SHEBA: Logbook Entries

SHEBA: Elect_Temp_Tests Messages: 5 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
11 Mon 30-Jun-1997Campbell Logger Cold Test JD179-181John Militzer
13 Thu 03-Jul-1997Campbell Logger Cold Test JD184-186John Militzer
14 Sat 05-Jul-1997EVE Box Cold Test JD186-188John Militzer
20 Wed 16-Jul-1997EVE Box Cold Test JD197-199John Militzer
504 Wed 03-Jun-1998Fla down - Voltage graphic4Dave Costa1

11: Elect_Temp_Tests, Site , Mon 30-Jun-1997 23:37:42 GMT, Campbell Logger Cold Test JD179-181

NCAR CR10X Logger:	#5350 (NCAR #1)
			#5349 (NCAR #3)

Test Purpose:	Cold Temp. Data quality / Survivability assessment

Chamber Program
Step	Temp	Time	Type		Begin-Z(approx)	Local-Time
----	----	----	----		---------	----------
 1	 25	00:10	soak		179/21:35	15:35, Sat 6/28
 2	-55	12:00	ramp-down	    21:45	15:45
 3	-55	24:00	hold		180/ 9:45	 3:45
 4	25	12:00	ramp-up		181/ 9:45	 3:45
 5			End-of-Pgm	    14:45	15:45, Mon 6/30

	Logger #5350 is in the middle of the chamber, placed on top of...
	Logger #5349
	Both loggers have their Tsoil probe placed inside the box,
	and connected.   A voltage reference standard outside the
	chamber is feeding a signal to the Rnet sensor input for both
	loggers.   No trh was used.

Data Acquisition:
	2 separate EVE boxes, one for each logger, are gathering the
	data and putting it in asciidat form.
	Fields recorded include:
		     box-t    rnet   trh  tsoil
1997 181 17:25:00 01 29.1203 185.337 NaN -10.41

Results: Loggers survived.  Unable to determine data sampling stability.
	Both loggers stayed up and apparently reported data during the
	entire temperature profile.
	However, something odd occurred roughly 15-min after the test began.
	The Tsoil and Rnet data went bad.  Both Rnets dropped by about 30%
	in 'DC' level and simultaneously became very noisy.
	Naturally, the data returned to good about 10-min before going
	to offload the initial data set on Monday morning.
	The problems occurred after starting the chamber and went away
	well before the chamber finished.  They 'recovered' around -10C
	Not sure why both loggers on independent EVE boxes did this 
	at the same time: ground/noise problem?

	These 'non-extended' temperature range CR10X logger did survive
	about 1-day at -55C.  They can probably be used for SHEBA spares.
	Any errors induced by low temperatures are uncertain.


13: Elect_Temp_Tests, Site , Thu 03-Jul-1997 00:18:42 GMT, Campbell Logger Cold Test JD184-186

NCAR CR10X Logger:	#12178 Extended Temp. Range
			#12598 Extended Temp. Range

Test Purpose:	Cold Temp. Data quality / Survivability assessment

Chamber Program
Step	Temp	Time	Type		Begin-Z(approx)	Local-Time
----	----	----	----		---------	----------
 1	 25	00:10	soak		184/00:10	18:10, Wed 7/2
 2	-55	12:00	ramp-down	    00:20	18:20
 3	-55	24:00	hold		184/12:20	 6:20  Th 7/3
 4	25	12:00	ramp-up		185/12:20	 6:20  Fr 7/4
 5			End-of-Pgm	186/00:20	18:20, Fr 7/4

	Logger #12178 interfaced to EVE, Station#1 is on the bottom
	Logger #12598 interfaced to EVE, Station#2 is on top
	Both loggers have their Tsoil probe placed on top.
	The Rnet input channel (2) is shorted.
	No trh was used.

Data Acquisition:
	2 separate EVE boxes, one for each logger, are gathering the
	data and putting it in asciidat form.

	Fields recorded include:
		     box-t    rnet   trh  tsoil
1997 181 17:25:00 01 29.1203 185.337 NaN -10.41

NOTE:	Upon initial power on, the logger was outputting what appeared
	to be random characters as determined by EVE talk program.  In
	addition, any attempt to attach the voltage standard to the
	Rnet input resulted in severe noise, even with various
	grounding schemes attempted.   Ultimately shorted the Rnet
	pins, but still saw the spurious character output.
	Eventually things for both boxes settled out and i started the
	test.  Hopefully they won't begin spitting out bad characters
	during the test.



14: Elect_Temp_Tests, Site , Sat 05-Jul-1997 18:43:42 GMT, EVE Box Cold Test JD186-188

NCAR EVE System:  Electronics box w/Industrial Solutions VME chassis
		and previously tested VME boards that worked to -55.

Test Purpose:	Verify that the Industrial Solutions VME backplanes
		cannot handle extreme cold

Chamber Program
Step	Temp	Time	Type		Begin-Z(approx)	Local-Time
----	----	----	----		---------	----------
 1	 25	00:10	soak		186/18:15	12:15, Sa 7/5
 2	-45	12:00	ramp-down	    18:25	12:25
 3	-45	12:00	hold		187/06:25	00:25  Su 7/6
 4	25	12:00	ramp-up		    18:25	12:25  
 5			End-of-Pgm	188/06:25	00:25, Mo 7/7

	EVE box is in the middle of the chamber.
	Logging data: TRH, logger, AD0-3, baro

Data Acquisition:
	Ascii file contents:
		     box-t    rnet   trh  tsoil
1997 181 17:25:00 01 29.1203 185.337 NaN -10.41

	After the test, EVE was up and running.
	However, doing a "dir /card" produced nothing:
	card inaccessible.
	Soft reset attempt brought the station down/lock-up.
	Hard power reset brought everything back.

	Nothing changes.  We've now seen 2 Industrial Solutions
	VME backplanes that've had problems.  
	Result: the electronics boxes will be placed inside the
	TEG shelter.


20: Elect_Temp_Tests, Site , Wed 16-Jul-1997 20:27:32 GMT, EVE Box Cold Test JD197-199

NCAR EVE System: Electronics box w/Shroff VME chassis
		and VME boards rated only 'commercial' grade

Test Purpose:	- EVE: Determine whether the 3 commercial rated boards will 
		operate in extreme cold.
		- TRH/Compass: determine if the problems seen with the
		other TRH system are 'fixed' by replacing the cpu4ad board
		Verify cold temp. operation.

Chamber Program
Step	Temp	Time	Type		Begin-Z(approx)	Local-Time
----	----	----	----		---------	----------
 1	 25	00:10	soak		197/20:05	14:05, We 7/16
 2	-45	12:00	ramp-down	    20:15	14:15
 3	-45	10:00	hold		198/08:15	02:15  Th 7/17
 4	25	12:00	ramp-up		    18:15	12:15  
 5			End-of-Pgm	199/06:15	00:15, Fr 7/18

	EVE box is in the middle of the chamber.
	Logging data: logger, AD0-3, baro, Gill

Data Acquisition:
	Metppf files




504: Elect_Temp_Tests, Site 4, Wed 03-Jun-1998 09:50:09 AKDT, Fla down - Voltage graphic
The past two days I have had to reset the Morningstar and the attached graphics file is a plot of the voltages.  Does it spark any ideas?
