PROPHET-2001: Logbook Entries

PROPHET-2001: SOUNDING Messages: 22 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
24 Wed 08-Aug-2001August 3, 2001 1930 UTC launchUMBSiss
23 Wed 08-Aug-2001august 5, 2001 1646 UTC launchUMBSiss
22 Wed 08-Aug-2001august 6, 2001 0930 UTC launchUMBSiss
21 Wed 08-Aug-2001august 6, 2001 1030 UTC launchUMBSiss
20 Wed 08-Aug-2001august 6, 2001 1130 UTC launchUMBSiss
19 Wed 08-Aug-2001August 6, 2001 1815 UTC launchUMBSiss
18 Wed 08-Aug-2001august 6, 2001 2115 UTC launchUMBSiss
17 Tue 07-Aug-2001080701 2000 UTC launchUMBSiss
16 Tue 07-Aug-2001080701 2103 UTC launchUMBSiss
15 Fri 03-Aug-20018/03/01 1100 am edt, 1500 UTCUMBSiss
14 Wed 25-Jul-20017/25/01 530 pm edt, 2130 UTCUMBSiss
13 Sat 21-Jul-20017/21/01 9:05 EDTUMBSiss
12 Sat 21-Jul-20017/21/01 12:05 EDTUMBSiss
11 Sat 21-Jul-20017/21/01 07:05 EDTUMBSiss
10 Sat 21-Jul-20017/21/01 05:45 EDTUMBSiss
9 Sat 21-Jul-20017/21/01 03:35 EDTUMBSiss
8 Sat 21-Jul-20017/20/01 22:35 EDTUMBSiss
7 Thu 19-Jul-20017/19/01 20:35 EDTUMBSiss
6 Thu 19-Jul-20017/19/01 2:35 EDTUMBSiss
5 Fri 13-Jul-20017/13/01 22Z launch timeUMBSiss
4 Wed 11-Jul-2001Sounding Launch Log 11 July 15 UTUMBSiss
2 Tue 27-Jun-2000Sounding Launch Log TemplateUMBSiss

24: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Wed 08-Aug-2001 20:35:58 GMT, August 3, 2001 1930 UTC launch
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name:PROPHET 
date yymmdd:010803 
launch time UTC:1930 
Sonde coef tape #:050269202

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	:989.5 
Temp C		:27.3 
RH %		:46.2 

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	:990.24 
Temp C		:26.581 
RH%		:52.207 
Wind Spd m/s	:2.2419 
Wind Dir deg	:344.74 

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )
clear, few cumulus, nw winds


Termination Pressure mb	:423.4 
Termination Altitude km	:7118.8 
Reason for Termination	:got what we wanted 

Post-Termination Weather Description: 

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 
     		Temp C		: 
		RH %		: 
		Wspd m/s 	: 
		Wdir deg	: 
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)

23: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Wed 08-Aug-2001 20:30:47 GMT, august 5, 2001 1646 UTC launch
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name:PROPHET 
date yymmdd:010805 
launch time UTC:1646 
Sonde coef tape #:050269208

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	:990.5 
Temp C		:28.4 
RH %		:44.6 

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	:992.22 
Temp C		:28.192 
RH%		:42.668 
Wind Spd m/s	:1.5723 
Wind Dir deg	:242.0 

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )
hot, humid, mostly clear with a few high cirrus


Termination Pressure mb	:187.7 
Termination Altitude km	:12.896 
Reason for Termination	: 

Post-Termination Weather Description: 

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 
     		Temp C		: 
		RH %		: 
		Wspd m/s 	: 
		Wdir deg	: 
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)

22: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Wed 08-Aug-2001 19:56:25 GMT, august 6, 2001 0930 UTC launch
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name:PROPHET 
date yymmdd:010806 
launch time UTC:0930 
Sonde coef tape #:050269211

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	:987.53 
Temp C		:23.92 
RH %		:76.20 

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	:988.92 
Temp C		:23.627 
RH%		:76.239 
Wind Spd m/s	:.91403 
Wind Dir deg	:243.06 

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )
clear, very warm, very windy aloft


Termination Pressure mb	:366.6 
Termination Altitude km	:8.260 
Reason for Termination	:got what I wanted 

Post-Termination Weather Description: 

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 
     		Temp C		: 
		RH %		: 
		Wspd m/s 	: 
		Wdir deg	: 
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)

21: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Wed 08-Aug-2001 19:52:07 GMT, august 6, 2001 1030 UTC launch
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name:PROPHET 
date yymmdd:010806 
launch time UTC:1030 
Sonde coef tape #:050269214

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	:987.84 
Temp C		:24.21 
RH %		:78.20 

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	:988.74 
Temp C		:23.837 
RH%		:79.619 
Wind Spd m/s	:3.7381 
Wind Dir deg	:235.1 

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )
very windy, few high cirrus


Termination Pressure mb	:336.3 
Termination Altitude km	:8.8883 
Reason for Termination	:got what I wanted 

Post-Termination Weather Description: 

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 
     		Temp C		: 
		RH %		: 
		Wspd m/s 	: 
		Wdir deg	: 
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)

20: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Wed 08-Aug-2001 19:47:18 GMT, august 6, 2001 1130 UTC launch
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name:PROPHET 
date yymmdd:010806 
launch time UTC:1130 
Sonde coef tape #:050269300

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	:988.01 
Temp C		:24.86 
RH %		:81.50 

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	:988.32 
Temp C		:24.189 
RH%		:83.374 
Wind Spd m/s	:2.7221 
Wind Dir deg	:248.82 

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )
windy, mostly clear with a few cirrus/cirrocumulus


Termination Pressure mb	:241.7 
Termination Altitude km	:11.216 
Reason for Termination	:enough data 

Post-Termination Weather Description: 

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 
     		Temp C		: 
		RH %		: 
		Wspd m/s 	: 
		Wdir deg	: 
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)

19: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Wed 08-Aug-2001 19:43:28 GMT, August 6, 2001 1815 UTC launch
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name:PROPHET 
date yymmdd:010806 
launch time UTC:1815 
Sonde coef tape #:050269307

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	:987.04 
Temp C		:31.94 
RH %		:63.30 

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	:988.82 
Temp C		:28.851 
RH%		:75.053 
Wind Spd m/s	:2.6927 
Wind Dir deg	:284.46 

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )
windy. hazy


Termination Pressure mb	:400 
Termination Altitude km	:7730.2 
Reason for Termination	:got what I wanted 

Post-Termination Weather Description: 

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 
     		Temp C		: 
		RH %		: 
		Wspd m/s 	: 
		Wdir deg	: 
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)

18: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Wed 08-Aug-2001 19:37:27 GMT, august 6, 2001 2115 UTC launch
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name:PROPHET 
date yymmdd:010806 
launch time UTC:2115 
Sonde coef tape #:050269312

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	:986.81 
Temp C		:31.75 
RH %		:67.60 

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	:987.89 
Temp C		:29.659 
RH%		:73.034 
Wind Spd m/s	:2.6143 
Wind Dir deg	:242.36 

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )
very humid, hazy, very windy, no visible clouds, hot


Termination Pressure mb	:334.1 
Termination Altitude km	:8911.2 
Reason for Termination	:got what I wanted 

Post-Termination Weather Description: 

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 
     		Temp C		: 
		RH %		: 
		Wspd m/s 	: 
		Wdir deg	: 
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)
ignore first couple data points, launched by myself, had to wait to blow up balloon

17: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Tue 07-Aug-2001 21:26:45 GMT, 080701 2000 UTC launch
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name:PROPHET 
date yymmdd:010807 
launch time UTC:2000 
Sonde coef tape #:050269306

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	:987.18 
Temp C		:33.58 
RH %		:41.60 

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	:988.66 
Temp C		:32.458 
RH%		:40.01 
Wind Spd m/s	:2.1962 
Wind Dir deg	:310.32 

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )
clear, a few fair weather cumulus, hot


Termination Pressure mb	:379.4 
Termination Altitude km	:8.0235 
Reason for Termination	:got what we wanted 

Post-Termination Weather Description: 

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 
     		Temp C		: 
		RH %		: 
		Wspd m/s 	: 
		Wdir deg	: 
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)
wind data all the way up, first time this campaign.... 

16: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Tue 07-Aug-2001 21:22:08 GMT, 080701 2103 UTC launch
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name: PROPHET
date yymmdd: 010807
launch time UTC:2103 
Sonde coef tape #:050269303

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	: 986.25
Temp C		: 33.13
RH %		: 40.90

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	:988.23 
Temp C		:32.086
RH%		:42.754
Wind Spd m/s	:2.4575 
Wind Dir deg	:306.61 

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )
clear, light nw winds, very hot


Termination Pressure mb	:490.8 
Termination Altitude km	:6.058 
Reason for Termination	:got what we wanted 

Post-Termination Weather Description: 

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 
     		Temp C		: 
		RH %		: 
		Wspd m/s 	: 
		Wdir deg	: 
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)
no winds at all...

15: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Fri 03-Aug-2001 15:47:04 GMT, 8/03/01 1100 am edt, 1500 UTC
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name: PROPHET
date yymmdd: 010803
launch time UTC: 1500
Sonde coef tape #:050269207

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	:989.969
Temp C		:24.48
RH %		:60.50

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	:991.49 
Temp C		:23.3
RH%		:65.174
Wind Spd m/s	:.83073 
Wind Dir deg	:89.16

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	completely clear


Termination Pressure mb	:
Termination Altitude km	:5.0 
Reason for Termination	:enough data and lunch time 

Post-Termination Weather Description: 

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 991.42
     		Temp C		: 24.068
		RH %		: 64.058
		Wspd m/s 	: 1.1117
		Wdir deg	: 90.502
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)
-------- need to automate this %$^# program

14: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Wed 25-Jul-2001 21:16:43 GMT, 7/25/01 530 pm edt, 2130 UTC
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name: PROPHET
date yymmdd: 010725
launch time UTC: 2130
Sonde coef tape #:050269206

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	:987.42
Temp C		:24.05
RH %		:56.40

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	:988.8 
Temp C		:22.897 
RH%		:63.511
Wind Spd m/s	:.50243 
Wind Dir deg	:91.852

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )
Under surface high and upper level low, cold air from the upper level low is causing some fairweather cumulus clouds in the area. northeast winds at the surface


Termination Pressure mb	:416.3
Termination Altitude km	:7.2 
Reason for Termination	:enough data and dinner time 

Post-Termination Weather Description: 

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 
     		Temp C		: 
		RH %		: 
		Wspd m/s 	: 
		Wdir deg	: 
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)
no low level winds again, sonde went relatively striaght up for the first couple kilometers.  Some high cirrus started moving into the area after launch.

13: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Sat 21-Jul-2001 13:43:19 GMT, 7/21/01 9:05 EDT
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name: PROPHET 
date yymmdd: 010721
launch time UTC: 1305
Sonde coef tape #:050269412

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	: 983.12
Temp C		: 22.16
RH %		: 98.9

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	: 984.26
Temp C		: 21.59
RH%		: 100.01
Wind Spd m/s	: .529
Wind Dir deg	: 212

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )
Light fog. Became considerably warmer in the previous 30 minutes. Sun came out.
We're so pretty.


Termination Pressure mb	: 150?
Termination Altitude km	: 18?
Reason for Termination	: It was time to launch new balloon

Post-Termination Weather Description: More dew. Lots of fog. Sun came up.

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 984.54
     		Temp C		: 22.605
		RH %		: 97.571
		Wspd m/s 	: 1.05
		Wdir deg	: 158.16
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)
Fine. Sounding cut short so we could sleep on it.

12: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Sat 21-Jul-2001 13:36:25 GMT, 7/21/01 12:05 EDT
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name: PROPHET 
date yymmdd: 010721
launch time UTC: 1129
Sonde coef tape #:050269414

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	: x
Temp C		: x
RH %		: x

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	: 985.2
Temp C		: 20.085
RH%		: 103.15
Wind Spd m/s	: .179
Wind Dir deg	: 208

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )
Foggy. Rain before and after. Light drizzle during launch.


Termination Pressure mb	: 150?
Termination Altitude km	: 18?
Reason for Termination	: It was time to launch new balloon

Post-Termination Weather Description: More dew. Lots of fog. Sun came up.

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 984.27
     		Temp C		: 21.57
		RH %		: 98.6
		Wspd m/s 	: .986
		Wdir deg	: 267
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)
24.5 cu ft. Good data. Hygrister sheild popped off again.

11: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Sat 21-Jul-2001 11:03:55 GMT, 7/21/01 07:05 EDT
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name: PROPHET 
date yymmdd: 010721
launch time UTC: 1003
Sonde coef tape #:050269504

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	: 984.53
Temp C		: 20.39
RH %		: 97.10

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	: 985.2
Temp C		: 19.63
RH%		: 103.15
Wind Spd m/s	: .001
Wind Dir deg	: 187

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )
Dew, clear but hazy


Termination Pressure mb	: 150?
Termination Altitude km	: 18?
Reason for Termination	: It was time to launch new balloon

Post-Termination Weather Description: More dew. Lots of fog. Sun came up.

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 985.1
     		Temp C		: 19.8
		RH %		: 102.7
		Wspd m/s 	: .413
		Wdir deg	: 267
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)
25 cu ft. Good data.

10: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Sat 21-Jul-2001 10:13:45 GMT, 7/21/01 05:45 EDT
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name: PROPHET 
date yymmdd: 010721
launch time UTC: 0945
Sonde coef tape #:050269505

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	: 984.53
Temp C		: 20.39
RH %		: 97.10

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	: 985.2
Temp C		: 19.63
RH%		: 103.15
Wind Spd m/s	: .001
Wind Dir deg	: 187

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )
Dew, clear but hazy


Termination Pressure mb	: 150?
Termination Altitude km	: 18?
Reason for Termination	: It was time to launch new balloon

Post-Termination Weather Description: More dew. Lots of fog. Sun came up.

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 985.6
     		Temp C		: 19.5
		RH %		: 102.9
		Wspd m/s 	: .001
		Wdir deg	: 207
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)
25 cu ft. Good data.

9: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Sat 21-Jul-2001 08:22:46 GMT, 7/21/01 03:35 EDT
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name: PROPHET 
date yymmdd: 010721
launch time UTC: 0600
Sonde coef tape #:050269411

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	: 986
Temp C		: 20.9
RH %		: 97.9

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	: 986
Temp C		: 20.1
RH%		: 100
Wind Spd m/s	: .06
Wind Dir deg	: 200

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )
Dew, clear but hazy


Termination Pressure mb	: 150?
Termination Altitude km	: 18?
Reason for Termination	: It was time to launch new balloon

Post-Termination Weather Description: More dew. Some fog even

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 985.6
     		Temp C		: 19.5
		RH %		: 102.9
		Wspd m/s 	: .001
		Wdir deg	: 207
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)
31 cu ft. Good data.

8: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Sat 21-Jul-2001 05:08:57 GMT, 7/20/01 22:35 EDT
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name: PROPHET 
date yymmdd: 010719
launch time UTC: 2235
Sonde coef tape #:050269500

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	: 989
Temp C		: 22.1
RH %		: 89

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	: 989
Temp C		: 22.1
RH%		: 89
Wind Spd m/s	: .05
Wind Dir deg	: 150

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )
Hazy, stratus, drizzle, humid;  Winds E/NE light


Termination Pressure mb	: 550
Termination Altitude km	: 8?
Reason for Termination	: It was time to launch new balloon

Post-Termination Weather Description: same as pre-launch

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 986.7
     		Temp C		: 20.7
		RH %		: 98
		Wspd m/s 	: 0.04
		Wdir deg	: 172
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)
Tethersondes at 9:30, 10, 10:30, 11. Then the string broke.

7: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Thu 19-Jul-2001 23:52:28 GMT, 7/19/01 20:35 EDT
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name: PROPHET 
date yymmdd: 010719
launch time UTC: 2235
Sonde coef tape #:050269500

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	: 989.57
Temp C		: 23.13
RH %		: 79.10

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	: 990.5
Temp C		: 21.5
RH%		: 82.9
Wind Spd m/s	: 1.0
Wind Dir deg	: 34

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )
Hazy, stratus, drizzle, humid;  Winds E/NE light


Termination Pressure mb	: 130
Termination Altitude km	: 18
Reason for Termination	: Balloon popped (kept signal until 2 km AGL)

Post-Termination Weather Description: same as pre-launch

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 989.9
     		Temp C		: 20.4
		RH %		: 82.83
		Wspd m/s 	: 0.643
		Wdir deg	: 115
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)
Hygrister shield came off before launch. Put too much helium in balloon.

6: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Thu 19-Jul-2001 18:28:40 GMT, 7/19/01 2:35 EDT
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name: PROPHET 
date yymmdd: 010719
launch time UTC: 1835
Sonde coef tape #:050269501

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	: 989.57
Temp C		: 23.13
RH %		: 79.10

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	: 990.5
Temp C		: 21.5
RH%		: 82.9
Wind Spd m/s	: 1.0
Wind Dir deg	: 34

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )
Hazy, stratus, drizzle, humid;  Winds E/NE light


Termination Pressure mb	: 350.3
Termination Altitude km	: -25.3
Reason for Termination	: 52.5

Post-Termination Weather Description: same as pre-launch

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 989.94
     		Temp C		: 21.58
		RH %		: 82.31
		Wspd m/s 	: 0.1
		Wdir deg	: 83.5
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)
Didn't have wind data for first few hundred meters.  Put a bit extra helium in balloon- probably too much: ascent rate around 6 m/s.

5: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Fri 13-Jul-2001 21:45:02 GMT, 7/13/01 22Z launch time
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

date yymmdd:july 13, 2001 
launch time UTC:22 UTC 
Sonde coef tape #:050269507

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	:987.64
Temp C		:24.9
RH %		:28.5

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	:988.74 
Temp C		:24.366
RH%		:27.388
Wind Spd m/s	:1.3746 
Wind Dir deg	: 325.94

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )

northwest winds and not a cloud in the sky

Termination Pressure mb	:64.6 
Termination Altitude km	:19322.3
Reason for Termination	:lost satellites 

Post-Termination Weather Description: 
For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	:988.42 
     		Temp C		: 22.878
		RH %		: 31.481
		Wspd m/s 	: 2.0819
		Wdir deg	: 330.85
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)
no winds (mwg card not working properly)

4: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Wed 11-Jul-2001 15:20:13 GMT, Sounding Launch Log 11 July 15 UT
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name: Prophet
date yymmdd: 010711
launch time UTC: 15
Sonde coef tape #: 050269509

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	: 
Temp C		: 
RH %		:

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	: 985.38
Temp C		: 18.62
RH%		: 61.47
Wind Spd m/s	: 
Wind Dir deg	: 

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )

clear, fair weather Cu


Termination Pressure mb	: 292
Termination Altitude km	: 9452
Reason for Termination	: 

Post-Termination Weather Description: 

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 
     		Temp C		: 
		RH %		: 
		Wspd m/s 	: 
		Wdir deg	: 
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)
Demo for REU students
Very poor winds

2: SOUNDING, Site UMBS, Tue 27-Jun-2000 13:01:25 GMT, Sounding Launch Log Template
CLASS LAUNCH LOG						 version:951116
=========>> Enter data after all colons (:)  <<===========

1. Clone the original sounding log file.
2. Enter information before launch.
3. Enter post-termination data.
Use arrows to navigate, NO CARRIAGE RET, except in comments + wx descriptions!

Site Name: 
date yymmdd: 
launch time UTC: 
Sonde coef tape #:

--------        For Sonde
Pressure mb	: 
Temp C		: 
RH %		: 

		For Surface Data
Pressure mb	: 
Temp C		: 
RH%		: 
Wind Spd m/s	: 
Wind Dir deg	: 

Pre-Launch		Note conditions not observable by automatic systems
Weather Description	( visibility, sea state, cloud coverage and cloud type, 
		          rain, virga, etc. )


Termination Pressure mb	: 
Termination Altitude km	: 
Reason for Termination	: 

Post-Termination Weather Description: 

For Surface Data
		Pressure mb	: 
     		Temp C		: 
		RH %		: 
		Wspd m/s 	: 
		Wdir deg	: 
COMMENTS (data quality, unusual meteorolical features, launch problems, etc.)