SHEBA: Logbook Entries

SHEBA: Site base Messages, 153 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
43 Thu 16-Oct-1997SHEBA PrintersbaseJohn Militzer
62 Wed 22-Oct-1997baseSteve Semmer
68 Thu 23-Oct-1997baseSteve Semmer
71 Fri 24-Oct-1997PAMPOLL downbaseSteve Semmer
72 Fri 24-Oct-1997Antenna cable checkbaseSteve Semmer
74 Fri 24-Oct-1997baseSteve Semmer
77 Sat 25-Oct-1997baseSteve Semmer
83 Sun 26-Oct-1997baseSteve Semmer
88 Mon 27-Oct-1997baseSteve Semmer
90 Tue 28-Oct-1997Base antenna movedbaseSteve Semmer
91 Tue 28-Oct-1997baseSteve Semmer
94 Wed 29-Oct-1997baseSteve Semmer
102 Thu 30-Oct-1997baseSteve Semmer
106 Fri 31-Oct-1997baseJeff Otten
111 Sat 01-Nov-1997baseSteve Semmer
112 Mon 03-Nov-1997baseChris Fairall
113 Tue 04-Nov-1997baseJeff Otten
114 Wed 05-Nov-1997baseJeff Otten
115 Thu 06-Nov-1997baseJeff Otten
116 Fri 07-Nov-1997baseJeff Otten
117 Sat 08-Nov-1997baseJeff Otten
118 Sun 09-Nov-1997baseChris Fairall
119 Mon 10-Nov-1997baseChris Fairall
120 Tue 11-Nov-1997baseChris Fairall
121 Wed 12-Nov-1997baseChris Fairall
122 Thu 13-Nov-1997baseChris Fairall
123 Fri 14-Nov-1997baseChris Fairall
124 Tue 25-Nov-1997baseJeff Otten
125 Tue 25-Nov-1997baseChris Fairall
126 Wed 26-Nov-1997baseChris Fairall
127 Thu 27-Nov-1997baseJeff Otten
128 Fri 28-Nov-1997baseJanet Intrieri
129 Sat 29-Nov-1997baseJanet Intrieri
130 Sun 30-Nov-1997baseJanet Intrieri
131 Mon 01-Dec-1997baseJanet Intrieri
132 Tue 02-Dec-1997baseJanet Intrieri
133 Wed 03-Dec-1997baseJeff Otten
134 Thu 04-Dec-1997baseJeff Otten
135 Fri 05-Dec-1997baseJeff Otten
136 Sat 06-Dec-1997baseJanet Intrieri
137 Sun 07-Dec-1997baseJanet Intrieri
138 Mon 08-Dec-1997baseJanet Intrieri
139 Tue 09-Dec-1997baseJeff Otten
140 Wed 10-Dec-1997baseJeff Otten
141 Thu 11-Dec-1997baseJeff Otten
143 Sat 13-Dec-1997baseJanet Intrieri
144 Sun 14-Dec-1997baseJanet Intrieri
145 Mon 15-Dec-1997baseJanet Intrieri
146 Tue 16-Dec-1997baseJanet Intrieri
147 Wed 17-Dec-1997baseJanet Intrieri
152 Wed 17-Dec-1997baseJeff Otten
154 Thu 18-Dec-1997baseJanet Intrieri
160 Sat 20-Dec-1997baseJanet Intrieri
162 Sun 21-Dec-1997baseJanet Intrieri
164 Mon 22-Dec-1997baseJanet Intrieri
166 Tue 23-Dec-1997baseJanet Intrieri
169 Wed 24-Dec-1997baseJanet Intrieri
171 Fri 26-Dec-1997baseJanet Intrieri
172 Sat 27-Dec-1997baseJanet Intrieri
174 Mon 29-Dec-1997baseJanet Intrieri
177 Tue 30-Dec-1997baseJanet Intrieri
179 Wed 31-Dec-1997baseJanet Intrieri
182 Thu 01-Jan-1998baseJanet Intrieri
185 Fri 02-Jan-1998baseJanet Intrieri
186 Sat 03-Jan-1998baseJanet Intrieri
189 Sun 04-Jan-1998baseJanet Intrieri
193 Tue 06-Jan-1998baseJanet Intrieri
194 Wed 07-Jan-1998baseAnn Keane
197 Thu 08-Jan-1998nc_server not runningbaseSteve Semmer
198 Thu 08-Jan-1998Calm, no additional rimingbaseAnn Keane
206 Fri 09-Jan-1998Getting Colder.baseAnn Keane
207 Sat 10-Jan-1998baseAnn Keane
211 Tue 13-Jan-1998baseAnn Keane
214 Wed 14-Jan-1998baseAnn Keane
215 Thu 15-Jan-1998baseAnn Keane
218 Fri 16-Jan-1998baseAnn Keane
219 Sat 17-Jan-1998baseAnn Keane
222 Sun 18-Jan-1998baseAnn Keane
225 Wed 21-Jan-1998baseAnn Keane
228 Thu 22-Jan-1998baseAnn Keane
230 Sat 24-Jan-1998baseAnn Keane
232 Sun 25-Jan-1998baseAnn Keane
233 Tue 27-Jan-1998baseAnn Keane
236 Wed 28-Jan-1998baseAnn Keane
237 Thu 29-Jan-1998baseAnn Keane
238 Fri 30-Jan-1998baseAnn Keane
240 Sat 31-Jan-1998baseAnn Keane
241 Mon 02-Feb-1998baseAnn Keane
244 Wed 04-Feb-1998baseAnn Keane
245 Thu 05-Feb-1998baseAnn Keane
246 Thu 05-Feb-1998baseAnn Keane
247 Sun 08-Feb-1998Log for 07-Feb-1998, 038baseAnn Keane
248 Sun 08-Feb-1998Log for 06-Feb-1998, 037baseAnn Keane
250 Sun 08-Feb-1998Log for 08-Feb-1998 039baseAnn Keane
251 Mon 09-Feb-1998baseAnn Keane
253 Tue 10-Feb-1998baseAnn Keane
254 Wed 11-Feb-1998baseAnn Keane
255 Thu 12-Feb-1998baseAnn Keane
257 Fri 13-Feb-1998baseAnn Keane
259 Sat 14-Feb-1998baseAnn Keane
260 Sat 14-Feb-1998Log for 15-Feb-1998 046baseAnn Keane
262 Mon 16-Feb-1998baseAnn Keane
263 Tue 17-Feb-1998baseAnn Keane
265 Wed 18-Feb-1998baseAnn Keane
266 Thu 19-Feb-1998baseTony Delany
267 Fri 20-Feb-1998baseTony Delany
268 Sat 21-Feb-1998baseJeff Otten
269 Sat 21-Feb-1998baseTony Delany
271 Sat 21-Feb-1998Changed heaton=5 and heatoff=3600 at ATL, FLA, BALbaseJeff Otten
273 Sun 22-Feb-1998Daily_Status baseTony Delany
275 Mon 23-Feb-1998Daily_Status baseTony Delany
276 Tue 24-Feb-1998Daily_Status baseTony Delany
279 Wed 25-Feb-1998Daily_Status baseTony Delany
282 Thu 26-Feb-1998Daily_Status baseTony Delany
285 Fri 27-Feb-1998Daily_Status baseTony Delany
287 Sat 28-Feb-1998Daily_Status baseTony Delany
289 Sun 01-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseTony Delany
291 Mon 02-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseTony Delany
293 Tue 03-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseTony Delany
294 Wed 04-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseTony Delany
298 Thu 05-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseTony Delany
301 Fri 06-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseTony Delany
302 Sat 07-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseTony Delany
303 Sat 07-Mar-1998Realigned base antennabaseTony Delany
305 Sun 08-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseTony Delany
307 Mon 09-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseTony Delany
309 Tue 10-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseTony Delany
311 Wed 11-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseTony Delany
312 Sat 14-Mar-1998Daily_Status 3/13/98 baseDan Wolfe
313 Sat 14-Mar-1998Daily_Status 3/12/98 baseDan Wolfe
317 Sun 15-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseDan Wolfe
319 Mon 16-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseDan Wolfe
321 Tue 17-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseDan Wolfe
323 Wed 18-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseDan Wolfe
325 Thu 19-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseDan Wolfe
326 Fri 20-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseDan Wolfe
327 Sat 21-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseDan Wolfe
330 Sun 22-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseDan Wolfe
332 Mon 23-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseDan Wolfe
333 Mon 23-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseDan Wolfe
335 Tue 24-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseDan Wolfe
337 Wed 25-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseDan Wolfe
338 Thu 26-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseDan Wolfe
339 Fri 27-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseDan Wolfe
340 Sat 28-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseDan Wolfe
342 Sun 29-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseDan Wolfe
343 Mon 30-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseDan Wolfe
345 Tue 31-Mar-1998Daily_Status baseDan Wolfe
476 Tue 19-May-1998pollup script mods.baseDave Costa
477 Tue 19-May-1998reset time on pampollbaseDave Costa
493 Fri 29-May-1998Level 0 backup on SHEBOPbaseDave Costa
530 Sun 14-Jun-1998Base AntennabaseDave Costa
724 Tue 01-Dec-1998Post field: merged packet databaseGordon Maclean

43: Base_Software, Site base, Thu 16-Oct-1997 04:13:58 GMT, SHEBA Printers
I finally got around to adding the printers tonight.

I named these:
	color1	color laserjet 5M
	sp_1	B/W laserjet 6MP

I added to the PAM login:
	letenv LPDEST sp_1

I have not configured in a default system printer though.

62: Daily_Status, Site base, Wed 22-Oct-1997 15:00:54 GMT,
Weather: Partly cloudy, did get some sun today.

Base: running

STATIONS:  Station 4 has not been properly deployed yet.

TRH:	looking ok except for spikes every 8 to 10 hours.

4-COMP:	ok
	station 2 has heater in ventilation system

Tsoil:	ok

HFT:	ok

SONICS: getting a heavy dosage of flag errors, variance up.
	may be due to icing.

68: Daily_Status, Site base, Thu 23-Oct-1997 14:03:50 GMT,
Weather: cold, partly clear, light wind

base: running

STATIONS:  all stations reporting

TRH:	looking ok except for spikes every 8 to 10 hours.
	Temperatures dropping.
	humidity going down. Station 4 humidity about 3% higher
	than other sites.
PRESS:	ok, on the rise.

4-COMP: and Tdome.out are too high at station 2.
	Rpile.out at station 2 low at night compared to others

Tsoil:	ok,
	NOTE: Tsoil of station 4 buried yesterday

HFT:	ok
	NOTE: Gsoil of station 4 buried yesterday

SONICS: Ice conditions on sonics.


	NOTE: Baltimore levels should not be trusted at this time.
	      The unit was levelled with a bubble.

	 New direction reading for station 4 is 263 (true N)



TBOX:	ok, all in the 30C to 40C

71: Base_Software, Site base, Fri 24-Oct-1997 14:42:20 GMT, PAMPOLL down
PAMPOLL is down. There is no response over the net.
Data collection stopped at about 5:00 AM local time.

Reason:  the ship's net connection was broken - the hub in the
officer's lounge fell off the wall.

72: Logistics, Site base, Fri 24-Oct-1997 14:58:09 GMT, Antenna cable check
  The 200ft RF cable was put in series with the existing
cable to do a check. It appears to be ok; however, the additional
loss did effect communication with stations 2 and 3.

74: Daily_Status, Site base, Fri 24-Oct-1997 15:51:31 GMT,

base: pampoll donw!

STATIONS:  all stations reporting up till pampoll went down
	   communication to 2 and 3 was weak over the last 24 hours
	   due to testing of antenna cable.

TRH:	looking ok except for spikes every 8 to 10 hours.
	Spikes on station 4 gone, serial config works!
	RH ok.
PRESS:	ok.

4-COMP: and Tdome.out high at station 2.
Tsoil:	ok,

HFT:	ok

SONICS: Ice conditions on sonics.


	NOTE: Baltimore levels should not be trusted at this time.
	      The unit was levelled with a bubble.




TBOX:	ok, all in the 30C to 40C

77: Daily_Status, Site base, Sat 25-Oct-1997 14:23:45 GMT,

base: running

STATIONS:  reporting, station 3 outages yesterday and this morning.

TRH:	temperatures look good. Low last night was around -30C. Spikes
	still on 2 and 3 since we have not downloaded a new configuration.
	RH ok, going down

PRESS:	ok, going down.

4-COMP: and Tdome.out high at station 2.
	Pyrs responding to daytime period even with heavy icing.
Tsoil:	ok, temperature highest at 1, maybe due to drifting snow there.

HFT:	ok, heat flux lowest at 1, again maybe due to large drifts.

SONICS: Ice conditions on sonics.


	NOTE: Baltimore levels should not be trusted at this time.
	      The unit was levelled with a bubble.


LOADS:	TEG shutdown at station 3.

VOLTAGES: TEG shutdown at station 3, This happened on the 23rd at about
	  17:30 local.

TBOX:	ok, temperature dropping at station 3, reaching ambient conditions.

83: Daily_Status, Site base, Sun 26-Oct-1997 14:29:40 GMT,
Weather: getting colder, partly clear skies

base: running

STATIONS:  reporting, station 3 outages this morning.

TRH:	temperatures look good

PRESS:	ok, going down.

4-COMP: and Tdome.out high at station 2.
	Pyrs responding to daytime period even with heavy icing. at station 3 reading low. It appears to correspond
	with ED cleaning the dooms when we were out there yesterday.
Tsoil:	ok

HFT:	ok

SONICS: Ice conditions on sonics.


	NOTE: Baltimore levels should not be trusted at this time.
	      The unit was levelled with a bubble.



VOLTAGES: Voltages high at Atlanta, station 1. Up to 14 volts.

TBOX:	ok

88: Daily_Status, Site base, Mon 27-Oct-1997 15:40:58 GMT,

base: running, common spike at about 22 local time last night

STATIONS:  up and running

TRH:	temperatures look good
	Atlanta, station 1, Ts are not agreeing as well as other
	sites. This maybe due to icing on the radiation tube.
	Refer to comment 89.


4-COMP:	Tdome and Tcase sensors looking good.
	Pyg.out at ststion 2 is questionable when compared to others.
Tsoil:	ok

HFT:	ok

SONICS: Ice conditions on sonics.


	NOTE: Baltimore levels should not be trusted at this time.
	      The unit was levelled with a bubble.




TBOX:	ok

90: Logistics, Site base, Tue 28-Oct-1997 15:36:34 GMT, Base antenna moved
  The base antenna was moved up the forward mast about another 20 ft.
Reception has improved.

91: Daily_Status, Site base, Tue 28-Oct-1997 15:37:45 GMT,

base: running, communication much better with antenna at new location.

STATIONS:  up and running

TRH:	temperatures look good. It has warmed up about -20C.
PRESS:	ok, dropping

4-COMP:	Tdome and Tcase at Cleveland, station 2 are bad again. This
	occurred at about 12:00 local yesterday.
	PYGS are also bad again at station 2.This must be a
	Campbell box problem.
	PYRs at station 3 have an interesting spike at about 14:00
	local time yesterday.
Tsoil:	ok

HFT:	ok

SONICS: Ice conditions on sonics.


	NOTE: Baltimore levels should not be trusted at this time.
	      The unit was levelled with a bubble.




TBOX:	ok

94: Daily_Status, Site base, Wed 29-Oct-1997 15:34:19 GMT,
Weather: Warming up, T at -13C

base: running

STATIONS:  up and running

TRH:	temperatures look good.
	Florida temps not tracking as well.

PRESS:	ok, dropping

4-COMP:	Tdome and Tcase at Cleveland, station 2, starting to go bad again.
	This time we are getting spikes. PYGS still tracking PYRS.
Tsoil:	ok

HFT:	ok
	Baltimore tracks differently than others.

SONICS: Two sonics have come back to life! Cleveland and Florida are
	looking good now. Chris believes the warmer temperatures has
	allowed the rime ice to shed off.


	NOTE: Baltimore levels should not be trusted at this time.
	      The unit was levelled with a bubble.


	charging current at Baltimore is jumping around.

	  Baltimore is jumping around, 13.3v to 13.7v.
TBOX:	ok

102: Daily_Status, Site base, Thu 30-Oct-1997 06:09:29 AKST,

base: running

STATIONS:  up and running. 

TRH:	temperatures look good, dropping. The temperature on the thermistor
	is always low compared to platinum. The shield around the platinum
	may have something to do with it.


4-COMP:	Long and short look ok. Tdome and Tcase at Cleveland, station 2
	are bad. PYGs at station 2 bad.
	Logger down for about 2.5 hours from 16:00 to 18:30 local yesterday
	at station 3, Baltimore.
Tsoil:	ok

HFT:	ok
	Atlanta differnt from others today. Show drifts may be the answer.

SONICS: All looking good!


	NOTE: Baltimore levels should not be trusted at this time.
	      The unit was levelled with a bubble.


	Charging current at Atlanta higher than all the rest. 1.6 verse
	1.2 amps.

	  voltages lower at Cleveland and Florida due to heater in fan

TBOX:	ok

106: Daily_Status, Site base, Fri 31-Oct-1997 08:48:44 AKST,

base: running

STATIONS:  up and running. 

TRH:	ok


4-COMP:	Cleveland pyrgeometer Rpile outputs tracking pyranometer outputs.
	Also, Tdome outputs developed positive offset again.

Tsoil	ok

HFT:	ok


	Lead opened under ship last night.

	NOTE: Baltimore levels should not be trusted at this time.
	      The unit was levelled with a bubble.



	  voltages lower at Cleveland and Florida due to heater in fan

TBOX:	ok

111: Daily_Status, Site base, Sat 01-Nov-1997 10:57:17 AKST,
Weather: vey foggy, cold around -20C 

base: running

STATIONS:  up and running.
	   station 3 was having a hard time getting in early this morning
	As of 8:00 LT the last packet received was 04:00 LT.  We adjusted
	the ships antenna this morning, and when we were done stn 3 was
	up to date. 

TRH:	ok. Higher RH at Cle (due to leads?)


4-COMP:	Cleveland pyrgeometer Rpile OK.
	Tdome outputs developed positive offset again.
	Other's OK.

Tsoil	ok

HFT:	ok


	Lead opened under ship last night.

	NOTE: Baltimore levels should not be trusted at this time.
	      The unit was levelled with a bubble.


LOADS:	ok 1 amp at Cle&Fla,0.7 at Atl,Bal

	  voltages lower at Cleveland and Florida due to heater in fan

TBOX:	ok

112: Daily_Status, Site base, Mon 03-Nov-1997 09:22:10 AKST,
Weather: winds 2-5 m/s, temperature around -25 C, moatly clear

Base: running

STATIONS:  up and running.
	   station 3 lost data around 1100 GMT

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS	voltages ok.  Turned on new double fan system at FLA
	at about 2100.  Current load increased from 0.6 to 0.9 a.

TRH:	ok. Higher RH (2%) at Cle (due to leads?)


4-COMP:	Cleveland pyrgeometer Rpile OK.  FLA Rpile 10 W/m^2 lower early in day.
	Tdome outputs positive offset remains.
	Other's OK.  Values seen wrong compared to main tower system.  Suspect
	domes are rimed. Cleveland rime brushed off at 2100 GMT; FLA 
	disconnected and brought inside to look for problems.

Tsoil	ok

HFT:	ok

SONICS: All giving poor values; suspect rime. Cleveland and Florida had ice
	brushed off at 2100.


	NOTE: Baltimore levels should not be trusted at this time.
	      The unit was levelled with a bubble.


TBOX:	ok

113: Daily_Status, Site base, Tue 04-Nov-1997 12:31:02 AKST,
Weather: thick stratus clouds at about 0.8 km ASL, then clear

STATIONS:  up and running.
	   two short gaps in station 3 data

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS	voltages ok.  Florida's load current dropped due to 
				removing 4-component and fan for diagnosis on 					board the ship.

TBOX:	got a bit warm as the stratus passed over and the ambient air 
		temperatures rose.

TRH:	ok.  Warmer temperatures correspond to thick stratus passing over.

4-COMP: Atlanta and Baltimore domes probably rimed over.  Gap in Florida data 
		due to bringing 4-component indoors for diagnosis.



HFT: Sudden increase in Gsoil at Cleveland.  Earlier in day had instructed 
		Jumper on how to clear instruments of rime if/when he 
		happened to be out at the PAM sites.  He did this at Cleveland. 			He may have stepped on the snow over the flux plate.  
		Installation manual says to install temperature sensor over 
		flux plate.  If this was done, why wasn't there a change in 

SONICS: Can see where Jumper cleaned rime off sonics about 0Z (11/4/97).  
		Rimed up again within a couple of hours.


114: Daily_Status, Site base, Wed 05-Nov-1997 10:32:56 AKST,
Weather: sustained winds > 10m/s most of day.  Cloud radar showed returns up 			to 5 km much of the day.

STATIONS:  up and running.
	   Gaps in station 3 data due to transmission failure.
		Gap in data for all 4 stations due to lost link between pam pc 
		and pampoll laptop.  May not be a gap in data stored on pampoll 
		laptop.  Should not be a gap in data on site flashcards.


TBOX:	ok

TRH:	ok.

4-COMP: Did more testing on Florida's 4-component.  Tried disconnecting one or 
	more radiometers at a time to see possible influence on pyg dome 
	temperatures.  Found that with disconnected, other 3 
	radiometers gave good output.  When cable is reconnected, both 
	pyg dome temperatures develop a positive offset.  Asking NCAR folks 
	for permission to open and inspect wiring.



HFT: Gsoil output from Cleveland more variable than other sites.  Possibly 
	due to footprint near sensor causing greater influence from varying 
	air temperature.

SONICS: High winds and warmer temperatures cleaned frost off sonics.


115: Daily_Status, Site base, Thu 06-Nov-1997 08:27:38 AKST,
Weather: overcast, thin stratus.

STATIONS:  up and running.
	"Visited" Florida.  Light snow cleaned off domes, on downwind side.  
		No frost on sonic.  Fresh layer of snow all around; no 
		footprints from previous visits.  Changed propane.  Old 
		tank weighed 35#, so still had 12.5# of propane in it.
		Chose not to change flash card this time.
	Visited Atlanta.  Light snow cleaned off domes.  Fresh layer of snow 
		all around; no footprints.  Changed propane and flash card.  
		Old tanks weighed 25 and 42 #s, so still had 22# of propane.
		No frost on sonic thanks to recent storm/wind. 
	Intended to visit Baltimore and possibly Cleveland tomorrow, but 
		a large lead opened up near the ship.  The trail to 
		Baltimore includes 300' of water/slush.  The trail to 
		Cleveland hasn't been checked all the way, but the view from 
		the bridge shows it may well be inaccessible as well. 


TBOX:	ok  Interesting how box temps vary between sites.

TRH:	ok.  Cleveland temps don't follow quite the pattern the other 3 sites 			do.
		During Atlanta site visit, Chris Fairall placed Vaisala 
		handheld temperature/humidity sensor that ETL uses as an 
		intercomparison standard near intake of TRH.  At 22:40 he 
		read -14.1C, and 84% relative humidity.

4-COMP: still disconnected at Florida.  ~22:00gmt, replaced pyg.out 
		cable with cable to test cable.  ~02:00gmt, 
		transfered pyg.out cable to bulkhead connector on 
		CSI black box.
	Not concerned with levels on Florida's 4-component until pyg problem 
		is solved.  Level cable remains unattached.



HFT: Gsoil at Baltimore shows much more variation today than before.  Could 
	storm have scoured some of its snow cover away?



116: Daily_Status, Site base, Fri 07-Nov-1997 13:33:45 AKST,
Weather: light winds, low, variable stratus.

STATIONS:  up and running.
	Visited Cleveland.  Very light frost on sonic, mostly on frame and 			arms, not heads.  Brushed most of it off with a feather 
		duster.  Residue remained.  Used (initially) warm fingers 
		to melt and wipe off frost/water.
	      Changed propane and flashcard.  Returned propane tanks 
		weighed 32# and 52#.  52# tank will not be refilled!
	      Had to cross new lead (not the 300' wide one), that was 6-8' 
		wide in most places.  Followed it for ~1/4 mile to find good 


TBOX:	ok

TRH:	ok.  Noticed temporary increase in RH at Atlanta compared to other 
		sites.  THEN heard a lead opened up between the ship and 
		the Atlanta site.  Wahoo!

4-COMP: Made additional tests on 4-component in-situ at Florida.  Will study 
	result later tonight.


TSOIL: ok  Tsoil at Atlanta very stable compared to others.  Explains near 
		constant and low heat flux noted below.

GSOIL: Gsoil at Cleveland seems to have recovered from possible footprint near 
	or on it.  Recent storm probably blew in fresh snow cover.  Atlanta 
	Gsoil, though, looks nearly flat compared to other 3 sites.

SONICS: As noted above, thoroughly cleaned all frost off sonic heads at 
	Cleveland.  Good data for all of an hour before they started riming 
	again.  Other sites rimed up as well.


117: Daily_Status, Site base, Sat 08-Nov-1997 09:44:25 AKST,

STATIONS:  up and running.
	George (SHEBA staff) investigated the route to Baltimore.  Impossible.


TBOX:	Dips in box temperatures at Cleveland and Florida due to lid being 
	open for maintenance.  Atlanta box temperature approaching 45C.  Over 
	past week, box temperatures at sited have ranged from 15-45C.

TRH:	ok

4-COMP: Brought in Florida's 4-component and Campbell box for diagnosis.  It 
	worked fine indoors.  Took it to met hut where I could test it again 
	with the 4-component and Campbell box outside in the cold.  Still 
	worked find.  Took it to Florida and reinstalled it.  It continued to 
	work fine.  Don't know what made the difference nor how long it will 
	continue to work.
		Installed fan with 4 independent outlets and a resistor 

LEVELS:	Florida's level remains disconnected until we're done with repairs.
	NOTE: Baltimore levels should not be trusted at this time.
	      The unit was levelled with a bubble.




SONICS: frosted up


118: Daily_Status, Site base, Sun 09-Nov-1997 08:41:10 AKST,

STATIONS:  up and running.  Some RF link dropouts on Cleveland/Baltimore.
	Nothing new on the route to Baltimore. 

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: ok.  Higher current at Florida due to installation of 2nd
	experimental fan.  Jeff determined this fan warms the air about 1C.
	Tubing connecting fan to radiometers was insulated with fiberglass
	pipe wrap.

TBOX:	Dips in box temperature at Florida due to lid being 
	open for maintenance.  

TRH:	ok

4-COMP: Atlanta, Cleveland, and Baltimore obviously invalidated by rime.  
	Numbers from Florida implyh that fan with 4 independent outlets and
	a resistor heater is keeping rime off. Data from Florida went bad at
	about 0700 GMT, following usual pattern of delayed failure.  Note 
	that this occurred when air temperature went below -16 C, but doubt

LEVELS:	Florida's level remains disconnected until we're done with repairs.
	NOTE: Baltimore levels should not be trusted at this time.
	      The unit was levelled with a bubble.



GSOIL: ok.  Note pattern at Atlanta remains clearly different from others.

SONICS: frosted up; no valid data


119: Daily_Status, Site base, Mon 10-Nov-1997 08:23:41 AKST,
Weather: Winds decreasing after a storm.  Cloudy, temperature about -12 C.

STATIONS:  up and running.  Some RF link dropouts on Baltimore.
	Nothing new on the route to Baltimore. 

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: ok.  Higher current at Florida due to installation of 2nd
	experimental fan. 

TBOX:	ok.  All around 20 C.  

TRH:	ok

4-COMP: Atlanta, Cleveland, and Baltimore obviously invalidated by rime.  
	Florida ok. Heat source (light bulb) in Campbell box to keep the
	multiplexer working.

LEVELS:	Florida's level remains disconnected until we're done with repairs.
	NOTE: Baltimore levels should not be trusted at this time.
	      The unit was levelled with a bubble.



GSOIL: ok.  Note pattern at Atlanta remains clearly different from others.

SONICS: Cleveland, Baltimore, Atlanta frosted up; no valid data; Florida ok.


120: Daily_Status, Site base, Tue 11-Nov-1997 18:51:36 AKST,
Weather: Winds 7-10 m/s; fairly good snow fall near end of day.

STATIONS:  up and running.  Some RF link dropouts on Baltimore.
	Changed propane at Baltimore; went via Cleveland and Bermuda. 

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: ok.  Voltage dropped to 13.2 at Baltimore after changing 
	propane and adding new fan  with heater.  Higher current at Baltimore
	due to new fan. 

TBOX:	ok.    

TRH:	ok  Warming most of day.Strange drop at Florida from 1700-2200 GMT.

4-COMP: Atlanta, Cleveland, and Baltimore obviously invalidated by rime.  
	Florida ok. Cleaned Cleveland and Baltimore; put new fan on Bal.
	Looks like Baltimore rad. data quit about the time we left.

LEVELS:	Florida's level remains disconnected until we're done with repairs.
	Took serial number from Baltimore levels: N2019.


TSOIL: ok, except Baltimore quit.

GSOIL: ok. except Baltimore quit.

SONICS: All sonics began working about 2000 GMT;  Florida ok all day.

MISCELLANEOUS	Looks like Campbell datalogger at Baltimore quit about the time
	we left.

121: Daily_Status, Site base, Wed 12-Nov-1997 08:11:42 AKST,
Weather: Winds shifted from SE at 10 m/s to SW at 7 m/s.  Some clearing;
	 temperatures dropping.

STATIONS:  up and running.  Some RF link dropouts on Baltimore.
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: ok.  Voltage dropped to 13.2 at Baltimore after changing 
	propane and adding new fan with heater.  Note recent decrease in 
	charging current at Baltimore.  Not sure of significance. 

TBOX:	Atlanta running about 20 C higher than other; suspect snow drifts.   

TRH:	ok  

4-COMP: All stations ok except Baltimore, where the Campbell isn't reporting

LEVELS:	Florida's level remains disconnected.


TSOIL: ok, except Baltimore quit.

GSOIL: ok. except Baltimore quit.

SONICS: All sonics began working about 2000 GMT on 10/11;  Florida ok all day.

MISCELLANEOUS	Campbell datalogger at Baltimore still out.

122: Daily_Status, Site base, Thu 13-Nov-1997 15:43:02 AKST,
Weather: Winds light; SW at 7 m/s.  Mostly clear; temperatures dropping.

STATIONS:  up and running.  One brief RF link dropout on Baltimore.
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: ok.  Voltage dropped to 13.2 at Atlanta after adding new fan
	 with heater; current jumped to about 1.1 amp.  

TBOX:	Big drop at Atlanta because we had the box open for about an hour 
	starting at 2200 GMT 11/13.  The box was partly drifted in and some of
	the ventilation holes were clogged with snow.

TRH:	ok  

4-COMP:  Baltimore Campbell still isn't reporting data.  Florida Campbell
	multiplexer started acting up about 2200 GMT 11/13.  Will turn up the 
	juice on the light bulb in the box.

LEVELS:	Florida's level remains disconnected.


TSOIL: ok, except Baltimore.

GSOIL: ok. except Baltimore.

SONICS: All sonics ok all day.

MISCELLANEOUS	Campbell datalogger at Baltimore still out.  Visited Atlanta 
	2200-2300 GMT 11/13 to clear snow and install new fan/heater on rad-
	iation sensors.

123: Daily_Status, Site base, Fri 14-Nov-1997 08:17:25 AKST,
Weather: Winds light; SW at 7 m/s.  Mostly clear; temperatures dropping.

STATIONS:  up and running.  
	"Visited" Florida.  Changed propane, brushed off frost, added 
	ventilation fan beneath TEG cooling fins ~20:00gmt.  Replaced 
	original sonic, replaced level cable and leveled 4-component, 
	changed flash card, and cleaned frost from TEG box ventilation 
	holes, in afternoon, finishing ~00:30gmt (11/15).

TBOX:	Atlanta recovered from yesterdays activity; now only slightly warmer 
	than other three stations.

TRH:	ok  

4-COMP:  Baltimore Campbell still isn't reporting data.  Florida Campbell
	multiplexer started acting up about 2200 GMT 11/13, as evidenced by
	sudden shift in Tdome readings.  Turned up the juice on the light bulb
	in the box.  Values recovered about 1/2 hr later (0400 GMT 11/14).
	Note Atlanta and Florida Tdome/Tcase slightly elevated by new fan system.	Turned off light bulg heater at 2200gmt 11/14 and waiting for Tdome 
	problem to reoccur so can test affects of adding delays to multiplexer 

LEVELS:	Leveled Florida's 4-component after replacing cable.


TSOIL: ok, except Baltimore.

GSOIL: ok. except Baltimore.

SONICS: All sonics show bad data between 0400-1000 GMT 11/14.  Probably due to
	rime ice.  Replaced Florida's sonic with original ~23:00gmt.

MISCELLANEOUS	Campbell datalogger at Baltimore still out.  

124: Daily_Status, Site base, Tue 25-Nov-1997 10:14:18 AKST,
Daily_Status entries for 11/15/97-11/20/97.  "shutdown" of shebop pc caused 
loss of entries for 11/15-11/24.  These entries had been copied and sent to 
UCAR so could be retrieved.

Message TYPES: all,   SITE: all

Number:  124    By: Jeff Otten
Written: Sat 15-Nov-1997 (JD319) 12:36:48 AKST
Type:    Daily_Status
Site:    base
Weather: Winds light.  Mostly clear.

STATIONS:  up and running.
	Removed TEG gas cutoff valve plate.  TEG stayed running.

TBOX:	ok.

TRH:	ok  

4-COMP:  Baltimore Campbell still isn't reporting data.  Cleveland domes 
	probably frosted.  Florida's Tdomes off again.  Lightbulb heater in 
	electronics box is still off from last night's test of adding delays 
	to CR10X program.  Changing delay from 10 to 50 ms made no difference. 
	Changing delay from 50 to 250 ms worked for only 35 minutes before 
	offset came back again.
	Changed delays back to 10ms at 11/15, 22:03gmt.

LEVELS:	ok, Baltimore not reporting.


TSOIL: ok, except Baltimore.

GSOIL: ok. except Baltimore.

SONICS: frosted, except Florida.

MISCELLANEOUS	Campbell datalogger at Baltimore still out.  


Number:  125    By: Chris Fairall
Written: Sun 16-Nov-1997 (JD320) 08:40:28 AKST
Type:    Daily_Status
Site:    base
Weather: Winds light.  Mostly clear.  Temperatures around -30 C last 12 hrs.

STATIONS:  up and running.  Turned on strobes at 2200 GMT 11/15. Eyeball
	confirmation of all but Baltimore (suspect Baltimore may not be on).  
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: ok. Significant drop at Atlanta at 2200 GMT 11/15; seems to
	be related to turning on the strobes.  Much samller blips at Cleveland
	and Florida.

TBOX:	ok.

TRH:	ok  

4-COMP:  Baltimore Campbell still isn't reporting data.  Cleveland domes 
	probably frosted.  Florida's Tdomes off again.  Lightbulb heater in 
	electronics box turned back on about 0100 GMT 11/16 but to no avail.
	May have to up the voltage at these cold temperatures.

LEVELS:	ok, Baltimore not reporting.


TSOIL: ok, except Baltimore.

GSOIL: ok. except Baltimore.

SONICS: All sonics frosted all day, except Florida which was clear until 1000 
	GMT 11/16.

MISCELLANEOUS	Campbell datalogger at Baltimore still out.  


Number:  126    By: Jeff Otten
Written: Mon 17-Nov-1997 (JD321) 07:41:38 AKST
Type:    Daily_Status
Site:    base

STATIONS:  up and running. 
	Turned all 4 beacons off 11/17 ~17:30gmt.
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: Baltimore voltages slowly dropping.

TBOX:	ok.

TRH:	ok  

4-COMP:  Baltimore Campbell still isn't reporting data.  Cleveland domes 
	probably frosted.  Florida's Tdomes on and off.

LEVELS:	ok, Baltimore not reporting.


TSOIL: ok, except Baltimore.

GSOIL: ok. except Baltimore.

SONICS: frosty

MISCELLANEOUS	Campbell datalogger at Baltimore still out.  


Number:  127    By: Jeff Otten
Written: Tue 18-Nov-1997 (JD322) 12:45:34 AKST
Type:    Daily_Status
Site:    base
Weather: clear and cold, auroras last night

STATIONS:  up and running. 
	Visited Atlanta 11/18 ~1900.  Changed propane and flashcard.  
	Pyg domes rimed.  TRH inlet completely rimed over.  Sonic full of 
	rime.  All instruments cleaned.  Installed ventilation fan beneath 
	TEG cooling fins, pointing up.

TBOX:	ok.  Atlanta box temp dropped due to visit.

TRH:	ok  Atlanta TRH inlet completely occluded with rime.

4-COMP:  Baltimore Campbell still isn't reporting data.  Atlanta pyg domes 
	were frosted.  Data indicates all others frosted as well.  Florida's 
	Tdomes on and off.  Will increase voltage on light to 100%.

LEVELS:	ok, Baltimore not reporting.


TSOIL: ok, except Baltimore.

GSOIL: ok. except Baltimore.

SONICS: frosty, cleaned Atlanta sonic but it frosted right back up

MISCELLANEOUS	Campbell datalogger at Baltimore still out.  


Number:  128    By: Chris Fairall
Written: Wed 19-Nov-1997 (JD323) 14:26:07 AKST
Type:    Daily_Status
Site:    base
Weather: clear and cold, auroras last night.  Warming trend towards end of day.

STATIONS:  up and running. Much of Baltimore missing.
	Visited  Cleveland 11/19 ~1900 GMT.  Changed propane and flashcard.  
	Pyg domes rimed.  TRH inlet completely rimed over.  Sonic full of 
	rime.  All instruments cleaned.  Installed 4-port radiometer fan. 	
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: ok. Voltage drop at Cleveland due to new radiometer fan.
	All iloads about 1.1 amp';icharge about 1.4 amp.

TBOX:	ok.  Cleveland box temp dropped 1830 GMT due to visit.

TRH:	ok  Cleveland TRH inlet completely occluded with rime.

4-COMP:  Baltimore Campbell still isn't reporting data.  Cleveland pyg domes 
	were frosted.  Data indicates all others frosted as well.  Cleveland`s
	ok after 1900 GMT 11/19. Florida's Tdomes ok after increasing 
	voltage on light to 100%.

LEVELS:	ok, Baltimore not reporting.


TSOIL: ok, except Baltimore.  Cleveland Tsoil relocated and flagged.  Value did
	not change very much.

GSOIL: ok. except Baltimore.  Cleveland Gsoil relocated and flagged.  Value 
	changed about 5 W/m^2 but still decaying.

SONICS: frosty, cleaned Cleveland sonic but even the hot finger massage did
	not completely clean up the siganl.  Will revisit Florida and try

MISCELLANEOUS	Campbell datalogger at Baltimore still out.  


Number:  129    By: Jeff Otten
Written: Thu 20-Nov-1997 (JD324) 08:48:51 AKST
Type:    Daily_Status
Site:    base
Polar bear sighted at runway this afternoon.

Weather: mostly clear, some stratus mostly toward horizon

STATIONS:  up and running. Much of Baltimore missing.
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: Load current at Cleveland went up when the 4-port 
	radiometer ventilation fan was installed.  16 hours later, it 
	dropped back down.  At the same time, pyg.out Rpile, Tcase and Tdome 
	values went bad.

TBOX:	ok. 

TRH:	ok 

4-COMP:  Baltimore Campbell still isn't reporting data.  

LEVELS:	ok, Baltimore not reporting.


TSOIL: ok, except Baltimore.  Cleveland Tsoil about where it was before 
	moving the sensor yesterday.

GSOIL: ok. except Baltimore.  Cleveland Gsoil higher than before relocating 
	sensor due to different snow cover.  New snow cover much less compact 
	than old cover. 


MISCELLANEOUS	Campbell datalogger at Baltimore still out.  


125: Daily_Status, Site base, Tue 25-Nov-1997 10:25:44 AKST,
A "shutdown" of the shebop pc caused the logbook entries for 11/15/97-11/24/97 
to be lost from the logbook.  Entries for 11/15-11/20 were recovered from an 
email copy and re-stored in the logbook as entry #124.  Entries for 11/21-11/24 
are not recoverable, but contained little besides routine comments.  The one 
exception is that on 11/22, Florida's propane tank was changed.  
Coincidentally, it had run out of propane one hour earlier, having used up 
its propane at a rate slightly higher than before.  (Or possibly the zero on 
the scale had been bumped and the propane weight was wrong.)  The TEG was 
still warm and started right up.


STATIONS:  up and running.  

TBOX:	ok

TRH:	Cleveland's TRH still not responding.  (It stopped 16 hours after 
	the previous site visit at the same time that the 4-port fan 
	stopped running and all pyg.out data went bad.) 

4-COMP:  Baltimore Campbell still isn't reporting data.  Frost cleaned off 
	Florida's radiometers 11/25 ~19:15.



TSOIL: ok, except Baltimore.

GSOIL: ok. except Baltimore.

SONICS: frost problems.  Florida sonic was cleaned 11/24 ~22:15.  Also at 
	11/25 ~19:15.

MISCELLANEOUS	Campbell datalogger at Baltimore still out.  

126: Daily_Status, Site base, Wed 26-Nov-1997 08:18:17 AKST,

STATIONS:  up and running.  

TBOX:	ok

TRH:	Cleveland's TRH still not responding.

4-COMP:  Baltimore Campbell still isn't reporting data.  Cleveland pyg.out 
	data still bad.

LEVELS:	ok.  Baltimore not reporting.


TSOIL: ok.  Baltimore not reporting.

GSOIL: ok.  Baltimore not reporting.

SONICS: frost clearing off.

MISCELLANEOUS	Campbell datalogger at Baltimore still out.

127: Daily_Status, Site base, Thu 27-Nov-1997 09:20:57 AKST,

STATIONS:  up and running.  
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: Baltimore TEG current dropped to 0.  Must be out of propane. 

TBOX:	ok

TRH:	Cleveland's TRH still not responding.

4-COMP:  Baltimore Campbell still isn't reporting data.  Cleveland pyg.out 
	data still bad.

LEVELS:	ok.  Baltimore not reporting.


TSOIL: ok.  Baltimore not reporting.

GSOIL: ok.  Baltimore not reporting.

SONICS: frost problems.  Florida better than others.

MISCELLANEOUS	Campbell datalogger at Baltimore still out.

128: Daily_Status, Site base, Fri 28-Nov-1997 09:45:09 AKST,

STATIONS:  up and running except for Baltimore 
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: Baltimore TEG current dropped to 0 yesterday and load current (batteries) dropped out at 2000 Z indicating station is down now.   

TBOX:	ok

TRH:	Cleveland's TRH still not responding.

4-COMP:  Cleveland pyg.out data still bad.

LEVELS:	ok.  Baltimore not reporting.

PRESS:	ok   Baltimore not reporting

TSOIL: ok.  Baltimore not reporting.

GSOIL: ok.  Baltimore not reporting.

SONICS: some frost problems.  Florida better than others, cleaned off FLA last night.


129: Daily_Status, Site base, Sat 29-Nov-1997 10:46:51 AKST,
Weather:  Breezy and cold and dark

STATIONS:  all stations are up and running except for Baltimore 
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:    ATL and FLA look ok, CLE looks flaky as did before

TBOX:	ok

TRH:	CLE TRH still not responding, FLA and ATL ok.

4-COMP:  CLE flaky as before, FLA and ATL ok.

LEVELS:	ok  

PRESS:	ok and all (3) tracking    

TSOIL: ok 

GSOIL: ok  

SONICS: spiky returns from 2000 Z(JD#332) thru 0800 Z(JD#333) then smoothed out until present report on CLE and FLA.  ATL looks good entire time w/ exception of first 2 hrs.  Cleaned sonics on FLA at 2300 Z (332)


130: Daily_Status, Site base, Sun 30-Nov-1997 09:55:19 AKST,
Weather:  Small squall went thru last night; made it warmer, windy, and snowy. This morning temps dropping and winds calmer.

STATIONS:  all stations are up and running except for Baltimore 
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:    ATL and CLE look ok, teg voltages on FLA dropped to 0 at 0400 UTC (JD#334) and batteries have taken over.

TBOX:	ok

TRH:	CLE TRH still not responding, FLA and ATL ok.

4-COMP:  CLE Rpile.out flaky as before, FLA and ATL ok.

LEVELS:	ok, note short/temporary spike on CLE  

PRESS:	ok and all (3) tracking    

TSOIL: ok 

GSOIL: ok  

SONICS: FLA looks ok, CLE and ATL a bit noisy starting ~0900 UTC.


131: Daily_Status, Site base, Mon 01-Dec-1997 10:45:15 AKST,
Weather:  Temps dropping, skies clear.

STATIONS:  all stations are up and running except for Baltimore 
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:    ATL, FLA, and CLE ok, propane filled and nozzle cleaned at FLA ~ 2300 Z yesterday.

TBOX:	all ok

TRH:	CLE TRH still not reporting, FLA and ATL ok.

4-COMP:  CLE Rpile.out flaky as before, FLA and ATL ok.

LEVELS:	all ok  

PRESS:	all ok    

TSOIL: all ok 

GSOIL: all ok  

SONICS: FLA and CLE a little spiky but ok, ATL not reporting after 0700 Z.


132: Daily_Status, Site base, Tue 02-Dec-1997 11:30:57 AKST,
Weather:  Temps rising and very windy.

STATIONS:  all stations are up and running except for Baltimore 
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:    ATL and CLE ok. FLA voltages low as well as charging current down from 1.75 to 1.4

TBOX:	ATL and CLE ok.  Temp on FLA lower than before propane fill and lower than other stations by ~10 C.

TRH:	CLE TRH still not reporting, FLA and ATL ok.

4-COMP:  CLE Rpile.out flaky as before, ATL ok. FLA Tdome lower than normal due most likely to multiplexer box flakiness.

LEVELS:	all ok  

PRESS:	all ok    

TSOIL: all ok 

GSOIL: all ok  

SONICS: FLA ok.  CLE and ATL has some spikiness.


133: Daily_Status, Site base, Wed 03-Dec-1997 09:29:31 AKST,
Weather:  Temps dropping and very windy.

STATIONS:  all stations are up and running except for Baltimore 
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:    Florida voltage had been dropping slowly to about 12V.  
	Replaced burner nozzle 12/2 ~23:00.  Charging current came back up.  
	Voltages came up very slowly and are still slowly rising at 12/3 18:30. 
	Disconnected 4-comp fan/heater 12/2 ~23:00 to allow batteries to 
	charge more quickly.

TBOX:	Florida box temperature colder than others.  Cleaned, but perhaps 
	still partially clogged nozzle used on 12/2 may have caused lower 
	than normal box temp.  35 knot winds are penetrating Florida's 
	louvers slightly as evidenced by snow inside box.

TRH:	CLE TRH still not reporting, FLA and ATL ok.

4-COMP:  CLE pyg.out data still bad.  FLA multiplexer had problems on the 
	pyg.out Tdome and Tcase.  VariAC connected to lightbulb heater was 
	turned up and the T's returned to normal 12/3 ~12:00gmt.


PRESS:	ok    



SONICS: Atlanta frosted.


134: Daily_Status, Site base, Thu 04-Dec-1997 09:57:16 AKST,
Weather:  clear

STATIONS:  all stations are up and running except for Baltimore 
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:    voltages on FLA have been climbing.  ATL and CLE ok
CLE current lower since it's load is less (no T/RH, fans)

TBOX:	TRH:	CLE TRH still not reporting, FLA and ATL ok.

4-COMP:  pyg.out still out at CLE

LEVELS:	FLA y-level is at 0.325(?) the rest at CLE,ATL, and FLA are between +/- 0.1 mostly.

PRESS:	ok    



SONICS: All showing signs of frosting today


135: Daily_Status, Site base, Fri 05-Dec-1997 12:58:23 AKST,

STATIONS:  all stations are up and running except for Baltimore 
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:    ATL teg voltages spiky ~ 13.4, FLA steady ay 13, CLE ok

TBOX:	TRH:	CLE TRH still not reporting, Tboxes all ok

4-COMP:  pyg.out still out at CLE, ATL amd CLE ok

LEVELS:	same as previous reports

PRESS:	ok    



SONICS: FLA looks good, ATL amd CLE may be a little frosty

MISCELLANEOUS	Jeff went out to ATL yesterday, filled propane, maintenance checks, etc.

136: Daily_Status, Site base, Sat 06-Dec-1997 10:41:56 AKST,
Weather:  very windy

STATIONS:  all stations are up and running except for Baltimore 
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:    same as previous entry

TBOX:	TRH:	CLE TRH still not reporting, Tboxes all ok

4-COMP:  pyg.out still out at CLE, ATL amd CLE ok

LEVELS:	same as previous reports

PRESS:	ok    



SONICS: with windy conds all look good


137: Daily_Status, Site base, Sun 07-Dec-1997 11:07:19 AKST,
Weather:  very windy conditions continue

STATIONS:  all stations are up and running except for Baltimore 
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:    CLE teg out of propane last night, batteries have taken over.  ATL and FLA ok

TBOX:	CLE Tbox down accordingly, ATL and FLA ok.

TRH:	CLE TRH still not reporting.

4-COMP:  pyg.out still out at CLE, ATL and FLA ok

LEVELS:	same as previous reports

PRESS:	ok    



SONICS: with windy conds all look good


138: Daily_Status, Site base, Mon 08-Dec-1997 09:33:54 AKST,
Weather:  windy conditions continue

STATIONS:  all stations are up and running except for Baltimore 
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:    CLE teg out of propane, still operating on batteries. ATL and FLA ok

TBOX:	CLE Tbox down accordingly, ATL and FLA ok.

TRH:	CLE TRH still not reporting.

4-COMP:  pyg.out still out at CLE, ATL and FLA ok

LEVELS:	same as previous reports

PRESS:	ok    



SONICS: with windy conds all look good


139: Daily_Status, Site base, Tue 09-Dec-1997 20:21:48 AKST,
Weather:  winds diminishing, clear

STATIONS:  Atlanta and Florida up and running.  Baltimore still down.
	Cleveland batteries ran out at 12/10 ~04:00gmt.
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:    Cleveland batteries ran out at 12/10 ~04:00.  
	Baltimore still down.
	Florida ran out of propane 12/9 ~07:00gmt.  Propane changed and 
	restarted 12/9 ~20:00gmt.  Batteries kept system running well.

TBOX:	CLE Tbox down accordingly, ATL and FLA ok.  Florida box temp 
	dropped at 12/10 ~04:15gmt due to changing of flashcard and 
	removing TEG valve plate.

TRH:	Atlanta shows increased RH at 12/10 02:00gmt.  Lead nearby?

4-COMP:  ATL and FLA ok
	Replaced multiplexer at Florida 12/10 ~01:30gmt.  Discovered and 
	tightened loose cable on at 12/10 ~04:15gmt.


PRESS:	ok    





140: Daily_Status, Site base, Wed 10-Dec-1997 21:14:37 AKST,
Weather:  light winds, mostly clear

STATIONS:  Atlanta and Florida up and running.  Cleveland down.  
	Baltimore back up and running 12/10 ~22:00gmt.
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  Baltimore voltages came back up with TEG.  Dropped 
	at 12/11 ~00:45 when TRH and 4-component fans were plugged in.  
	Baltimore currents increased at that time.
	Baltimore voltages slowly dropping as of 12/11 07:00gmt.

TBOX:	ok

TRH:	Baltimore temps higher than Atlanta and Florida by 2C.  
	Baltimore RH 5% lower than Atlanta and Florida.  Don't know 
	reason for differences.

4-COMP:  ok

LEVELS:	ok except for Baltimore, whose levels are not to be believed.

PRESS:	ok    



SONICS: started frosting up 12/10 ~18:00gmt.


141: Daily_Status, Site base, Thu 11-Dec-1997 09:43:23 AKST,
Weather:  light winds

STATIONS:  Cleveland down.  Other stations up.
	Attempted followup visit to Baltimore at 12/11 22:00gmt.  Came to 
	200' lead about 1 mile from ship.  Followed it in one direction 
	then decided that was futile and returned to the ship.
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  Baltimore voltages low.

TBOX:	Baltimore box temp lower than others.

TRH:	Temperature increase/RH decrease at Baltimore at 10/11 ~13:00gmt.

4-COMP:  ok

LEVELS:	ok except for Baltimore, whose levels are not to be believed.

PRESS:	ok    



SONICS: frosted

MISCELLANEOUS: At about 12/12 0Z, a pressure ridge formed approximately 
	half a mile north of the ship.  It could be seen from 
	the ship's bridge, and heard for a couple of hours.

143: Daily_Status, Site base, Sat 13-Dec-1997 18:02:30 AKST,
Weather:  low clouds, mild temps and light winds

STATIONS:  Cleveland down.  Other stations up.

TBOX:	all ok

TRH:	same, ok

4-COMP:  same, ok (data gap due to work done on FLA ~ 1300 AKST)

LEVELS:	same

PRESS:	ok    

TSOIL: ok (looks a flittle flaky at ATL)


SONICS: frosted except for FLA


144: Daily_Status, Site base, Sun 14-Dec-1997 10:01:28 AKST,
Weather:  colder temps today

STATIONS:  Cleveland down.  Baltimore continues to have intermittent transmission problems.  Other stations up.

TBOX:	ok

TRH:	ok

4-COMP:  ok 


PRESS:	ok    

TSOIL: ok 


SONICS: ATL stopped tranmitting sonic data at 0300 Z.  All look frosty.

	Another lead opened up before the Tuk station, crack also developed between tower and scintillometer (about 100 ft from transmitter tripod) parallel to the ridge.

	200` wide N-S lead opened up about a mile E of the ship on 12/11gmt, 
	blocking the route to Baltimore.

	W-E pressure ridge formed early on 12/12gmt about half a mile N of the 
	ship, probably crossing the Atlanta route.

145: Daily_Status, Site base, Mon 15-Dec-1997 10:45:12 AKST,
Weather:  colder temps today

STATIONS:  Cleveland down.  Baltimore continues to have intermittent transmission problems.  Other stations up.

TBOX:	ok

TRH:	ok

4-COMP:  ok 


PRESS:	ok    

TSOIL: ok 


SONICS: ATL stopped tranmitting sonic data at 0300 Z.  All look frosty.

	Another lead opened up before the Tuk station, crack also developed between tower and scintillometer (about 100 ft from transmitter tripod) parallel to the ridge.

	200` wide N-S lead opened up about a mile E of the ship on 12/11gmt, 
	blocking the route to Baltimore.

	W-E pressure ridge formed early on 12/12gmt about half a mile N of the 
	ship, probably crossing the Atlanta route.

146: Daily_Status, Site base, Tue 16-Dec-1997 10:32:34 AKST,
Weather:  no distinctive weather to report

STATIONS:  Cleveland down.  Baltimore continues to have intermittent transmission problems.  Other stations up.

TBOX:	ok

TRH:	ok

4-COMP:  ok 


PRESS:	ok    

TSOIL: ok 


SONICS: ATL transmitting sonic data intermittently. 

MISCELLANEOUS:  lead and ridge situation the same
	12/16 ~20:15-23:30  Intermittently checked Baltimore's level 
		coefficients.  Accidentally changed two, then changed 
		them back later.

147: Daily_Status, Site base, Wed 17-Dec-1997 10:35:49 AKST,
Weather:  temps and pressure rising

STATIONS:  Cleveland down.  Baltimore not transmitting today at all. Other stations up.
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  ATL ok, FLA load went squirrely

TBOX:	ok

TRH:	ok

4-COMP:  ok


PRESS:	ok    

TSOIL: ok 


SONICS: ATL noisy and transmitting sonic data intermittently.   

MISCELLANEOUS:  lead and ridge situation the same
	12/16 ~20:15-23:30  Intermittently checked Baltimore's level 
		coefficients.  Accidentally changed two, then changed 
		them back later.

152: Base_Software, Site base, Wed 17-Dec-1997 21:24:39 AKST,
12/18 06:20gmt
	Installed 971215 logbook software upgrade from Gordon.
154: Daily_Status, Site base, Thu 18-Dec-1997 10:22:39 AKST,
Weather:  no outstanding weather to report, temps lower

STATIONS:  Cleveland down.  Baltimore not transmitting today at all again. Other stations up.
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  ATL ok, FLA load still pegged but reads ok at the station.

TBOX:	ok

TRH:	ok

4-COMP:  ok


PRESS:	ok    

TSOIL: ok 


SONICS: Very rimey last 3 days, tripods, tower and cables extra frosted.  Cleaned FLA sonics (with feather duster) at 1400, 17 Dec, that lasted 4 hrs which was longer than it lasted after the previous days brushing.  ATL noisy due to frosting as well and transmitting sonic data intermittently.     

MISCELLANEOUS:  lead and ridge situation the same
	12/16 ~20:15-23:30  Intermittently checked Baltimore's level 
		coefficients.  Accidentally changed two, then changed 
		them back later.

160: Daily_Status, Site base, Sat 20-Dec-1997 09:06:54 AKST,
Weather:  light winds, cold temps still in frosty and rimey situation. (log skipped yesterday, nothing of note for daily report anyway, same weather situation.

STATIONS:  Cleveland is up but data acquisition is not running.  Baltimore is up but not transmitting. Other stations up and transmitting.
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  ATL ok, FLA load still pegged at 5 amps.

TBOX:	ok

TRH:	ok

4-COMP:  ATL frosted over so much that r's are all ~ 0.


PRESS:	ok    

TSOIL: ok 


SONICS: Very rimey still. Cleaned FLA sonics (with feather duster) at 1000, 19 Dec, which seemed to last about 5 hrs before riming over again.  ATL not reporting sonic data. 

MISCELLANEOUS:  crack near far scintillometer tripod no longer evident. Went out there yesterday to bring in tripods.  Scintillometer now completely dimantled and packed away.
	12/16 ~20:15-23:30  Intermittently checked Baltimore's level 
		coefficients.  Accidentally changed two, then changed 
		them back later.

162: Daily_Status, Site base, Sun 21-Dec-1997 18:39:46 AKST,
Weather:  cloudy skies and wind picking up

STATIONS:  Cleveland is up but data acquisition is not running.  Baltimore is up but transmitting intermittently. Other stations up and transmitting.

TBOX:	ok

TRH:	ok

4-COMP:  ok


PRESS:	ok    

TSOIL: ok 


SONICS: ATL reports still intermitent, FLA ok


164: Daily_Status, Site base, Mon 22-Dec-1997 09:42:48 AKST,
Weather:  winds up, temps rising, P decreased 12 mb in past 24 hrs. storm possible.

STATIONS:  Cleveland is up but data acquisition is not running.  Baltimore is up but transmitting intermittently. Other stations up and transmitting.

TBOX:	ok

TRH:	ok

4-COMP:  ok


PRESS:	ok    

TSOIL: ok 


SONICS: ATL reported much more solidaly today but data is noisy, FLA looks ok probably due to higher winds cleaning off frost and rime and keeping it from formaing.


166: Daily_Status, Site base, Tue 23-Dec-1997 10:59:46 AKST,
Wx:	Nothing of note, calmer and clearer.

STATIONS:  Cleveland is up but data acquisition is not running.  Baltimore is up but not transmitting. ATL is up and fine, FLA teg out at 2200 AKST (day 356) ran on battery power until data 0600 AKST (day 357) then it was down.
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  ATL ok, FLA (see above comment).

TBOX:	ok

TRH:	ok

4-COMP:  ATL still frosted over, FLA ok.


PRESS:	ok    

TSOIL: ok 


SONICS:  ATL again intermittent and noisy, FLA looks great. 


169: Daily_Status, Site base, Wed 24-Dec-1997 10:09:19 AKST,
Wx:	Nothing of note, calm and clear, nice aurora.

STATIONS:  Cleveland is up but data acquisition is not running.  Baltimore is up but intermittently transmitting. ATL and FLA are up and fine, 

TBOX:	ok

TRH:	ok

4-COMP:  ATL still frosted over, FLA ok.


PRESS:	ok    

TSOIL: ok 


SONICS: noisy, tcount low on ATL not too bad on FLA 


171: Daily_Status, Site base, Fri 26-Dec-1997 18:14:43 AKST,
Wx:	This entry for 25th and 26th; very calm x-mas day, very very hoar-frosty, beautiful cystal growth w/ feathers extending up to an inch long.  26th winds picked up slightly still calm tho'.

STATIONS:  Cleveland is up but data acquisition is not running.  Baltimore is up but intermittently transmitting. ATL and FLA are up and fine, 
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  BAL and CLE ok, ATL and FLA low voltages centered around 12 v

TBOX:	ok

TRHP:	ok

4-COMP:  BAL and ATL still frosted over, FLA ok.

LEVELS:	ok, BAL at 1.5 and 2.5

PRESS:	ok    

TSOIL: ok 


SONICS: all frosty and noisy 


172: Daily_Status, Site base, Sat 27-Dec-1997 09:30:44 AKST,
Wx:	Breezy and cold.  Still very frosty outside.

STATIONS:  Cleveland is up but data acquisition is not running.  Baltimore is up but intermittently transmitting. ATL and FLA are up. 
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  BAL and CLE ok, ATL and FLA low voltages centered around 12 v

TBOX:	ok

TRHP:	ok

4-COMP:  BAL and ATL still frosted over, FLA ok.

LEVELS:	ok, BAL at 1.5 and 2.5

PRESS:	ok    

TSOIL: ok 


SONICS: all frosty and noisy, ATL not transmitting sonic data. 


174: Daily_Status, Site base, Mon 29-Dec-1997 09:26:30 AKST,
Wx: Still very frosty outside, all sonics and domes covered in frost.  Bear in camp yesterday...skipped report for day 362, this is for both days.

STATIONS:  BAL stopped transmitting at 0700 Z, the rest are ok.


TCNT:	all bad, w's all bad

TRHP:	ok

4-COMP:  All pretty frosted over, tried to melt off FLA, got superceded by bear.

LEVELS:	ok, BAL still suspicious

PRESS:	ok    

T and G: ATL offset 

SONICS: all frosty and noisy


177: Daily_Status, Site base, Tue 30-Dec-1997 18:09:05 AKST,
Wx:Not as frosty, windier conditions, very cold and hi P scenario, clear skies w/ ice cystals blowing through the air.

STATIONS:  BAL intermittently transmitting


TCNT:	ATL not reporting wind data at all, CLE not reporting after 1100Z, FLA noisy (even tho cleaned off once per day).

TRHP:	ok

4-COMP:  All pretty frosted over.

LEVELS:	ok, BAL still suspicious betweem 1 and 3 degrees

PRESS:	ok    

T and G: ATL flaky on Tsoil

SONICS: all frosty and noisy


179: Daily_Status, Site base, Wed 31-Dec-1997 18:40:31 AKST,
Wx:  P dropping from a "high" of 1045 but still high, clear skies, low temps persisting, low RH's and breezy.

STATIONS:  All stations are transmitting!

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: load and current dropped at FLA on 2200 Z (?) and wierd load wiggles at all stations were reported at 2300 Z (looks suspicious)

TCNT:	Only FLA w/ decent amount of counts for wind data

TRHP:	Tplat for all stations bottoms out ~ -40, (evident over last 24 hrs since temps were down to -42 C), Ttherm looking good tho'.  RH and P holding their own.  

4-COMP:  All pretty frosted over except for FLA

LEVELS:	ok, BAL still suspicious betweem 1 and 3 degrees

PRESS:	ok    

T and G: ATL flaky on Gsoil

SONICS: all frosty and noisy


182: Daily_Status, Site base, Thu 01-Jan-1998 10:31:43 AKST,
Wx:  nothing outstanding of note

STATIONS:  Baltimore still transmitting intermittently

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  load on FLA up after fan install, load probably bogus on CLE

TCNT:	All w's bad, only FLA w/ decent Tcount after cleaning but doesn`t last long.

TRHP:	ok

4-COMP: same as previous report

LEVELS:	same as previous report

T and G: ATL flaky on Gsoil

SONICS: all frosty and noisy


185: Daily_Status, Site base, Fri 02-Jan-1998 11:11:10 AKST,
Wx: Winds picking up, P dropped 12 mb last 24 hrs, temps up from -38 to -31.5-ish.  First "wx" in a week. 

STATIONS:  Baltimore transmitting intermittently but much better today


WINDS:	All w's bad, tcnts better w/stronger winfds but u and v noisy

TRHP:	ok

4-COMP, LEVELS, T and G: ok except at BAL


186: Daily_Status, Site base, Sat 03-Jan-1998 11:37:06 AKST,
Wx: Winds continue to pick up, P dropped another 10mb last 24 hrs, temps up to -24.  

STATIONS:  Baltimore transmitting intermittently

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  ok, load on CLE still bogus

WINDS:	w/ increased wind speeds tcnts are up on all stations, FLA being the best since it is cleaned daily.  ATL noisiest on u and v the rest look decent.  w's however, are still pretyy bad on all stations except FLA.

TRHP:	ok

4-COMP: ok

LEVELS, T and G: ok, except at BAL


189: Daily_Status, Site base, Sun 04-Jan-1998 11:40:11 AKST,
Wx: Snowing, steady winds and temps

STATIONS:  Baltimore transmitting intermittently

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  ok, load on CLE still bogus

WINDS:	All tcnts and uvand w's look good for the first time, combo of sustainedhigh winds taking out frost most likely.

TRHP:	ok

4-COMP: ok

LEVELS, T and G: ok, except at BAL


193: Daily_Status, Site base, Tue 06-Jan-1998 16:28:19 AKST,
Wx: Calm, strong inversion, very rimey conditions

STATIONS:  all ok


WINDS:	all tcnts, uv and w bad due to favorable riming conditions

TRHP:	ok, rh on FLA being watched w/fan change

4-COMP: ok

LEVELS, T and G: ok


194: Daily_Status, Site base, Wed 07-Jan-1998 18:23:46 AKST,
Wx: Snowed overnight, winds calm today, very rimey

STATIONS:  ok, except BAL not transmitting T+G, Tcd, X and Y levels.


WINDS:	all tcnts, uv and w bad due to favorable riming conditions

TRHP:	ok, rh on FLA being watched w/fan change

4-COMP: looked frosted over

LEVELS, T and G: ok


197: Base_Software, Site base, Thu 08-Jan-1998 06:28:08 AKST, nc_server not running
Error message in log: nc_server not responding: RPC: Timed out.

FOLLOW-UP:  PAMPOLL had to be rebooted to get nc_server running
properly. No data was lost. Trying to restart nc_server with the
script nc_server.up did not work. Tryed doing polldn then pollup.
This did not work either.

198: Daily_Status, Site base, Thu 08-Jan-1998 11:25:07 AKST, Calm, no additional riming
Wx: Calm, no additional riming, temps mild

STATIONS:  ok, except BAL not transmitting T+G, Tcd, X and Y levels.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  all ok, Steve modifying FLA.

WINDS:	all tcnts, uv and w bad due to favorable riming conditions, FLA cleaned
and ok.

TRHP:	ok, rh on FLA being swapped in and out.

4-COMP: looked frosted over, FLA cleaned and ok.

LEVELS, T and G: ok

MISCELLANEOUS:  Netserver out 0400-0600 AKST, data ok.

206: Daily_Status, Site base, Fri 09-Jan-1998 21:26:49 AKST, Getting Colder.
Wx: Periodic clouds and ice fog.  Getting colder.

STATIONS:  BAL not transmitting T+G, Tcd, X and Y levels.


WINDS:	all tcnts, uv and w bad due to favorable riming conditions, FLA cleaned
and ok.

TRHP:	ok.

4-COMP: FLA removed at 11:30.

LEVELS, T and G: G out at ATL.


207: Daily_Status, Site base, Sat 10-Jan-1998 10:59:20 AKST,
Wx: Periodic clouds and ice fog. Increasing winds.

STATIONS:  BAL not transmitting T+G, Tcd, X and Y levels.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  all ok.  CLE declining.

WINDS:	all tcnts, uv and w bad due to favorable riming conditions, except FLA.

TRHP:	ok.

4-COMP: ok.

LEVELS, T and G: G out at ATL. Resumed at FLA.


211: Daily_Status, Site base, Tue 13-Jan-1998 08:38:39 AKST,
Wx:  Cold and windy.

STATIONS:  BAL not transmitting T+G, Tcd, X and Y levels.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  ok except for: CLE declining. FLA improving after nozzel

WINDS:	all tcnts, uv and w bad due to favorable riming conditions, except FLA.

TRHP:	ok.

4-COMP: ok.  except out at BAL.

LEVELS, T and G: ok except BAL. missing T, G and levels

MISCELLANEOUS:  Catching up with logbook enteries.

214: Daily_Status, Site base, Wed 14-Jan-1998 08:29:00 AKST,
Wx:  Cold and windy.

STATIONS:  BAL now transmitting T+G, Tcd, X and Y levels.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  ok.  CLE declining.

WINDS:	all tcnts, uv and w bad at CLE and ATL. FLA ok.  BAL shows improvement
with heater installation.

TRHP:	ok.

4-COMP: ok.

LEVELS, T and G: ok


215: Daily_Status, Site base, Thu 15-Jan-1998 08:27:24 AKST,
Wx:  Cold, windy.  Patchy clouds early in the day.  Clearing
towards evening.


VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  ok.  CLE declining.

WINDS:	all tcnts, uv and w bad at CLE and ATL. FLA ok.  BAL shows improvement
with heater installation.  BAL w fluxuating with iload.

TRHP:	ok.

4-COMP: ok.

LEVELS, T and G: ok


218: Daily_Status, Site base, Fri 16-Jan-1998 10:10:17 AKST,
Wx:  Cold, windy, clear.

STATIONS:  BAL communications spotty.  FLA sonic and TRH being modified.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  ok.  CLE declining.

WINDS:	all tcnts, uv and w bad at CLE. ATL improved 
with heater installation.  FLA out.  BAL fluxuating with iload.

TRHP:	Jump at ATL with TRH exchange. FLA out.

4-COMP: Cleaned at ATL and BAL.  Light frost.

LEVELS, T and G: ok  BAL levels checked by bubble, ok.


219: Daily_Status, Site base, Sat 17-Jan-1998 06:06:06 AKST,
Wx:  Cold, windy, clear.

STATIONS:  BAL communications spotty.  FLA sonic and TRH being modified.
FLA communications spotty.  CLE site offline at 14 UTC 16 Jan.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  FLA ok.  BAL declining rapidly.  Vteg piked from
16 Jan 21:30- 17 Jan 7:30 at ATL and recovered.  CLE out.

WINDS:	ATL improved with heater installation.  FLA out.  
BAL fluxuating with iload.  CLE out.

TRHP:   FLA out. CLE out.

4-COMP: CLE out. Others ok.

LEVELS, T and G: ok  BAL levels checked by bubble, ok.  CLE out.


222: Daily_Status, Site base, Sun 18-Jan-1998 11:32:38 AKST,
Wx:  Cold, windy, clear.

STATIONS: CLE back on at 18:00 17 Jan.  Communications improved for
ATL and BAL.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  ATL and BAL ok.  FLA showing added load.  CLE
declining toward normal load.

WINDS:	BAL and ATL tcounts between 1 and 0.6. CLE below 0.6.
FLA good after installation, turned poor around 10.  Good conditions
to begin frost studies.  FLA tcount looks bad even after cleaning
at 23:00.

TRHP:   FLA out.

4-COMP: ok.  FLA cleaned of light to moderate frost at 23:00 with ETOH.  

LEVELS, T and G: ok  BAL levels checked by bubble, ok.


225: Daily_Status, Site base, Wed 21-Jan-1998 18:44:55 AKST,
Wx:  Cold, windy, clear.

STATIONS:  Bear free.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  ATL and BAL ok.  CLE declining toward normal 
load.  FLA load varies with heaters.

WINDS:	BAL and ATL tcounts ok, CLE tcounts declined to nothing.
Beginning to try to melt out FLA sonic with heaters.

TRHP: ok.  Spare TRH installed on FLA 20 Jan 16:00.  T compares with
lowest tower sensor.  RH a bit off.  Will check with handheld.

4-COMP: ok. Ethyl alcohol used to clean FLA domes.  Lower pyrg. almost
clear of frost.  Lower pyran. lightly frosted. Upper pyrg. had
a uniform coat of thin ice.  Upper pyran. typical light frost.   
Will try an hourly survey of frost growth and compare data with
tower radiometers to better diagnose  frost impact on data.

LEVELS, T and G: ok  BAL levels checked by bubble, ok.


228: Daily_Status, Site base, Thu 22-Jan-1998 21:39:24 AKST,
Wx:  Cold, windy, clear.


VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  ATL and BAL declined sharply with added load.  
CLE declining toward normal load.  FLA load varies with heaters.

WINDS:	BAL and ATL tcounts ok, CLE tcounts declined to nothing.
Cycling heaters brought FLA tcounts up, but not enough.

TRHP: ok.

4-COMP: ok. Light glaze on FLA in pyrg, out pyrg clear.  Pyrans

LEVELS, T and G: ok  BAL levels checked by bubble, ok.


230: Daily_Status, Site base, Sat 24-Jan-1998 00:23:23 AKST,
Wx:  Cold, windy, clear.

STATIONS: BAL communications going bad.  ATL heaters turned themselves on

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  ATL returning to normal.  BAL declining.  
CLE declining toward normal load.  FLA ok.

WINDS:	BAL and ATL tcounts ok with heaters.  FLA frosted over
after 3.5 hours without heaters.  CLE not on the map.  Heaters
replace on FLA today and set on 10 min cycle.

TRHP: ok.

4-COMP: ok.

LEVELS, T and G: ok  BAL levels checked by bubble, ok.


232: Daily_Status, Site base, Sun 25-Jan-1998 19:26:17 AKST,
Wx:  Warming, windy, blowing snow.

STATIONS: BAL communications failing.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  All stations Vteg declining with warmer weather.
BAL falling fast.  FLA and CLE ok.  ATL was recovering from heater

WINDS:	FLA great with 15 minute heat cycle.  Cutting the heater
times to see what the minimum is with the winds.  CLE and ATL
improved.  BAL is hard to tell with missing data.

TRHP: ok.

4-COMP: ok.

LEVELS, T and G: ok  BAL levels checked by bubble, ok.


233: Daily_Status, Site base, Tue 27-Jan-1998 00:35:13 AKST,
Wx:  Warm, snowy, high winds.

STATIONS: BAL communications failed.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  FLA holding with heater cycle.  CLE leveling off.
BAL has no data.  ATL leveling off.

WINDS:	FLA looks good.  Cut heater cycle to 5 minutes in 60.  ATL
blown clear. BAL is hard to tell with missing data.  CLE ok.

TRHP: ok.

4-COMP: ok.

LEVELS, T and G: ok  BAL levels checked with level.  Looking worse than before.


236: Daily_Status, Site base, Wed 28-Jan-1998 08:09:52 AKST,
Wx:  Warm, snowy, high winds from the E SE.

STATIONS: BAL communications resumed, Jan 27, 21:00.  ATL communications
ceased at 14:00, Jan 28.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: ATL dropped to 11.7V before lost. icharge-iload almost
0.4 A at ATL.  FLA holding with heat cycle.  BAL declining rapidly with what 
looks like the step function of a blocked nozzle.CLE dropping gradually.

WINDS:	FLA, BAL and ATL all at 1.0 tcounts.  CLE improving still.  Heaters
on 5min/60min at FLA.

TRHP: ok.

4-COMP: ok.  Dome clear at FLA, except for light frost on the downwind
side of the incoming pyranometer and a tiny bit of snow on the downwind
side of the pyrg.s.

LEVELS, T and G: ok  BAL levels checked with level.  x=1.5 y=2.5 degs.

MISCELLANEOUS:  Lots of lead and ridge activity in the area, begining
on Jan 27.

237: Daily_Status, Site base, Thu 29-Jan-1998 07:47:16 AKST,
Wx:  Warm, snowy, high winds from the E SE.

STATIONS: ATL communications ceased at 14:00, Jan 28.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS:  BAL iload approaching icharge.  All tegs appear to 
to have nozzle problems.

WINDS:	FLA, BAL and CLE all at 1.0 tcounts.  Heaters on 5min/60min at FLA.

TRHP: ok.

4-COMP: ok

LEVELS, T and G: ok  BAL levels checked with level, x=1.5 y=2.5 degs.


238: Daily_Status, Site base, Fri 30-Jan-1998 02:20:15 AKST,
Wx:  Moderate winds from the NNW.  Clear skies.

STATIONS: ATL communications resumed Jan 30, 2:00 GMT.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: All tegs appear to have nozzle problems.

WINDS:	ATL, FLA, BAL and CLE all at 1.0 tcounts.  Heaters on 5min/60min at FLA.

TRHP: ok.

4-COMP: ok

LEVELS, T and G: ok  BAL levels checked with level, x=1.5 y=2.5 degs.

MISCELLANEOUS:  A lead opened in the center of camp, separating FLA, the
Met City, Ocean City and the garage from the ship.  It was noticed at 22:00 
GMT 029 and was about 4 inches wide.  It grew to about 4 ft by 0:00 GMT 030.  
By 4:30 it expanded to 40 ft and power was cut to the eastern half of camp.
The lead runs SSE past the stern of the ship and NNW to the W of Pittsburg.
It joins the large lead to the SSE of the ship and zigzags E and W several 
times just N of camp.  At 16:49, the lead appears to have closed overnight.
Several smaller lead which developed in the camp area have not expanded.

240: Daily_Status, Site base, Sat 31-Jan-1998 01:13:13 AKST,
Wx:  Moderate winds from the NNW.  Clear skies.  Colder.


VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: All tegs appear to have nozzle problems.  FLA running.

WINDS:	ATL, FLA, BAL and CLE all at 1.0 tcounts.  Heaters on 5min/60min at FLA.

TRHP: ok.

4-COMP: ok

LEVELS, T and G: ok  BAL levels checked with level, x=1.5 y=2.5 degs.

MISCELLANEOUS:  A 1-3 m ridge has now formed where the lead was
yesterday.  The east and west sides of camp were not greatly

241: Daily_Status, Site base, Mon 02-Feb-1998 06:06:13 AKST,
Wx:  Moderate winds from the NNW.  Cloudy.

STATIONS:  BAL communications lost 7:00 1 Feb, resumed 12:00 2 Feb.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: ATL, BAL and CLE teg voltages declining.
FLA V still increasing after visit. icharge 1.8!

WINDS:	ATL, FLA, and BAL mostly at 1.0 tcounts.  Heaters on 5min/60min at FLA.
CLE tcounts declining from 1.0.

TRHP: ok.

4-COMP: ok.

LEVELS, T and G: ok  BAL levels checked with level, x=1.5 y=2.5 degs.

MISCELLANEOUS:  Leads active on the port side of the ship.

244: Daily_Status, Site base, Wed 04-Feb-1998 07:17:57 AKST,
Wx:  Moderate winds from the NNW, high clouds.

STATIONS:  ATL down waiting for teg burner replacement since 20:00 033.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: BAL no teg voltage, no icharge since 15:00, only battery
and iload.  CLE declining.  FLA good.

WINDS:	CLE, FLA, and BAL good.  FLA sonics clean at 22:00, 034 and heaters
have been off since 20:00 033.

TRHP: ATL beacon cable repair and unit installed at FLA.

4-COMP: ok.  FLA both pyrges clean, both pyrans lightly frosted at 22:00 034.

LEVELS, T and G: ok  BAL levels checked with level, x=1.5 y=2.5 degs.

MISCELLANEOUS:  Lead through camp has been opening and closing for
the last 24 hours.

245: Daily_Status, Site base, Thu 05-Feb-1998 13:01:18 AKST,
Wx:  Winds 20-30kt, blowing and new snow.

STATIONS:  ATL down.  BAL down at 19:30 035.


WINDS:	CLE and FLA good.  FLA heaters off.

TRHP: ok.

4-COMP: ok.

LEVELS, T and G: ok  BAL levels checked with level, x=1.5 y=2.5 degs.

MISCELLANEOUS:  Portside ice pack moved around 11:00, shifting the ship
200 ft aft relative to the Starboard camp.  The lead in camp closed.
The port lead is open and there is open water at the stern and bow.

246: Daily_Status, Site base, Thu 05-Feb-1998 18:29:07 AKST,
Wx:  Overcast, no winds, -20s.

STATIONS:  ATL and BAL down.


WINDS:	CLE and FLA good.  FLA heaters off.  Sonics clean
at 0:00.

TRHP: ok.

4-COMP: ok.  All domes clean except for incoming pyran. 0:00.

LEVELS, T and G: ok  BAL levels checked with level, x=1.5 y=2.5 degs.


247: Daily_Status, Site base, Sun 08-Feb-1998 02:20:35 AKST, Log for 07-Feb-1998, 038
Log for 07-Feb-1998, 038

Wx:  Cold, clear, windy.



WINDS:	FLA good.  FLA heaters off.  Sonics clean
at 20:00.

TRHP: ok.

4-COMP: ok.  Pyrg. domes clean.  Out pyran clean.  In pyran frosted.
Checked at 20:00.

LEVELS, T and G: ok.

MISCELLANEOUS:  The starboard camp broke into 3 pieces around 22:00.  Ship 
rotated 50 degrees North.  Larges leads throughout camp. Met city and Ocean
city flow still intact.

248: Daily_Status, Site base, Sun 08-Feb-1998 02:39:05 AKST, Log for 06-Feb-1998, 037
Friday 06-Feb-1998
Wx:  Cold, high winds

STATIONS: ATL and BAL down.  CLE communications lost at 6:00.


WINDS: CLE and FLA good.  FLA heaters off.  Sonics clean at 20:00.

TRHP:  ok.  

4-COMP: ok.  Domes clean at FLA, 20:00.

Levels: ok.

250: Daily_Status, Site base, Sun 08-Feb-1998 23:49:04 AKST, Log for 08-Feb-1998 039
Wx:  Cold, clear, light winds.

STATIONS:  ATL, BAL, CLE down.  FLA data gap, 0:00 - 1:00 (Network?)


WINDS:	FLA good.  FLA heaters off.  Sonics clean at 19:00.

TRHP: T.plat higher than T.therm. at FLA.

4-COMP: ok.  Pyrg. domes clean.  Out pyran clean.  In pyran frosted.
Checked at 19:00

LEVELS, T and G: ok.


251: Daily_Status, Site base, Mon 09-Feb-1998 11:12:38 AKST,
Wx:  Cold, clear, light winds.

STATIONS:  BAL and CLE down.  ATL started 1:00.  FLA data gap 19:00-1:30.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: FLA and ATL voltages increasing.  Icharge-iload
greater at FLA than ATL.

WINDS:	ATL and FLA good.  FLA heaters off.  ATL heaters on.  FLA showing
frost ~22:00.

TRHP: T.plat higher than T.therm. at ATL.

4-COMP: ok.  Cleaned in pyran, of heavy frost, in pyrg. of moderate frost
and out pyran of light frost. Out pyrg clean.

LEVELS, T and G: ok.


253: Daily_Status, Site base, Tue 10-Feb-1998 08:50:35 AKST,
Wx:  Cold, clear, light winds.

STATIONS:  BAL and CLE down.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: ATL voltages increasing.  FLA ok.

WINDS:	ATL and FLA good.  ATL heaters on.  FLA some frosting even
with heaters.  Light rime cleaned from one sensor at 19:40.

TRHP: T.plat higher than T.therm. at ATL.  ATL compass ok.

4-COMP: ok. FLA incoming pyran and pyrg. lightly frosted and cleaned at 20:40.
In pyran refrosted in 1 hour.

LEVELS, T and G: ok.


254: Daily_Status, Site base, Wed 11-Feb-1998 23:25:28 AKST,
Wx:  Cold, clear, light winds.

STATIONS:  BAL and CLE down.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: ATL voltages decreasing.  FLA ok.

WINDS:	ATL and FLA ok.

TRHP: T.plat higher than T.therm. at ATL.

4-COMP: ok. FLA incoming pyran and pyrg. lightly frosted.

LEVELS, T and G: ok.


255: Daily_Status, Site base, Thu 12-Feb-1998 08:39:04 AKST,
Wx:  Cold, clear, light winds.

STATIONS:  BAL down.  Intermittent data gaps at FLA and ATL.
CLE eaten by ridge.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: ATL voltages decreasing.  FLA good.

WINDS:	ATL and FLA ok.

TRHP: T.plat higher than T.therm. at ATL.

4-COMP: ok.

LEVELS, T and G: ok.


257: Daily_Status, Site base, Fri 13-Feb-1998 16:43:59 AKST,
Wx:  Cold, clear, light winds.



WINDS:	FLA ok.  ATL samples.sonic decreasing.

TRHP: ok.

4-COMP: ok.

LEVELS, T and G: ok.


259: Daily_Status, Site base, Sat 14-Feb-1998 09:26:20 AKST,
Wx:  Cold, clear, light winds.



WINDS:	FLA ok.  ATL samples.sonic bad, heat cycle increased to
10 minutes/ 110 minutes at 18:26.

TRHP: ok.

4-COMP: ok.  Incoming pyran heavily frosted, incoming pyrge. lightly
frosted, outgoing pyran lightly frosted, outgoing pyrge. clean.  Domes
cleaned 20:00.

LEVELS, T and G: ok.


260: Daily_Status, Site base, Sat 14-Feb-1998 18:13:28 AKST, Log for 15-Feb-1998 046
Wx:  Cold, clear, light winds.


VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: FLA great.  ATL declining.  teg went out at FLA
during refueling at 21:00 and restarted, see site visit.

WINDS:	FLA ok.  Samples.sonic at ATL not improved, changed heaton to
15 min/110min at 3:15.  ATL heaters changed back to 10 min/110min at
8:00 to avoid killing voltages overnight.  Samples.sonic improved at
ATL with longer cycle, but did not stay clear.  ATL cleared up at

TRHP: ok.

4-COMP: ok.

LEVELS, T and G: ok.


262: Daily_Status, Site base, Mon 16-Feb-1998 11:26:34 AKST,
Wx:  Cold, clear, light winds.

STATIONS:  BAL located on the farside of a large, new ridge, over a mile
from the original site.  Ridge formed through the CRRL snowline at that site, 
but did not damage any PAM equipment.  PAM sonic is oriented northward,
the ridge runs NW-SE to the N of the site.  The ridge is 200ft from the
site and 6-10 ft at its highest point.


WINDS:	FLA good.  ATL tcounts bad, turned heaters on at 20:40 to try
to clean them.  The cleared around that time, though it doesn't look
like the heaters had anything to do with it.  Heaters reset to normal
10/110 cycle at 21:45.

TRHP: ok.

4-COMP: ok.

LEVELS, T and G: ok.

MISCELLANEOUS:  Shebop shutdown from 17:00-18:00 for ship power problems.

263: Daily_Status, Site base, Tue 17-Feb-1998 01:43:42 AKST,
Wx:  Cold, clear, light winds.

STATIONS: BAL visited and restarted.


WINDS:	FLA good.  ATL tcounts bad, turned heaters on from 8:00-10:00.
Tcounts seems to improve before the heaters were turned on and starts
going bad when they are turned off.

TRHP: ok.

4-COMP: ok.

LEVELS, T and G: ok.


265: Daily_Status, Site base, Wed 18-Feb-1998 08:27:43 AKST,
Wx:  Cold, clear, light winds.

STATIONS: BAL communications improved over last operational period, possibly
due to rotating the ship around the antenna.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: FLA great.  ATL ok.  BAL good, Vteg and Vbat stabilizing.

WINDS:	FLA good.  ATL bad.  BAL went bad, turned heaters on 18:15, 10min/110
minute cycle.

TRHP: ok.

4-COMP: ok.

LEVELS, T and G: ok.  BAL levels bad, level by hand, ok.

MISCELLANEOUS:  A large lead opened up overnight running N-S to the W of 
the ship.  From the air it is estimated to be 0.25 mile wide and 15 miles long. 
The site formerly known as Cleveland is now known as Lake Erie.

266: Daily_Status, Site base, Thu 19-Feb-1998 19:31:26 AKST,
Wx:  Cold,somewhat cloudy, moderate winds.

STATIONS: Cleveland was dismantled last Saturday and the bones are stored in
cold hut. I will inspect them soon to see about salvage .

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: FLA is ok.  BAL good, Atl is marginal The effect of two-
hourly sonic heaters is apparent.

BOX TEMPS: All operating systems declined from ~25 to ~ 15degreeC

SONICS: FLA good all time.  ATL and BAL irregular until ~1800 when sample level increased to ~100% Bal heater turned on for one hour at 1900 
When Tcount < 99% then u and v noisy
When Tcount > 99% then u and v smoother
Even more pronounced effect with w

PRES: Atl, Bal and Fla all equiv

TRHP: Atl and Bal similar, Fla Rh lower

4-COMP: Fla domes were cleaned at ~1200 AKST .Effect seen on Tdome 
and Tcase look OK

T and G: ok.  

LEVELS and COMPASS: Effect of heater on compass. From compass data apparently
Bal position changing wrt others.
Bal level still bad

MISCELLANEOUS:  Lead west of ship has iced over..

267: Daily_Status, Site base, Fri 20-Feb-1998 17:52:23 AKST,
Wx:  Cold,somewhat cloudy, moderate to strong winds.

STATIONS: Inspected Florida in order to decide how to replace Gill sonic
with ATI sonic and how to disconnect and bring the four component radiometer
array into the ship.
Inspected the Cleveland tripod/radiometer boom. The rebuild could possibly
be mostly be done here at Shebaship with only a few pieces brought from Boulder.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: Again FLA is ok.  BAL good, Atl is marginal The effect of two
hourly sonic heaters is apparent.

BOX TEMPS: All boxes in range 13 to 22 degreeC

SONICS: Flor and Balt have good sample %, Atl range from 60% - 100%
u and v Flo and Bal smooth Atl ragged
w Flo and Balt OK, Atl mostly out of range +ve

PRES: Atl, Bal and Fla all equiv

T: Bal Ttherm and Tplat very similar, Atl and Fla Ttherm 0.05 lower than Tplat

RH: Fla RH 2% lower than Bal and Fla RH, generally same form

4-COMP: sw albedo should be ~95% but Balt shows ~ 70%. Maybe effect of only
upper dome icing.
lw Fla showed -60 Wm-2 from last evening 
The top domes and cases are systematically ~0.1 degreeC cooler than the bottom
domes and cases.
(Fla upper domes cleaned at 1425 AST on 20 Feb)

T and G: ok.  

LEVELS and COMPASS: Effect of heater on compass. From compass data apparently
Again Bal position changing wrt other two stations
Bal level still bad

MISCELLANEOUS:  Did inspection of Fla to look at cabling of sonic and four
component radiometer array. NB the fan in the four comp ventilator still

268: Base_Software, Site base, Sat 21-Feb-1998 07:31:42 AKST,
2/20 ~22:00
	Installed latest software upgrade, which includes sonic heater 
control based on tcount.

2/21 ~16:30
	Remotely changed heaton=300 and heatoff=3600 at Atlanta, Florida, 
and Baltimore.
269: Daily_Status, Site base, Sat 21-Feb-1998 08:59:40 AKST,
Wx:  Cold, 8/10 stratos and cirrostratos, moderate to strong winds.

STATIONS: Friday, 20 Feb, evening at ~1600 AST there were hull sounds 
as the ice moved. A new crack opened along the line of the pressure ridge
between the ship and Ocean City. A party went out in the evening to move
a barrel store away from the crack, but the crack has not widened further.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: The new software for the sonic heater became active at
~1300 AST on Friday See logbook entry # 268. Jeff is still modifying
the parameters

BOX TEMPS: All boxes in range 13 to 22 degreeC. The effect of our visit
to Fla when the lid was opened at 1300AST is apparent

SONICS: At 0930 AST a down spike in sample% for all three stations. This was
probably due to the loading of new software on Pampoll.Except for an early 
period for Atl sample% were 100 for all three stations
u and v all stations OK
w all stations OK

PRES: Atl, Bal and Fla all equiv

T: Bal Ttherm and Tplat agreement still better than for Atl and Fla

RH: Fla RH still systematically lower than Bal and Fla RH, 

4-COMP: sw incoming now exceding 100 Wm-2 and plot needs to be rescaled.
lw Fla showed -60 Wm-2 from last evening 
Effect of icing especially on Atl and Bal
Both Dome and Case of the .out (bottom sensors) are systematically warmer than
the Dome and Case of the .in (top sensors)

T and G: ok.  

LEVELS and COMPASS: Effect of heater on compass. From compass data apparently
 Bal position now varying in a manner similar to other two stations
Bal level still bad

MISCELLANEOUS: I would like some additional plots. eg H and L, Tsky and Tsurf

271: Base_Software, Site base, Sat 21-Feb-1998 19:11:09 AKST, Changed heaton=5 and heatoff=3600 at ATL, FLA, BAL
2/22 ~04:10
	Remotely changed heaton=5 and heatoff=3600 at Atlanta, Florida, 
and Baltimore.

	Still investigating problem with Florida where the sonic heaters cycle 
on and off every 5 minutes.

273: Daily_Status, Site base, Sun 22-Feb-1998 09:34:59 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:  Began to snow Saturday evening. Somewhat warmer

STATIONS: On evening of Saturday, 21 Feb the Florida TEG box began to overheat
   (See logbook # 272).

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: Atlanta voltages are low at ~12VDC
    Bal is fairly steady at 13 VDC
    Fla showd variations due to the T problem but is generally 13 to 13.5 

BOX TEMPS:Atl and Bal Tbox both increased from ~15 to ~30 degrees
    Florida made the large excursions described in #272 but otherwise
    increased from 25 to 45

SONICS:Sample % for all staions 100 
    u and v all stations OK
    w all stations OK

PRES: Atl, Bal and Fla all equiv

T: Bal Ttherm and Tplat agreement still better than for Atl and Fla

RH: Fla RH still systematically lower than Bal and Fla RH, 

4-COMP: Fla rad array removed at 1330 AST and brought into ship.
        The effects of icing give a value of albedo of 1.2 at Atl
        Atl show all four temps to be equal This is reasonable given the
        weather, windy, no sun, low overcast. Bal shows lower sensors to
        be a degree or so warmer than upper.

T and G: OK  

LEVELS and COMPASS: At 0100 - 0200 all station showed a jolt? At 0400 Fla
changed heading by ~ 3 degrees

        At Fla there were problems with overheating which may have been
        associated with the removal of the rad array or may have been due
        to TEG malfunction

275: Daily_Status, Site base, Mon 23-Feb-1998 08:33:04 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:  Warm (-25C) with light snow

STATIONS: Cleveland remains dead, Atlanta was serviced yesterday, Florida is
visited daily, and Baltimore will be visited in a few days..

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: Atl voltage increased only a small amount on servicing.
However the current increased from 1.3 to 1.7 amp
Baltimore maintained steady and respectible
Florida OK

BOX TEMPS: All boxes behaving well. the Temperaures climbed with outside
temperature and are  ~ 40 C

SONICS:Sample % for all staions 100 with slight variation 
    u and v all stations OK
    w all stations OK

PRES: Atl, Bal and Fla all equiv

T: Bal Ttherm and Tplat agreement still better than for Atl and Fla

RH: Fla RH still systematically lower than Bal and Fla RH, 

4-COMP: Atl showing the effect of deicing, more difference between in and out.]

T and G: OK  

LEVELS and COMPASS: At 0900 Sunday Florida showed a 2 degree movement. (Station

MISCELLANEOUS: We made a site visit to Atlanta from 1030 - 1130 

276: Daily_Status, Site base, Tue 24-Feb-1998 08:26:38 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:  Light snow and reasonably warm (-25) until evening then clouds cleared
and temperature dropped. In the night the local camp lead opened a meter or so.


VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: All voltages OK. Atl voltage still climbing slowly.

BOX TEMPS: All boxes behaving well with temps between 15 and 30C 

SONICS: The effect of the new sonic heater software is apparent. The heaters 
come on when signal% drops due to icing. The signal% is then restored

PRES: Atl, Bal and Fla all equiv

T: ok

RH: Fla RH still systematically lower than Bal and Fla RH, 

4-COMP: The effect on of the clearing of the cloud layer very apparent.
Florida still out of comission undergoing modifications

T and G: OK  


MISCELLANEOUS: Camp lead opened a meter or so in the night.        

279: Daily_Status, Site base, Wed 25-Feb-1998 09:39:17 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:  Clear sky, cold but no wind. Pleasant condition for working .

STATIONS: Visited Florida to replace modified rad array.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: Voltages OK. The load on Florida increased from 1.05 to 1.15 
amp when the new heaters replaced the stand-in Cleveland Vent/heater

BOX TEMPS: All boxes behaving well with temps between 20 and 35 

SONICS: The "only when required" sonic heater scheme is working well. The
number of times per day the heaters activated: Atl = 15, Bal = 6, and Fla = 6.
u and v ok, w ok

PRES: Atl, Bal and Fla all equiv

T: At 1130 AKST, during the Fla visit, I removed the Goretex membrane shield
from the Fla TRH sensor. An iplot later showed that the response of the two
sensors changed from T.plat > T.therm (0.1 C) to T.plat < T.therm (0.05 C)

RH: No significant change after Florida TRH was changed by removal of
membrane cap 

4-COMP: After reinstallation of the Fla radiometers  several hours were requiredto thermally re-equilibrate
There is a problem with Rsw.out > during the afternoon, and Rsw.out 
= -20 Wm-2 for a period in the nighttime.
Albedo plot shows problem with Rsw. I will check the cable connector correctness
Tsurf for Fla ~ for Atl and Bal. Tsky for Fla ~ 5 C colder than for Atl and Bal

T and G: OK  

LEVELS and COMPASS: Fla lev x within 1/4 degree of true, lev y within 1/2 degree

MISCELLANEOUS: Visited Fla at 1100-1200 AKST. Newly opened crack required
use of bridge.        

282: Daily_Status, Site base, Thu 26-Feb-1998 08:47:52 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:  Clear sky, cold. Cloud arrived in late afternoon, wind increased. falling
snow or blowing ground snow 

STATIONS: Visited Florida several times, to check radarray and then to
install ATI and to try to get ATi to operate.

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: Voltages OK. The load on Florida increased from 1.05 to 1.15 
amp when the new heaters replaced the stand-in Cleveland Vent/heater


SONICS: Atl and Balt OK, Florida swapped Gill for ATI, ATI not working

PRES: Atl, Bal and Fla all equiv

T: The new TRH was deployed with the Goretex membrane in place

RH: Abrupt change in Fla RH at 1630 AKST when TRH unit changed 

4-COMP: Fla 2 x to 3 x greater than for Atl or Bal
Tsky Fla is considerably colder than for Atl and Bal
        Fla < Rsw.out
Albedo for Bal is good, for Fla is bad (>1) and for Atl does not vary properly
I have checked the cable correctness. I will check in-housing connector next

T and G: OK  


MISCELLANEOUS: Visited Fla four times Newly opened crack frozen over 
but fresh ice has developed some cracks

285: Daily_Status, Site base, Fri 27-Feb-1998 08:16:08 AKST, Daily_Status


VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: Voltages OK. Currents ok

BOX TEMPS: Box temps in Atl and Bal climbing. to high 40's

SONICS: Atl and Balt OK, Florida  ATI now working
        wbar 's are not = 0.0

PRES: Atl, Bal and Fla all equiv

T: The Goretex cap was removed from the newly installed TRH.
   Before removal T.plat > T.therm (0.1C)
   After  removal T.plat < T.therm (.0.05C)

RH:  Starting at noon (visit time) Fla RH disagree with pattern for Atl and Balt

4-COMP: All three stations show believable Rsw out and in. Albedos 0.9 - 0.95
        All three stations show similar patterns for pile responses
This could be due to the lack of frost. On Florida it was noted that frost
had sublimed away.

T and G: OK  


MISCELLANEOUS: Visited Fla twice. Local 2 meter wide lead which had frozen over
was subjected to 23 m lateral movement and reopened in places. Bridge 

287: Daily_Status, Site base, Sat 28-Feb-1998 08:37:25 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx: Cloudy in AM clear sky in PM, warm, -18 - -20 C light wind

STATIONS: .I visited Florida 4 times

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: Voltages OK. Currents ok, Fla power showed the effect of
changes in the ventilator arrangement..Power was down for Fla Campbell
from 1130 - 1600 AKST due to Micronel fan seizure

BOX TEMPS: Box temps in Atl and Bal max"d at 48 C and then cooled to 40 C

SONICS: All three station show perfect 100% sonic sample rate. NB the ATI
software must have just kicked in today to show !00% rather than 50%

PRES: Atl, Bal and Fla all equiv

T: ok

RH:  ok

4-COMP: Fla had some snow on theupper domes. The heater did not work.
The radiometer responses look good

T and G: OK  


MISCELLANEOUS: Visited Fla four times. Local lead still active

289: Daily_Status, Site base, Sun 01-Mar-1998 08:57:47 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx: Cloudy , warm, -20 C,light wind

STATIONS:Site.visit Florida 

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: Voltages OK. Currents ok, Fla voltage improved after 
the site visit.

BOX TEMPS: Box temps in Atl and Bal 40C. As the result of removing the
louver cover Fla stabilized at 25 C, 10 degrees lower

SONICS: All three station show perfect 100% sonic sample rate. 
Fla w variation looks smaller than others

PRES: Atl, Bal and Fla all equiv

T: ok

RH:  o

4-Component Rad. The Atl and Bal radiometer responses look good. Fla Rsw.out
has neg offset and is ragged- Bad connection possible because of the work
on the ventilator.
More work on Fla ventilators

T and G: OK  


MISCELLANEOUS: Site visit to Fla. See Logbook # 288

291: Daily_Status, Site base, Mon 02-Mar-1998 09:07:45 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:  -20 C,light wind

STATIONS: Dean and Jay went out to look for Bal. They couldnt get to it.
Fresh leads and open leads. They may look again on Monday.  

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: Atl voltage > 12 Vdc. Effect of removal of rad array
from Fla very apparent. 

BOX TEMPS: Box temps in Atl and Bal 30 - 35 C, Fla 20 - 30 C

SONICS: Sample% 100% on stations 100% until 2300 AKST, when fog? or cloud
appeared. Then Bal and Atl required heater kick-ins. ATI at Fla did not 
require heater kick-in.
w for Bal and Atl apparently increased with onset of frosting. 

PRES: Atl, Bal and Fla all equiv

T: ok

RH:  Fla showed large increase in RH only at Fla between 1800-2400 AKST

4-Component Rad. Good looking response from all radiometers except Fla Rsw.out.
Attaempted to cure by re plugging connector at ~1200. There was no effect.
At 1500 AKST removed Fla radarray to make modifications to ventilatoe

T and G: OK  

LEVELS and COMPASS:ok .Possible divergence of Bal


293: Daily_Status, Site base, Tue 03-Mar-1998 08:56:40 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:  -205C,light wind, sunny in morning and also in late afternoon

STATIONS: At 2230 AKST 2 Mar to 0900 AKST 3 Mar the data poling was interupted.
The qsee program did not acquire the data but apparently the system recovered
and the iplot routine later obtained access. 
NB the RH and T from Atl was not recovered. It may be on the flash card.
Atlanta voltage is dangerously low - good for another 12 hours

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: Atl voltage 11.7 Vdc..and will reach 11.5 soon 


SONICS: Sample% 100% looks perfect on Fla ATI. Heaters functioning well on
Atl and Bal
u,v and w signals all have more variance for Atl and Bal than for Fla (ATI). 

PRES: Atl, Bal and Fla all equiv

T: At 1330 AKST I replaced the Goretex membrane cap at Fla. Result apparent.
See logbook #292

RH:  Rh and T's missing for Atl for back poling interval (may be on flash card)

4-Component Rad. Albedo shows >1 for Atl some of the time. Balt looked good.
Tsky and Tsurf looked resonable

T and G: OK  


MISCELLANEOUS: During afternoon the camp lead first opened to 3m and the later
closed and formed a ridge. The camp moved to the south

294: Daily_Status, Site base, Wed 04-Mar-1998 08:33:08 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:  -20 C,light wind, sunny in late afternoon

STATIONS: At ~1300 AKST Atlanta ceased to send data. Baltimore is still
going strong 

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: OK except Atl which fell to 11.7 vdc at ~1300 when the 
station failed.
Fla imax charge exhibiting peculiar periodic spiking. Maybe due to the
battery being fully charged and the load being low?

BOX TEMPS: Without louver cover plate Fla temp stable at 20 - 26 C. Balt
temp 36 C and Atl ~30 C

SONICS: Sample% 100% for all stations). 

PRES: A slight systematic bias, Atl > Fla > Bal   0.2 mbar range

T: ok

RH:  There is a systematic bias in the RH's , Fla > Bal > Atl 3% range

4-Component Rad. Balt looks good

T and G: Sinusoidal variation of snow temp at Fla 

LEVELS and COMPASS:Balt compass bearing variation different from thatof Fla.


298: Daily_Status, Site base, Thu 05-Mar-1998 08:40:53 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:  light wind, 

STATIONS: Cleveland operating in camp, Baltimore visited in late morning, Bal
data transmissions show drop-out in nighttime
Rad array replaced at Fla, Atl still not sending data

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: Effect of reinstalation of radarray at Fla - iload increased 
by 0.6 amps ~7 W. Fla vdc bat dropped from max tinto the 13 vdc range
Bal sonic heater active in night. Frosting conditions

BOX TEMPS: Cle fell to -20 when propane ran out . Cle and Fla stable at 20 C

SONICS: Sample% 100% for Fla, Bal shows effect of frosting plus heater 
in nighttime.
U and v good at Bal and Fla
w much greater at Bal during nighttime. 

PRES: Pressure ok at Cle, Bal and Fla

T: ok

RH:  High RH at Bal in early night. High RH at Fla in late night.
Could be local effects due to open leads

4-Component Rad. Albedos Both Fla and Balt look good ~ 0.9
Tsur/sky both look ok Tdome .in either hidden by Tdome .out (Fla) or missing?

T and G: ok 

LEVELS and COMPASS:Fla levels off 2 degrees- due to reinstallation of rad array

MISCELLANEOUS: Bal tc made a jump during visit

301: Daily_Status, Site base, Fri 06-Mar-1998 08:40:28 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:   Cold occasional fog, with frosting conditions

STATIONS: Visit to Atlanta (see 299) Cleveland running on battery

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: Atlanta voltage increasing after visit. Bal and Fla stable
Cleveland battery down to ~12 vdc

BOX TEMPS: Fla ~ 20 C but Bal  and Atl down to 0 C

SONICS: Fla ATI completely frosted over with wispy frost. The sample% remained
at 100%. The heater did not activate because there was no activation signal
u and v similar at all three stations
w for Fla much smaller than for Atl and Bal. 

PRES: Pressure ok at Cle, Bal, Atl and Fla

T: ok

RH:  ok

4-Component Rad. Atl rad array is aboard ship being fitted with new ventilation.
Bal and Fla look ok
Albedos Fla and Bal ok

T and G:Although Tsoil at Fla is 5 C colder than Bal and Atl inspection of last
several weeks indicates that this is not due to trampling

LEVELS and COMPASS:Fla levels off 2 degrees

MISCELLANEOUS: Camp lead opened at ~0500 AKST 6 Mar It spread to ~6m. Seal sighted

302: Daily_Status, Site base, Sat 07-Mar-1998 08:48:28 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:   Cold and clear,, 


VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: Loads:Atl ~ 0.6 amps, Bal and Fla both ~ 1.1 amps
Bat volts: Bal ~ 13.5, Atl ~ max, Fla ~ 14

BOX TEMPS: Fla ~ 10 C, Balt and Atl between 0 and 5 C

SONICS: Atl, Bal and Fla sample% = 100% costantly. 

PRES:  ok 

T: For Atl and Fla, Tplat > Ttherm (0.2 C). For Bal, Tplat ~ Ttherm (0.05 C)

RH:  ok

4-Component Rad. .Bal and Fla look ok
Albedo Fla > albedo Bal. Also both stations' albedos fall throughout the day

T and G:Although Tsoil at Fla is 5 C colder than Bal and Atl inspection of last
several weeks indicates that this is not due to trampling

LEVELS and COMPASS:Levels: Fla x -0.5, y +2 degrees, Atl x - 0.4, y + 0.5 degrees
At 2030 AKST there was a Jolt at all three stations (downspike only in level

MISCELLANEOUS: Camp lead open

303: RF_Communications, Site base, Sat 07-Mar-1998 11:10:15 AKST, Realigned base antenna
At 1045 AKST, 7 Mar I climbed to the top mast and realigned the base antenna.
Previously it pointed to the port.
It was realigned to point starboard/half aft
Afterwards a communications check was made: Fla ok, Atl ok, Bal ok

305: Daily_Status, Site base, Sun 08-Mar-1998 08:18:09 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:   Cold and clear,, 


VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: Loads:Atl ~ 0.6 amps, Bal and Fla both ~ 1.1 amps
Bat volts: Bal ~ 13.5, Atl ~ max, Fla ~ 14

BOX TEMPS: Fla ~ 10 C, Balt and Atl between 0 and 5 C

SONICS: Atl, Bal and Fla sample% = 100% costantly. 

PRES:  ok 

T: For Atl and Fla, Tplat > Ttherm (0.2 C). For Bal, Tplat ~ Ttherm (0.05 C)

RH:  ok

4-Component Rad. .Bal and Fla look ok
Albedo Fla > albedo Bal. Also both stations' albedos fall throughout the day

T and G:Although Tsoil at Fla is 5 C colder than Bal and Atl inspection of last
several weeks indicates that this is not due to trampling

LEVELS and COMPASS:Levels: Fla x -0.5, y +2 degrees, Atl x - 0.4, y + 0.5 degrees
At 2030 AKST there was a Jolt at all three stations (downspike only in level

MISCELLANEOUS: Camp lead open

307: Daily_Status, Site base, Mon 09-Mar-1998 08:08:56 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:   cloudy with some sun in the afternno 


VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: Loads:Atl ~ 0.6 amps, Bal and Fla both ~ 1.1 amps
Bat volts: Bal ~ 13.5, Atl ~ max, Fla ~ 14
All in good condition

BOX TEMPS: Atl and Fla climbing towards 40 C. Bal only to 20 C

SONICS: Atl, Bal and Fla sample% = 100% 
u and v ok
w ATI variance < Gill variances

PRES:  ok 

T: ok

RH:  All similar

4-Component Rad. .Did a test on Florida of the effect of the frost cap
during cloudy conditions. Not as simpleas during direct sunshine 
(see #306)
Florida Tdome/case/in/out much more isothermal than for Bal

T and G: ok

LEVELS and COMPASS:Levels: Fla releveled at 1515 AKST 
level x from +1   -> -0.3
level y from +0.9 -> +0.05
Bal compass heading changed distinctly different to Fla and Atl


309: Daily_Status, Site base, Tue 10-Mar-1998 08:17:21 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:   Warm (-18C) band of cloud to the south.Sunny for ~5hr when sun high

STATIONS: Atlanta visit at 1130 - 1200 AKST

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: Atl load increased 0.3 amps when new ventilator 
All voltages in good condition

BOX TEMPS: All ststions fairly stable at ~ 30 - 40 C

SONICS: Atl, Bal and Fla sample% = 100%  NB ATI will be changed to cue 
heater from tc flags rather than from w flags
w ATI variance < w Gill variances

PRES:  ok 

T: ok

RH:  All similar

4-Component Rad: Frost free day at Fla and Atl.
The Tdome/case/in/out for Atl and Fla more isothermal than for Bal.
This could be due to the good ventilation on Atl and Fla

T and G: ok

LEVELS and COMPASS:Levels: Atl installed and leveled at 1145 AKST 
                            level x -1, level y +0.1
                           Bal levels are flaky
      Big compass jolt at midnight at all staions

MISCELLANEOUS: Camp lead opened and then closed

311: Daily_Status, Site base, Wed 11-Mar-1998 07:53:31 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:   Warm (-12C) light snow


VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: Atl ~ 0.8, Bal ~1.1, Fla 1.1
All voltages in good condition

BOX TEMPS: All stations fairly stable at ~ 30 - 40 C

SONICS: Atl, Bal and Fla sample% = 100% until night time. NB snow
didn't block transducers
At ~1000 ATI changed to cue heater from tc flags rather than from w flags
w ATI variance < w Gill variances

PRES:  ok 

T: Spread of Tplat/therm appears too be larger than previously

RH:  All similar

4-Component Rad: By inspection, Fla ventilator didn't keep off snow.
Fla and Atl with good ventilation have isothermal Tdome/case/in/out 
Bal shows a spread 

T and G: ok

LEVELS and COMPASS: ok, Baltimore has no compass

MISCELLANEOUS: Camp lead still active

312: Daily_Status, Site base, Sat 14-Mar-1998 08:20:48 AKST, Daily_Status 3/13/98
3/13/98 Daily_Status that was lost?

Wx:   Cold mostly clear skies Winds 180 reversed WNW -29C


VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: 		Atl ~ 0.8, Bal ~1.1, Fla 1.1
All voltages in good condition	Atl   14.5 Bal 13    Fla 13.5
    Lots of heating at Atl, Bal shows a lot of heating what I call half
	cyckes or steps. Shorter heating bursts?

BOX TEMPS: Continued trend towards cooler Atl 20  Bal  5  Fla  18

SONICS: Atl, Bal and Fla U/V show no obvious problems. even though heaters come

PRES:  ok 

T: Similar trends Bal still has a slight offset between T and Tp

RH:  All similar

4-Component Rad: All three traces very consistent indiacting clearing ~1400
	largest signal at BAL

T and G: ok

LEVELS and COMPASS: ok, Atl compass more variability and less correlation to
Fla and Atl

MISCELLANEOUS: Camp lead actice with a boat Bridge!

313: Daily_Status, Site base, Sat 14-Mar-1998 08:38:04 AKST, Daily_Status 3/12/98
Don't know whey 2 logs for 3/12 and 3/13 don't show up this morning. DEW
3/12/98 Daily_Status
Wx:   Mostly cloudy -S overnaight


VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: 		Atl ~ 0.8, Bal ~1.1, Fla 1.1
All voltages in good condition	Atl   14.5 Bal 13    Fla 13.5
    Lots of heating at Atl, Bal shows a lot of heating what I call half
	cyckes or steps. Shorter heating bursts?

BOX TEMPS: Cooler Atl 25  Bal 15  Fla  25

SONICS: Atl, Bal and Fla 18-2200 heaters on and various sonic problems
	FLA W appears to have less variability than other 2 sites. Scales
	of all 3 sites same? Splus plot of all 3 on one plot similar, although
	not as obvious

PRES:  ok 

T: Similar trends Bal still has a slight offset between T and Tp

RH:  All similar

4-Component Rad: Rads indicate early moring clearing which also matches drops
	in T with clearing skies

T and G: ok

LEVELS and COMPASS: ok, Atl compass more variability and less correlation to
Fla and Atl

MISCELLANEOUS: Camp lead active again today End of snow after 3 days of -S

317: Daily_Status, Site base, Sun 15-Mar-1998 07:56:10 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:   -33 NW 11kts PC

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: 		Atl ~ 0.8, Bal ~1.1, Fla 1.1
All voltages in good condition	Atl   14.5 Bal 13    Fla 13.5
   No heating cycles ATL, BAL Once cycle FLA just after visit?

BOX TEMPS: All 3 sites significantly colder today  Atl 5  Bal -10  Fla  5

SONICS: All 3 sites look excellent. No dropouts

PRES:  ok 

T: Similar trends Atl has a slight offset between T and Tp of .25-.5C that I don't remeber being there before. BAL is the one that has had a similar look

RH:  All simil in trends and magnitudes

4-Component Rad: This day is a very ibteresting day. At the ship it was cl
nearly the whole day. All 3 sites indicate in the IRR that it was a mostly clear
day, but the SW are all different. SInce we visited Florida early in the morning
I know the domes were all clear. 
FLA shows 100% reflected SW
ATL shows IN greater than OUT
Bal shows OUT greater than IN
The shape of all 3 also indicate clear skies. This is a tough one to interpret

T and G: ok


MISCELLANEOUS: Camp lead active a little over night. The radiometer data for
this day need to be compared to other instruments at Met city (See comments

319: Daily_Status, Site base, Mon 16-Mar-1998 08:28:04 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:   -25 NW 11 kts PC

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: 		Atl ~ 0.8, Bal ~1.1, Fla 1.1
				Atl   14.5 Bal 13    Fla 13.5
   No heating cycles BAL Once cycle FLA and Atl
   Bal .25 to .5 variability in TEGV
   Fla A few larger swings in TEGV (1 VDC)
BOX TEMPS: All 3 sites significantly colder today  Atl 5  Bal -10  Fla  5

SONICS: All 3 sites look excellent. No dropouts
    W larger at Atl

PRES:  Dropped 10 mb last 24 hrs

T: Similar trends Fla now has a slight offset between T and Tp  
    Not significant

RH:  All similar in trends and magnitudes

4-Component Rad:
 cleaned Fla at 1830 UTC 
	FLA 200 max SW  -50 LW
	ATL 250 max SW  -50 LW
	Bal 100 max SW  -50 LW
The shape of all 3 is the same

T and G: ok

LEVELS and COMPASS: Atl different than Bal and Fla 1600-0900 

MISCELLANEOUS: Camp lead active a little over night. The radiometer data for
this day need to be compared to other instruments at Met city (See comments

321: Daily_Status, Site base, Tue 17-Mar-1998 08:22:21 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:   -29 NW 15 kts Westerly PC

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: 		Atl ~ 0.8, Bal ~1.1, Fla 1.1
				Atl   14.5 Bal 13    Fla 13.5
   BAL One cycle 
   Bal .25 to .5 variability in TEGV stopped when Tbox >10C
BOX TEMPS: Atl Bal sites significantly warmer today  Atl 25  Bal 10  Fla  10

SONICS: All 3 sites look excellent. No dropouts
    W larger at Bal Off level?

PRES:  Dropped 6 mb then roae 2 mb just after 180 wind shift

T: 8 deg drop in T with wind shift

RH:  All similar in trends and magnitudes

4-Component Rad:
 cleaned Fla at 1830 UTC 
	FLA 200 max SW  -60 LW
	ATL 200 max SW  -60 LW
	Bal 200 max SW  -60 LW
	All 3 sites correlate perfectly. Winds during night probabvly kept all
     sites frost free. Excellent data 

T and G: FLA 4 degrees colder than Atl and Bal -13 vs -9

LEVELS and COMPASS: Similar trends and magnitudes 

MISCELLANEOUS: Camp lead not active  180 degree wind shifrt easterly
   to westerly around 7 UTC Blowing snow covered up all digging at Fla

323: Daily_Status, Site base, Wed 18-Mar-1998 08:11:37 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:   -34 NW 15 kts Mostly clear

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: 		Atl ~ 0.8, Bal ~1.1, Fla 1.1
				Atl   14.5 Bal 13    Fla 13.5
   BAL Atl 2 heat cycles same time 1VDC Atl 1/2 VDC Bal
BOX TEMPS: Diurnal cycle   Atl 22  Bal 12  Fla  13

SONICS: Atl and Bal problems starting 0900 UTC Winds shifted again
    W smae Fla the best

PRES:  14 mb rise

T: 8 deg drop in T with wind shift

RH:  All similar in trends and magnitudes RH down to 70%

4-Component Rad:
 cleaned Fla at 1830 UTC 
	FLA 230 max SW  -60 LW
	ATL 275 max SW  -60 LW
	Bal 275 max SW  -60 LW
	This is a perfect example of Tony's earlier find Atl and Fla correlate
     to a perfectly clear day, but the magnitudes are fif with Fla lower. IR
     has a similar trend. Bal indicates there were clouds? Should have carrried
     out Tony's experiment , but I get side tracked and cleaned domes. I think
     it stills shows the effect

	Tcase shows a spread at Bal which is the only rads without new fans

T and G: Tg hat Atl has a differenttrend than the other 2

LEVELS and COMPASS: Similar trends and magnitudes  2 spikes in Atl data
    corresponding to heater cycles

MISCELLANEOUS: Camp lead opened big time

325: Daily_Status, Site base, Thu 19-Mar-1998 08:15:55 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:   -26C -62C WC 25-30ts BS

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: 		Atl ~ 0.8, Bal ~1.1, Fla 1.1
				Atl   14.5 Bal 13    Fla 13.5
   BAL appears to be struggling with lower T box
BOX TEMPS:   Atl -5  Bal -10  Fla  -5  All 3 down

SONICS: Minimal heating cycles

PRES:  5 mb drop 1018mb

T: warmed from -32 to -24 due to winds mixing

RH:  All similar in trends and magnitudes RH up to ~80%

4-Component Rad:
 cleaned Fla at 1830 UTC 
	FLA 250 max SW  -60 LW
	ATL 200 max SW  -60 LW
	Bal 240 max SW  -60 LW
	Balt cleaned during visit, didn't make it to FLA due to lead
	movement. Strange downward spiking of reflected SW Tdome also shows
	downward spiking

	Ci As Sc as a several LOWS in line move nearby

T and G: Tg at Atl has a different trend than the other 2 Atl down 
FLA and Bal down then up Atl W/m**2 range, Bal 8-13 W/m**2 Fla 0-6 w/m**2

LEVELS and COMPASS: Atl noiser

MISCELLANEOUS: Camp lead opened big time

326: Daily_Status, Site base, Fri 20-Mar-1998 08:25:31 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:   -19C -42C WC 15-20 kts 

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: 		Atl ~ 0.8, Bal ~1.1, Fla 1.1
				Atl   14.5 Bal 13    Fla 14
   BAL a lot of variability
BOX TEMPS:   Atl 10  Bal 5  Fla  20  All 3 up

SONICS:No heating cycles everything looks good u,v,w

PRES:7 mb rise 1012 mb

T: continued warming with ovc and winds
	Tp higher by 1/2 C at both Atl and Fla
	Bal very slight offset
	Warmer temps

RH:  All similar in trends and magnitudes RH up to 84%

4-Component Rad:
 FLA clean as per visiual inspection 
	FLA 180 max SW  10 LW
	ATL 180 max SW  10 LW
	Bal 225 max SW  10 LW
	Strange downward spiking of reflected SWout Tdome also shows
	downward spiking

T and G: Ok

LEVELS and COMPASS: Atl noiser with slightly different trend

MISCELLANEOUS: Camp lead quiet. 

327: Daily_Status, Site base, Sat 21-Mar-1998 08:25:16 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:   -18C -52C WC 30-35 kts  SE

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: 		Atl ~ 0.8, Bal ~1.1, Fla .6
				Atl   14.5 Bal 13    Fla 14.6
   BAL a lot of variability still
BOX TEMPS:   Atl 5  Bal 2  Fla  17  All 3 dn slightly

SONICS:No heating cycles Definate difference after the change of Atl
	and Fla Shifts in W and UV 

PRES:6 mb drop 1012 mb

T: continued warming with ovc and winds
	Tp higher by 1/3 to 1/2 C at both Atl and Fla
	Bal slight offsets

RH:  All similar in trends Fla less fluctuations RH 84%

4-Component Rad:
 FLA clean as per visiual inspection 
	ATl 250 max SW  0 LW
	BAL 210 max SW  0 LW
	FLA 250 max SW  0 LW
	Strange downward spiking of reflected SWout Tdome also shows
	downward spiking
	FLA radiometers drop out about the time sonic reattached

T and G: Drop out same time radiometers do

LEVELS and COMPASS: Fla levels dropped out similar to other instruments
	above Compasses okay

MISCELLANEOUS: Camp lead quiet. 

330: Daily_Status, Site base, Sun 22-Mar-1998 10:37:09 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:   -15C 15-20 kts  SW shift at 1200 UTC

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: 		Atl ~ 0.8, Bal ~1.1, Fla .6
				Atl   14.5 Bal 13    Fla 14.6
   BAL a lot of variability still
	Radiometer fans off at Fla
BOX TEMPS:   Atl 27  Bal 7  Fla  25  All 3 up

SONICS:No heating cycles Definate difference after the change of Atl
	and Fla Shifts in W and  Still differences in U/V at Fla compared to 
	other 2 sites even with wind shift 

PRES: dropped to 1002 mb 0900 UTC uo to 1005 mb

T: No offsets any sites

RH:  All similar in trends Fla less fluctuations RH 84%
	Fla reached 100% at time of wind shift

4-Component Rad:
 FLA clean as per visiual inspection 
	ATl 190 max SW  -60 LW
	BAL 190 max SW  -60 LW
	FLA 190 max SW  -60 LW
	Strange downward spiking of reflected SWout Tdome also shows
	downward spiking

	All 3 sites show clearing skies

T and G: Tsoil and Gsoil major jumps Atl 1400 Atl
	Same time Tsoil at Fla starts to drop.

LEVELS and COMPASS: Similar trens some coorelation to wind shift

MISCELLANEOUS: All kinds of leads through main camp!! Lead 1-2' wide directly
	under Fla radiometer!! (Pictures) Alt may have an encroaching 
	pressure ridge

332: Daily_Status, Site base, Mon 23-Mar-1998 08:07:02 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:   -17C 25-30 kts  SE shift at 1000 UTC

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: 		Atl ~ 0.8, Bal ~1.1, Fla .6
				Atl   14.5 Bal 13    Fla 14.6
   BAL a lot of variability still
	Radiometer fans off at Fla
BOX TEMPS:   Atl 25  Bal 22  Fla  27  Diurnal trends

SONICS:No heating cycles Definate difference after the change of Atl
	and Fla Shifts in W and  

PRES: rose to to 1012 mb then dropping beginning at 1000 UTC 1009 mb

T: No offsets any sites

RH:  All similar in trends  RH 84%

4-Component Rad:
	ATl 290 max SW  -60 LW
	BAL 300 max SW  -60 LW
	FLA 300 max SW  -60 LW
	Strange downward spiking of reflected SWout Tdome also shows
	downward spiking

	All 3 sites show mostly clear ubtil 1000 cloudy and BS 1000 UTC

T and G: Tsoil and Gsoil mat Atl seem to have recovered
	No Fla Gsoil on screen

LEVELS and COMPASS: Similar trendFla and Bal
	Alt some coorelation to wind shift at 1000

MISCELLANEOUS: Camp quite over night. Lead now 4` under Fla radiometers. Can
	see lead affect in SW reflected
 	John going out to Atl today and can survey situation

333: Daily_Status, Site base, Mon 23-Mar-1998 08:17:02 AKST, Daily_Status
Wx:   -17C 25-30 kts  SE shift at 1000 UTC

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: 		Atl ~ 0.8, Bal ~1.1, Fla .6
				Atl   14.5 Bal 13    Fla 14.6
   BAL a lot of variability still
	Radiometer fans off at Fla
BOX TEMPS:   Atl 25  Bal 22  Fla  27  Diurnal trends

SONICS:No heating cycles Definate difference after the change of Atl
	and Fla Shifts in W and  

PRES: rose to to 1012 mb then dropping beginning at 1000 UTC 1009 mb

T: No offsets any sites

RH:  All similar in trends  RH 84%

4-Component Rad:
	ATl 290 max SW  -60 LW
	BAL 300 max SW  -60 LW
	FLA 300 max SW  -60 LW
	Strange downward spiking of reflected SWout Tdome also shows
	downward spiking

	All 3 sites show mostly clear until 1000 cloudy and BS 1000 UTC

T and G: Tsoil and Gsoil mat Atl seem to have recovered
	No Fla Gsoil on screen

LEVELS and COMPASS: Similar trendFla and Bal
	Alt some coorelation to wind shift at 1000

MISCELLANEOUS: Camp quite over night. Lead now 4` under Fla radiometers. Can
	see lead affect in SW and LW reflected. Excellent case study.
	John going out to Atl today and can survey situation

335: Daily_Status, Site base, Tue 24-Mar-1998 08:44:51 AKST, Daily_Status
W Sunny skies above BS beautiful picture -17 C -60 C 40 kts winds

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: 		Atl ~ 0.8, Bal ~1.1, Fla .6
				Atl   14.5 Bal 13    Fla 14.6
   BAL less variability
	Radiometer fans off at Fla still
BOX TEMPS:   Atl 5  Bal 10  Fla  13  all down

 Something not write in conversion to u/v

PRES: dropped to 1006 mb then rose to 1008 mb

T: No offsets any sites

RH:  All similar in trends  RH 80%

4-Component Rad:
	ATl 290 max SW  -70 LW
	BAL 290 max SW  -70 LW
	FLA 290 max SW  -70 LW
	Less spiking at BAL
	All 3 sites show mostly clear skies beginning at 2200

T and G: Fla Tsoil sharp rise at 1200 UTC like sensor is now in salt water
	No Fla Gsoil, found broken wire sticking out of lead yesterday

LEVELS and COMPASS: Similar trend  Fla and Bal
	Alt slight change still indicating active region

MISCELLANEOUS: Camp quite over night. Lead now 4` under Fla radiometers. Can
	see lead affect in SW  reflected. Excellent case study.

337: Daily_Status, Site base, Wed 25-Mar-1998 07:27:56 AKST, Daily_Status
W -27 C 25 kts E winds
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: 		Atl ~ 0.8, Bal ~1.1, Fla .6
				Atl   14.5 Bal 13    Fla 14.6
   BAL more variability again
	Radiometer fans off at Fla still
BOX TEMPS:   Atl 8  Bal 10  Fla  10  all down

SONICS  Look fine no heating cycles

PRES: Rising all day to 1016mb

T: Atl and FLa slight offsets again

RH:  All similar in trends  RH 74%

4-Component Rad:
	ATl >300 max SW  -70 LW
	BAL >300 max SW  -70 LW
	FLA >300 max SW  -70 LW
	Spiking at BAL
	All 3 sites show mostly clear skies There was frost on Fla yesterday

T and G: Fla Tsoil put into snow after lead closed
	No Fla Gsoil, found broken wire sticking out of lead yesterday
	Atl Tsoil simila to Fla may be in water

LEVELS and COMPASS: All simila in compass
	Alt slight change still indicating active region

MISCELLANEOUS: Camp quite over night. Lead now closed

338: Daily_Status, Site base, Thu 26-Mar-1998 09:10:18 AKST, Daily_Status
W -29 C 5 kts E winds
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: 		Atl ~ 0.8, Bal ~1.1, Fla 1.1
				Atl   14.5 Bal 13.3    Fla 14
   BAL more variability again
	Radiometer fans back on at FLA
BOX TEMPS:   Atl 18  Bal 22  Fla  21  all up

SONICS  Look fine no heating cycles

PRES: Slight rise all day to 1017mb

T: Bal Tp and RH dropped out at ~0300-0400
	This happens to match the time a bear was spotted in the area

RH:  All similar in trends  RH 73% Bal out Bear?

4-Component Rad:
	ATl >300 max SW  -70 LW
	BAL >300 max SW  -70 LW Rpile in is gone same time as T/RH (BEAR?)
	FLA  295 max SW  -70 LW
	Spiking at BAL
	All 3 sites show mostly clear skies There was frost on Fla yesterday
	cleaned off ~2000 UTC  Can see that in the data

T and G: Fla Tsoil put into snow after lead closed
	No Fla Gsoil,
	Atl Tsoil still around -2C
	John's visit yesterday showed no indication of
	lead or ridge activity Slush along the bottom of TEG maybe?

LEVELS and COMPASS: All similar Slight glitch at Bal in compass and Level
	same time as other sensors disappear (BEAR?) 
MISCELLANEOUS: Camp quite over night. Bear aft of ship ~3-4 UTC last night
	John's visit to Atl. Took digital camera pictures. 

339: Daily_Status, Site base, Fri 27-Mar-1998 09:19:49 AKST, Daily_Status
-18 C 5 kts NE winds -S over night
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: 		Atl ~ 0.8, Bal ~1.1, Fla 1.1
				Atl   14.5 Bal 13.3    Fla 14
   BAL more variability again
	Radiometer fans back on at FLA
BOX TEMPS:   Atl 30  Bal 30  Fla  30  all up

SONICS  Look fine no heating cycles Bal a little less than perfect

PRES: Down from 1016 to 1006 

T: Bal Tp and RH still gone

RH:  All similar in trends  RH 73% 

4-Component Rad:
	ATl >300 max SW  -70 LW
	BAL  All sensors now no reporting
		Turns out there is a bug in qsee. Both SW
		and other Rpile are both working when viewed with iplo
	Bal >300 max SW  0
	FLA  300 max SW  0 LW
	Spiking at BAL
	All 3 sites show clear skies until ~00UTC
	cleaned off Fla ~1550 UTC 3/27/98

T and G: Fla Tsoil put into snow after lead closed
	No Fla Gsoil,
	Atl Tsoil still around -2C

LEVELS and COMPASS: All similar
MISCELLANEOUS: Lead activity over night, but not old Fla lead

340: Daily_Status, Site base, Sat 28-Mar-1998 08:10:40 AKST, Daily_Status
-15 C 5 kts Nw winds -S over night
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: 		Atl ~ 0.8, Bal ~1.1, Fla 1.1
				Atl   14.5 Bal 13.3    Fla 14
   BAL more variability again
BOX TEMPS:   Atl 34  Bal 32  Fla  31  all up

SONICS  Look fine no heating cycles Bal a little less than perfect

PRES: Down from 1012 to 1002 

T: Bal Tp and RH still gone

RH:  All similar in trends  RH 88% 

4-Component Rad:
	ATl  170 max SW  0 LW
	BAL  qsee problem again
	FLA  170 max SW  0 LW
	Spiking at BAL
	All 3 sites show clear skies until ~00UTC

T and G: Fla Tsoil put into snow after lead closed
	No Fla Gsoil,
	Atl Tsoil still around -2C

LEVELS and COMPASS: VBal shows a 3 deg shift at ~0000 UTC
MISCELLANEOUS: Major camp lead activity pressure ridging Garage dumped

342: Daily_Status, Site base, Sun 29-Mar-1998 08:48:45 AKST, Daily_Status
-20 C 10-15 kts NE winds -S over night OVC
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: 		Atl ~ 0.8, Bal ~1.1, Fla 1.1
				Atl   14.5 Bal 13.3    Fla 14
   BAL more variability again and continually dropping
BOX TEMPS:   Atl 10  Bal 15  Fla  14  all dn

SONICS  Look fine no heating cycles Fla W larger variatrions than normal

PRES: Dropping then leveling out from 1003-998 

T: Bal Tp and RH still gone

RH:  All similar in trends  RH 80% 

4-Component Rad:
	ATl  175 max SW  -30 LW
	BAL  qsee problem still Also problem viewing in Splus until I went back
		to before rad went out
	FLA  175 max SW  -30 LW
	Spiking at BAL
	All 3 sites show gradually thinning cloud layer and a very even
	overcast yesterday creating a smooth SW cycle

T and G: Fla Tsoil put into snow after lead closed
	No Fla Gsoil,
	Atl Tsoil still around -2C

LEVELS and COMPASS: VBal shows a 3 deg shift at ~0000 UTC
MISCELLANEOUS: Major camp lead activity pressure ridging Garage dumped

343: Daily_Status, Site base, Mon 30-Mar-1998 08:11:00 AKST, Daily_Status
-20 C 10-15 kts SE winds -S over night OVC
VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: 		Atl ~ 0.8, Bal ~1.1, Fla 1.1
				Atl   14.5 Bal 12.5    Fla 14
   BAL more variability again and continually dropping
BOX TEMPS:   Atl 25  Bal 30  Fla  30  all up

SONICS  Look fine no heating cycles Both Gills show very small variations
	on teh % plots <1%

PRES: Dropping 995 mb

T: Bal Tp and RH still gone

RH:  All similar in trends  RH 83% 

4-Component Rad:
	ATl  175 max SW  -30 LW
	BAL  qsee problem still Also problem viewing in Splus until I went back
		to before rad went out
	FLA  175 max SW  -30 LW
	Spiking at BAL
	All 3 sites show thinning cloud layer some PC periods in the late

T and G: Fla Tsoil put into snow after lead closed
	No Fla Gsoil,
	Atl Tsoil still around -2C

LEVELS and COMPASS: All 3 sites almost mirror images
MISCELLANEOUS: No lead activity

345: Daily_Status, Site base, Tue 31-Mar-1998 08:07:23 AKST, Daily_Status
-27 C 10-15 kts SE winds -S over night PC

VOLTAGES/CURRENTS: 		Atl ~ 0.8, Bal .6, Fla 1.1
				Atl   <10 Bal 12.5    Fla 14
   BAL back up Atl appears to run out of propane
BOX TEMPS:   Atl -0  Bal 12  Fla  25  all up

SONICS  Lots of heating cycles just after we visited Bal
	One cycle early this morning at Fla

PRES: rising 1001

T: Bal T/RH back

RH:  All similar in trends  RH 76% 

4-Component Rad:
	Atl >300 max SW  -30 LW
	BAL  brought in for fan change
	FLA  >300 max SW  -30 LW
	Spiking at BAL
	All 3 sites show PC conditions all day

T and G: No Fla Gsoil,
	Atl Tsoil still around -2C

LEVELS and COMPASS: No level at Bal
	Bal compass has a 6 deg drop just after switched units during visit
MISCELLANEOUS: No lead activity

476: Base_Software, Site base, Tue 19-May-1998 13:33:04 AKDT, pollup script mods.
I removed the -S option from the pollup script on pampoll.  I will FTP 
/var/log/pam.log to Gordon.

FYI  ->  before I did the mods ~1300 Alaskan  I found pampoll in the suspend mode.  I had to hit the reboot/power button twice.  I held it for one sec then release.  The first time it cleared the suspend icon ( still locked up, though ), then once more to reboot it.


477: Base_Software, Site base, Tue 19-May-1998 13:44:48 AKDT, reset time on pampoll
I reset the time on pampoll with the date command.  It was slow about ten mins.


493: Base_Software, Site base, Fri 29-May-1998 21:51:53 AKDT, Level 0 backup on SHEBOP
The output from level 0 backup on SHEBOP.  Dave

# ./backup.lev0
Start: Fri May 29 20:09:44 AKDT 1998
Dumping /
  DUMP: Writing 63 Kilobyte records
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Fri May 29 20:09:46 1998
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  DUMP: Dumping /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s0 (shebop:/) to /dev/rmt/0mn.
  DUMP: Mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: Mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: Estimated 244714 blocks (119.49MB) on 0.03 tapes.
  DUMP: Dumping (Pass III) [directories]
  DUMP: Dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
  DUMP: 244690 blocks (119.48MB) on 1 volume at 429 KB/sec
  DUMP: Level 0 dump on Fri May 29 20:09:46 1998
Dumping /usr
  DUMP: Writing 63 Kilobyte records
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Fri May 29 20:14:47 1998
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  DUMP: Dumping /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s6 (shebop:/usr) to /dev/rmt/0mn.
  DUMP: Mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: Mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: Estimated 380830 blocks (185.95MB) on 0.05 tapes.
  DUMP: Dumping (Pass III) [directories]
  DUMP: Dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
  DUMP: 380770 blocks (185.92MB) on 1 volume at 473 KB/sec
  DUMP: Level 0 dump on Fri May 29 20:14:47 1998
Dumping /home
  DUMP: Writing 63 Kilobyte records
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Fri May 29 20:21:48 1998
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  DUMP: Dumping /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7 (shebop:/home) to /dev/rmt/0mn.
  DUMP: Mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: Mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: Estimated 848282 blocks (414.20MB) on 0.10 tapes.
  DUMP: Dumping (Pass III) [directories]
  DUMP: Dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
  DUMP: 70.35% done, finished in 0:04
  DUMP: 848230 blocks (414.17MB) on 1 volume at 475 KB/sec
  DUMP: Level 0 dump on Fri May 29 20:21:48 1998
Dumping /data
  DUMP: Writing 63 Kilobyte records
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Fri May 29 20:37:01 1998
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  DUMP: Dumping /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s3 (shebop:/data) to /dev/rmt/0mn.
  DUMP: Mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: Mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: Estimated 654474 blocks (319.57MB) on 0.08 tapes.
  DUMP: Dumping (Pass III) [directories]
  DUMP: Dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
  DUMP: 91.16% done, finished in 0:00
  DUMP: 654442 blocks (319.55MB) on 1 volume at 485 KB/sec
  DUMP: Level 0 dump on Fri May 29 20:37:01 1998
Exabyte EXB-8500 8mm tape drive:
   sense key(0x0)= No Additional Sense   residual= 0   retries= 0
   file no= 4   block no= 0
Taking tape offline
Finished: Fri May 29 20:49:55 AKDT 1998

530: RF_Communications, Site base, Sun 14-Jun-1998 19:09:53 AKDT, Base Antenna
Last week I asked the ship's tech to check out the base antenna after we had
lost the data link during the rain.  He didn't find anything wrong then, but
yesterday he was up on the mast and checked the N connector between the ship's
heliax and the NCAR antenna cable. The connector was full of water.  He dried
and taped it back up.  This should help out on those rainy days.


724: Base_Software, Site base, Tue 01-Dec-1998 10:09:02 MST, Post field: merged packet data
The packet files from the "flash" and "polled" directories on
shebop were read from the backup tape that Tom/John made just
before shutdown.  These files were merged with the ones
we had here on /net/pam, and the data copied into the netcdf

Therefore, the netcdf files here at NCAR should be complete.