RenoBasin-2002: Logbook Entries

RenoBasin-2002: SURFACE Messages: 2 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
24 Mon 04-Mar-2002Anemometer direction errors - Washoe Lake site: 24 Feb - 05 MartrademarkSteve
19 Sun 03-Mar-2002Replaced sfc met aspirator fan 00:30 Z Mar 03 2002 (16:30 LT Mar 02).trademarkSteve

24: SURFACE, Site trademark, Mon 04-Mar-2002 17:20:18 GMT, Anemometer direction errors - Washoe Lake site: 24 Feb - 05 Mar
The Washoe Lake surface met anemometer direction is intermittantly
failing. Times so far are listed below. Symptom is that the wind
directions becomes nearly constant, slowly drifting over time. Visual
comparison with the actual wind head direction confirms the descrency.
I looked at the Improved ISS2 data and did not see this problem (but
there were a few high wind periods when I was not sure).

The first time I tested. the problem dissapeared after a few Sun
reboots and cycling the power on the Campbell. However, the second
time I tested this, nothing corrected the problem. Most likely the
first time was coincidence and the problem is in the hardware rather
than software. (I did check the Campbell wiring for loose wires.)

FIXED AT 2230 on 5-Mar-2002

Times with suspect wind direction:

24 Feb  2230-2400
25 Feb  0000-0800; 1600-2400
26 Feb  0000-0700; 1630-2400
27 Feb  0000-0515; 1830-2400
28 Feb  0000-0415; 1545-1615; 1730-2400
01 Mar  0000-0230; 1830-2400
02 Mar  0000-0215; 1545-2400
03 Mar  0000-0345; 1530-1830; 2230-2400
04 Mar  0000-0200; 1615-2400
05 Mar  0000-0215; 1800-2230 (Replaced at 2230)

Discussion with Greg McCurdy suggested that the cable is bad rather then
the sensor. Could be the potentiometer in the wind head direction or could
be a bad wire/connection in one of the cable wires.

19: SURFACE, Site trademark, Sun 03-Mar-2002 11:51:36 GMT, Replaced sfc met aspirator fan 00:30 Z Mar 03 2002 (16:30 LT Mar 02).
Replaced the aspirator fan for ths surface met T/RH sensors.