TREX: Logbook Entries

TREX: Site west Messages, 32 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
268 Mon 01-May-2006West data copiedwestpoulos
260 Sat 29-Apr-2006Guy Wire Tensionswestgolubieski
252 Thu 27-Apr-2006T/RH 30m West restartedwestpoulos
235 Mon 24-Apr-2006Trime Measurement, Gravimetricwestagee
234 Mon 24-Apr-20065m, 30m Kryptons cleanedwestmilitzer
224 Fri 21-Apr-2006Aerosol Laser Bad, return to factorywestmilitzer
214 Wed 19-Apr-2006Aerosol downwestmilitzer
210 Tue 18-Apr-2006Trime Measurement, Gravimetricwestmilitzer
209 Tue 18-Apr-2006Rad.cleaned, Rnet leveledwestmilitzer
208 Tue 18-Apr-2006Installed Charge-Monitor, Rebootwestmilitzer
207 Tue 18-Apr-2006Boom angles shotwestpoulos
206 Tue 18-Apr-2006TP01 wiring, possible fixwestmilitzer
205 Tue 18-Apr-2006West guy wire tension check & re-tensionwestpoulos
188 Fri 14-Apr-2006Local storage retrievedwestmilitzer
166 Sun 09-Apr-2006Radiometers 'Cleaned'westmilitzer
156 Thu 06-Apr-2006gravimetric soil moisturewesthorst
149 Tue 04-Apr-2006missing data from logger at westwesthorst
137 Sun 02-Apr-2006Krypton clean and s/n at Westwestsemmer
131 Fri 31-Mar-2006logger at westwestsemmer
114 Mon 27-Mar-2006Copy local storage to aster over the networkwesthorst
105 Sat 25-Mar-2006replaced fence battery at west towerwesthorst
102 Fri 24-Mar-2006Cleaned KH2O at westwesthorst
98 Thu 23-Mar-2006maintenance at west sitewesthorst
64 Thu 16-Mar-2006west visitwestoncley
56 Wed 15-Mar-2006Service visit to West towerwesthorst
51 Tue 14-Mar-2006TP01 wiring fixedwestoncley
48 Tue 14-Mar-2006West service visitwesthorst
42 Sun 12-Mar-2006west visitwestoncley
40 Sat 11-Mar-2006visitwestoncley
19 Wed 01-Mar-2006west visitwestoncley
14 Tue 28-Feb-2006usb drive restartwestoncley
6 Mon 27-Feb-2006AP24 settingwestoncley

268: data-system, Site west, Mon 01-May-2006 16:09:27 PDT, West data copied
The download of the onboard pocketec data to exthd7 from West was started as of ~1610LT.

Based on data storage levels on exthd7 and exthd9 the data from Central tomorrow may need to be placed on exthd9.
260: daily status, Site west, Sat 29-Apr-2006 17:06:56 PDT, Guy Wire Tensions
Guy wire tensions for West's 30m tower

Inner to outer
SE: 350,290,350,320
SW: 325,250,275,275
N:  340,240,260,280

252: TRH, Site west, Thu 27-Apr-2006 14:41:19 PDT, T/RH 30m West restarted
The T/RH sensor at West 30 m became uni-valued at approximately noon local 26 Apr 2006. With the help of S. Oncley it was master restarted electronically at ~ 11am local 27 Apr (through rserial) to its former level of performance.
235: soil, Site west, Mon 24-Apr-2006 12:07:11 PDT, Trime Measurement, Gravimetric
24Apr06, 10:20, West

~10:45PDT soil sample taken
Some pebbles in 0-3cm, nothing in 3-6.  Rain yesterday, so good opportunity.

0-3cm	153.8-53.7 = 100.1gm
	b1	28.0	27.7
	b2	32.0	31.6
	b3	26.6	26.1

3-6cm	136.5-27.0 = 109.5gm
	c1	35.7	34.5
	c2	36.7	35.5
	c3	36.8	36.8

10:20PDT Trime Brad took these readings:
Sample	%Vol	TDR
1	5.6%	
2	5.8
3	5.9
4	4.5
5	4.5
6	4.6
7	5.4
8	5.5
9	5.4

All 3 sets of 3 readings had good penetration at 45-deg angle in the vicinity
of the station soil sensors.   #1-3 were in bare ground east of sensors,
#4-6 'mixed' west of sensors, #7-9 bare, south of sensors.

234: krypton, Site west, Mon 24-Apr-2006 12:05:55 PDT, 5m, 30m Kryptons cleaned
24Apr06, ~10:25-35PDT

Cleaned 5m,30m with methyl alcohol

224: aerosol, Site west, Fri 21-Apr-2006 15:51:20 PDT, Aerosol Laser Bad, return to factory
The laser for the 9012 particulate counter is bad and needs to be returned
to the factory for repair.

This was determined after discussion with Robert Falbo who is the expert on
the sensor.   He suggested two tests (Note it is safe to work on it because
the laser is self contained.

1) check exhaust flow.

The flow goes through the laser first, through some filters, pump, and flow
meters eventually to exhaust which is by the needle valve / nipple mounted on
the pump.  This needs to be roughly 3liters/min.
This test indicated that the pump is working.
The pump it is driven off a PWM technique which ramps the speed up
or down depending upon feedback from the flow-meter and counter.  This is why
it sounds as if the pump starts up slowly and eventually kicks in.  That had
fooled me into suspecting a clog or bad pump.

2) check current-shunt voltage for the laser.

The laser's health is monitored across TP1 (on the small 'perpendicular' pcb
attached to the end of the laser, and to TP3 (ground, on the main laser
electronics board).  These test points can be identified by the red and black
insulators around them respectively.
The correct voltage should be ~800mV; anything above 1V indicates a bad laser.
With this unit, the voltage was 1.6 dropping to 1.25 as the pump ramped up.
Robert confirmed it is bad and gave us a return authorization #

Return / Contact Information

Met One Instruments Inc.
1600 Washington Blvd.
Grants Pass, Oregon  97526
Attn: Robert Falbo

214: aerosol, Site west, Wed 19-Apr-2006 20:41:24 PDT, Aerosol down

The aerosol particulate counter has been reporting bad data since
the 4/13.   Values now are almost all zeroes, with some integer values.

Tech support from MetOne sent the manual, which really doesn't say
much, and the windows configuration/monitor software which I installed
on the panasonic.  At the site, this software failed to communicate
with the counter even though procomm was seeing the raw messages.  At
one point I did manage to grab it's help printout during startup:
Tomorrow we'll bring the sensor down to the base

20Apr06, ~9:15PDT
Removed aerosol from tower.
At the base it appears to work, the pump starts slowly, but runs. It could
be that the pump, or filters are clogged because of the slow startup.
Other attempts to communicate with it via 'particomm' software still failed.

210: soil, Site west, Tue 18-Apr-2006 17:45:59 PDT, Trime Measurement, Gravimetric
18Apr06, West

16:23PDT soil sample taken
Yuck, very dry and lots of gravel.  The 0-3cm had a large 'rock' in it.

0-3cm	169.7-45.1 = 124.6gm
	b1	30.6	30.2 = 0.4
	b2	21.5	21.2 = 0.3
	b3	41.0	40.1 = 0.9

3-6cm	191.7-79.5 = 112.2gm
	c1	29.5	28.6 = 0.9
	c2	17.2	16.8 = 0.4
	c3	32.8	31.8 = 1.0

16:00PDT Trime:
Sample	%Vol	TDR
1	6.9	64
2	6.8	63
3	5.0	63
4	5.0	63
5	9.6	63
6	9.6	63

1,2 didn't have 100% penetration, with ~3/4" of the top exposed.
3,4 was in a more open area, and had the same problem as above except I
    'cheated' and moved a bit of gravel around the top.
5,6 had good penetration and was closer to a bunch of grass, ~8" away
    with the 45-deg 'slant' toward it.

209: radiation, Site west, Tue 18-Apr-2006 17:43:37 PDT, Rad.cleaned, Rnet leveled
18Apr06, 15:50-15:55

Cleaned all domes.  Absolutely no evidence of dirt.

Adjusted level on Rnet.
tilted it 'up' from a sag to the south that had the bubble outside
of the target but not pegged.
208: power, Site west, Tue 18-Apr-2006 17:41:21 PDT, Installed Charge-Monitor, Reboot
18Apr06 15:05-15:15

Installed new charge-control-monitor board to get status values.
Vb,Icharge,Iload,Temp  /ttyS13
Gordon's xml worked perfectly and the plots are now available.

207: sonic, Site west, Tue 18-Apr-2006 15:41:53 PDT, Boom angles shot
Poulos, Militzer, West visit 1600 Local 17 Apr 

We shot boom angles with the new Theodolite.Shots were taken from the road west of the tower at ~ 50 m distance. The original records for the table below are noted in Poulos' green record notebook.

Sonic   Solar    Solar  Solar    Solar       Actual    Resulting   Corrected
Height  time of  Elev   Azim      Azim       Azim      Boom angle  Boom angle
        Record   stor   stor    stor d m     Meas'd    Meas        (cardinal)
------  ------   -----  ------  ----------  ---------- ----------  ----------
05 m     1730    67.15  266.38  254d 46.8m  266d 30.5m  92d 21.2m   92d 13.7m
10 m     1715    64.15  264.02  271d 49.8m  264d 13m    91d 11.2m   91d  0.2m
15 m     1655    60.19  260.74  254d 46.8m  260d 40m    90d 26.5m   90d 31m
20 m     1615    52.38  253.54  267d 19.2m  253d 47.5m  91d 48.5m   91d 33m
25 m     1655    60.19  260.74  254d 46.8m  260d 40m    90d 26.5m   90d 31m
30 m     1615    52.38  253.54  267d 19.2m  253  47.5m  91d 48.5m   91d 33m

206: soil, Site west, Tue 18-Apr-2006 15:10:24 PDT, TP01 wiring, possible fix
18Apr06, 15:20-15:45

TP01 wiring harness swapped in logger.
The 'existing' harness had a problem with the +10V regulator output
needed for the heater.  I confirmed that the spare worked in the lab by
tying the '12Sw.Control' line too +5 and observed the 10V on pin-8.  At
west the same test failed.
Speculation is that the outage since 31Mar06 may be fixed.
It's possible that when the Xbee radio was installed in place of the Xstream
that the flimsy regulator wiring in this harness may have broken or
become intermittent.  We'll see....

Poulos, Militzer - West site visit 1600 LT Apr 17
Last night: 17Apr06
I beeped the wiring to confirm continuity as shown below and tried checking
the output of the regulator but that proved very strange after tying the
supply into +12: I could have sworn I saw 3.5V on Analog Ground....eeek!
The wiring of TP01 inside the logger is:
CR10	Color	Bulkhead Amp-9
4H	White		1
4L	Green		4
AG	Black/Bare	7,9
5H	Brown		3
5L	Black		2
Sw.+12	'Brown'		regulator inside heat shrink, +10 to pin-8
Gnd	Black		7,9

CR10 Other wiring:
C7 = Switched 12 Control

205: LOG, Site west, Tue 18-Apr-2006 15:04:35 PDT, West guy wire tension check & re-tension
Militzer and Poulos, West site visit, 1600 LT, Mon 17 Apr

Guy-wire tensions
1 375
2 320
3 360
4 310

1 340
2 295
3 290
4 295

1 340
2 280
3 280 (retensioned to 300)
4 280 (retensioned to 300)

Note on North 3/4. They were retensioned to ~ 325 and then backed off after
some minor bowing was noted.
188: data-system, Site west, Fri 14-Apr-2006 10:51:58 PDT, Local storage retrieved
Measured electric fence battery = 12.66
Retrieved local storage on pocketec for archiving at base.  Swapped in clean drive.
Grabbed soil sample for Boulder tests.
166: radiation, Site west, Sun 09-Apr-2006 17:45:35 PDT, Radiometers 'Cleaned'
16:30PDT 4/9/06 Cleaned radiometer domes.
These were all in good shape and did not appear to have any 'dirt' on them.

156: soil, Site west, Thu 06-Apr-2006 15:33:40 PDT, gravimetric soil moisture
Took soil sample at west at ~1500 PDT, April 6

0-3 cm
Total weight = 147.5 - 42.9 gm = 104.6 gm
	wet	dry
d1	25.4	24.8
d2	23.0	22.4
d3	21.4	20.8

3-6 cm
Total weight = 190.5 - 73.0 = 117.5 gm
	wet	dry
c1	21.8	20.4
c2	21.5	20.2
c3	24.3	22.5

149: soil, Site west, Tue 04-Apr-2006 11:14:57 PDT, missing data from logger at west
I am investigating the missing logger data reported on the Splus plots.
It appears that the data archive is complete, while the Splus file is
missing some data.

(P.S. This problem appears to be "fixed" by re-running stat_proc.)

Here is data from west logger as seen by Splus

               Time(PDT)     Tsoil    Qsoil
 04/04/2006 04:57:30.000  8.318987 6.452800
 04/04/2006 05:02:30.000        NA       NA
 04/04/2006 05:07:30.000  8.275098 6.493786

Here is Tsoil and Qsoil data from data file isff_20060404_120000.dat 

              (GMT)     Tsoil      Qsoil
2006 04 04 12:00:03.188 8.322      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:00:08.176 8.322      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:00:13.176 8.322      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:00:18.176 8.323      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:00:23.177 8.322      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:00:28.177 8.322      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:00:33.177 8.322      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:00:38.177 8.301      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:00:43.187 8.322      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:00:48.177 8.322      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:00:53.178 8.302      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:00:58.178 8.343      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:01:03.178 8.281      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:01:08.170 8.343      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:01:13.178 8.281      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:01:18.170 8.343      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:01:23.179 8.322      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:01:28.179 8.302      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:01:33.169 8.281      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:01:38.169 8.322      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:01:43.171 8.323      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:01:48.172 8.301      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:01:53.172 8.322      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:01:58.170 8.343      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:02:03.182 8.302      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:02:08.162 8.302      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:02:13.173 8.322      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:02:18.171 8.302      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:02:23.171 8.281      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:02:28.171 8.302      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:02:33.172 8.281      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:02:38.172 8.302      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:02:43.182 8.302      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:02:48.172 8.322      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:02:53.172 8.343      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:02:58.173 8.343      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:03:03.173 8.322      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:03:08.173 8.302      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:03:13.173 8.301      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:03:18.173 8.302      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:03:23.184 8.281      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:03:28.174 8.281      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:03:33.174 8.281      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:03:38.174 8.322      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:03:43.174 8.281      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:03:48.175 8.302      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:03:53.175 8.301      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:03:58.175 8.281      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:04:03.185 8.302      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:04:08.175 8.323      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:04:13.176 8.302      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:04:18.176 8.281      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:04:23.176 8.281      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:04:28.176 8.301      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:04:33.176 8.323      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:04:38.177 8.302      6.499          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:04:43.177 8.281      6.453          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:04:48.177 8.322      6.499          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:04:53.177 8.281      6.499          0          0      -9999
2006 04 04 12:04:58.177 8.281      6.453          0          0      -9999

137: krypton, Site west, Sun 02-Apr-2006 08:12:47 PDT, Krypton clean and s/n at West
The kryptons were cleaned at west at ~16:45 pm.

kh2o s/n at 5 m = 1395
kh2o s/n at 30 m = 1258
131: radiation, Site west, Fri 31-Mar-2006 12:26:46 PST, logger at west
The Campbell data loggers at south and west have been losing data intermittently
which Steve suspects may be due to 915 MHz interference.
He removed the logger at west around 11:45 PST to replace the MaxStream radio 
with a Zigbee radio.

   Went to re-install logger at west at about 16:00. For some unknown reason the cr10 lost its program. Will fix tomorrow.

Update 4/1/06:  Steve went to reprogram logger and after switching cables to do this, it started on its own, so apparently did not lose its program as thought.

114: data-system, Site west, Mon 27-Mar-2006 14:13:29 PST, Copy local storage to aster over the network
Created a new directory on /mnt/exthd8/projects/TREX called local.
Downloaded data with, e.g.
scp root@west:/var/tmp/usb/TREX/west_20060326_000000.dat 
105: LOG, Site west, Sat 25-Mar-2006 16:38:08 PST, replaced fence battery at west tower
Since we saw cows yesterday near the west tower, I put a fresh battery on the
102: krypton, Site west, Fri 24-Mar-2006 14:41:30 PST, Cleaned KH2O at west
Steve cleaned the KH2O at west; on tower from 1258 - 1318.

Cows in vicinity.  Need to activate the fence.

98: radiation, Site west, Thu 23-Mar-2006 15:43:15 PST, maintenance at west site
March 23: Tom at west site for maintenance; arrived ~ 1415 pst

Guywire tensions (lbs)
1	450	360	375
2	300	290	310
3	385	300	280
4	340	295	290

Cleaned radiometers with methanol 14:38
Replace fuse on serial channel 14 to restart aerosol spectrometer.
Alone, so did not clean KH2O
64: LOG, Site west, Thu 16-Mar-2006 15:00:53 PST, west visit
- mounted MetOne aerosal counter at 15m (TRH is at 14.5m).  Returned at 14:30
to complete cabling
- took gravimetric soil sample.

56: soil, Site west, Wed 15-Mar-2006 14:39:23 PST, Service visit to West tower
Tom and Steve visited West tower after South tower.

Replaced TP01 power cable within logger.  Data look good at trailer.
Steve cleaned KH2O at 5 m and 30 m.  On tower from 11:05 PST until
11:25 PST.

Apparently, cleaning the 30 m KH2O decreased the output from 1.7 V to 0.8 V and decreased the 5 m output from 2.9 V to 1.5 V !!!

51: soil, Site west, Tue 14-Mar-2006 12:05:22 PST, TP01 wiring fixed
The wire from C7 to +12SW control never was installed in this logger.  Have
done that (and reseated the TP01 cable wires that we removed last night).
Will look at the data after a few hours and see if this works.

Connected the TPO1 that was originally installed, though the spare is still
in the ground.

Also removed the beacon control circuit for debugging.

Also gave a tour to one of the lidar ladies and took photos of the KingAir.

P.S. Didn't work.  Visited again about 18:00 (to replace the beacon circuit,
which now got it running) and found that the regulator ground pin had broken
off.  Have just fixed in the trailer (18:45) and will put back tomorrow.

48: , Site west, Tue 14-Mar-2006 09:14:11 PST, West service visit
Brad and Tom visited west site before noon on Monday Mar 13.  Brad and John 
returned in the evening to finish some tasks.

Brad and Tom took two new batteries to site; replaced auxillary battery;
later in day Brad and John replaced main battery (waited to change until 
had console to shut down system first).

Fixed beacon daylight sensor by squeezing terminal on red wire to fit more
tightly on pin.  Measured proper output voltage with sensor covered.
However, John reported that it was not working when they returned to the
site that evening.

Brad tripped on loose coil of wire between NIDS and logger wireless receiver.
Beeped out cable ok but connector broken on receiver end.  John and Brad 
replaced cable later in the evening(?)

Removed internal logger TP01 cable for check out at base.  Steve O. checked
regulator okay.  Brad and John replaced cable in the evening.
White H7
Green L8
'thick' Black AG
Red H9
'thin' Black L10
power: red SW12V
       black Gnd

42: LOG, Site west, Sun 12-Mar-2006 16:34:05 PST, west visit
Visited west ~9:30-10:10.  

Tried to fix TP01 -- don't yet know if I did anything.  Only real change was
reseating +12 SW control wire.

Installed beacon controller, but didn't work.  Kept plugged into (unswitched)

Cleaned radiometers, though somewhat cloudy.

40: soil, Site west, Sat 11-Mar-2006 11:17:03 PST, visit
popped in at west ~10:40 to install new TP01.  This should tell us if the
problems are with the sensor or logger.  If it works, I think I did a good
enough installation to use (somewhat moist soil), though it will take a bit
to settle in.

19: LOG, Site west, Wed 01-Mar-2006 14:01:50 PST, west visit
West visit ~1230-1330

- cleaned rads
- cleaned kryptons
- TRIME readings: 11.2/7.7/9.7%
- aux1 voltage 13.37V

14: data-system, Site west, Tue 28-Feb-2006 19:29:43 PST, usb drive restart
Visited west site ~1800-1840 to restart the usb drive (which needed fsck).
Also repointed the parabolic antenna to South, since south beacon was visible.
Also checked guy wire tensions (see earlier log entry).

6: wireless-network, Site west, Mon 27-Feb-2006 19:50:44 PST, AP24 setting
We just found that we can only run at 10BaseT speeds using the cabling that we
have to the AP24 at West.  Unfortunately, the AP24 appears to go to 100BaseT
on power-up.  Thus, we have a sequence:
- power-up AP24
- run the "Alico AP24 winbox" application on the Toughbook
- connect (should be default)
- click on "ether1"
- set "10MBPS" and uncheck "Auto..." and "Full..." on "Ethernet" tab
- click on "Apply"
- ssh in from an outside machine (not necessarily easy)
- "reboot" nids

Since this is an unwieldy procedure, we need to either
- make a new cable (cat5 or cat6) that is long enough (18m)
- figure out how to save 10BaseT as an AP24 power-up default