, Site all, Wed 29-Mar-2006 09:40:08 PST, Daily status
Daily status March 29, 2006

On site: Horst and Semmer

All sensors operating normally. 
Yesterday we added the 3 hot-film sonics to the normal data collection.

116: daily status, Site all, Tue 28-Mar-2006 10:00:01 PST, Daily status
Daily status March 28, 2006

On site: Horst and Semmer

All sensors operating normally. 

111: daily status, Site all, Mon 27-Mar-2006 10:05:24 PST, Daily status
Daily status March 27, 2006

On site: Horst and Semmer

All sensors operating normally.  Hot film system running since 1500 yesterday.

109: daily status, Site all, Sun 26-Mar-2006 10:44:16 PST, Daily status
Daily status March 26, 2006

On site: Horst and Semmer

All sensors operating normally, with the exception of the hot film system.
Visited west yesterday to install new battery for electric fence.

dsm server went down yesterday evening and PAM mast with etherant antenna to
central broke in apparent high wind.  Don't know if these events were related.

hot film motor orientation appears to have run successfully last night for
all three units.

104: daily status, Site all, Sat 25-Mar-2006 09:16:13 PST, Daily status
Daily status March 25, 2006

On site: Horst and Semmer

All sensors operating normally, with the exception of the hot film system.
Visited central site yesterday to restart etherant communications;  
visited west tower to clean KH2O.

Steve continues to rebuild the motor orientation mounts for the hot-film to
correct slipping problem.

100: daily status, Site all, Fri 24-Mar-2006 10:41:27 PST, Daily status
Daily status March 24, 2006

On site: Horst and Semmer

All sensors operating normally, with the exception of the hot film system.  
Visited west tower yesterday for routine maintenance; replaced fuse on 
serial channel 14 and restarted aerosol spectrometer.

Steve has been rebuilding the motor orientation mounts for the hot-film to
correct slipping problem.
95: daily status, Site all, Thu 23-Mar-2006 09:55:58 PST, Daily status
Daily status March 23, 2006

On site: Horst and Semmer

All sensors operating normally, with the exception of the aerosol sensor
at west and the hot film system.  Did not get to west yesterday to recycle 
power; maybe today.

Visited south tower yesterday for routine maintenance.

Mounted hot film sensors yesterday around 1700 yesterday, 
pointed in a fixed direction (west) because motor orientation device slipping.
Ran until about 3:45 this morning when daisy appears to have stopped.

89: krypton, Site all, Wed 22-Mar-2006 10:05:43 PST, Cleaning KH2O windows
I called Campbell today and they recommended muriatic acid for cleaning KH2O

88: daily status, Site all, Wed 22-Mar-2006 09:41:46 PST, Daily status
Daily status March 22, 2006

On site: Horst and Semmer

All sensors operating normally, with the exception of the aerosol sensor
at west and the hot film system.  Will try recycling power on aerosol sensor.

Hot film system ran successfully last night without hot film probes attached.
Approximately 0.5 hours of A/D data was lost due to failure of daisy A/D,
but daisy was rebooted once per hour to restart A/d. 

85: daily status, Site all, Tue 21-Mar-2006 09:40:50 PST, Daily status
Daily status March 21, 2006

On site: Horst and Semmer

All sensors operating normally, with the exception of the hot-film system.

Still struggling with hot film system.  Test last night failed.

81: krypton, Site all, Mon 20-Mar-2006 10:21:24 PST, KH2O serializer data
FYI, the "serializers" don't digitize fast enough to keep up with 60Hz, 
so every fifth(?) sample from the kryptons is NA.  Since humidity fluxes 
are a low priority for TREX, and fluxes can still be calculated, I have 
not been worried about this .

...Steve Oncley

80: daily status, Site all, Mon 20-Mar-2006 09:21:05 PST, Daily status
Daily status March 20, 2006

On site: Horst and Semmer

All sensors operating normally, with the exception of the hot-film system.
The link to the school is down at the moment.

The hot film system stayed up during the night. Based on the local storage
file sizes the A/D stayed up for about 7 hours. Ripple stayed up on an
external battery that is not on the charging grid. We will go out there
later this morning to check on the ripple battery and restart the A/D system.

76: daily status, Site all, Sun 19-Mar-2006 13:18:28 PST, Daily status
Daily status March 19, 2006

On site: Horst and Semmer

All sensors operating normally, with the exception of the hot-film system.

The hotfilm stayed up last nightin the lab. It was configured in the base 
with ripple tied directly to the prometheus via a swapper ethernet cable. 
The plan is to move it out to the site later today with ripple housed 
inside the Prometheus box. The external hard drive on ripple will not be used 
since the local USB drive files look good. We may try to get ripple hooked up 
to the wireless link so we can monitor things back at the base.

72: daily status, Site all, Sat 18-Mar-2006 08:40:51 PST, Daily status
Daily status March 18, 2006

On site: Horst and Semmer

Replaced dead battery in both loggers supporting the downward-looking 

Brought hot film to base for testing; ran for 4 hours last night until the
a/d failed.

All sensors operating normally, with the exception of the hot-film system.
65: daily status, Site all, Fri 17-Mar-2006 08:18:52 PST, Daily status
ISFF daily status, March 17 am

Staff:  Steve Semmer arrived yesterday, Steve Oncley left this morning
        Tom still here....

ASTER data directory filled up last night, so lost some data

One of the 4 data loggers at Central has stopped; likely dead battery.
This is one of the loggers supporting a single outgoing pyrgeometer.

Installed aerosol spectrometer at west tower for REAL yesterday.
Replaced bad 15 m TRH at south tower.

Took soil samples for gravimeteric soil moisture analysis at south and 
west towers.

61: LOG, Site all, Thu 16-Mar-2006 14:36:29 PST, one-time tasks
Just a brief task list, to aid the transition from me to Semmer:

- can remove parabolic antenna, but left in place in case the signal to south
deteriorates (now 18db, was 40db with parabolic) and we don't need the 180deg
antenna for the school connection.
- unused 30m etherant to bulgin cable is still strapped all the way up the 
- partially-used hydrogen bottle can be removed (unless power at west goes
bad, now that we've added Shane's extra 6W -- but we just decreased station
power by ~3W by installing the beacon photocell)
- electric fence is almost completely dead.  If you want it running, need to
replace battery (at least).  It isn't clear that it is needed anyway, though.

- maxstream 915M radios should be replaced by 2.4G radios (but need to be
configured first).

- should add code to CR10x to power down radios when not transmitting.  Central
a1&a2 batteries are not doing well and will need to be replaced.
- need to shoot boom angles when theodolite is repaired

- chem shelter could be removed
- 15m sonic doesn't recover on power up.  Needs "&", "T", "??", "D" typed at
it through rserial.  [we discussed checking settings, but haven't yet done]
- one H2 cylinder (being used) is about half full, other is completely full.

- 3 empty sonic boxes could be moved to REAL seatainer
- big winch under steps could be moved to REAL seatainer (for security)
- "Data tapes" plastic case on shelf has 2 TRHs to be repaired.  One is 
probably a bad 50Y connection.  The other probably is a dead fan.
- have spare csat3 from Inyo County (via Greg), but not wired for us (power
through 232 connector).
- printing doesn't work through aster docking station.  Have connected printer
to ripple, but won't work if ripple is at central.

60: soil, Site all, Thu 16-Mar-2006 14:27:09 PST, gravimetric soil measurements
Gravimetric samples taken at south (~1130) and west (~1345) today.  Wet 
weighing done ~1420 -- a bit late for south, but lets hope...

3/18/06: Samples taken at central tower (~1215 pst), weighed at ~2030 pst

Divided into 2 layers: 0-3cm and 3-6cm, 3-6 being roughly where the Ech2o
probes are installed.

Numerous small rocks in west sample.

Total weight (gm):

Central: 0-3cm: 89.4 - 45.0
         3-6cm: 175.2 - 79.2
South: 0-3cm: 126.8-26.9
       3-6cm: 166.0-53.7
West:  0-3cm: 141.5-26.8
       3-6cm: 141.9-48.4

Aliquots:      		wet

Central 0-3cm: d1-3	15.8	16.6	9.2
        3-6cm: c1-3	28.7	28.4	21.1
South:	0-3cm:  a1-3	38.2	34.3	27.2
     	3-6cm:  b1-3	39.2	37.0	35.0
West:	0-3cm:  c1-3	48.9	37.8	27.9
      	3-6cm:  d1-3	22.1	36.8	33.5	

Aliqouts:		dry

Central 0-3cm  d1-3	13.2	13.9	7.8
        3-6cm  c1-3	22.7	22.5	16.8

South:	0-3cm:  a1-3	37.3	33.6	26.4
	3-6cm:	b1-3	37.5	35.4	33.6
West:	0-3cm:	c1-3	48.3	37.2	27.3
	3-6cm:	d1-3	21.1	35.2	31.9

58: daily status, Site all, Thu 16-Mar-2006 09:04:02 PST, Daily status
Daily status March 16, 2006

On site: Horst and Oncley

Replaced 15 m hygrothermometer at south tower yesterday, but it is also
not operating properly.  One guess is that the humitter is not plugged in.

Soil moisture sensor at south tower reporting negative soil moisture.

Otherwise things appear to be normal for the moment.

46: LOG, Site all, Mon 13-Mar-2006 09:13:01 PST, Daily status
ISFF Daily status 12 Mar 2006 [written next morning]

Weather: Clear and cold in the valley.  Occasional snow flurries in the \
Sierra foothills.  IOP#4 to start late Monday.

                Central         South           West     HotFilm    Base
Networking: [all up]
                ok              ok              ok       ok         ok
Data systems: [all up and archiving data on site]
                ok              ok              ok	 ok [but analog dies]

Sonic anemometer [need boom angles shot]
30m             ok              ok              ok
25m             ok              ok              ok
20m             ok              ok              ok
15m             ok              ok              ok
10m             ok              ok              ok
5m              ok              ok              ok

Krypton hygrometer [last cleaned]:
30m             5 Mar           5 Mar           4 Mar
5m              5 Mar           5 Mar           4 Mar

30m             ok              ok              ok
15m             ok              ok              ok
5m              ok              ok              ok

Rad [Rnet,, Rsw.out,, Rlw.out] [need to clean south]
                Tcase calib off ok              ok
Soil [Gsoil, Tsoil, Qsoil, Cpsoil]
                ok              ok              TP01 bad [logger cabling?]

[Sensors unique to specific sites:]


Licor [h2o, co2]

Aerosol [not intalled, awaiting return from manufacturer]

Hot-film sonic anemometers [all deployed Sunday]
3.5m            ok
2.5m            ok
1.5m            ok

Hot-films [mounted, but working on motor control]
3.5m            X
2.5m            ok!
1.5m            X

Power [all stations stayed up (but central died Sat/Sun night.]
source:         solar+H2           solar           solar


A big hotfilm day.  All 3 hotfilm systems and sonic anemometers installed.
Middle probe started and collected data.  Top probe installed and briefly
collected data until motor crunched it -- now there are no spares.  Data system
is losing ~10% data over the network.  Hopefully data being archived at the
site, though no way to tell at the moment.  Analog data collection (the 
hotfilms) also dies sometimes -- have had to manually monitor and reset
data acquisition.

In other news:
- Added replaced 5 old batteries by 7 new batteries at central, which kept it up
over Sun/Mon night.  There is no evidence that the fuel cell is being used
(isn't using H2, isn't releasing water, central died even with fuel cell 
"connected" Sat/Sun night).  Reason unknown.
- Have added beacon photocell switches to all 3 sites to save power, but west's
didn't work.  We left it still continously powered on (aux2).
- Still don't know why Tcase is strange at central.  Voltages reported by the
logger are signficantly different, so it would appear to be a cabling problem.
This is the most serious [standard] data problem, since it causes us to not 
have 4-component radiation (for the energy balance) or longwave radiative
flux divergence data.  We still have a (lower-quality) net radiometer at 
central for the energy balance. 4-component systems at south and west are ok.
- West TP01 still bad.  Must be bulkhead cabling inside logger box.  Will try
to fix today [mon]

41: LOG, Site all, Sat 11-Mar-2006 19:46:38 PST, Daily status
ISFF Daily status 11 Mar 2006

Weather: Clear in the valley/snow flurries in the Sierra.  No IOP until at
least Monday night.

                Central         South           West     HotFilm    Base
Networking: [hot film network now running]
                ok              ok              ok       ok         ok
Data systems: [all normal and archiving data on site]
                ok              ok              ok

Sonic anemometer [need boom angles shot]
30m             ok              ok              ok
25m             ok              ok              ok
20m             ok              ok              ok
15m             ok              ok              ok
10m             ok              ok              ok
5m              ok              ok              ok

Krypton hygrometer [last cleaned]:
30m             5 Mar           5 Mar           4 Mar
5m              5 Mar           5 Mar           4 Mar

30m             ok              ok              ok
15m             ok              ok              ok
5m              ok              ok              ok

Rad [Rnet,, Rsw.out,, Rlw.out] [all need to be cleaned]
                Tcase calib off ok              ok
		cleaned 3/11
Soil [Gsoil, Tsoil, Qsoil, Cpsoil]
                ok              ok              TP01 replaced

[Sensors unique to specific sites:]


Licor [h2o, co2]

Aerosol [not intalled, awaiting return from manufacturer]

Hot-film sonic anemometers [will be installed tomorrow!]
3.5m            X
2.5m            X
1.5m            X

Hot-films [will be installed tomorrow!]
3.5m            X
2.5m            X
1.5m            X

Power [all stations stayed up]
source:         solar+H2           solar           solar


Things mostly looking up!

Serviced central -- cleaned rads, checked power, checked logger wiring.  All
seem ok.  However radiometer Tcase values are still strange.  It isn't (just) a 
calibration issue, since the voltages are also quite different 
(e.g. 1.1/1.6/1.7 V).  This is our biggest data puzzle at the moment.

Installed new TP01 at west.  Didn't seem to help -- must be a logger wiring

Attended my first operations meeting!

Back to central late in day after John arrived.  Installed hot-film data system
and network (also associated laptop in base).  Now just need to hang the 
anemometers themselves.

John also installed the beacon photodiode switch at central, which should 
save us a bit of power.  Will do the other sites tomorrow.

P.S. Thanks for the rest of the care packages via John, folks!  (But why a
painted red and stencilled box??)

37: LOG, Site all, Fri 10-Mar-2006 19:16:36 PST, Daily status
ISFF Daily status 10 Mar 2006

Weather: Still windy most of the day.  IOP#3 ended.

                Central         South           West            Base
Networking: [our problems appear now to be solved]
                ok              ok              ok              ok
Data systems: [all normal and archiving data on site]
                ok              ok              ok

Sonic anemometer [need boom angles shot]
30m             ok              ok              ok
25m             ok              ok              ok
20m             ok              ok              ok
15m             ok              ok              ok
10m             ok              ok              ok
5m              ok              ok              ok

Krypton hygrometer [last cleaned]:
30m             5 Mar           5 Mar           4 Mar
5m              5 Mar           5 Mar           4 Mar

30m             ok              ok              ok
15m             ok              ok              ok
5m              ok              ok              ok

Rad [Rnet,, Rsw.out,, Rlw.out] [all need to be cleaned]
                Tcase calib off ok            ok
Soil [Gsoil, Tsoil, Qsoil, Cpsoil]
                ok              ok              TP01 bad

[Sensors unique to specific sites:]


Licor [h2o, co2]

Aerosol [not intalled, awaiting return from manufacturer]

Hot-film sonic anemometers [not installed, waiting for hotfilms.]
3.5m            X
2.5m            X
1.5m            X

Hot-films [not installed, John drives them out Friday; will install Sun]
3.5m            X
2.5m            X
1.5m            X

Power [all stations stayed up]
source:         solar+H2           solar           solar


Found that the two single radiometer loggers had died overnight (one probably
died earlier) due to drained batteries.  Swapped batteries and revived.  
Unknown why the lowest drain systems failed before the other 2.  Also 
unknown why they drained in the first place with solar panels.  Old data show
that a2 died several days ago and a1's battery has been getting weak.  Perhaps
a1&a2's batteries just started out with poor charge.

Tested 60W fuel in trailer -- seemed fine, except for one pair of plates.  Have
reinstalled at central as a second input.  Rather strange cabling should be

Checked TPO1 wiring at west.  Seemed fine, no sign of cable damage. Data show
that this has never worked.  A new probe is on the way with John.  We will
also compare the logger wiring to central and/or south's.

34: LOG, Site all, Thu 09-Mar-2006 17:58:40 PST, Daily status
ISFF Daily status 09 Mar 2006 [

Weather: Quite windy most of the day (from the west).  IOP#3 going on.

                Central         South           West            Base
                ok              ok              ok              ok
                                                                (now have internet!)

Data systems:
                ok              ok              ok

Sonic anemometer [need boom angles shot]
30m             ok              ok              ok
25m             ok              ok              ok
20m             ok              ok              ok
15m             ok              ok              ok
10m             ok              ok              ok
5m              ok              ok              ok

Krypton hygrometer [last cleaned]:
30m             5 Mar           5 Mar           4 Mar
5m              5 Mar           5 Mar           4 Mar

30m             ok              ok              ok
15m             ok              ok              ok
5m              ok              ok              ok

Rad [Rnet,, Rsw.out,, Rlw.out]
                10m look odd    ok              Rlw looks odd
		maybe dirt?			maybe real?
Soil [Gsoil, Tsoil, Qsoil, Cpsoil]
                ok              ok              ok? [check TP01 again]

[Sensors unique to specific sites:]


Licor [h2o, co2]

Aerosol [not intalled, awaiting return from manufacturer]

Hot-film sonic anemometers [not installed, waiting for hotfilms.]
3.5m            X
2.5m            X
1.5m            X

Hot-films [not installed, John drives them out Friday; will install Sun]
3.5m            X
2.5m            X
1.5m            X

source:         solar           solar           solar
                (all stations stayed up)


Our final day playing with network issues.  Moved etherant at the school to get
a somewhat better signal (8, rather than 4db).  Replaced router with earlier
Dlink and got internet service to entire .14 subnet.  Installed an etherant
at the base to get the .14 subnet on an 8-port hub here.  Changed aster to
connect to this .14 subnet hub.  Gave an etherant configured for .14 to ASU.
Their internet connection now works.  Reconfigured the REAL etherant for .14
as well.  Thus, everyone should be able to connect to the internet from 
Independence.  We haven't yet tested connections originating from outside.

Still have TPOP crashes (about 6 today).  Despite these, and other network
outages while we were changing things today, all stations stayed up, recording
data locally on site.
33: LOG, Site all, Thu 09-Mar-2006 17:57:45 PST, Daily status
ISFF Daily status 08 Mar 2006 [sent by e-mail yesterday, but only just now
entered into logbook.]

Weather: Mostly clear, strong winds in the morning changed to light
in the afternoon.  IOP#3 begins tomorrow

                Central         South           West            Base
                ok              ok              ok              ok
                                                                (but no internet)
                [see COMMENTS below]

Data systems:
                ok              ok              ok

Sonic anemometer [need boom angles shot]
30m             ok              ok              ok
25m             ok              ok              ok
20m             ok              ok              ok
15m             ok              ok              ok
10m             ok              ok              ok
5m              ok              ok              ok

Krypton hygrometer [last cleaned]:
30m             5 Mar           5 Mar           4 Mar
5m              5 Mar           5 Mar           4 Mar

30m             ok              ok              ok
15m             ok              ok              ok
5m              ok              ok              ok

Rad [Rnet,, Rsw.out,, Rlw.out]
                ok              ok              ok

Soil [Gsoil, Tsoil, Qsoil, Cpsoil]
                ok              ok              ok? [check TP01 again]

[Sensors unique to specific sites:]


Licor [h2o, co2]

Aerosol [not intalled, awaiting return from manufacturer]

Hot-film sonic anemometers [not installed, waiting for hotfilms.  Broken
        sonic appears to have revived in the base, also have spare from
        Inyo county]
3.5m            X
2.5m            X
1.5m            X

Hot-films [not installed, John drives them out Friday; will install Sat/Sun]
3.5m            X
2.5m            X
1.5m            X

source:         solar           solar           solar
                (central stayed up overnight, new batteries coming with John)


A MUCH better day.  Central did not lose power overnight.  Worked on networking
mostly.  Problem with AP24 was a change to the wrong WiFi encryption type
(should have been WEP) -- somehow we missed this yesterday.  Brought the AP24
down from the tower to work on it, made the fix, and reinstalled (now with
all CAT5 cable, so its wired interface should work at 100BaseT).  Had to visit
south to power cycle its etherant.  With this, had WiFi LAN working again at
14:30.  All stations appear to have saved their data locally during this network
outage, so no data were lost.

Continued to work on the school connection.  Managed by the end of the day to
have systems on the .14 subnet able to name-serve over the internet, but
couldn't get much else working.  Presumably, the WiFi connection is still weak
enough (4db) that significant traffic can't make it through.  We will try a
last time to adjust the antenna tomorrow, but our Boulder teammates have begun
exploring options (DSL/cable to the base).  The local WiFi contact has offered
to get REAL connected for $1700 at high-bandwidth.  It is unknown if we would/
could add on to that connection.  We also have had a routing problem that prevents
systems on the .12 subnet (e.g. the aster base computer) from being able to
use the school connection, but I think we have a workaround to connect "aster"
directly to the .14 subnet.

Also (with John's help) was able to begin testing the "bad" sonic that
was giving 8000 values when at 30m.central.  It started working fine
in the trailer, and "??" reports that it thinks it is the correct
serial number (0672).  Perhaps it was just a dirty connection that one
more reseating fixed?  I'll go through John's cheatsheet tomorrow to
verify the version4 code download and do an even better cleaning of
the connection.  In the meantime, Greg has borrowed another CSAT3 from
Inyo County that could be used as a spare.  Thus, we now have all the sonics
we need for the hot-film system when it arrives.

A note for Gordon: we have had to restart the dsm process on "aster"
(/etc/init.d/nids restart) about once a day for the last 3 days.  Presumably,
the flaky network has caused it to crash?  I also thought I found a correlation
with TPOP crashes, but at least one exception to my theory has occurred.

30: LOG, Site all, Tue 07-Mar-2006 18:05:41 PST, Daily status
ISFF Daily status 07 Mar 2006

Weather: Partly cloudy, cold&windy late in the day.  IOP#2 ended 03Z (last 

		Central		South		West		Base
		ok		down		down		up
								(but no internet)

Data systems:
		up		on		on

Sonic anemometer [need boom angles shot]
30m		ok		ok		ok
25m		ok		ok		ok
20m		ok		ok		ok
15m		ok		ok		ok
10m		ok		ok		ok
5m		ok		ok		ok

Krypton hygrometer [last cleaned]:
30m		5 Mar		5 Mar		4 Mar
5m		5 Mar		5 Mar		4 Mar

30m		ok		ok		ok
15m		ok		ok		ok
5m		ok		ok		ok

Rad [Rnet,, Rsw.out,, Rlw.out]
		ok		ok		ok

Soil [Gsoil, Tsoil, Qsoil, Cpsoil]
		ok		ok		ok? [check TP01 again]

[Sensors unique to specific sites:]


Licor [h2o, co2]

Aerosol [not intalled, FedExed today to manufacturer to set to 1 samp/s]

Hot-film sonic anemometers [not installed, awaiting hot-films/one is broken]
3.5m		X
2.5m		X
1.5m		X

Hot-films [not installed, John drives them out tomorrow; will install Sat?]
3.5m		X
2.5m		X
1.5m		X

source:		solar 		solar		solar
		(has died in early AM after clouds -- just central; new 
		batteries coming with John)


Central died last night (probably low battery).  15m sonic didn't come back up.
usb drive didn't come back up (but we were archiving over the WiFi network).
Visited station and reset drive.  Reset sonic using rserial.

Rest of the day spent trying to get school network up.  Put 180deg antenna at
west on AP24 external port.  Was able to get south, but only 12db, rather than
40db using parabolic antenna.  (Also not as much as the 20db I got yesterday 
with a roaming etherant.)  Eventually removed one RG cable which may have 
increased S/N by ~2db.

At school, redirected etherant to point to west, configured to AP24, .14 subnet.
Only 4db (eventually 5-6db).  Swapped etherants, changed RF channels, no change.

During RF channel change tests, AP24 int(!) went down, all settings seem 
reasonable as viewed with either WWW interface or winbox, but have not been 
able to revive the connection back to TPOP at base.  Thus, at the end of the 
day, can't ping west or south.

Overall, a change for the worse on all fronts!

P.S. While at west and central, checked guy wire tension (all somewhat lower).
Also took TRIME measurements at west (3.7-5.0%).  Also, played with whether
the sonics can sense someone on the tower by deliberate twisting of the tower
30 times at 11:27AM.  The RF link probably was down then, but hopefully the
usb disk has a record of this.
24: sonic, Site all, Sun 05-Mar-2006 12:48:12 PST, sonic S/N
After all the swapping, here is the latest list.  [Note that 20m.c was 671, not
674 as in Chris's notes.]

		Central		South		West
30		671		1119		540
25		1123		674?		1120
20		855		1122		0800
15		856		1124		539
10		832		1121		536
5		538		537		677

"Spare" [waiting to be used with the hot-film system]
672 [has serializer, but reports 8000 on all data channels
1117 [works, but no serializer]

Now all but South 30m has a serializer, as originally intended.  We will try
to put 672's serializer in 1117.

23: LOG, Site all, Sun 05-Mar-2006 12:40:57 PST, site visits
Spent the morning at all 3 sites:

Central ~9:00-10:15:
- Tried and failed to get good data from 30m sonic
- Replace 30m sonic with what was removed from 20m yesterday
- Cleaned krypton at 5m at 10:02 (since read <0.2V in the data files last 
night).  Note that all other kryptons had been cleaned when swapping sonics
with serializers.

South ~10:30-11:15:
- Swapped out 15m sonic
- Swapped in 5m sonic
- checked that all solar panels were connected

Base ~11:30:
- Restarted sonics at 5m and 15m at central via rserial [shouldn't have needed
- Restarted sonic at 15m south via rserial [also shouldn't have needed]

West ~12:00:
- checked that all solar panels were connected

Central ~12:15: (simultaneous with West visit, using 2 vehicles)
- installed 5th battery box, since Central has been dying in the early morning
the last 2 days (at least).

22: LOG, Site all, Sun 05-Mar-2006 12:25:04 PST, Procedures
A mini-cheat sheet:

- log in [if needed]: "aster", 
- check bison "Terrabeam navigator" for all known etherants+AP24 okay
- scan /var/log/messages + /var/log/isff.log
- "data_stats sock:localhost" check for all channels, data rate, packet size
- ls -l /data/projects/TREX for latest file size increase
- if needed, edits to $ISFF/projects/TREX/ISFF/ops/ops0/ads3.xml and same 
edits in ops1/ads3.xml, since some programs still use ops0 [a bug]
- "ps -ef | grep dsm" should have a "dsm_server" process running
   if not, run "/etc/init.d/nids restart"
   if this does not work, then perhaps all wireless links are down
- "ps -ef | grep stats" should have a "statsproc sock:localhost:30000"
  running to create covars and write to 
  where here "403" is April 3.  If not, see logbook entry 138

Important files/directories:
- $ASTER=/usr/local/src/isff/aster
- $ISFF=/usr/local/isff
- $ISFF/projects/TREX/isff/ops has two directories, ops0/ and ops1/, each
	of which contain ads3.xml files with the new-style project config.
	Make any changes to both (until further notice from Gordon).
- /var/log/messages and /var/log/isff.log have error messages
- /var/named has ethernet address in files 192.168.12, 192.168.14,
	that may need to be modified.

[Toughbook booting:]
- Hold power lever down ~2 sec
- After ~20 sec, down-arrow 4 times to "win2000"
- After a while, upon prompt ctl-alt-del to get login window
- log in: "lroot", 
- After another while, when win settled, click on "ProcommPlus"
- After yet another while, click on "19200" on bottom title, select "115200"
- hit  in main window 
[Now talking to viper:]
- log in: "root",
- "ps -ef | grep dsm" [should be 8 processes]
- "ping" [the ISFF base, via WiFi]
- "df" [should see 2 disks, including /var/tmp/usb]
- "rserial /dev/ttySxx localhost" [to check sensors], but often crashes nids, 
so follow by "/etc/init.d/nids restart"
- "exit" to logout upon leaving station
[Toughbook shutdown:]

GPS: (what I've been doing)
- insert memory stick
- click on "TREX" icon
- copy day directories, e.g. "062" to memory stick
- take memory stick to hotel, start VPN, scp memory stick files to 
- when memory stick full, follow instruction sheet to copy to CDR, then erase.

New GPS transfer method, (replacing last 2 steps above):
- plug memory stick in lower USB port on aster
- when window pops up with message about LEXAR_MEDIA, click OK
The copy files for day 'xxx', compare sizes (esp. if it's already on the
data disk and asks you whether to overwrite that.  Note that this is
because sometimes a day appears missing on the gps, and the gps machine
probably put it in the previous, or next, day's directory),
finally remove the files from usb stick, and umount it.
- cp -r /media/LEXAR_MEDIA/xxx /data/projects/diff_gps
- ls /media/LEXAR_MEDIA/xxx /data/projects/diff_gps/xxx
- rm -r /media/LEXAR_MEDIA
- umount /media/LEXAR_MEDIA
At midnight, the files are copied to /scr/tmp/oncley/TREX/indep_gps.


- look at terrabeam network status [laptop on shelf]
- ping central, ping west, ping south
- data_stats sock:localhost [on aster]
- data_dump -d 1 -s xx -p sock:localhost [on aster], using sid+1(+2+3+4) shown
	by data_stats
- look at cockpit, check_aster [on ripple for hotfilm]

- backup copies of files: [sometime after 00Z of day xxyy]
	cd /data/projects/TREX
	cp isff_2006xxyy* /mnt/exthd8/projects/TREX
	cp isff_2006xxyy* /mnt/exthd9/projects/TREX
	df . [if >90%, delete a few days with: rm isff_2006aabb* -- obviously,
		double check that these files are on exthd8&9!!]

- copy uncopied GPS files to memory stick, network copy to Boulder? 

Station visit [weekly]:
- clean kryptons
- clean radiometers
- TRIME soil (and gravimetric?)
- check guy wire tension and adjust if needed 
    [log in $ASTER/projects/TREX/doc/TowerTensions.xls]
- check batteries in a1, a2 loggers at central, replace if needed (and recharge
	old ones in the base) [may not be needed if Steve changes logger
- check H2 level at central, change cylinders if needed.

21: sonic, Site all, Sat 04-Mar-2006 17:23:35 PST, Sonic Update
Today consisted of relocating sonics/sonic boxes to put them in the correct positions.  The west site is completed with sonics containing serializers at 5m and 30m.  Central is completed with the exception of the 30m sonic.  We are still troubleshooting as to the data we are receiving from 30m.  We were unable to complete central due to winds.  South needs both serialized sonics mounted possibly tomorrow, pending weather conditions.  

The central site crashed again overnight last night so the morning was spent debugging the issue.  The base computer was not recognizing the DHCP and we were having issues with the USB drive.  We are still uncertain as to the problem of the central site going offline at night but the USB seems to be functioning properly at this time.

The logger cable for the NW radiometer at the central site was also repaired this morning.
20: LOG, Site all, Wed 01-Mar-2006 19:25:14 PST, Daily status
ISFF Daily status 01 Mar 2006

Weather: Clear today.  IOP started this afternoon.

		Central		South		West		Base
		ok (E'ant x1)	on (E'ant)	ok (AP24)	ok (TPOP x1)

Data systems:
		on		on		on

Sonic anemometer [need boom angles shot]
30m		reports 0	on/no kh2o	on/no kh2o
25m		on		on		on
20m		on		on		on
15m		on		on		on
10m		on		on		on
5m		on/no kh2o	on/no kh2o	on/no kh2o

Krypton hygrometer [last cleaned]: (but none connected to working serializer!)
30m		1 Mar		1 Mar		1 Mar
5m		1 Mar		1 Mar		1 Mar

30m		ok		ok		ok
15m		ok		ok		ok
5m		ok		ok		ok

Rad [Rnet,, Rsw.out,, Rlw.out]
		dirt not up	ok		ok

Soil [Gsoil, Tsoil, Qsoil, Cpsoil]
		ok		ok		ok

[Sensors unique to specific sites:]

		ok [did 10 tip test today]

Licor [h2o, co2]

Aerosol [not intalled, needs manufacturer help to increase reporting rate]

Hot-film sonic anemometers [not installed, awaiting hot-films and data system]
3.5m		X
2.5m		X
1.5m		X

Hot-films [not installed, being built/tested in Boulder]
3.5m		X
2.5m		X
1.5m		X

source:		solar 		solar		solar
voltage:	13.24V 1 Mar	13.5V 26 Feb	13.37V 1 Mar


Started as a maintenance day, with cleaning of all rads and kryptons and
TRIME measurements (also most station voltages).  Isolated no data from 5m
sonic at central to shorted cable and blown fuse.  Replaced both.  (Now have
cable to be fixed.)

After lunch, we started looking at data.  30m sonic at central is reporting
0s (but does have a serializer).  15m sonic at central was in a strange state,
but was recoverable.  All other sonics were ok.  

Also found that one of the central radiation boxes (the bare dirt pyg) data 
are not being received.  Power seems ok.  We are guessing that it is a problem
with the Maxstream radio configuration.

HOWEVER, then looked at message lengths to check serializer positions.  Only
30m central (the bad sonic!) was correct.  2 serializers are even back in the
trailer now (they were awaiting use by the hot-films).  We are going to have
to do a massive exchange of pulling down sonics and swapping them (both heads
and boxes).  Fortunately, we still have the hot-film sonics to work with as
well.  This will require a full day to accomplish (with light winds).  Greg
and Vanda have agreed that this will be put off until the end of this IOP.

Even with all this, we may still end up with one bad sonic.  We do not have
any spares for this project, so this will have to be fixed.

Networking is now set up as we intend to be used for the rest of the project
with exceptions:
1. Sometimes our main access point dies for no apparent reason.  We changed
radio frequencies yesterday, which seemed to help, but it just died again.
2. We want a different cable at West to increase data throughput and/or
recovery from power cycles.  One has been purchased.
3. Etherants are now distributed to REAL and DLR.  REAL's has been installed.
Data systems are now operating, though perhaps not with the final code.  Data
are being archived both locally and over the network.

Station power using solar panels appears to be adequate (given that we had a
few cloudy days).  Work on getting the hydrogen fuel cells running remains
at a low priority.

13: LOG, Site all, Tue 28-Feb-2006 17:32:04 PST, Daily status
ISFF Daily status 28 Feb 2006

Weather: Partly cloudy and cooler after last night's rain.  Not as dusty.

		Central		South		West		Base
		up (E'ant x1)	up (E'ant)	up (AP24)	up (TPOP x1)

Data systems:
		on		on		on

Sonic anemometer [need boom angles shot]
30m		on		on		on
25m		on		on		on
20m		on		on		on
15m		on		on		on
10m		on		on		on
5m		off		on		on

Krypton hygrometer [last cleaned]:
30m		on		on		on
5m		on		on		26 Feb

30m		on		on		on
15m		on		on		on	
5m		on		on		on

Rad [Rnet,, Rsw.out,, Rlw.out]
		on		on		on

Soil [Gsoil, Tsoil, Qsoil, Cpsoil]
		on		on		on

[Sensors unique to specific sites:]

		on [should see something today]

Licor [h2o, co2]

Aerosol [not intalled, needs manufacturer help to increase reporting rate]

Hot-film sonic anemometers [not installed, awaiting hot-films and data system]
3.5m		X
2.5m		X
1.5m		X

Hot-films [not installed, being built/tested in Boulder]
3.5m		X
2.5m		X
1.5m		X

source:		solar 		solar		solar
voltage:	13.1V 28 Feb	13.5V 26 Feb	13.4V 26 Feb


Boom angles shot today at Central, though theodolite not working well.  Might
have to be redone.

All standard sensors are up and all but one sonic have now been confirmed as
reporting.  We still do not have access to the data to evaluate quality.  

Networking is now set up as we intend to be used for the rest of the project
with exceptions:
1. We want a different cable at West to increase data throughput and/or
recovery from power cycles.
2. Etherants need to be distributed to REAL and DLR
Data systems are now operating, though perhaps not with the final code.  Data
should be being archived locally now.  We found that South's local storage had
never been installed, so its data set started an hour ago.  (3 hours into the
official operations period.)

Most sensors need standard service (cleaning and boom angles shot), which we've 
deliberately delayed until close to the start of operations.  We'll work on
these tasks tomorrow, in preparation for the IOP scheduled to start tomorrow 

12: LOG, Site all, Tue 28-Feb-2006 16:59:59 PST, guy wire tensions
Guy Wire tensions

CENTRAL:	Initial	28 Feb
Wind?			W@8?
4		425	330
3		450	390
2		400	350
1		560	480
4		450	330
3		400	340
2		440	440
1		525	490
4		400	290
3		400	310
2		400	350
1		520	440


SOUTH:		Initial	27 Feb
Wind			S@8?
4		340     400
3		350	330
2		310	375
1		400	400
4		310	400
3		440	400
2		300	410
1		475	480
4		350	410
3		490	450
2		340	460
1		480	480

WEST		xx Feb	28 Feb
Wind			calm
4		400	340
3		410	350
2		400	350
1		500	430
4		400	325
3		400	350
2		420	350
1		475	410
4		460	380
3		500	450
2		460	390
1		550	500

11: wireless-network, Site all, Tue 28-Feb-2006 14:40:06 PST, network stuff
Two network improvements today:

- Got school connection working (mostly by turning off IPTABLES).  Also found
that this laptop won't reboot due to some docking station power issue.  
Installed (probably very weak) battery to smooth power surges?

- Got south working as we want.  Fixed cable to top etherant, set etherant
to static IP, gateway of AP24 external, removed lower etherant.

Still want to exchange strange cabling at west to AP24 with a good cat5 cable.

9: LOG, Site all, Mon 27-Feb-2006 20:42:26 PST, Old status messages
[Here are the e-mail status messages sent by various people during set-up,
prior to logbook being started.]

Status, 2/7/06 [semmer]

Kurt received a call this morning from the building inspector giving
us premission to start the tower installation. So we headed to the
south tower to install the anchors. The manta rays went in without any
trouble. We completed the six anchors in about 2 hours. From south we
headed to Independence for lunch then on to the central site. At
central the first 2 anchors went in without any problem. The next two
were not as easy. We had to pull out the 88' anchor twice before we
were able to get it in deep enough. The final two went in without any
problems.  Tomorrow we hope to get the west anchors in and possibly
start installing the west tower.

Status 2/08/2006 [semmer]


Since you talked to Kurt you have the latest update. The anchors at
west gave more problems than central. we got them in but not as deep
as we wanted; however, the pull test better than 8000 lbs. If things
continue as planned I could see us having a 3o meter tower up by
tomorrow.  Steve

PS - Kurt was going to call John to about adding two more of the solar panel charger boards in the battery box. One of the boxes sent out did not have the board in it so I would like to have a few spares. 

>> Hi Steve,
>> I was very glad to get Kurt's call that the anchors were done today.  
>> That must be a relief to everyone there and I've spread the news around 
>> here.
>> The driver called and plans to show up at 8:00 AM tomorrow to take the 
>> base trailer.  John is finalizing packing of the network stuff as I 
>> write this.  I've put a little note by the drill press to point you to 
>> the location of items that might not be obvious.
>> Good luck! See you soon...Steve

Status 2/13/2006 [semmer]

Friday: Finished the installation of the south tower. The fencing was
installed and the beacon. The dark horse still needs to be located.
The base station arrived today.

Saturday: Started installation on the west tower. Got up to 30 ft.

Sunday: Continued work on west tower. Ran into some problems with the
vertical alignment. This may have been due to two sets on guy wires
installed before the we tryed to align. At the end of the day the
tower was at 80 ft.

Plans for today: Finish off the west tower including the electricl
fence and the soil sensors. If time permits start on the central

Status 2/13/2006 [semmer]

Installation of the west tower infrastructure was finished today. This
included a final transect alignment of the tower along with setting
the guy wires to the proper tension. The electric fence was
installed. Also the 60 watt fuel was setup. It worked as expected. The
hydrogen bottle was attached, gas flow started, and the fuel cell
immediately put out 14 volts. I played around with the fans to try to
improve the output. The wiring in the box was changed so that an
external battery could be charged. The beacon light was attached to
provide a load. Tomorrow I will check how it is doing. Tomorrow's goal
is the central tower. Also we will have the building inspector check
out the south and west towers.

Status 2/14/2006 [semmer]

Work started on the central tower today. We got to 90' then the wind
started blowing making it too difficult to raise the gin
pole. Tomorrow we will finish off the central main tower and start
setting up the 10 meter and 5 meter ASTER towers. Testing of the
wireless communication may start tomorrow.
The building inspector checked out the south tower today. There were
no problems.

Status 2/15/06 [semmer]

Due to high winds today we were not able to finish the installation of
the central tower. So we spent most of the day at the base trailer
getting power hooked up, organizing, and working on the wireless
communication. The communication modules were checked out a the base
then one Etherant was taken to the South tower while a PAM tripod was
setup at the base to handle the 180 degree antenna. Unfortunately we
were not able to communicate between south and base. If the weather is
good tomorrow we will try a communication test with the TPOP at west.

Status 2/17 [Golubieski]

Dressed Central 30M tower.  Found out some CSAT booms do not fit
into our new boom clamps.  Also, the Krypton electronic box mounting
bracket did not work.  Need more room to mount the box on the inside
of the tower.  We ended up mounting the Krypton in the inside of the
tower but used quicklinks and zip ties.

105feet - Bridge H
29.98M - CSAT 0672, Krypton 1394, TRH ?.
24.90M - CSAT 1123
20.00M - CSAT 0674
15.00M - CSAT 0856, TRH ?.
10.00M - CSAT 0538

Status 2/18 [Golubieski]

Dressed West tower.  Some Krypton electronic boxes mounted on the
outside of tower.  We were short one CSAT cable to finish the cabling.
Noticed the safety-line took some damage during the past few days.
Some chaffing by guy bracket areas.  Need to keep an eye on it.  We
tightened the life-line and seems to be better?.but there is no wind.
Hung Terra-Beam at ~105 feet.  Got a wireless signal but did not see
it at the base station.

105feet - Bridge G
30.00M - CSAT 1124, Krypton 1258, TRH ?
25.00M - CSAT 1120
20.00M - CSAT 0800
15.00M - CSAT 0539, TRH ?
10.00M - CSAT 0536
4.97M - CSAT 0855, Krypton 1395, TRH ?
2.00M - Barometer U4110003

Status 2/19 [Golubieski]

Poor weather today.  Snow and wind.  Found out that Central tower had
no power when arriving in the morning.  Fuel cell stopped working
(Voller).  Restarted Voller but shut down in a matter of minutes?when
I unplugged cable from battery boxes.  Voller's battery was drained
completely.  Once the battery was charged Voller shut down NUMEROUS
times showing the "NO HYDROGEN" remark.  Kept trying to keep Voller
going but was unsuccessful.  Noticed that if we unplugged all
batteries but one the Voller stayed running.  It seems that we were
putting too much load on the fuel cell.  So we brought over three
solar panels to help charge three batteries and run beacon while the
Voller charged one battery and ran NDAQ.  Ran for hours when setting
up power this way.  Tomorrow we plan on moving some batteries to the
Voller power.  Hung barometer at 2.00 meters and connected it to the
NDAQ.  Hooked up GPS and did another test with Terra-Beam antenna.
Still reading "acceptable" to "good."  Will fine-tune when weather
permits.  Began making fence around whole area of Central.  Got most
of the way with remaining fence posts but it's not complete.  Ten
posts short.  Strung barbwire on two of the five sides.  Went to West
site and hung barometer at the 2.00meter level, ran the last CSAT
(4.97M) cable to make this tower complete.  Terra-Beam test showed
"good" signal, but it could get better.  Will align when weather
permits.  It seems that our test yesterday at the base did see West's
signal but Central must have been down.  Hydrogen tank at ~800psi.

Status 2/20 [golub...]

Sunny, cold and windy.  No tower climbing in the morning.
Worked on barbwire fence around Central site and erected 10M Aster
tower.  More problems with Voller.  Did not last throughout the
night.  Set up solar panels to charge
controller?controller(w/battery) to three batteries...fused load to
NDAQ?AUX2 running beacon?end of battery chain Voller is plugged in.
In the afternoon we dressed South 30M tower.  Lots of cows to keep
them company.

***Please notice that the heights given are at the TOP of the boom clamps.***

105feet ? Bridge H
30.00M ? CSAT 1119, Krypton 1393, TRH ?
24.99M ? CSAT 0674
20.00M ? CSAT 1122
15.07M ? CSAT 0537, TRH ?
10.00M ? CSAT 1121
5.03M ? CSAT 1117, Krypton 1391, TRH ?
2.00M ? CSAT S0610003

Status 2/21:  Day off. [Golub...]

Status 2/22: [Golub...]

Finished barbwire fence at Central.  Hung K&Z and electronic box
onto 10M tower.  Did not plug in/turn on box.  Waiting to mount solar
panel.  Voller still saying, ?NO HYDROGEN.?  Will bring back to base
station and see what could be the cause.  Went back to West tower to
replace Hydrogen cylinder.  When we arrived fuel cell was not working.
Used all of hydrogen in the cylinder.  We realized that this should
not be done.  Leave a little bit of hydrogen in the cylinder.
Replaced cylinder and could not get fuel cell to charge battery.
Realized it was a big load on the fuel cell.  Battery reading 6.0V.
So had car charge battery while fuel cell ran and charged another
battery to use for NDAQ. Tried just plugging NDAQ in directly but
couldn?t keep up.  Were able to run with battery (11.8V), NDAQ and
beacon?.but not long.  Enough to get our test done for antenna
testing.  Left site with this set-up but not getting signal from
Bridge G.  Beacon is still on.  Will check tomorrow.  Steve O. and
Gordon M. arrived.

Status 2/24 [oncley]

I'm sorry to say that this is my first status report from the field.
I'll try to improve the frequency (and settle on a [more complete]
format) soon:

- All ISFF towers are up (with the exception of the short [5m] tower
at Central that will hold the hot-film and other low-level sensors).
Building inspections have been completed.

- All sensors (flux, soil, radiation, etc.) are deployed with the
exception of:
   - Two pyrgeometers needing construction of mounting plates
   - All sensors on the afore-mentioned 5m tower
   - Shane's aerosol counter

- The ISFF base trailer is operational, especially now that most
sensor boxes have been moved to the extra REAL seatainer.  (Thanks,
Shane!)  I haven't actually heard whether our official written lease
for the trailer site was finalized, but we had many assurances that
we could procede.  We have had visits by ISS (who will install a
SODAR) and Leeds (who will install their dropsonde system).  We
expect to receive the G-V GPS base station tomorrow.  All of our
hydrogen fuel cell systems have had problems and all are now in our
base for testing.  We have installed solar panels at all 3 sites,
but have not yet evaluated if these will be sufficient to keep our
stations powered throughout the project.  Work on getting the fuel
cells back on line is continuing.  We finished configuration of our
long-range WiFi network today at our base.  Now deployment of some
more parts of this network (adding a repeater to West, reconfiguring
South) need to be done.  We won't be connected to the external
network until at least Monday, due to a lack of weekend access to
the school.

We still expect to have the vast majority of our equipment operational
by the start of T-REX.  Possible or known exceptions include:
- The hot-film system, which will be constructed next week in Boulder.  
We hope it will be operational by the 2nd week of T-REX.
- WWW-pages with ISFF data may be a few days late getting online
- Networking to the LIDAR sites probably won't occur before Tuesday.

- Station power may not be quite adequate for a while.  We may delay
deployment of our Li7500 fast-response H2O/CO2 sensor until we have a
better idea of our power system capacity.

- We still need to address some basic data quality issues: sensor
cleaning, sensor alignment documentation, sensor heights, etc.  Some
of these won't get done until a few days into operations as well.

This should give you a general idea -- we are running a bit late and
still have a fair amount to do, but should have most primary data by
the time operations start.

Status 2/27 morning [oncley]

All infrastructure working.

Networking between sites (almost) working.  Network connection to the 
internet to be built today (27 Feb).

All sensors deployed except:
- hot-film sensors (and associated sonic anemometers) awaiting system 
construction in Boulder.  ETA 1 week.
- CO2 flux sensor (may be deployed today)
- Aerosol sensor in support of REAL (ETA ~10 days)

Extensive software development is ongoing.  We have no way to examine
data yet.  ETA ~3 days.

8: wireless-network, Site all, Mon 27-Feb-2006 20:10:53 PST, Network configuation
This is a stab at defining the network we've settled on:

(see /etc/hosts for complete list of machine names and /etc/dhcpd.conf for
MAC addresses)

.20 subnet (wired; in base trailer; the 8-port hub)
- aster [base computer]
- toughbook
- other users [currently Gordon's and my laptops]
aster is a DHCP server for this network

.12 subnet (wireless; access point is TPOP channel 1 at base)
- TPOP wired interface (also the 4-port hub)
- TPOP external antenna interface(?)
- Prometheus (for hot-films) through TPOP external antenna
- aster (wired to 4-port hub)
- Etherant at Central (wireless)
- nids at Central (wired from Etherant)
- AP24 internal antenna at West (wireless)
- Etherant at Independence Unified School (wired from Etherant)
- "school" laptop in the school attic [our internet gateway]
  (This laptop also on the Independence school local net, but is accessed by
  yet another address using "destination NAT" from Bishop's school.)
- Etherants at lidar sites [not yet installed] (wireless)

.13 subnet (wired interface of AP24 at West)
- AP24
- nids at West

.14 subnet (wireless; access point is AP24 external [parabolic] antenna)
- AP24 external antenna at West
- Etherant at South
- nids at South

5: soil, Site all, Mon 27-Feb-2006 19:41:26 PST, soils
Soils were installed 23 Feb at Central and South, then 24 Feb at West.  All
soils were dry and brittle the first 0-3cm, but had a moist layer below.
(Presumably from the snow that came about 18? Feb.)  Thus, I feel reasonably 
good about setting the lower sensors.  However, there definitely was an air gap
when installing especially the TP01s.  Thus, I am very glad (just from a soil 
perspective!) that we are now having a good rain.

I have not yet taken any TRIME or gravimetric samples.  I argued that it didn't
make sense to measure manually before we were recording, but this was probably
wrong -- local nids storage may have been working.  Also, I didn't have the
scales for processing gravimetric samples.  (One may be on its way from Boulder,
or I may have to find one here.)  Thus, I've missed a reasonably dry period 
for checking calibration.  Ordinarily, we wouldn't need gravimetric since the
TRIME works, but I need at least one bulk density measurement at each site.

4: LOG, Site all, Mon 27-Feb-2006 19:08:11 PST, Daily status
ISFF Daily status 27 Feb 2006

Weather: clear and mild from the time I got here (22 Feb) through day before 
yesterday (25 Feb).  Yesterday, became cloudy with occasionally strong winds
from the S and blowing dust in the valley.  Today, continued S winds with dust
and occasional drizzle.  This afternoon, drizzle increased to light rain.  This
should be great for setting the soil sensors, stabilizing some of the dust, and
perhaps cleaning some of the sensors.

		Central		South		West		Base
		up (E'ant x1)	up (E'ant)	up (AP24)	up (TPOP x1)

Data systems:
		up		up		up

Sonic anemometer [need boom angles shot]
30m		up		up		up
25m		up		up		up
20m		up		up		up
15m		up		up		up
10m		up		up		up
5m		up		up		up

Krypton hygrometer [last cleaned]:
30m		up		up		up
5m		up		up		26 Feb

30m		up		up		up
15m		up		up		up	
5m		up		up		up

Rad [Rnet,, Rsw.out,, Rlw.out]
		up		up		up

Soil [Gsoil, Tsoil, Qsoil, Cpsoil]
		up		up		up

[Sensors unique to specific sites:]

		up [should see something today]

Licor [h2o, co2]

Aerosol [not intalled, needs manufacturer help to increase reporting rate]

Hot-film sonic anemometers [not installed, awaiting hot-films and data system]
3.5m		X
2.5m		X
1.5m		X

Hot-films [not installed, being built/tested in Boulder]
3.5m		X
2.5m		X
1.5m		X

source:		solar 		solar		solar
voltage:	13.1V 27 Feb	13.5V 26 Feb	13.4V 26 Feb


Although all standard sensors are up, data are not yet available to evaluate
functionality/quality.  Most also need standard service (cleaning and boom 
angles shot), which we've deliberately delayed until close to the start of

2: project-info, Site all, Thu 23-Feb-2006 10:24:55 MST, Phone numbers
Phone numbers: 

TREX Ops Center 760-872-4214

ISFF Eng: 	303 579-7860
ISFF Scientist: 303 319-5585

Kurt: 		303 579-1130
Brad Agee:	765 717-4844
Chris G: 	303 250-7749
Gordon: 	303 579-6026
Greg P:		303 579-7302

Renee: 		303 818 4303

Shane (REAL):  	720 938-1144
Laura (REAL): 	303 717-6382