| Date
| Title
| Site
| Author
| #Graphics
1 | Tue 26-Sep-1989 | | none | NOW-ONLY
2 | Mon 20-Apr-1992 | SF6 Analysers | none | acd
3 | Thu 23-Apr-1992 | Telephone numbers of FOOTPRINT people: | none | acd
4 | Wed 03-Jun-1992 | Recalibration of T U of W sonic | none | Operator
5 | Wed 03-Jun-1992 | Radiation and soil sensor cabling confi | none | Operator
6 | Wed 03-Jun-1992 | ARCHIVERS & COVARS STARTED: | none | srs
7 | Wed 03-Jun-1992 | GRAVIMETRIC SOIL MOISTURE | none | Operator
8 | Wed 03-Jun-1992 | SYSTEM CRASH! | none | srs
9 | Wed 03-Jun-1992 | SONIC SPIKING: | none | srs
10 | Wed 03-Jun-1992 | FAST T at MARIGOLD DOWN: | none | srs
11 | Thu 04-Jun-1992 | T.soil.snd is broken: | none | srs
12 | Thu 04-Jun-1992 | MORNING STATUS: | none | srs
13 | Thu 04-Jun-1992 | Brief rundown of the FOOTPRINT setup. | none | acd
14 | Thu 04-Jun-1992 | PRESSURE SENSOR MOVED: | none | srs
15 | Thu 04-Jun-1992 | CRASH! | none | srs
16 | Thu 04-Jun-1992 | ANGLES FOR SENSORS AND ARRAY | none | AA
17 | Thu 04-Jun-1992 | Analyzer D had a rip in the pump tubing | none | bkl
18 | Fri 05-Jun-1992 | Burying the Sand T multi-plexer in the | none | acd
19 | Fri 05-Jun-1992 | 100m UW SONIC WORK: | none | srs
20 | Fri 05-Jun-1992 | OPS TODAY: | none | srs
21 | Fri 05-Jun-1992 | ATI at 250m: | none | srs
22 | Fri 05-Jun-1992 | ASTER DOWN FOR GENERATOR: | none | srs
23 | Fri 05-Jun-1992 | ASTER BACK UP: | none | srs
24 | Fri 05-Jun-1992 | 175m FAST T DOWN: | none | srs
25 | Sat 06-Jun-1992 | CORRECTED WIND DIRECTION: | none | srs
26 | Sat 06-Jun-1992 | Conditional Sampler installed on 250m f | none | acd
27 | Sat 06-Jun-1992 | NEW ANGLES FOR T uw SONIC: | none | srs
28 | Sat 06-Jun-1992 | SF6 CALIBRATION ROUTINE: | none | srs
29 | Sat 06-Jun-1992 | FAST T at 100M TOWER WORKING? | none | srs
30 | Sat 06-Jun-1992 | UPDATE TO FAST T @ 175m: | none | srs
31 | Sat 06-Jun-1992 | MORNING STATUS: | none | srs
32 | Sat 06-Jun-1992 | LEVEL SENSORS ON ATI UNITS: | none | srs
33 | Sat 06-Jun-1992 | FAST T CALS: | none | srs
34 | Sat 06-Jun-1992 | MORNING WORK: | none | srs
35 | Sat 06-Jun-1992 | FLOW TESTS: | none | srs
36 | Sat 06-Jun-1992 | TIME DELAY FOR CONDITIONAL SAMPLER | none | acd
37 | Sun 07-Jun-1992 | SF6 @ COSMOS: | none | srs
38 | Sun 07-Jun-1992 | Cloud of dust. | none | acd
39 | Sun 07-Jun-1992 | MORNING STATUS: | none | srs
40 | Sun 07-Jun-1992 | DATEL PROBLEMS: | none | srs
41 | Sun 07-Jun-1992 | BIOFLUX SAMPLE TIME/COMMENTS | none | acd
42 | Sun 07-Jun-1992 | ADAMS UP WITH OLD DATEL: | none | srs
43 | Sun 07-Jun-1992 | DATA RATE on SF6_MODE: | none | srs
44 | Sun 07-Jun-1992 | SF6 DELAY TESTS: | none | srs
45 | Sun 07-Jun-1992 | RADIATION TESTING: | none | srs
46 | Sun 07-Jun-1992 | SF6 COVAR STARTED: | none | srs
47 | Sun 07-Jun-1992 | FIX TO RADIATION: | none | srs
48 | Sun 07-Jun-1992 | SF6 1hz COVAR STOPPED: | none | srs
49 | Sun 07-Jun-1992 | COSMOS UP AND DOWN: | none | srs
50 | Sun 07-Jun-1992 | SF6 MODE @ 250M BAD: | none | srs
51 | Mon 08-Jun-1992 | CALIBRATION FACTORS FOR RADIATION AND S | none | acd
52 | Mon 08-Jun-1992 | SF6 MODE @ 250m FIXED: | none | srs
53 | Mon 08-Jun-1992 | PRESSURE SENSOR BAD: | none | srs
54 | Mon 08-Jun-1992 | 7 June conditional samples. | none | acd
55 | Mon 08-Jun-1992 | BIO FLUX: | none | srs
56 | Mon 08-Jun-1992 | COVARs CRASHING: | none | srs
57 | Mon 08-Jun-1992 | MORNING STATUS: | none | srs
58 | Mon 08-Jun-1992 | UW SONIC @ DAISY: | none | srs
59 | Mon 08-Jun-1992 | CONDITIONAL SAMPLE FORM:wq | none | acd
60 | Mon 08-Jun-1992 | Conditional samples settings. | none | Operator
61 | Mon 08-Jun-1992 | SONIC ZEROs: | none | srs
62 | Mon 08-Jun-1992 | ZERO UW @ 175M: | none | srs
63 | Mon 08-Jun-1992 | UW SONIC @ 100M ZEROED: | none | srs
64 | Mon 08-Jun-1992 | ARCHIVERs COSMOS & RAGWORT STOPPED: | none | srs
65 | Mon 08-Jun-1992 | CHANGES TO Splus CONFIG FILES: | none | srs
66 | Tue 09-Jun-1992 | AUTO_BKFILES RUNNING: | none | srs
67 | Tue 09-Jun-1992 | Conditional sampler tests | none | acd
68 | Tue 09-Jun-1992 | MORNING STATUS: | none | srs
69 | Tue 09-Jun-1992 | UW SONIC @ 100M STILL SPIKING: | none | srs
70 | Tue 09-Jun-1992 | UW SONIC @ 100M: | none | srs
71 | Tue 09-Jun-1992 | SPIKING ON SONICS: | none | srs
72 | Tue 09-Jun-1992 | COSMOS DOWN: | none | srs
73 | Tue 09-Jun-1992 | SF6 CODE WORKING: | none | srs
74 | Tue 09-Jun-1992 | Grassfire upwind | none | acd
75 | Wed 10-Jun-1992 | RAGWORT COVAR DOWN: | none | srs
76 | Wed 10-Jun-1992 | UW SONIC @ 100M SPIKING: | none | srs
77 | Wed 10-Jun-1992 | SHUTDOWN FOR GENERATOR SERVICE: | none | srs
78 | Wed 10-Jun-1992 | SYSTEM BACK UP: | none | srs
79 | Wed 10-Jun-1992 | MORNING STATUS: | none | srs
80 | Wed 10-Jun-1992 | Conditional sampler ran overnight | none | acd
81 | Wed 10-Jun-1992 | Radiation sensor levels checked. | none | acd
82 | Wed 10-Jun-1992 | COSMOS DATA COLLECTION STOPPED: | none | srs
83 | Wed 10-Jun-1992 | Darkhorse orientaion shot. | none | acd
84 | Wed 10-Jun-1992 | Flow tests of Cnditional Sampler | none | acd
85 | Thu 11-Jun-1992 | PSYC TOWER COMING DOWN: | none | srs
86 | Thu 11-Jun-1992 | CHANGING THE PSYCHROMETERS | none | acd
87 | Thu 11-Jun-1992 | Pyg.out problem | none | acd
88 | Thu 11-Jun-1992 | The conitional sampler ran all night. | none | acd
89 | Thu 11-Jun-1992 | PYG.OUT.CASE is ?: | none | srs
90 | Thu 11-Jun-1992 | PSYC @ 3M moved to 10M: | none | srs
91 | Thu 11-Jun-1992 | INSTALL PSYC #14 @ 3M: | none | srs
92 | Thu 11-Jun-1992 | Proceedure for SF6 analysis | none | acd
93 | Fri 12-Jun-1992 | Morning Status | none | gdm
94 | Fri 12-Jun-1992 | Rain | none | acd
95 | Fri 12-Jun-1992 | Bioflux data requirements | none | acd
96 | Fri 12-Jun-1992 | GRAVIMETRIC SOIL MOISTURE | none | Operator
97 | Sat 13-Jun-1992 | Conditional sampler after the rain | none | acd
98 | Sat 13-Jun-1992 | Morning Status | none | acd
99 | Sat 13-Jun-1992 | SF6 TRACER TEST PERIODS | none | acd
100 | Sat 13-Jun-1992 | Conditional Sampler delay time | none | acd
101 | Sat 13-Jun-1992 | GRAVIMETRIC SOIL MOISTURE | none | acd
102 | Sat 13-Jun-1992 | ATI.K sonic at 250m: | none | twh
103 | Sat 13-Jun-1992 | ATI.K sonics recalibrated | none | twh
104 | Sun 14-Jun-1992 | 3m Psychrometer | none | twh
105 | Sun 14-Jun-1992 | Removal of the Conditional Sampler | none | acd
106 | Sun 14-Jun-1992 | June 11 conditional samples | none | acd
107 | Sun 14-Jun-1992 | Morning Status | none | gdm
108 | Sun 14-Jun-1992 | Sonic/condsamp serial recabling | none | gdm
109 | Mon 15-Jun-1992 | atiK.50.10m sonic removed | none | twh
110 | Mon 15-Jun-1992 | Placed atiS sonic on the 50 meter tower | none | gdm
111 | Mon 15-Jun-1992 | Morning Status | none | gdm
112 | Tue 16-Jun-1992 | Morning Status | none | gdm
113 | Tue 16-Jun-1992 | 3m Psychrometer humidity mismatched to | none | twh
114 | Tue 16-Jun-1992 | Spiking on uw.100.10m on days 166, 167 | none | twh
115 | Wed 17-Jun-1992 | Climbers on prop tower to install syrin | none | twh
116 | Wed 17-Jun-1992 | Morning Status | none | gdm
117 | Wed 17-Jun-1992 | Cleaned 250m Krypton windows | none | twh
118 | Wed 17-Jun-1992 | Syringe samplers still on prop tower | none | twh
119 | Wed 17-Jun-1992 | Recorded zero winds on atiS.50.10m | none | twh
120 | Wed 17-Jun-1992 | Syringe samplers removed from prop towe | none | twh
121 | Wed 17-Jun-1992 | Checked radiation sensor gains from | none | twh
122 | Thu 18-Jun-1992 | atiS.250.10m u axis went bonkers on JD | none | twh
123 | Thu 18-Jun-1992 | Morning Status | none | gdm
124 | Thu 18-Jun-1992 | Disconnected Pyg.out temperature leads | none | twh
125 | Fri 19-Jun-1992 | Daily status | none | twh
126 | Fri 19-Jun-1992 | Replaced crystal on w2 axis of atiS.50. | none | twh
127 | Fri 19-Jun-1992 | Cosmos crashed at 22:00 jday 171 | none | gdm
128 | Sun 21-Jun-1992 | Morning Status | none | gdm
129 | Sun 21-Jun-1992 | Replaced atiK sonic at 50 m tower. It | none | twh
130 | Sun 21-Jun-1992 | Times of archive data loss for jd=173 | none | gdm
131 | Sun 21-Jun-1992 | covars at 50, 100 and 175 now use sf6 p | none | gdm
132 | Sun 21-Jun-1992 | Computer trailer air conditioner quit | none | twh
133 | Mon 22-Jun-1992 | Moved 10m sonics at 100, 175, 250m towe | none | twh
134 | Mon 22-Jun-1992 | Tsoil.sand multiplexing appears to have | none | twh
135 | Tue 23-Jun-1992 | Morning Status | none | gdm
136 | Tue 23-Jun-1992 | New sonic angles at 5m height: | none | twh
137 | Tue 23-Jun-1992 | Pumped down bags in conditional sampler | none | twh
138 | Tue 23-Jun-1992 | Cyclic test restarted | none | gdm
139 | Tue 23-Jun-1992 | atiK.50.5m has stopped outputing wind | none | twh
140 | Wed 24-Jun-1992 | Conditional sampler test | none | gdm
141 | Wed 24-Jun-1992 | Turned off atiK.50.5m at 20:11 PDT. | none | gdm
142 | Wed 24-Jun-1992 | Rebooted cosmos at 10:55 PDT | none | gdm
143 | Wed 24-Jun-1992 | Changed cond_samp calibration and confi | none | gdm
144 | Wed 24-Jun-1992 | Added cal.sf6 and zero.sf6 average grou | none | gdm
145 | Wed 24-Jun-1992 | Fixed atiK.50.5m this morning by unscre | none | twh
146 | Wed 24-Jun-1992 | Removed the pyg.out pyrgeometer and che | none | twh
147 | Wed 24-Jun-1992 | Tsoil.grass died around 2200 GMT on JD | none | twh
148 | Thu 25-Jun-1992 | Cosmos archive was not running, all cov | none | gdm
149 | Thu 25-Jun-1992 | June 25 threshold=0 and bag leak tests | none | gdm
150 | Fri 26-Jun-1992 | June 26 conditional samples | none | gdm
151 | Fri 26-Jun-1992 | System up after generator service. | none | gdm
152 | Sat 27-Jun-1992 | Added the bioflux 1-D sonic and fast t | none | gdm
153 | Sat 27-Jun-1992 | June 27 conditional samples | none | gdm
154 | Sat 27-Jun-1992 | sf6 mode cycle lengthened to 200 minute | none | gdm
155 | Sat 27-Jun-1992 | The two Krypton hygrometers do not agre | none | twh
156 | Sat 27-Jun-1992 | Morning status: | none | twh
157 | Sat 27-Jun-1992 | The Splus fun.props.config has had inco | none | twh
158 | Mon 29-Jun-1992 | Morning Status | none | gdm
159 | Mon 29-Jun-1992 | June 27 cond samp span gas test | none | gdm
160 | Tue 30-Jun-1992 | Fast T cals: | none | twh
161 | Tue 30-Jun-1992 | Sonic zeros | none | twh
162 | Fri 31-Jul-1992 | Fast T calibration parameters | none | gdm
163 | Fri 14-Aug-1992 | Post calibration of Tsoil probes | none | srs
164 | Fri 22-Jan-1993 | Measurement of Soil Parameters. | none | acd
165 | Wed 03-Mar-1993 | Soil thermal conductivity correction | none | acd
166 | Fri 28-May-1993 | Computed biases for uw sonics. | none | gdm
167 | Mon 08-Nov-1993 | Sonic data for FOOTPRINT92 | none | acd
168 | Tue 09-Nov-1993 | Sonic azimuth errors | none | acd
- 1: 0 , Site none, Tue 26-Sep-1989 14:34:37 GMT,
Moninger at 497-6435, Andrea Ignatowski at 497-5200, or Rich Fozzard at
- 2: SF6 , Site none, Mon 20-Apr-1992 22:50:54 GMT, SF6 Analysers
SF6 Analysers
The four (4) fast SF6 analysers each have two (2) outputs.
There is a data output corresponding to the analog signal
of the SF6 detection system and there is a mode output which
indicates the operational mode of the analyser. There are three (3)
different modes in which the system can be operated.
There is the sample mode where the analyser is allowed to sample
the atmosphere, there is the zero mode where the analyser is made to
sample zero air containing no SF6, and there is the span mode
where the analyser is made to sample calibration gas containing
a fixed amount of SF6.
The data output of -5 to +5 vdc is to be recorded at 20 hz.
The calibration factor is given in the form:
[SF6] = c = a(delta v)**b
where delta v = signal voltage - baseline voltage
= v - v(o)
where signal voltage correspond to the atmospheric sample.
where baseline voltage corresponds to zero gas signal.
The default value of a may be taken as 1 pptv.(mv)**-1
The default value of b may be taken as 1
The calibration is then approximately linear
1mv = 1pptv
The value of v(o) is to be determined every 30 minutes and applied for the
following 30 minute period.
The values of a and b will be given by Brian and their constancy checked
every 30 minutes by keeping track of the output during the span period.
The mode output of -5 to +5 vdc is to be recorded at 1 hz.
Three voltage levels (possibly -3, 0, +3 vdc) will be set by Brian.
NOTE ADDED 23 April 92:
Jim Rydock FAX'd to say that:
the delay time for the SF6 sensors is approximately 2.6 seconds
the response time for the SF6 sensors is approximately 0.4 seconds.
- 3: LOG , Site none, Thu 23-Apr-1992 21:49:05 GMT, Telephone numbers of FOOTPRINT people:
Telephone numbers of FOOTPRINT people:
Tony Delany; tel: 303-497-8776
FAX: 303-497-8770
Brian Lamb: tel: 509-335-5702
FAX: 509-335-7632
Hal Westberg: tel: 509-335-1529
FAX: 509-335-7632
Jim Rydock: tel: 509-335-7246
FAX: 509-335-7632
Monique LeClerk: tel: 514-987-4196
FAX: 514-987-3115 (be sure to address to Physics Dept)
Jerry Allwine: tel: 509-376-8145
FAX: 509-376-5217
Owen Abbey: tel: 509-
FAX: 509-
Bruce Lighthart: tel: 503-754-4879
FAX: 503-754-4711
Brenda Schaeffer: tel: 503-754-
FAX: 503-754-4711
Dorathea Pruitt: tel: 509-946-4195
FAX: 509-
- 4: SONIC , Site none, Wed 03-Jun-1992 00:28:18 GMT, Recalibration of T U of W sonic
Recalibration of T U of W sonic
The T U of W sonic took a dive when it was being installed on the 100m station
tower. It was taken into the apartment and straightened and then later
micrometered. The following are the measurements.
inches centimeters
1 : 2.54
(Measured with special pointy metal inserts)
Yellow - Blue 7.8665 19.9809
Yellow - White 3.1660 8.0416
Yellow - Green 3.1265 7.9413
Yellow - Gray 7.1870 18.2550
Yellow - Orange 7.0890 18.0061
White - Grey 7.7905 19.7993
White - Green 3.1445 7.9870
White - Blue 7.1340 18.1204
White - Orange 7.0580 17.9273
Green - Orange 7.7180 19.6037
Green - Grey 7.1120 18.0645
Green - Blue 7.0620 19.9375
Blue - Grey 3.1350 7.9629
Blue - Orange 3.2745 8.3172
Grey - Orange 3.1975 8.1216
(Measured with transducers reinserted)
Yellow - Blue 7.869 19.9873
White - Grey 7.818 19.8577
Green - Orange 7.729 19.6317
These numbers were entered into the sonic geometry routine provided by Steve
Oncley, and the following numbers entered into the calibration routine:
60.1124, 57.0984, 62.3198, 57.7271, 62.7474
Steve Oncley provided the following angles from the dimensions we gave him
over the phone:
60.1, 57.1, 62.3, 57.7, 62.7
- 5: RAD , Site none, Wed 03-Jun-1992 17:12:12 GMT, Radiation and soil sensor cabling confi
Radiation and soil sensor cabling configuration.
The tall darkhorse was setup at the 250m station with the radiation
sensors. The soil heat and temperature sensors were installed nearbye.
Four analog mux cables, A, B, C, and D from the darkhorse break-out-box
and two analog mux cables, E and F, from another analog break-out-box
ran to cosmos.
The cabling from the break-out-boxes was as follows.
Left hand side of darkhorse break-out-box:
A psp.out psp.in pyg.out pyg.in
3 2 1 0
cosmos:111 cosmos:110 cosmos:109 cosmos:108
B pyg.in.dome pyg.in.case pyg.out.dome pyg.in.case
4 5 6 7
cosmos:112 cosmos:113 cosmos:114 cosmos:115
Right hand side of darkhorse break-out-box:
C net.rad T.surf G1.bsh.8cm G2.grs.8cm
0 1 2 3
cosmos:116 cosmos:117 cosmos:118 cosmos:119
D G3.snd.8cm - - -
4 5 6 7
Stake mounted analog break-out-box:
E Tsoil.bsh index.Tsoil.bsh Tsoil.grs index.Tsoil.snd
0 1 2 3
cosmos:124 cosmos:125 cosmos:126 cosmos:127
F Tsoil.snd index.Tsoil.snd - -
4 5 6 7
cosmos:128 cosmos:129
The coupling into cosmos was as follows.
cosmos analog 0 = t.250.10m1 + q_kh2o_2a + conc.sf6.250.10m + mode.sf6.250.10m
cosmos analog 1 = bugflux data (query there are 5 bugflux channels)
cosmos analog 2 = A
cosmos analog 3 = B
cosmos analog 4 = C
cosmos analog 5 = D
cosmos analog 6 = E
cosmos analog 7 = F
- 6: OPS , Site none, Wed 03-Jun-1992 18:36:02 GMT, ARCHIVERS & COVARS STARTED:
The archiving and covaring of data was
started a few minutes ago.
The system has been running for the last 2 hours.
Since it may stay up and Brian's people are running
tests on the samplers, decided to archive.
- 7: RAD , Site none, Wed 03-Jun-1992 19:04:39 GMT, GRAVIMETRIC SOIL MOISTURE
Number: 7 Written 06-JUN-92 by ACD
Type: RAD Project: FOOTPRINT92
Samples taken in the vicinity of the darkhorst.
Samples taken in triplicate
Samples weighed within an hour of collection to give WET WEIGHT
Samples then dried in the oven at 110 deg C for 24 hours to give DRY WEIGHT
Soil samples were weighed with taring of an empty Al dish.
5 Jun 92
A 25.59 25.48 0.11 0.43
SAND B 33.17 33.02 0.15 0.45 = 0.43%
C 35.11 34.97 0.14 0.40
A 23.76 23.69 0.07 0.30
GRASS B 23.75 23.67 0.08 0.34 = 0.30%
C 19.58 19.53 0.05 0.26
A 22.59 22.46 0.13 0.58
BUSH B 21.72 21.60 0.12 0.56 = 0.57%
C 29.33 29.16 0.17 0.58
11 JUN92
- 8: OPS , Site none, Wed 03-Jun-1992 20:11:52 GMT, SYSTEM CRASH!
ingest stopped due to typo error
on keyboard. System was down for about
15 minutes.
- 9: SONIC , Site none, Wed 03-Jun-1992 20:30:22 GMT, SONIC SPIKING:
The 5m ati, 250m, is spiking on
the v component while the uw sonic at daisy,
100m, is spiking. Hope to tune them later today.
- 10: FASTT , Site none, Wed 03-Jun-1992 20:32:45 GMT, FAST T at MARIGOLD DOWN:
Allen is working on the fast T sensor
at marigold. The electronics box is not working
- 11: RAD , Site none, Thu 04-Jun-1992 02:18:37 GMT, T.soil.snd is broken:
T.soil.snd is broken:
the T.soil.sand goes on and off
throughout the day. It may be a temperature
- 12: STATUS , Site none, Thu 04-Jun-1992 15:02:56 GMT, MORNING STATUS:
System is running. All adams running.
The uw sonic and the old ati sonic have a few
spikes through the night.
- 13: LOG , Site none, Thu 04-Jun-1992 15:28:31 GMT, Brief rundown of the FOOTPRINT setup.
Brief rundown of the FOOTPRINT setup.
May 19 Tue: Tony arrived, set up car and truck and apartment
May 20 Wed: Security for Tony, Brian, and WSU students. At met area agreed on
layout of array, did initial surveying
May 21 Thu: Gordon arrived, security for Gordon, Kirt and Alan.
May 22 Fri: ASTER trailer and Uhaul convoyed to site, established base,
obtained first generator, started portaging equipment to stations.
May 23 Sat: Assembling the system
May 24 Sun: Assembling the system
May 25 Mon: Assembling the system
May 26 Tue:
Steve arrived
May 27 Wed: Kurt left
May 28 Thu:
May 29 Fri: Gordon left
May 30 Sat:
May 31 Sun:
Jun 1 Mon:
Jun 2 Tue:
Jun 3 Wed: Monique arrived, Bruce and Barbara arrived, bugflux tower setup
Jun 4 Thu:
second generator arrived
maintainance schedule for generators arranged
delay tests for SF6 sensors
new storage batteries fo UPS
removed UPS from power system
reinstalled UPS as power conditioner for ASTER
shut down AC in computor trailer, minimised power draw on first generator
first long (6hr?) period without lockup
increased ODS optical power ot all ADAMS
system first ran overnight
started covars,
first release line SF6 emission SF6 detected at 50m, 100m and 175m stations,
- 14: PSYC , Site none, Thu 04-Jun-1992 18:57:18 GMT, PRESSURE SENSOR MOVED:
Due to software conditions the pressure
sensor was moved back to the 250m tower, cosmos.
The conditional sampler system will be setup at
the 50m tower, ragwort.
- 15: OPS , Site none, Thu 04-Jun-1992 22:13:56 GMT, CRASH!
3 adams shut down analog data collection.
I was able to get 2 backup from terminal, daisy and
marigold. Ragwort required a manual reset.
The crash occurred about 5 minutes ago, 22:05 gmt.
- 16: CALIBRATION , Site none, Thu 04-Jun-1992 22:50:51 GMT, ANGLES FOR SENSORS AND ARRAY
10M prop 294.51
7.5M prop 294.51
5M prop 294.51
3M prop 294.51
1.5M prop ?
U 295.50
V 25.39
the sagebrush was too high to get the
1.5m prop. We will use 294.51.
New angles were shot for the array on 6/6
10M 294 15
7.5M 294 15
5M 294 15
3M 294 15
1.5M 294 15
U 295 24
V 205 41
W 295 24
U 196 10
V 206 34
W 196 10
THE ARRAY 294 37
- 17: SF6 , Site none, Thu 04-Jun-1992 23:14:28 GMT, Analyzer D had a rip in the pump tubing
Analyzer D had a rip in the pump tubing; probably for the
last several days. It was replaced between
1522 and 1529 during Test 2.
- 18: RAD , Site none, Fri 05-Jun-1992 00:11:40 GMT, Burying the Sand T multi-plexer in the
Burying the Sand T multi-plexer in the sand
The index of Tsoil.snd suffered from malfunction leading
to overlong timing intervals.
To alleviate the temperature effect at 12:30 today the multiplexer was buried at 20 cm depth
- 19: SONIC , Site none, Fri 05-Jun-1992 03:18:10 GMT, 100m UW SONIC WORK:
Checked out signals on the uw
sonic at daisy. Signals looked good.
The b channel bottom(?) has a flaky polarity
wire. So be careful if you play with it.
Will monitor sensor.
- 20: OPS , Site none, Fri 05-Jun-1992 17:25:08 GMT, OPS TODAY:
Brain started operations today at about 5:00
local time. The run lasted till 10:00.
ASTER ran without any problems.
- 21: SONIC , Site none, Fri 05-Jun-1992 17:26:22 GMT, ATI at 250m:
ATI at 250m:
Work is being down at the 250m tower
to install the conditional sampler. This means
that the ati sonic will be going up and down.
- 22: STATUS , Site none, Fri 05-Jun-1992 20:14:00 GMT, ASTER DOWN FOR GENERATOR:
ASTER going down for generator maintenance.
- 23: STATUS , Site none, Fri 05-Jun-1992 23:01:03 GMT, ASTER BACK UP:
ASTER is back on line. The transmit
signals from the ODS bridge were set to high for
channels 3 thru 6; ragwort, cosmos, daisy, and
During bootup a power surge shut aster down. This
may have been due to the air conditioner in Brain's
trailer. It has been disconnected.
Since we have moved the barometer to cosmos, removed
the 5m sonic at cosmos, removed twet data from the archive
set, and added the conditional sampler; the decision was made
to go to ops2.
- 24: FASTT , Site none, Fri 05-Jun-1992 23:13:03 GMT, 175m FAST T DOWN:
The fast T at 175m is down. Since
replacing the element, the sensor has been
questionable since it was fixed. Allen is
presently working on the sensor.
- 25: PROP , Site none, Sat 06-Jun-1992 00:12:42 GMT, CORRECTED WIND DIRECTION:
The wind sensors now have the correct wind
direction information. Up until now, they were align
with the towers, ie, 0 degrees represented the wind
coming directly from the release line.
- 26: CONDSAMP , Site none, Sat 06-Jun-1992 02:28:19 GMT, Conditional Sampler installed on 250m f
Conditional Sampler installed on 250m flux tower
All cabling and tubing attached and equipment installed this
afternoon between 15:00 and 19:30.
Power not yet applied to 12vdc plug, ? power on serial cable?
Tomorrow will do time delay testing using Brians fast SF6
Steve O says in SJVAQS used threshhold = 15 cm s-1 in daytime
5 cm s-1 at nighttime.
Tom's dictum threshhold = 0.6 sigma w
Maybe 0.5 (sqrt ww) = 0.5 (sqrt sigma w)
- 27: SONIC , Site none, Sat 06-Jun-1992 02:32:44 GMT, NEW ANGLES FOR T uw SONIC:
The new angles for the T uw sonic
have been entered in the calibration routine
sonic_uw_4b.c. The new values are:
60.1, 57.1, 62.3, 57.7, 62.7
- 28: SF6 , Site none, Sat 06-Jun-1992 02:36:31 GMT, SF6 CALIBRATION ROUTINE:
The calibration routine for the sf6
sensor was tested earlier today. Everything
worked. Tomorrow Brian will provide real calibration
coefficients. For now, the calibration coefficients
being used are -3000 mv offset, a= 1.0, and b = 1.0.
- 29: FASTT , Site none, Sat 06-Jun-1992 03:03:56 GMT, FAST T at 100M TOWER WORKING?
Allen found the analog channel for
the fast T was bad. This sensor has been switched
to channel 101 on marigold. At the time of typing
this comment, it appears to have a sign error.
This will be checked tomorrow.
- 30: FASTT , Site none, Sat 06-Jun-1992 03:38:59 GMT, UPDATE TO FAST T @ 175m:
The problem with the fast T at marigold
was due to somebody soldering the jumper #4 closed
on channel 0. This caused a .5 gain factor.
When Allen tryed the fast T on channel 1 the same
jumper had been solder closed; however, jumper #5
was installed giving an additional gain of 2 with
a -5 volt offset. This resulted in a voltage looking
correct with a sign change.
The board was fixed and the fast T was moved back to
channel 0. The data collected since the being of ops2
should be ignored upto this time, 3:30Z.
- 31: STATUS , Site none, Sat 06-Jun-1992 15:02:06 GMT, MORNING STATUS:
System running, all adams responding.
there were a few spikes on marigold sonic last night.
Daisy had its usual spikes on the uw.
Cosmos and ragwort look good.
- 32: SONIC , Site none, Sat 06-Jun-1992 15:05:12 GMT, LEVEL SENSORS ON ATI UNITS:
There has been no attempt at
understanding the output from the ATI
sonics. Maybe in the next day or two we
will get around to it.
- 33: FASTT , Site none, Sat 06-Jun-1992 19:37:00 GMT, FAST T CALS:
Below are the results of checks on
the fast T settings. The original data set collected
is in directory /home/aster/projects/FOOTPRINT92/fast_cals.
site abs error span
50m .03 5.024 +- .01
100m .27 5.217 +- .01
175m -.61 5.253 +- .01
250m -.33 5.068 +- .03
- 34: STATUS , Site none, Sat 06-Jun-1992 19:38:58 GMT, MORNING WORK:
A fair part of the morning was spent getting
calibration numbers for the sonics and fast T. Therefore
the data should be looked at with caution. Results of
tests are in appropriate catagories.
- 35: STATUS , Site none, Sat 06-Jun-1992 20:31:47 GMT, FLOW TESTS:
A flow test was
- 36: CONDSAMP , Site none, Sat 06-Jun-1992 23:43:29 GMT, TIME DELAY FOR CONDITIONAL SAMPLER
Flow time delay testing for conditional sampler.
Saturday morning the conditional sampler was powered up and
"rserial" adressed vi the Toshiba as cosmos 201.
The system checked out and was tested for time delay
using the fast SF6 sensor.
The 1/8 inch swage was disconnected from the bulkhead on
the inside of the case for the A or down or v3.
The 1/8 inch line could be T'ed into the inlet of the analyser.
The SF6 fast calibration solenoid could be T'ed into the intake.
The SF6 mode indicator was modified to be a fast channel
Five runs were made with the SF6 directly into the analyser
and five runs with the SF6 flowing first through the
conditional sampler.
The difference between the time delays was derived to give
the conditional sampler delay.
Time for flow through SF6 analyser
10.75 +_ 0.014
Time for flow through coditional sampler and SF6 analyser
11.01 +_ 0.057
Conditional sampler delay = 0.26 +_ 0.06
use the value 0.3 seconds
The 1/4 inch teflon lines labels were checked by disconnecting
from the CSBox blowing into them and emersion of the other ends
in a water glass.
Conditional Sampler Box
up down intake
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
Tubeend Tubeend Tubeend
- 37: SF6 , Site none, Sun 07-Jun-1992 00:57:05 GMT, SF6 @ COSMOS:
I'm playing with the sf6 at cosmos
to checkout the calibration program.
- 38: RAD , Site none, Sun 07-Jun-1992 01:24:36 GMT, Cloud of dust.
Cloud of dust.
At approximately 17:00 pdt a large dust clouid
swept across the site from the direction of the
200E area
- 39: STATUS , Site none, Sun 07-Jun-1992 15:12:26 GMT, MORNING STATUS:
System up and running, 4 adams responding.
Sensor conditions: pressure down, spiking on 100m
uw sonic, other sensors look good.
- 40: SOFTWARE , Site none, Sun 07-Jun-1992 15:15:30 GMT, DATEL PROBLEMS:
Using data_stats it was discovered that
the data rate from the analog channels is not consistent.
Adams like daisy, with 4 analog channels on, are giving
20hz data at 60hz and 1hz data at 3hz.
We will try the old datel software. Look for future
reports on results!
- 41: BUGFLUX , Site none, Sun 07-Jun-1992 17:47:27 GMT, BIOFLUX SAMPLE TIME/COMMENTS
Bioflux sample times/comments
Julian day 155 - 156 set-up Bioflux tower 21:30-03:30 (GMT)
156 A 22:14:00 23:14:00 slit samplers inside position
22:14-22:19 activity W of tower
22:30 deisel truck N of tower
156-157 B 23:35:00 00:35:00 andersen samplers inside position
157 C 20:20:00 21:20:00 20:38 dust devil S of tower
20:50-21:05 activity W of tower
157 D 21:30:00 22:30:00 22:20-22:30 activity S of tower
157 E 22:41:00 23:41:00 (L)Andersen sampler disconnected
23:30-23:35 activity S of tower
157-158 F 23:50:00 00:50:00 activity S of tower throughout sample
158 G 00:58:00 01:58:00 re-adjust (L)Andersen sampler to 28LPM
activity S & W throughout sample
01:35 two vehicles on road E of tower
158 H 02:05:00 03:05:00 02:56 vehicle on road E of tower
158 I 20:42:00 21:42:00 20:50 distant dust clouds E of tower &
activity S of tower
158 J 21:52:00 22:52:00
158-159 K 23:01:00 00:01:00 23:54 dust cloud approaching from E due
to construction, diluted out as
approached samplers
158 L 00:10:00 01:10:00
158 M 01:19:00 02:19:00 01:50 truck on road E of tower
158 N 02:27:00 03:27:00
159 O 12:16:00 13:16:00
159 P 13:22:00 14:22:00
159 Q 14:29:00 15:29:00 activity W & S of tower towards end of
159 R 15:36:00 16:36:00
159 S 18:29:00 19:29:00 ~19:00 activity S & W of tower
159 T 19:36:00 20:36:00 activity S & W of tower throughout samp.
160 U 01:11:00 02:11:00 "The Bushwacker" - hit sage bushes from
01:12:00 - 01:22:00 area W of tower
~20 X 250 m (to release line)
160 V 13:13:00 14:13:00
160 W 14:20:00 15:20:00 15:10 - 15:26 diesel truck N of tower
160 X 15:26:00 16:26:00
160 Y 16:32:00 17:32:00 activity S & W of tower until end of day
160 Z 17:38:00 18:38:00
160 AA 19:12:00 19:12:10 control sample - routine procedure,
turned samplers on in series then off
in series
160 BB 19:20:00 20:20:00
Disassembled sampler-pulley system and datalogger for adjustments to two
sampler levels, equal vacuum tubing lengths, and for attachment of critical
orifices to all sampler units. Will return June 23.
Return to Richland unload and set-up sampler holder June 23
(JD 176 GMT 02:00-05:00) Now using two sampler heights, 2.5 meters and
8 meters. All flowmeters recalibrated and samplers are being rotated
into different positions to eliminate a "sampler/position effect".
All tubing equal length to eliminate "height/flow effect".
176 a 14:24:00 14:24:10 control sample
1 on site
176 b 14:36:30 15:36:30
176 c 15:47:00 16:47:00 4 on site
end sample 6 on site
176 d 16:57:00 17:57:00 diesel truck
176 e 18:05:00 18:05:10 control
18:05:50 18:06:00 repeat control foil on lower samplers
177 - (02:00:00 set up sonic anemometer at 5 meter height)
177 f 14:05:00 14:05:10 control
177 g 14:15:00 15:15:00 no others on site
177 h 15:23:00 16:23:00
177 i 16:30:00 17:30:00
177 j 17:38:00 17:38:10 control
178 k 01:39:30 01:39:40 control
4 on site
178 l 01:47:00 02:47:00
178 m 02:55:00 03:55:00
178 n 04:06:00 05:06:00
178 o 20:05:30 20:05:40 control
2 on site
178 p 20:59:00 21:59:00 3 on site
178 q 22:07:00 23:07:00
178-179 r 23:15:00 00:15:00
179 s 00:23:00 01:23:00 end of run break to test anemometer
change program to one table
179 t 03:18:00 04:18:00 4 on site
179 u 04:25:00 04:25:10 control
179 v 13:05:00 14:05:00 run with all andersen samplers
179 w 14:25:00 15:25:00 run with all slit samplers
179 x 15:33:00 16:33:00 run with all andersen samplers
179 y 16:42:00 17:42:00 run with all slit samplers
180 (01:00 GMT) begin shut down process - disconnect sonic, tip down
180 (13:00 GMT) complete dismantle of tower
181 (01:00 GMT) load truck
Hard and disk copies of data will be sent in care of Tony Delany
upon completion.
You may reach us at the following:
Bruce Lighthart (503)754-5879 & Brenda Shaffer (503)754-4562
US EPA ManTech Environmental Tech.Inc.
Environmental Research Lab <--same address
200 S.W. 35th Street
Corvallis, OR 97333
Thanks !!
- 42: STATUS , Site none, Sun 07-Jun-1992 18:36:18 GMT, ADAMS UP WITH OLD DATEL:
The adams have been turned off since
15:30z (cosmos up till 16:30z). This was done to
reconfigure the analog cables for the old datel code.
The configuration files stayed the same so we will
not go to a new ops. The adams were brought backup
in the new configuration at 18:30z. At this time the
covars and archivers were restarted.
Data rates on analog channels look good.
- 43: STATUS , Site none, Sun 07-Jun-1992 19:01:09 GMT, DATA RATE on SF6_MODE:
The data rate on the sf6_mode signal was
increase to 20hz to allow for delay tests. If you look
under SF6 catagory there is more information on the
procedure to do delay tests.
This change took place about 18:50z.
- 44: SF6 , Site none, Sun 07-Jun-1992 19:14:49 GMT, SF6 DELAY TESTS:
Below is an outline of the procedure
to do delay tests for the sf6. To make the job
easier the data rate of the sf6_mode was set to
In directory /home/aster/raw_data/flow is
a special archive script which will collect data from
the sf6 signals. This archiver should be run only
during the test. If you don't kill it you will be wasting
disk space.
After data has been collected and the archiver
has been shut down, you can run the script "flow.plot".
This plot will process the data and create an xgraph of
the data. At that point you can interactively expand the
scale and determine the time delay.
- 45: RAD , Site none, Sun 07-Jun-1992 20:37:39 GMT, RADIATION TESTING:
Tests took place between 20:00 and
20:30z on the radiation channels. Therefore
these data are questionable.
- 46: SF6 , Site none, Sun 07-Jun-1992 20:38:47 GMT, SF6 COVAR STARTED:
The sf6 covar routine was started
about 5 minutes ago.
- 47: RAD , Site none, Sun 07-Jun-1992 21:05:51 GMT, FIX TO RADIATION:
The gain settings on the
psp.in, psp.out, pyg.in, pyg.out
were set to 100 not 200. This has
been corrected as of 5 minutes ago.
This should be noted for post analysis
- 48: SF6 , Site none, Sun 07-Jun-1992 21:57:26 GMT, SF6 1hz COVAR STOPPED:
The 1hz covars for sf6 were killed
at 21:55Z.
- 49: STATUS , Site none, Sun 07-Jun-1992 23:53:19 GMT, COSMOS UP AND DOWN:
Cosmos has been up and down over
the last 15 minutes to work on the conditional
sampler and the sf6_mode signal. This work
started at about 23:35z.
- 50: SF6 , Site none, Sun 07-Jun-1992 23:56:10 GMT, SF6 MODE @ 250M BAD:
SF6 MODE @ 250M BAD:
Since the change over to the old
datel code the mode signal for sf6 at 250m
has not worked right. The problem is in the
amplifier/filter board. Replacement of the
zero switching chip and the first stage amplifier
did not help. The board will be replaced.
- 51: RAD , Site none, Mon 08-Jun-1992 00:15:57 GMT, CALIBRATION FACTORS FOR RADIATION AND S
NOTE this was copied from the SJVAQS logbook and needs to be edited.
When it is satisfactorily edited this comment will be erase.
Calibration factors for radiation and soil sensors
(The tables shows the calibration factors available from the calibration
data, and allows an intercomparison with the prep.config factors used)
A copy of /home/aster/projects/FOOTPRINT92/ops1/prep.config will be compared
with these calibration factors. There will then be an affirmation check.
CHANNEL SENSOR S/N CAL calibration factors
cosmos:100 pyg.in.rad 27907F3 3.44 uv/W m-2 linear cal #######, ###
gain = ?
Date of this calibration = ## ## ##
(prep.config: Checked ? )
cosmos:101 pyg.out.rad 26416F3 3.59 uv/W m-2 linear cal ######, ###
gain = ?
Date of this calibration = ## ## ##
(prep.config: Checked ? )
cosmos:102 psp.in.rad 26214F3 8.70 uv/W m-2 linear cal #####, ###
gain = ?
Date of this calibration = ## ## ##
(prep.config: Checked 14 Nov 91 )
103 psp.out.rad 26226F3 8.85 uv/W m-2 linear cal 8.6210E-2, 0.0
Date of this calibration = ## ## ##
(prep.config: Checked 14 Nov 91 )
108 r.net 90076 13.4 W m-2/mV linear cal 2.0447E-2, 0.0
Date of this calibration = ## ## ##
(prep.config: 2.0294E-2 , 0.0 )
109 t.surface 1041 100degree C/V linear cal 1.5259E-3, 25
Date of this calibration = ## ## ##
(prep.config: Checked 14 Nov 91 )
113 par.rad Q9125 -143.47 linear cal 3.6246E-1, 0.0
umole/m-2 s/uA
Date of this calibration = ## ## ##
(prep.config: Checked 14 Nov 91 )
CHANNEL SENSOR CAL prep.config factor used
104 pyg.in.dome A0 = 3.5754E-3 c=thermistor 3.5754E-3
A1 = 2.6846E-4 2.6847E-4
A2 = 6.1043E-6 6.1043E-6
A3 =-3.6998E-6 3.6998E-6
offset = 4.8
Date of this calibration = ## ## ##
105 pyg.in.case A0 = 3.5764E-3 c=thermistor All OK 14nov91
A1 = 2.6860E-4
A2 = 6.3499E-6
A3 =-3.6393E-6
offset = 4.8
Date of this calibration = ## ## ##
106 pyg.out.dome A0 = 3.5829E-3 c=thermistor All OK 14nov91
A1 = 2.8073E-4
A2 = 1.7521E-5
A3 =-9.3759E-7
offset = 4.8
Date of this calibration = ## ## ##
107 pyg.out.case A0 = 3.5850E-3 c=thermistor All OK 14nov91
A1 = 2.8512E-4
A2 = 2.1575E-5
A3 = 1.2726E-7
offset = 4.8
Date of this calibration = ## ## ##
117 Tsoil.a.index linear cal 1.5259E-4 ,0.0
offset =
Date of this calibration = ## ## ##
(prep.config: Checked )
118 Tsoil.b.index linear cal 1.5259E-4 ,0.0
offset =
Date of this calibration = ## ## ##
(prep.config: Checked )
119 Tsoil.c.index linear cal 1.5259E-4 ,0.0
offset =
Date of this calibration = ## ## ##
(prep.config: Checked )
CHANNEL SENSOR CAL prep.config factor used
116 Tsoil.a (mean) c=thermistor All OK 19 Nov91
A0 = 3.5869E-3
A1 = 2.6991E-4
A2 = 9.3435E-6
A3 =-3.5796E-6
offset = 4.7
Tsoil.a.1cm (0band)
A0 = 3.5920E-3
A1 = 2.6757E-4
A2 = 1.0719E-5
A3 =-3.6759E-6
offset = 4.7
Tsoil.a.3cm (1band)
A0 = 3.5932E-3
A1 = 2.6837E-4
A2 = 1.0903E-5
A3 =-3.6485E-6
offset = 4.7
Tsoil.a.5cm (2band)
A0 = 3.5931E-3
A1 = 2.6774E-4
A2 = 1.0867E-5
A3 =-3.6422E-6
offset = 4.7
Tsoil.a.7cm (3band)
A0 = 3.5925E-3
A1 = 2.6795E-4
A2 = 1.1015E-5
A3 =-3.6040E-6
offset = 4.7
Date of this calibration = 30 May 91
118 Tsoil.b (mean) c=thermistor All OK 19 Nov91
A0 = 3.5495E-3
A1 = 2.8734E-4
A2 = 4.3827E-6
A3 = 6.5799E-7
offset = 5.0
Tsoil.b.1cm (0band)
A0 = 3.5490E-3
A1 = 2.8731E-4
A2 = 4.2973E-6
A3 = 6.3137E-7
offset = 5.0
Tsoil.b.3cm (1band)
A0 = 3.5509E-3
A1 = 2.8736E-4
A2 = 4.3523E-6
A3 = 6.6114E-6
offset = 5.0
Tsoil.b.5cm (2band)
A0 = 3.5496E-3
A1 = 2.8727E-4
A2 = 4.2113E-6
A3 = 5.9975E-7
offset = 5.0
Tsoil.b.7cm (3band)
A0 = 3.5487E-3
A1 = 2.8718E-4
A2 = 4.4353E-6
A3 = 6.8631E-7
offset = 5.0
Date of this calibration = 30 May 91
120 Tsoil.c (mean) c=thermistor All OK 19Nov91
A0 = 3.5287E-3
A1 = 2.9799E-4
A2 = 3.7889E-7
A3 = 4.7208E-6
offset = 5.25
Tsoil.c.1cm (0band)
A0 = 3.5267E-3
A1 = 2.9787E-4
A2 = 3.0097E-7
A3 = 4.6895E-6
offset = 5.25
Tsoil.c.3cm (1band)
A0 = 3.5290E-3
A1 = 2.9797E-4
A2 = 3.0577E-7
A3 = 4.6887E-6
offset = 5.25
Tsoil.c.5cm (2band)
A0 = 3.5297E-3
A1 = 2.9813E-4
A2 = 3.2779E-7
A3 = 4.6919E-6
offset = 5.25
Tsoil.c.7cm (3band)
A0 = 3.5285E-3
A1 = 2.9794E-4
A2 = 4.7164E-7
A3 = 4.7596E-6
offset = 5.25
Date of this calibration = 30 May 91
110 G1.8cm blue#band 42.6 W m-2/mV linear cal 3.2502E-2, 0.0
Date of this calibration = ## ## ##
(prep.config: Checked 14 Nov 91 )
111 G2.8cm red#band 38.4 W m-2/mV linear cal 2.9298E-2, 0.0
Date of this calibration = ## ## ##
(prep.config: Checked 14 Nov 91 )
112 G3.8cm yellow#band 38.4 W m-2/mV linear cal 2.9298E-2, 0.0
Date of this calibration = ## ## ##
(prep.config: Checked 14 Nov 91 )
Note added 3 Mar 93 by ACD:
The calibration values given here in the logbook for the soil
heat flux plates are those derived from the Apr87 calibration.
The Dec91 values are :
110 G1.8cm blue#band Serial number 87028 42.5 W m-2/mV
111 G2.8cm red#band Serial number 87034 38.0 W m-2/mV
112 G3.8cm yellow#band Serial number 87036 38.2 W m-2/mV
The correct values were used in the actual calculations during FOOTPRINT92.
See also the additional logbook entry commenting on the correctiondue to
the difference of thermal conductivity of the soil, the heat flux plate,
and the medium in which the heat flux plate was calibrated.
- 52: SF6 , Site none, Mon 08-Jun-1992 00:42:29 GMT, SF6 MODE @ 250m FIXED:
SF6 MODE @ 250m FIXED:
The problem with the sf6 mode
at the 250m site was a bad solder connection
at the sf6 unit. Time of fix was 00:30Z.
- 53: PSYC , Site none, Mon 08-Jun-1992 00:53:13 GMT, PRESSURE SENSOR BAD:
The pressure sensor has not been
working too good. It has a tendency to go
down everytime you do anything with cosmos.
The sensor is down at this time.
- 54: CONDSAMP , Site none, Mon 08-Jun-1992 02:07:02 GMT, 7 June conditional samples.
7 June conditional samples.
Date: 7 June 92.
Delay = 30, threshold = 5 cm s-1
Syringe samples analysed the following day
Calibration for the SF6 gc 950,000 counts = 312 pptv
Start time Stop time Consam outlet Box/bag Syringe Pumpdown Counts [SF6]
16:40 17:30 A left D I cs1 ~6 sec 181684 59.7
B center D II cs2 ~6 sec 165647 54.4
c right D III cs3 ~6 sec 202547 66.5
Start time Stop time Consam outlet Box/bag Syringe Pumpdown Counts [SF6]
17:30 18:30 A left B I cs4 ~4 sec 466329 153
B center B II cs5 ~4 sec 409573 135
c right B III cs6 ~4 sec 507517 167
Start time Stop time Consam outlet Box/bag Syringe Pumpdown Counts [SF6]
18:30 19:30 A left D 1 cs7 ~5 sec 432584 142
B center D II cs8 ~5 sec 607286 199
c right D III cs9 ~5 sec 519747 171
Start time Stop time Consam outlet Box/bag Syringe Pumpdown Counts [SF6]
19:30 20:30 A left B I cs10 ~3 sec 547942 180
B center B II cs11 ~4 sec 609760 200
c right B III cs12 ~3 sec 498822 164
Start time Stop time Consam outlet Box/bag Syringe Pumpdown Counts [SF6]
20:30 21:30 A left D I cs13 ~ sec 671772 221
B center D II cs14 ~ sec 743783 244
c right D III cs15 ~ sec 738946 243
Only very small volumes were collected in the bags.
Center bag had to be repumped down before collecting samples.
After syringe samples taken bags not pumped down.
Pump left running overnight.
- 55: BUGFLUX , Site none, Mon 08-Jun-1992 03:11:21 GMT, BIO FLUX:
The bioflux data logger provides
2 output signals. These have been setup for
temperature measurements at 8m and 2m on
channels 104 and 106, respectfully.
Data are now coming in @ 03:00Z.
- 56: SOFTWARE , Site none, Mon 08-Jun-1992 04:41:00 GMT, COVARs CRASHING:
The covars are crashing! At this
point I do not know why. It maybe because
I was doing some other covars on raw data files.
We will see what happens over night.
- 57: STATUS , Site none, Mon 08-Jun-1992 14:24:25 GMT, MORNING STATUS:
System ruuning, adams up.
Covar for ragwort went down last night.
Spiking on the uw sonic at daisy.
Data from conditional sampler is not
making any sense.
- 58: SONIC , Site none, Mon 08-Jun-1992 15:30:20 GMT, UW SONIC @ DAISY:
For the last 1/2 hour I have been
playing with the uw sonic at daisy, 100m.
Some of the spiking during this time was
generated by me.
The problem is with the receiver
board for path c/top. There is not enough
range in the gain and offset pots. I will
try switching with another board.
- 59: CONDSAMP , Site none, Mon 08-Jun-1992 16:18:00 GMT, CONDITIONAL SAMPLE FORM:wq
June conditional samples.
Date: June 92.
Delay = , threshold =
GC cal 950000 = 312 ppbv
Start time Stop time CS outlet Box/bag Syringe Pumpdown Counts [SF6]
: : A left I cs l ppbv
B center II cs l ppbv
c right III cs l ppbv
Start time Stop time CS outlet Box/bag Syringe Pumpdown Counts [SF6]
: : A left I cs l ppbv
B center II cs l ppbv
c right III cs l ppbv
Start time Stop time CS outlet Box/bag Syringe Pumpdown Counts [SF6]
: : A left I cs l ppbv
B center II cs l ppbv
c right III cs l ppbv
Start time Stop time CS outlet Box/bag Syringe Pumpdown Counts [SF6]
: : A left I cs l ppbv
B center II cs l ppbv
c right III cs l ppbv
Start time Stop time CS outlet Box/bag Syringe Pumpdown Counts [SF6]
: : A left I cs l ppbv
B center II cs l ppbv
c right III cs l ppbv
- 60: CONDSAMP , Site none, Mon 08-Jun-1992 17:11:10 GMT, Conditional samples settings.
Conditional samples settings.
According ti Steve O:
The "sample" for delay corresponds to 0.1 seconds. Hence
y1 generates a delay time of 0.1 seconds. As we determined
that the appropriate flow delay was 0.26 seconds we should
use a value of y3 = 0.3 seconds.
The "sample" for valve cycling time is different. It corresponds
to 0.001 seconds. Hence c1000 will activate each valve
for 1 second and the entire sequence of the three valve sampling
sequentially will take three seconds.
Although in FOOTPRINT92 often ww = 0.6(m.s-1)^2
sigmaw = .77m.s-1
1/2 sigma w = 0.38m.s-1 = 38cm.s-1
Steve believes we should be more conservative and use t20 = 20 cm.s-1
or t30 = 30cm.s-1
- 61: SONIC , Site none, Mon 08-Jun-1992 18:12:44 GMT, SONIC ZEROs:
This morning was dedicated to
working on the sonics and getting another
set of zeros. Therefore the data should be
looked at with caution from 16:00Z to xxxZ.
- 62: SONIC , Site none, Mon 08-Jun-1992 18:44:08 GMT, ZERO UW @ 175M:
ZERO UW @ 175M:
Finished zeroing the uw
sonic at 175m site about 3 minutes
ago. Results provided below. Ther was no
changes made to the sensor.
channel zero
a (yb) -638
b (gw) -19
c (og) -41
NOTE: these zeros have not been entered
in the sonic_uw_4b.c routine
- 63: SONIC , Site none, Mon 08-Jun-1992 20:20:56 GMT, UW SONIC @ 100M ZEROED:
Finish work on the uw sonic at 100m.
Changed polarity on channel "a top". This work
was completed at 19:50Z. Below are the zero
information before work and after.
channel zero
a (yb) 175
b (gw) -157
c (og) 168
a (yb) 32
b (gw) -170
c (og) 179
NOTE: these zeros have not been entered in
sonic_uw_4b.c routine.
- 64: OPS , Site none, Mon 08-Jun-1992 23:55:47 GMT, ARCHIVERs COSMOS & RAGWORT STOPPED:
the archiver for cosmos was stopped to
remove the bioflux data stream. They will not be
running again for about 2 weeks. Ragwort archive was
stopped to remove the conditional sampler data
This took place just before 00:00Z.
- 65: SOFTWARE , Site none, Mon 08-Jun-1992 23:59:40 GMT, CHANGES TO Splus CONFIG FILES:
The special config files in /home/aster/
apps/sfun/FOOTPRINT92 have been modified to meet
specific project needs. The daily routines are running
for days 158 and on. I am having a hard time
getting wx.plot to run for days 155 thru 157.
A minor change was made to ustarL.plot; it was
not plotting the zero line to 24 hours.
- 66: SOFTWARE , Site none, Tue 09-Jun-1992 00:02:53 GMT, AUTO_BKFILES RUNNING:
Auto_bkfile is running. It is setup
in the crontab to execute at 30 minutes after
00:00Z. It will print out a message to remind
you to initialize a new tape for the next day.
- 67: CONDSAMP , Site none, Tue 09-Jun-1992 01:39:07 GMT, Conditional sampler tests
Conditional sampler tests
The difficulty with the conditional sampling of
sunday evening was that there was a very low flow.
This indicated that possibly the cs was not functioning properly.
Nevertheless the syringes were all analysed (consam 1 through consam15)
The results are entered in the previous note.
With the cs up on the tower and the 1/8 inlet no flow
The cs was lowered and the flow checked.
Connectors rechecked
With a 1 sec cycle and the 1/8 tubing inlet 0.7 lpm through a single tube.
With a 1 sec cycle and the 1/4 tubing inlet 1.7 lpm through a single tube.
With a 1 sec cycle and the inlet inadvertantly removed
0.13 lpm through a single tube.
The cs was taken into the workshop and the pump inlet reinstalled
The cs was run from 14:50 to 15:20 = 1.5 hrs and the air then pumped out
through the gas meter
I 11.5 liters
II 7.5? liters
III 10.5 liters
The cs was then set going on the chem shelter.
shows t15 = threshold = 15 cm s-1, y3 = delay = 0.3 secs
then g, then p = pump on.
Bubble testing showed the cs to be operating well.
- 68: STATUS , Site none, Tue 09-Jun-1992 16:19:27 GMT, MORNING STATUS:
System running, all adams up,
all covars stayed up during the night.
Sensors look good except for uw sonic at
100m, daisy. There was spiking during the
- 69: SONIC , Site none, Tue 09-Jun-1992 16:30:20 GMT, UW SONIC @ 100M STILL SPIKING:
The uw sonic at 100m is still
spiking. At this point it is not known
if the spiking is due to high winds. Right
now the winds are light, 2 m/s, out of the southwest.
There are no spikes. We will monitor the sensor.
- 70: SONIC , Site none, Tue 09-Jun-1992 18:22:49 GMT, UW SONIC @ 100M:
UW SONIC @ 100M:
The sonic at 100m looks good at
higher winds, ~8 m/s. Will continue monitoring.
- 71: SONIC , Site none, Tue 09-Jun-1992 22:53:30 GMT, SPIKING ON SONICS:
Some spiking going on on all sonics.
Winds are pushing 8 to10 m/s.
- 72: OPS , Site none, Tue 09-Jun-1992 23:11:00 GMT, COSMOS DOWN:
Cosmos went down at about 22:50Z.
Back on the air at 23:10Z.
- 73: SF6 , Site none, Tue 09-Jun-1992 23:12:29 GMT, SF6 CODE WORKING:
The sf6 calibration code seems
to be working now. The fault was operator
error! Will monitor.
- 74: WEATHER , Site none, Tue 09-Jun-1992 23:50:39 GMT, Grassfire upwind
Grassfire upwind
At about 15:30 smoke from a grass fire to the south west
of the site began to blow over us. The maximum amount of smoke
,at about 16:30 , rendered the sun hazy.
- 75: STATUS , Site none, Wed 10-Jun-1992 03:37:42 GMT, RAGWORT COVAR DOWN:
Ragwort covar went down again.
This is a random crash by all adams. It maybe
the system is getting bogged down by different
links to the ingester.
- 76: SONIC , Site none, Wed 10-Jun-1992 03:43:45 GMT, UW SONIC @ 100M SPIKING:
That sonic is spiking again!
Winds are not to high.
- 77: STATUS , Site none, Wed 10-Jun-1992 15:18:39 GMT, SHUTDOWN FOR GENERATOR SERVICE:
System being shutdown for generator servicing.
Time is 15:19Z.
- 78: STATUS , Site none, Wed 10-Jun-1992 16:20:02 GMT, SYSTEM BACK UP:
The system is back on line and collecting
data at 16:18Z.
- 79: STATUS , Site none, Wed 10-Jun-1992 16:21:51 GMT, MORNING STATUS:
Before shutdown for generator service
everything was running except for a covar task.
Brian kept the sf6 instruments running thru the
There was spiking on uw at 100m.
- 80: CONDSAMP , Site none, Wed 10-Jun-1992 17:41:13 GMT, Conditional sampler ran overnight
Conditional sampler ran overnight
On Tuesday afternoon the CS indicated that valve B was stuck open.
The CS was taken down and into the chem trailer.
Valve B was replaced with the spare.
The valves were all exercised, 12 vdc levels checked.
The ss relays were all exercised with 5vdc
It was decided to provide separate 12 vdc from the serial
cable for the board and leave the valves and pump on the separate
12 vdc supply.
The CS was reconnected and hoiste to the 5m level. It was initiated
checked and left running . It ran overnight and at 08:00 was bubble checked.
Later in the morning flow was measured throuh the lines.
Line A:
18 min = 2.4 l, 0.14 lpm,
42 min = 5.4 l, 0.13 lpm, equivalent to 7.8 l per hour.
Line C:
48 min = 5.4 l, 0.11 lpm, equivalent to 6.6 l per hour.
Line B:
112 min = 9.0 l, 0.08 lpm, equivalent to 4.8 l per hour
NB the low threshold should ensure A and C > B
Also A and C were measured at different times.
- 81: RAD , Site none, Wed 10-Jun-1992 17:44:43 GMT, Radiation sensor levels checked.
Radiation sensor levels checked.
There is an obvious difference between net.rad and sum.rad.
To assertain that it was not a leveling problem
I rechecked the level of Arnold ( oK to within 0.2 degrees both ways)
and the net radiometer ( bubble well inside circle.
- 82: OPS , Site none, Wed 10-Jun-1992 20:27:59 GMT, COSMOS DATA COLLECTION STOPPED:
While Tony and I were checking angles
of the sensors and droops of the sonics, cosmos
decided to stop sending data. A data_on got it
going again. Shutdown happened at 17:50Z.
- 83: RAD , Site none, Wed 10-Jun-1992 20:52:36 GMT, Darkhorse orientaion shot.
Darkhorse orientaion shot.
Using the theodolite and the ephemeris the alignment of the
darkhorse rail was 260 deg 48'.
The was difficulty in defining an appropriate edge to shoot.
In future a set of sighting wands attached to each end of the rail
needs to be employed.
- 84: CONDSAMP , Site none, Wed 10-Jun-1992 23:55:17 GMT, Flow tests of Cnditional Sampler
Flow tests of Cnditional Sampler
The CS is fully operational and it has been decided to
let it run continuously.
The line ends with bayonet fittings are normally kept
in a loosely fastened plastic bag to allow venting.
A test of the flow:
At 14:25 start
A -> I
B -> II
C -> III allin box D
At 16:25 stop and pump out each bag through the pump and the meter.
I contained 16.9 l
II contained 10.5 l
III contained 12.5 l
I am not sure why A and C were different.
- 85: PSYC , Site none, Thu 11-Jun-1992 15:11:44 GMT, PSYC TOWER COMING DOWN:
The psyc tower will be down for awhile
to replace the psycs with calibrated humidity
- 86: PSYC , Site none, Thu 11-Jun-1992 16:50:59 GMT, CHANGING THE PSYCHROMETERS
Changing the psychrometers
At approx 08:00 the psych tower was lowered and the
psychrometers were removed. They were replaced by new ones.
Old New
10.0m #67 #14
7.5m #21 #13
5.0m #36 #59
3.0m #23 #28
1.5m #35 #65
- 87: RAD , Site none, Thu 11-Jun-1992 16:54:44 GMT, Pyg.out problem
Pyg.out problem
The pyg.out (and maybe also occasionally the pyg.in) show bad tcase
temperatures. This may be similar to the problem exibited during
- 88: CONDSAMP , Site none, Thu 11-Jun-1992 16:57:00 GMT, The conitional sampler ran all night.
The conitional sampler ran all night.
A bubble test on the CS showed that it was still operating this morning.
Possibly it will be used to collect hydrocarbons for Hal to analyse.
- 89: RAD , Site none, Thu 11-Jun-1992 20:40:47 GMT, PYG.OUT.CASE is ?:
Tony has looked at the radiation
data and believes the pyg.out.case temperature
is in error. Upon examination of the signal
I would agree. The voltage output is too low.
The problem can't be fixed in the field.
With a post calibration of the termistors the
data can be corrected.
- 90: PSYC , Site none, Thu 11-Jun-1992 21:19:00 GMT, PSYC @ 3M moved to 10M:
PSYC @ 3M moved to 10M:
The psyc at 10m, S/N 14, was giving
low humidity readings. It was decided to move
the 3m unit, S/N 28 up to the 10m height.
S/N 14 will be looked at for incorrect coefficients.
This change took place about 15 minute ago.
- 91: PSYC , Site none, Thu 11-Jun-1992 22:08:38 GMT, INSTALL PSYC #14 @ 3M:
Psyc #14 was installed at the 3m
mark. I could not get the unit to respond to
commands to check the coefficients. Suggest replacing
this unit with the spare one if TOm has the
humitter for it.
- 92: CONDSAMP , Site none, Thu 11-Jun-1992 23:08:53 GMT, Proceedure for SF6 analysis
Proceedure for SF6 analysis
With the GC running;
Touch LIST then ZERO if the print out is between 0 and 100 then proceed,
if not adjust zero pot.
Attach syringe and inject half of contents.
Wait 5 seconds for pressure transients to fade then move lever LOAD -> INJECT
Immediately touch START
The GC with output the trace showing the SF6 peak then the O2 peak.
When the O2 peak begins remove syringe and move lever INJECT -> LOAD
Wait two and a half minutes and the integrator will output results. The
SF6 is the RT = 0.25
- 93: STATUS , Site none, Fri 12-Jun-1992 16:18:42 GMT, Morning Status
Morning Status
Light steady rain!
ASTER base:
All base systems operated through the night.
All ADAMs operated throughout night.
Rad Farm:
All radiation data appears normal
All soil data appears normal
All wind speed data appears normal
All wind direction data appears normal
Cockpit psycrometer windows reported lost data sometime last
night, but were working this morning.
ATI sonic at cosmos (atiK.250.10m) is not transmitting this morning.
Tried power cycling, but it did not respond. Then connected to
it with rserial, hit carriage return, it responded with
"PUDIAG 12345" and started transmitting.
Some spiking on 175m sonic.
Fast Ts:
All fast T data appears normal
Fast water vapor:
Spiking on h20.250.10m, probably due to rain. h20.50.10m seems to be
off scale.
- 94: LOG , Site none, Fri 12-Jun-1992 16:40:08 GMT, Rain
A significant rainfall occured at the site . Lacking the rain
guage we do not have the rainfall data. However the data should be
available from the Hanford meteorological station. We should obtain
their records for the entire deployment period.
In fact we should obtain all their records for the entire deployment.
I estimate approximately 1 cm of rainfall.
- 95: BUGFLUX , Site none, Fri 12-Jun-1992 18:08:41 GMT, Bioflux data requirements
Bioflux data requirements
The bioflux program is designed to measure the surface flux of
viable micro-organisms.
Bruce and Brenda take 30 or 60 minute impactor samples at different
heights on their tower. They need the heat flux and the temperature
gradient data from the cosmos flux and psychrometer towers in order
to calculate their fluxes.
Ht flux = overbar(w't') = K Cp rho Dt/Dz
Bioflux = = K Dbio/Dz
Bioflux = overbar(w't')/Cp rho (Dbio/Dt)
For the days which they collected impactor samples we should provide
the covars for :
This should be printed out numerical data.
Six parameters with 288 values each for each of the 10 or so days
that they operate.
- 96: RAD , Site none, Fri 12-Jun-1992 22:21:41 GMT, GRAVIMETRIC SOIL MOISTURE
Derived from Number: 7 Written 06-JUN-92 by ACD
Type: RAD Project: FOOTPRINT92
Samples taken in the vicinity of the base
Samples taken in triplicate
Samples weighed within an hour of collection to give WET WEIGHT
Samples then dried in the oven at 110 deg C for 24 hours to give DRY WEIGHT
Soil samples were weighed with taring of an empty Al dish.
5 Jun 92
A 25.59 25.48 0.11 0.43
SAND B 33.17 33.02 0.15 0.45 = 0.43%
C 35.11 34.97 0.14 0.40
A 23.76 23.69 0.07 0.30
GRASS B 23.75 23.67 0.08 0.34 = 0.30%
C 19.58 19.53 0.05 0.26
A 22.59 22.46 0.13 0.58
BUSH B 21.72 21.60 0.12 0.56 = 0.57%
C 29.33 29.16 0.17 0.58
11 JUN92
A 34.38 34.14 0.24 0.70
SAND B 34.10 33.84 0.26 0.77 = 0.74
C 39.50 39.21 0.29 0.74
A 29.03 28.83 0.20 0.69
GRASS B 29.67 29.46 0.21 0.71 = 0.70
C 33.06 32.92 0.14 0.42 ignored
A 24.02 23.79 0.23 0.97
BUSH B 25.06 24.81 0.25 1.01 = 0.96
C 24.44 24.22 0.22 0.91
12 JUN92
A 27.40
SAND B 31.35
C 26.16
A 24.19
GRASS B 26.95
C 26.22
A 28.36
BUSH B 27.23
C 26.68
- 97: CONDSAMP , Site none, Sat 13-Jun-1992 15:20:48 GMT, Conditional sampler after the rain
Conditional sampler after the rain
On Friday during the rain a check of the CS indicated that in the run mode
only line C was delivering sample.
The system was restarted and a flow check indicated that B and C
were delivering sample air.
C gave 17.5l, B gave 3.5l and A gave 0.25l.
The situation persisted overnight.
This morning at 08:00 the flow was checked and the power was recycled both
to the board (unplug/replug the serial cable) and
the pump and valves (unplug/replug the dc cable).
The flow was then checked by connection into the bags.
C gave 8l, B gave 3.5l and A gave 0.15l.
The CS was brought down the tower and into the trailer.
Although the box was shut tight there was water inside.
The water was dried and the box sat atop the dirt oven for several hours.
The dried out CS was recabled at the bottom of the tower and a bag test run
16:30 -> 16:35
A gave 0.2l, B gave 4.1l, and C gave 6.1l.
- 98: STATUS , Site none, Sat 13-Jun-1992 16:12:12 GMT, Morning Status
Morning Status
ASTER base:
All base systems operated through the night.
All ADAMs operated throughout night.
Rad Farm:
The pyg.out data is still anomolous with the pyg.out.case/dome differnce
much too high.
All soil data appears normal
The 1.5m wind speed is low. Inspection showed normal spinning.
All wind direction data appears normal
All tdry data appears normal
All specific humidity data appears normal
The sonics appear to be recovering from the rain.
However for the 50m the u comp is weaker than the v. w looks OK
The 100m u, v, w look OK with few spikes on w.
The alevel and the blevel are OK
The 175m u, v, w look OK
The 250m u is offscale high, v and w look OK. tc looks like u.
The alevel is OK, the blevel is high and ringing.
Fast Ts:
All fast T data appears normal
Fast water vapor:
Both fast Kr data appears normal
The rain has stopped, there is complete cloud cover, the horizon
is in visible full circle and there is no mist or low cloud.
The wind is steady and the area is drying out.
- 99: SF6 , Site none, Sat 13-Jun-1992 17:53:05 GMT, SF6 TRACER TEST PERIODS
Line releases of SF6 were made under good wind conditions
Test Date J D Start Stop Duration Comments
1 2 Jun 92 154 14:06 ~19:50 5:44
2 4 Jun 92 156 10:54 18:15 7:21
3 5 Jun 92 157 06:27 08:46 2:19
4 6 Jun 92 158 13:48 16:25 2:37 No mass flow data
5 7-8 Jun 92 159 13:21 00:59 10:38
6 8 Jun 92 160 16:50 19:13 2:23
7 9 Jun 92 161 13:01 16:29 3:28 No mass flow data
8 9-10 Jun 92 161 16:42 09:23 16:41
9 11 Jun 92 163 08:54 11:12 2:18
- 100: CONDSAMP , Site none, Sat 13-Jun-1992 18:22:18 GMT, Conditional Sampler delay time
Conditional Sampler delay time
On Thursday delay tests were run for the SF6 analysers with their
intake lines. As part of this proceedure the Conditonal Sampler
delay was redetermined. This was necessary because the cs 1/8
intake has been replaced with a 1/4 teflon tube.
Five tests were run for the analyser alone and five tests were run
with the outlet of valve 3 feeding into a T at the analyser intlet.
The SF6 cal solenoid was held at the CS intake.
Analyser + conditional sampler delay = 9.062 +_ 0.044s
Analyser delay = 8.406 +_ 0.023s
Coditional sampler delay = 0.656 s
- 101: RAD , Site none, Sat 13-Jun-1992 18:54:27 GMT, GRAVIMETRIC SOIL MOISTURE
Derived from Number: 7 Written 06-JUN-92 by ACD
Type: RAD Project: FOOTPRINT92
Samples taken in the vicinity of the base
Samples taken in triplicate
Samples weighed within an hour of collection to give WET WEIGHT
Samples then dried in the oven at 110 deg C for 24 hours to give DRY WEIGHT
Soil samples were weighed with taring of an empty Al dish.
5 Jun 92
A 25.59 25.48 0.11 0.43
SAND B 33.17 33.02 0.15 0.45 = 0.43%
C 35.11 34.97 0.14 0.40
A 23.76 23.69 0.07 0.30
GRASS B 23.75 23.67 0.08 0.34 = 0.30%
C 19.58 19.53 0.05 0.26
A 22.59 22.46 0.13 0.58
BUSH B 21.72 21.60 0.12 0.56 = 0.57%
C 29.33 29.16 0.17 0.58
11 JUN92
A 34.38 34.14 0.24 0.70
SAND B 34.10 33.84 0.26 0.77 = 0.74
C 39.50 39.21 0.29 0.74
A 29.03 28.83 0.20 0.69
GRASS B 29.67 29.46 0.21 0.71 = 0.70
C 33.06 32.92 0.14 0.42 ignored
A 24.02 23.79 0.23 0.97
BUSH B 25.06 24.81 0.25 1.01 = 0.96
C 24.44 24.22 0.22 0.91
12 JUN92
A 27.40 24.75 2.65 10.7
SAND B 31.35 28.36 2.99 10.5 = 10.6
C 26.16 23.66 2.50 10.6
A 24.19 22.06 2.13 9.66
GRASS B 26.95 24.60 2.35 9.55 = 9.59
C 26.22 23.93 2.29 9.57
A 28.36 26.56
BUSH B 27.23 25.40
C 26.68 24.88
13 JUN92
A 20.59 19.20
SAND B 23.57 21.96
C 19.60 18.27
A 22.10 20.29
GRASS B 21.20 19.44
C 20.02 18.38
A 24.14 22.99
BUSH B 29.53 28.10
C 24.46 23.29
14 JUN92
A 25.17 23.36
SAND B 24.33 22.65
C 22.03 20.46
A 25.66 23.65
GRASS B 23.30 21.44
C 22.09 21.18
A 28.02 26.83
BUSH B 25.50 24.30
C 23.59 22.45
15 JUN92
A 24.73 23.39
SAND B 25.54 24.08
C 26.35 24.84
A 26.84 25.38
GRASS B 26.00 24.64
C 26.32 24.80
A 28.51 26.62
BUSH B 23.30 21.64
C 24.69 22.95
16 JUN92
A 31.04
SAND B 29.80
C 34.27
A 24.49
GRASS B 24.33
C 25.95
A 33.38
BUSH B 29.88
C 35.71
17 JUN92
- 102: SONIC , Site none, Sat 13-Jun-1992 22:31:07 GMT, ATI.K sonic at 250m:
ATI.K sonic at 250m:
u channel output was 9999 this morning and Tc was
unreasonably large. About 11 am PDT, Gordon checked
the connector on the array and then we re-calibrated
the sonic with the zero wind tubes. This corrected
the problem with the Tc channel, but the u axis
would not calibrate. Then about 1515 PDT, Tony
reconnected that sonic to the conditional sampler
and that appeared to correct the problem with the
channel. However when he disconnected the conditional
sampler for a short period, the problem did not
return (???).
We also had a problem when turning on power on this
sonic that it often required a from an
rserial connection to begin operating.
- 103: SONIC , Site none, Sat 13-Jun-1992 23:47:13 GMT, ATI.K sonics recalibrated
ATI.K sonics recalibrated
Recalibrated the ATI.K sonics at 50 and
250m. The 250m sonic calibrated okay with
the observation that the mean v appeared to
have a magnitude of ~ 20 cm/s. The 50m
sonic balked at calibration of the v component,
but the others calibrated okay. However on
cockpit, the u component looks like noise
centered on zero and the w component has
an unrealistically large variance. Only
the v component looks believable.
- 104: PSYC , Site none, Sun 14-Jun-1992 00:26:54 GMT, 3m Psychrometer
3m Psychrometer
Replaced current 3m psychrometer (14) with
spare psychrometer (34) after installing
humitter that Cathy sent from cal lab.
The relative humidity at 3m may still be
a little low (or 1.5m may be high!).
- 105: CONDSAMP , Site none, Sun 14-Jun-1992 00:37:26 GMT, Removal of the Conditional Sampler
Removal of the Conditional Sampler
As the bag tests showed that the CS was still not functioning properly
it was removed from the tower to be rechipped in Boulder.
The umbilical was coiled in one of the blue boxes.
- 106: CONDSAMP , Site none, Sun 14-Jun-1992 00:49:25 GMT, June 11 conditional samples
June 11 conditional samples
Date: 11 June 92.
Delay = .3s , threshold = 15 cm s-1
GC cal 1,018,768 = 312 ppbv
Start time Stop time CS outlet Box/bag Syringe Pumpdown Counts [SF6]
10:07 10:38 A left I cs 4.2l 17,818, ppbv
B center D II cs 4.1l 71,116, 66,806 ppbv
c right III cs 3.5l 39,858, 47,588 ppbv
- 107: STATUS , Site none, Sun 14-Jun-1992 16:39:57 GMT, Morning Status
Morning Status
ASTER base:
All base systems operated through the night.
All ADAMs operated throughout night.
Rad Farm:
The pyg.out data is still anomolous with the pyg.out.case/dome differnce
much too high.
All soil data appears normal
The 1.5m wind speed is still low.
All wind direction data appears normal
All tdry data appears normal
All specific humidity data appears normal
The 100m u, v, w look OK with a few spikes (~2/minute) on each.
The 175m u, v, w look OK
The 250m all look OK. The alevel is OK, the blevel is high and ringing.
The 50m u seems to be just noise about 0 m/sec, does not look at all
like v which looks OK. w is spiking. Rserial shows tc to be
completely wrong, about -20 degC. Levels look OK.
Fast Ts:
All fast T data appears normal
Fast water vapor:
Both fast Kr data appears normal
Conditional Sampler:
Partly cloudy, no rain.
- 108: SONIC , Site none, Sun 14-Jun-1992 17:46:41 GMT, Sonic/condsamp serial recabling
250m ati u component started to show broad-band white noise after looking
OK earlier this morning. The problem was corrected yesterday by reconnecting
the conditional sampler to the serial line from the sonic.
This was done again and reduced the noise on the u component to a "normal"
looking signal. The conditional sampler will be taken back to Boulder,
so we connected the conditional sampler serial input from the sonic,
to the conditional sampler's output port on the serial breakout box. This
arrangement also seems to prevent the problem on the ati u component.
- 109: SONIC , Site none, Mon 15-Jun-1992 00:12:36 GMT, atiK.50.10m sonic removed
atiK.50.10m sonic removed
Checked the atiK.50.10m sonic with the
oscilloscope and found that the u and
w received pulses are very noisy and
that v looked comparatively good. This
corresponds to the observed quality of
the measured winds.
Gordon climbed the tower to determine
whether loosening and tightening the
sonic transducers would clean up the
bad signals. As he climbed the tower
and it shook, the quality of the u
received pulse varied quite noticeably,
suggesting a poor connection. Unscrewing
and screwing the transducers back in did
not improve the u component pulses and
in the process the upper w transducer
socket came loose from its wiring.
The transducer was very tightly screwed
into its socket. We took the sonic off
the tower to return it to Boulder for
repair and began to move the atiS sonic
to 50m.
- 110: SONIC , Site none, Mon 15-Jun-1992 02:02:44 GMT, Placed atiS sonic on the 50 meter tower
Placed atiS sonic on the 50 meter tower at 10m to replace the atiK
sonic. It is on ragwort serial channel 201, which had been reserved for
a conditional sampler but never used. Since there has been no data
on that channel I did not start a new OPS. The fast t and hygrometer
are disconnected.
- 111: STATUS , Site none, Mon 15-Jun-1992 18:09:43 GMT, Morning Status
Morning Status
ASTER base:
All base systems operated through the night.
All ADAMs operated throughout night.
The cosmos ingestor was reporting many unrequested channels.
Rad Farm:
All radiation data appears normal except for pyg.out(dome-case).
All soil data appears normal
All wind speed data appears normal
All wind direction data appears normal
1.5m prop is working again.
All tdry data appears normal
All specific humidity data appears normal
Not transmitting this morning.
Spiking on 100m uw sonic - probably due to rain.
Others look OK.
Fast Ts:
Fast T at 50m is disabled, which was done when the atiK sonic was lowered.
Fast T at 250m is OK.
Fast water vapor:
Fast water vapor at 50m is disabled, which was done when the atiK sonic
was lowered.
Fast Kr data at 250m appears normal.
Conditional Sampler:
Light rain off and on.
- 112: STATUS , Site none, Tue 16-Jun-1992 15:19:55 GMT, Morning Status
Morning Status
ASTER base:
All base systems operated through the night.
All ADAMs operated throughout night.
Rad Farm:
All radiation data appears normal except same pyg.out.dome and case.
All soil data appears normal
All wind speed data appears normal
All wind direction data appears normal
All tdry data appears normal
All specific humidity data appears normal
2 spikes on atiK.250.10m during the night, others OK.
Fast Ts:
Fast T data at 250m appears normal. Fast T at 50m is still offline.
Fast water vapor:
Fast Kr data at 250m appears normal. Fast Kr at 50m is offline.
Conditional Sampler:
The weather is beautiful
- 113: PSYC , Site none, Tue 16-Jun-1992 16:05:45 GMT, 3m Psychrometer humidity mismatched to
3m Psychrometer humidity mismatched to others.
The specific humidity data at 3m does not match that
at the other levels. It is offset and in some
cases appears not as responsive. I checked
the fan and it is running okay.
Note added at 01:25 GMT, June 17: However, the
relative humidity profile looks believable. I
think that the specific humidity profile is
questionable because we are near the measurement
uncertainty for that variable. The specific
humidity differences are less than 0.1 gm/kg.
- 114: SONIC , Site none, Tue 16-Jun-1992 23:27:10 GMT, Spiking on uw.100.10m on days 166, 167
Spiking on uw.100.10m on days 166, 167
It appears from the variance and covariance
plots that there is spiking on the uw sonic
at 100m for days 166 and 167, as well as
prior days.
- 115: PROP , Site none, Wed 17-Jun-1992 00:08:28 GMT, Climbers on prop tower to install syrin
Climbers on prop tower to install syringe samplers
from 3:25 - 3:30 pm PDT and 5:20 - 5:45 pm PDT.
- 116: STATUS , Site none, Wed 17-Jun-1992 15:29:04 GMT, Morning Status
Morning Status
ASTER base:
All base systems operated through the night.
All ADAMs operated throughout night.
Rad Farm:
All radiation data appears normal
All soil data appears normal
All wind speed data appears normal
All wind direction data appears normal
All tdry data appears normal
All specific humidity data appears normal
All sonic data appears normal
A few spikes on 100m uw sonic.
Fast Ts:
All fast T data appears normal
Fast water vapor:
Both fast Kr data appears normal
Conditional Sampler:
- 117: KRYPTON , Site none, Wed 17-Jun-1992 16:17:40 GMT, Cleaned 250m Krypton windows
Cleaned 250m Krypton windows
with distilled water this morning
at ~8:30 am PDT.
- 118: PROP , Site none, Wed 17-Jun-1992 16:20:02 GMT, Syringe samplers still on prop tower
Syringe samplers still on prop tower
at 1.5, 3, and 6m. These are boxes
with dimentsions of ~ 8" wide, 12"
high, and 24" long and they were
mounted with the 24" dimension
horizontal across the back of the
- 119: SONIC , Site none, Wed 17-Jun-1992 16:22:16 GMT, Recorded zero winds on atiS.50.10m
Recorded zero winds on atiS.50.10m
this morning. The results are in
- 120: PROP , Site none, Wed 17-Jun-1992 18:59:35 GMT, Syringe samplers removed from prop towe
Syringe samplers removed from prop tower
about 11 am PDT.
- 121: RAD , Site none, Wed 17-Jun-1992 19:08:23 GMT, Checked radiation sensor gains from
Checked radiation sensor gains from
10:45 am PDT to 11:45 am by putting
a ladder at the west end of the sawhorse,
measuring the sensor output at the
black box, and looking at the aster
output on ashow. The gains for the
psp's and pyg's were calculated to be
200 and that for the net radiometer was
sensor output chnl counts gain
psp.in 7.4 mV 110 9755 200
psp.out 1.0 mV 111 1388 200
pyg.in 1.2 mV 108 1542 200
pyg.out 2.7 mV 109 3620 200
net 42.2 mV 116 27500 100
By comparing to the calibration functions
and the factory calibration, these appear
to be the proper gains.
The maximum incoming solar radiation measured
at 622R today was 1.32 cal/cm^2/min = 921 W/m^2.
This is close to the ASTER psp.in max of
936.5 W/m^2.
- 122: SONIC , Site none, Thu 18-Jun-1992 01:37:24 GMT, atiS.250.10m u axis went bonkers on JD
atiS.250.10m u axis went bonkers on JD 169
from 0400 to 0800 and again around 1400 GMT.
- 123: STATUS , Site none, Thu 18-Jun-1992 15:28:19 GMT, Morning Status
Morning Status
ASTER base:
All base systems operated through the night.
All ADAMs operated throughout night.
Rad Farm:
All radiation data appears normal
All soil data appears normal
All wind speed data appears normal
All wind direction data appears normal
All tdry data appears normal
All specific humidity data appears normal
All sonic data appears normal
Fast Ts:
All fast T data appears normal
Fast water vapor:
Both fast Kr data appears normal.
Conditional Sampler:
Clear, sunny.
- 124: RAD , Site none, Thu 18-Jun-1992 18:40:48 GMT, Disconnected Pyg.out temperature leads
Disconnected Pyg.out temperature leads
(12 V, Tdome, Tcase) at the black box
on the end of the sawhorse. From the
voltmeter, this did not appear to
change the pyg.out reading. The rad.soil
S plot also indicates no change in pyg.out.
I was on the ladder at the sawhorse from
11:10 to 11:20 am PDT.
- 125: STATUS , Site none, Fri 19-Jun-1992 15:15:35 GMT, Daily status
Daily status
There was moderate spiking last night on the
uw.100.10m sonic.
The w channel on the atiS.50.10m sonic is
off scale.
Tsoil.bush looks suspicious; one of the depths
is reading about 10 deg C higher than the rest.
However, looking at fun.tsoil.plot shows that
the 1cm bush temperature heats up sooner in
the morning than any other soil temperature.
This is likely caused by its particular siting.
- 126: SONIC , Site none, Fri 19-Jun-1992 21:12:52 GMT, Replaced crystal on w2 axis of atiS.50.
Replaced crystal on w2 axis of atiS.50.10m.
Found that the inboard, top crystal of the
w axis on the atiS.50.10m sonic was bad.
Replaced it with a spare crystal. The
resulting signal was weak and there appears
to be a large positive offset to the vertical
wind component. Collected a few minutes of
data with the zero wind tube on the vertical
axis from ~ 11:43 pm PDT to 11:45. Find it
in the archived data.
- 127: SF6 , Site none, Fri 19-Jun-1992 23:04:43 GMT, Cosmos crashed at 22:00 jday 171
Cosmos crashed at 22:00 jday 171
Probably due to too much testing of xpsyc which eventually
was not disconnecting from the socket successfully.
Restarted cosmos and archiving. Restarted covar. This new
covar is using phase lags for the sf6 channel. It will apparently
need 1.3 Mbyte of main memory to synchronize all channels at cosmos
with a 8.1 sec sf6 phaselag. Wish it luck!
Restarted all by 22:40.
- 128: STATUS , Site none, Sun 21-Jun-1992 17:18:09 GMT, Morning Status
Morning Status
ASTER base:
Disk filled up (Gordon's neglect) so about 8 hours of archive data
was lost last night. Covars kept running. See a later message for
specifics. Otherwise base systems operated through the night.
All ADAMs operated throughout night.
Rad Farm:
All radiation data appears normal . Pyg out dome & case remain
unconnected. All soil data appears normal
All wind speed data appears normal
All wind direction data appears normal
All tdry data appears normal
All specific humidity data appears normal
Very few spikes on 250m atiK sonic. 50m atiS has w offset.
Other sonic data appears normal
Fast Ts:
250m fast T data appears normal
Fast water vapor:
250m fast Kr data appears normal
Conditional Sampler:
Sunny & hot.
- 129: SONIC , Site none, Sun 21-Jun-1992 17:38:33 GMT, Replaced atiK sonic at 50 m tower. It
Replaced atiK sonic at 50 m tower. It is
at the 1m level to moniter its performance.
We had to adjust the amplification level on
the u and w axes in order to get clean
signals and a proper zero calibration.
- 130: LOG , Site none, Sun 21-Jun-1992 19:49:20 GMT, Times of archive data loss for jd=173
Times of archive data loss for jd=173
The archive disk filled up and archive data was lost for all
data channels from 10:23 to 14:58 gmt (03:23 to 07:58 local time).
Covars are available for that time.
- 131: SF6 , Site none, Sun 21-Jun-1992 19:59:49 GMT, covars at 50, 100 and 175 now use sf6 p
covars at 50, 100 and 175 now use sf6 phaselags
The above 3 covars were restarted at 19:56, jd=173
and now have the following phaselags for the sf6 channels:
250m 8.113 sec <- since jd=171 22:00 gmt, see comment 127
175m 6.458 sec
100m 7.164 sec
50m 8.448 sec
- 132: LOG , Site none, Sun 21-Jun-1992 21:29:36 GMT, Computer trailer air conditioner quit
Computer trailer air conditioner quit
this afternoon and we replaced it with
the ac from the chem trailer.
- 133: SONIC , Site none, Mon 22-Jun-1992 17:57:08 GMT, Moved 10m sonics at 100, 175, 250m towe
Moved 10m sonics at 100, 175, 250m towers
down to 5m and moved atiK up to 5m. Left
atiS stored at 10m on 50m tower, but
turned it off. Began archiving data
around 18:00 GMT, Monday, June 22.
- 134: RAD , Site none, Mon 22-Jun-1992 18:40:19 GMT, Tsoil.sand multiplexing appears to have
Tsoil.sand multiplexing appears to have
begun to fail on JD 171. It is now stuck
on the 7 cm level.
- 135: STATUS , Site none, Tue 23-Jun-1992 16:00:40 GMT, Morning Status
Morning Status
ASTER base:
All base systems operated through the night.
All ADAMs operated throughout night.
Rad Farm:
All radiation data appears normal
Sand tsoil index is now only reading 3, with a cockpit shadow at 0.
All other soil data appears normal
All wind speed data appears normal
All wind direction data appears normal
All tdry data appears normal
All specific humidity data appears normal
All sonic data appears normal
A few spikes at the 100m uw sonic.
Fast Ts:
All fast T data appears normal
Fast water vapor:
Both fast Kr data appears normal
Conditional Sampler:
Clear, sunny, hot.
- 136: SONIC , Site none, Tue 23-Jun-1992 16:06:06 GMT, New sonic angles at 5m height:
New sonic angles at 5m height:
atiS.50.10m 296.6 deg
atiK.50.5m 294.2 deg
uw.100.5m 293.5 deg
uw.175.5m 292.9 deg
atiK.250.5m 295.8 deg
After shooting the atiS.50.10m
sonic and before shooting the
atiK.50.5m sonic, we tightened
the guy wires for the top of the
50m tower.
- 137: CONDSAMP , Site none, Tue 23-Jun-1992 18:48:21 GMT, Pumped down bags in conditional sampler
Pumped down bags in conditional sampler box
B around 18:30 today and got ~ 0.3, 1.55, 0.45
liters from bags I to III. Since Gordon had
pumped these down about 24 hours ago, it appears
that they are leaking.
I took box A out to the 250m tower and its bags
had very little volume. Attached box A to the
conditional sampler and Gordon began a cylic
test at 11:49 am PDT.
- 138: CONDSAMP , Site none, Tue 23-Jun-1992 20:28:46 GMT, Cyclic test restarted
Cyclic test restarted
Previous cyclic test of conditional sampler failed, because
the pump was not on while the valves cycled. The correct
sequence of commands is: "p" (turn pump on) and then "cN", and
not "cN" then "p", since the "p" disables the valve cycling.
Started a cyclic test at 13:14 PDT, with a 100ms cycle period
(command "c10") to bags in box A.
Bag A: 6.4 l
Bag B: 6.5 l
Bag C: 6.0 l
These look good, so we'll use box A.
- 139: SONIC , Site none, Tue 23-Jun-1992 21:50:28 GMT, atiK.50.5m has stopped outputing wind
atiK.50.5m has stopped outputing wind
data (output is -9999). We will check
in the morning to see whether it has
- 140: CONDSAMP , Site none, Wed 24-Jun-1992 03:50:26 GMT, Conditional sampler test
Conditional sampler test
Ran test of conditional sampler with threshold set to 0. Expect
equal volumes of air in the up bag (A) and the down bag(C).
Started test at 17:13 PDT. Ended test at 17:56PDT.
Bag A: 8.6 l
Bag B: .4 l
Bag C: 7.25 l
Air continued to run into bag A for a minute after the valves to the
others were closed, before the contents were measured, so the real reading
for A should be lower. The cond_samp command "S" stop does not turn
off the pump, one must also enter the "P" command.
- 141: SONIC , Site none, Wed 24-Jun-1992 03:53:58 GMT, Turned off atiK.50.5m at 20:11 PDT.
Turned off atiK.50.5m at 20:11 PDT.
Assuming its problem is temperature, perhaps it will cool off
while powered down.
Brian Lamb will turn it on before the sf6 release tonight.
- 142: STATUS , Site none, Wed 24-Jun-1992 18:20:12 GMT, Rebooted cosmos at 10:55 PDT
Rebooted cosmos at 10:55 PDT
This was necessary because of changes to the conditional
sampler channel configuration.
- 143: CONDSAMP , Site none, Wed 24-Jun-1992 18:23:03 GMT, Changed cond_samp calibration and confi
Changed cond_samp calibration and configuration.
We now are only archiving threshold and status from the
conditional sampler, since the sonic data is a duplicate of
- 144: SF6 , Site none, Wed 24-Jun-1992 18:24:02 GMT, Added cal.sf6 and zero.sf6 average grou
Added cal.sf6 and zero.sf6 average groups to all covar jobs.
- 145: SONIC , Site none, Wed 24-Jun-1992 21:05:34 GMT, Fixed atiK.50.5m this morning by unscre
Fixed atiK.50.5m this morning by unscrewing and
screwing back in the v component transducer on
the right side facing the tower. Recalibrated
all three components.
- 146: RAD , Site none, Wed 24-Jun-1992 21:19:41 GMT, Removed the pyg.out pyrgeometer and che
Removed the pyg.out pyrgeometer and checked its
battery. The battery was okay, so replaced it
(SN 26416F3, cal 3.59e-6 V/W m^-2) with
SN 26417F3, cal 4.79e-6 V/W m^-2.
Since the former pyg.out appeared to be wrong
all along, simply changed the calibration
coefficient from
(5 V)/(32767 counts)/(200 gain)/3.59e-6 V/W m^-2)
= 0.2125244 W m^-2 per count
(5 V)/(32767 counts)/(200 gain)/3.59e-6 V/W m^-2)
= 0.1592824 W m^-2 per count
- 147: RAD , Site none, Wed 24-Jun-1992 23:22:37 GMT, Tsoil.grass died around 2200 GMT on JD
Tsoil.grass died around 2200 GMT on JD 175.
Buried it today in an attempt to cool it
- 148: STATUS , Site none, Thu 25-Jun-1992 21:13:06 GMT, Cosmos archive was not running, all cov
Cosmos archive was not running, all covar's dead
At 12:00 PDT when I arrived the archive program was not
running on cosmos and all covars had disappeared.
Rebooted cosmos and restarted the archive and covars at about 12:10PDT.
Apparently all data was lost for cosmos from 10:56 to 12:15.
Perhaps the reason for the crashes is an error message in the sf6_mode.c
calibration function which prints an "Unknown sf6 mode = X" message.
If there are many of these errors, this could cause covar and cockpit to
bog down the data network and things could crash. I removed the
error message from the cal function.
- 149: CONDSAMP , Site none, Thu 25-Jun-1992 23:26:45 GMT, June 25 threshold=0 and bag leak tests
June 25 threshold=0 and bag leak tests
Placed sampler on tower, with intake hose extended on the 5m sonic boom.
Set threshold to 0, hoses connected to box A. Started test at 17:05 PDT,
ended at 17:35 PDT.
Pumpdown volumes, box A:
Bag A: 7.1 l
B: .4
C: 6.9
Evacuated bags in Box D, left for 3 hours.
Pumpdown volumes, box D:
Bag A: .1 l
B: .4
C: 2.8 <- suspect bag
Evacuated bags in boxes A,C and D at 18:20PDT.
Started threshold=0 test to box A at 18:28PDT, ended at 19:04.
Pumpdown volumes, box A:
Bag A: 5.7 l
B: .4
C: 7.1
Pumped down boxes C and D at 19:10PDT to check for leaks:
Pumpdown volumes, box C:
Bag A: .1 l
B: .05
C: .05
Pumpdown volumes, box D:
Bag A: .05 l
B: 1.75 <- suspect bags.
C: 2.2
Started another threshold=0 test to box A at 19:07PDT, ended at 20:00
Pumpdown volumes, box A:
Bag A: 7.6 l
B: .4
C: 11.6
Again pumped down boxes C and D at 20:11PDT to check for leaks:
Pumpdown volumes, box C:
Bag A: .1 l
B: .1
C: .1
Pumpdown volumes, box D:
Bag A: .1 l
B: 1.4 <- suspect bags.
C: 2.0
We will not use box D (or B), and will alternate between A and C.
- 150: CONDSAMP , Site none, Fri 26-Jun-1992 05:09:08 GMT, June 26 conditional samples
June 26 conditional samples
Date: 26 June 92.
Delay = .7s, (7 samples) , threshold = 25 cm s-1
Start Stop CS out Bx/bag Syringe(s) Pump
03:32 04:32 A left I A01-03 6.9
B cntr A II B01-03 7.6
C right III C01-03 8.65
04:32 05:32 A left I A04-06 7.0
B cntr C II B04-06 .7
C right III C04-06 8.4
05:32 06:32 A left I A07-09 6.0
B cntr A II B07-09 8.4
C right III C07-09 8.2
Turned pump off at 06:32 then took samples. Winds died then came back.
Set threshold to 30cm/s, set valves to REVERSE. Start again at 07:32.
07:32 08:32 A left I A10 2.9
B center C II B10 0.6
C right III C10 1.4
Pumpdown vols are small. ?
08:32 09:32 A left I A11
B center A II B11
C right III C11
Span gas = 934ppt
--- Span gas Peak Height----- ---Peak Height--- ----- ppt ----------
Syr 1 2 3 mean s.d. A B C A B C A-C
1 825.3 823.0 822.5 823.6 .2% 470.0 479.7 456.0 533 544 517 16
2 822.1 824.1 822.5 822.9 .1% 473.2 466.2 320.9 537 259 364 173
3 821.3 817.0 817.0 818.4 .3% 457.8 438.5 456.7 522 500 521 1
4 821.9 820.7 819.1 820.6 .2% 402.4 435.0 425.1 458 495 484 -26
5 858.4 852.6 853.1 854.7 .4% 417.7 448.1 427.3 456 490 467 -11
6 824.8 820.6 818.4 821.3 .4% 421.7 447.6 432.0 480 509 491 -11
7 818.4 821.5 (814) 820.0 .3% 441.4 478.1 (410.2) 503 545 471a -42
8 875.7 869.9 867.1 870.9 .5% 458.5 511.2 452.3 492 548 485 7
9 865.6 863.5 863.8 864.3 .1% 474.4 488.2 451.7 513 528 488 25
10 823.2 822.2 820.7 822.0 .2% 509.0 268.5 518.0 578 305 589 -11
Period A B C A-C
03:32- mean 531 524 467 64
04:32 std 8 22 90
04:32- mean 465 498 481 -16
05:32 std 13 10 12
05:32- mean 503 540 481 22
06:32 std 11 11 9
07:32- mean 578 305 589 -11
08:32 std
Mean Span reproducibility .27%
- 151: STATUS , Site none, Fri 26-Jun-1992 22:04:36 GMT, System up after generator service.
System up after generator service.
T'was down from 20:20 to 21:45 GMT
- 152: BUGFLUX , Site none, Sat 27-Jun-1992 02:23:14 GMT, Added the bioflux 1-D sonic and fast t
Added the bioflux 1-D sonic and fast t to cosmos
Installed 20hz filters for these channels in the filter board on cosmos.
The sonic signal coming out of the Campbell 21X datalogger was very ugly,
with much jitter, so the Aster data connection is at the input of the 21X and
looks OK. The output voltage of the sonic is +-5V with 1V=1m/sec. The
channel is configured with gain=0.
The fast t seems to be broken, the output is fixed at around -2.8 V.
Cosmos was down for this work from 15:57 (22:57 GMT) to about 17:00 (00:00).
- 153: CONDSAMP , Site none, Sat 27-Jun-1992 05:12:29 GMT, June 27 conditional samples
June 27 conditional samples
Date: 27 June 92.
Delay = .7s, (7 samples) , threshold = 30 cm s-1
GC cal
Start time Stop time CS outlet Box/bag Syringe Pumpdown
03:34 04:34 A left I A11-13 5.3 l
B center C II B11-13 .8
C right III C11-13 8.2
04:34 05:34 A left I A14-16 5.3
B center A II B14-16 9.5
C right III C14-16 7.4
05:34 06:34 A left I A17-19 4.6
B center C II B17-19 .7
C right III C17-19 8.4
06:34 07:34 A left I A20-22 5.1
B center A II B20-22 9.4
C right III C20-22 8.3
Turned pump off at 07:34, then took samples.
At 08:03 set valves to REVERSE, turned pump on.
08:03 09:03 A left I A23-25 7.5
B center C II B23-25 0.7
C right III C23-25 2.7
At 09:03 set threshold to 15cm/s, valves to REVERSE, turned pump on.
08:03-09:03 samples were spoiled, winds were bad anyway.
09:03 10:03 A left I A23-25
B center C II B23-25
C right III C23-25
Span gas = 934ppt
After syringes 11-13 and 20-22 Brian also ran a 1/2 span gas
through, by adding a syringe of ambient air to the intake before
running it through the GC.
--- Span gas Peak Height----- ---Peak Height--- ----- ppt ----------
Syr 1 2 3 mean s.d. A B C A B C A-C
11 1445.9 1436.2 1434.9 1438.9 .4% 586.9 591.7 445 413 411 34 8%
12 744.9 773.2 736.8 692.9 637.7 663.8 1.5% 7.6% 5.9% 8%
13 678.8 683.5 642.6
14 1445.8 1443.1 1439.8 1442.9 .2% 766.4 748.6 722.5 496 492 471 25
15 774.1 737.5 734.2 1.0% 3.9% 0.8% 5%
16 758.6 793.6 728.4
17 1436.9 1435.4 1433.1 779.4 789.2 715.5 493 516 472 21
18 733.4 737.7 720.3 741.0 803.8 710.5 2.7% 1.1% 2.8% 4%
19 750.0 787.5 748.3
20 1425.9 1420.6 1421.4 1422.6 .2% 787.9 821.5 734.6 533 547 505 28
21 734.1 737.1 746.2 842.4 827.9 817.1 3.5% 1.7% 5.5% 5%
22 803.9 848.5 757.1
Period A B C A-C
03:34- mean
04:34 std
04:34- mean
05:34 std
05:34- mean
06:34 std
06:34- mean
07:34 std
Mean Span reproducibility
- 154: SF6 , Site none, Sat 27-Jun-1992 05:15:33 GMT, sf6 mode cycle lengthened to 200 minute
sf6 mode cycle lengthened to 200 minutes at 50 & 100m
This was changed beginning at 20:00 PDT 6/26.
The sf6 instruments at 175 and 250m are still on 30 minute
- 155: KRYPTON , Site none, Sat 27-Jun-1992 07:24:30 GMT, The two Krypton hygrometers do not agre
The two Krypton hygrometers do not agree
in either their mean behavior or that of
their variances. The Krypton at 250m has
a much larger diurnal variance than the
one at 50m and also larger 5 minute
variances and covariance with w.
- 156: STATUS , Site none, Sat 27-Jun-1992 17:04:20 GMT, Morning status:
Morning status:
Sand and grass soil temperatures still not
multiplexing properly.
Pyg.out has no dome and case temperature.
uw.100.5m sonic was somewhat noisy last
- 157: PROP , Site none, Sat 27-Jun-1992 19:40:26 GMT, The Splus fun.props.config has had inco
The Splus fun.props.config has had incorrect
boom and array azimuth angles (315) rather
than the correct values of 294.25 and 210.
I fixed this today.
- 158: STATUS , Site none, Mon 29-Jun-1992 16:11:39 GMT, Morning Status
Morning Status
ASTER base:
All base systems operated through the night.
All ADAMs operated throughout night.
Rad Farm:
All radiation data appears normal
All soil data appears normal
1.5 and 3m props are not transmitting any data.
Disconnecting and reconnecting the serial lines restarted
the data flow.
10m psyc is not transmitting. Disconnecting the serial line
did not help.
u.atiK.250.5m signal looks noisy.
Fast Ts:
All fast T data appears normal
Fast water vapor:
Both fast Kr are suspect due to rain water on lenses.
Conditional Sampler:
Heavy thunderstorms last night, cool cloudy this morning.
- 159: CONDSAMP , Site none, Mon 29-Jun-1992 20:14:29 GMT, June 27 cond samp span gas test
June 27 cond samp span gas test
Ran span gas into conditional sampler, with valves in cycle mode,
and then checked samples from each bag.
First we checked the flow rate of the cond samp intake tube using an
Aalborg flow meter (Aalborg offset = .02 l/min):
V1 on sample, others vent: .98 - 1.01 l/min
V2 on sample, others vent: .98 - 1.01
V3 on sample, others vent: .98 - 1.01
All vent 1.08 - 1.11
Out of curiousity I loosened the lid on the cond samp weather box
and ran the same flow rate test:
V1 on sample, others vent: 1.05 - 1.08 l/min
V2 on sample, others vent: 1.02 - 1.03 l/min
V3 on sample, others vent: .97 - .99 l/min
Since the valves vent into the box, the box lid should not be airtight
but it does not make a large difference in the flow rate.
Span gas test
Valves set to cycle every 100ms (command: "c10"). Started at 15:20
to Box C. The hose from the span gas cylinder and the cond samp intake
hose were placed side by side inside a 30cc syringe. The span gas
was released into the syringe at 1.42 l/min which should insure that the
cond samp is receiving pure span gas.
Lid on cond samp weather box was loosened at 15:33. Test was ended (pump
turned off) at 16:20:30 PDT.
We then took 5 syringe samples from each bag and ran these through the GC.
Pumpdown quantities:
Bag A: 7.4 l
B: 1.0
C: 7.2 These look like a threshold=0 test, but it was
a cycle test! Something's wrong here.
GC analysis
Peak Height
Bag A ----- Span Gas ------
1159730 1137261 1133550 1134277
1188152 1170249 1169303 1175161
1215382 1231678 1090697 1234317
1285267 1292499 1290247 1292120
1278596 1292499 1290247 1292120
Peak Height
Bag B ----- Span Gas ------
1028074 1053394 1050604 1050782
1016774 1078084 1081005 1081714
1049727 1099325 1096686 1064540
1025307 1023500 1022210 1021242
1007510 1011414 1026673 1006645
Peak Height
Bag C ----- Span Gas ------
917762 990250 988549 983021
915209 979208 966385 969353
905464 972236 974525 979244
908333 970562 973547 975259
920297 1009763 1011023 1009422
896423 1006444 1005343 1008022
Summary of calibration test:
SF6 calibration gas input to conditional sampler in cylic mode.
Each row below represents the analysis of one syringe sample from
the appropriate bag (A,B,C), followed by three syringe samples
directly from the calibration gas. The output is the mean and %
standard deviation of the three direct samples, followed by the
ratio of the bag sample to the mean of the three cal gas samples.
> fun.sf6.caltest("projects/FOOTPRINT92/results/condsam/caltest.jd179.A")
1135029 0.2 1.02
1171571 0.3 1.01
1185564 6.9 1.03
1291622 0.1 1.00
1291622 0.1 0.99
> fun.sf6.caltest("projects/FOOTPRINT92/results/condsam/caltest.jd179.B")
1051593 0.1 0.98
1080268 0.2 0.94
1086850 1.8 0.97
1022317 0.1 1.00
1014911 1.0 0.99
> fun.sf6.caltest("projects/FOOTPRINT92/results/condsam/caltest.jd179.C")
987273 0.4 0.93
971649 0.7 0.94
975335 0.4 0.93
973123 0.2 0.93
1010069 0.1 0.91
- 160: FASTT , Site none, Tue 30-Jun-1992 21:50:57 GMT, Fast T cals:
Fast T cals:
Recorded fast T cals yesterday afternoon
and this morning, placing them in
where files is t.50.181, t.100.181,
t.175.182, and t.250.182. Each of these
files contains ~10 samples from cshow,
alternating between operate and calibrate
(operate + 5 degrees).
- 161: SONIC , Site none, Tue 30-Jun-1992 22:07:10 GMT, Sonic zeros
Sonic zeros
Recorded sonic zero wind readings yesterday
afternoon and this morning after lowering the
sonics to the 1m level. The data are in
atiK.50.5m: Output from cshow to files
atiK.50.(u,v,w).181. Apparently only got
good data for the u component. The v
component file is empty and the w component
file is only -9999's. We had previously
adjusted one of the v component crystals on
this array to fix a problem, and putting the
zero wind tube on it may have knocked it out
uw.100.5m: Output from rserial to files
uw.100.(yb,og,wg).181. Data look good
with the zeroed components having outputs
less than 100 counts.
uw.175.5m: Output from rserial to files
uw.175.(yb,og,wg).182. og and wg data look good
with the zeroed components having outputs
less than 100 counts, but yb component had
very large counts.
atiK.250.5m: Output from cshow to files
atiK.250.(u,v,vw).182. Data generally look
- 162: FASTT , Site none, Fri 31-Jul-1992 17:58:05 GMT, Fast T calibration parameters
Computed fast t calibration parameters from data files on
directory $ASTER/projects/FOOTPRINT92/fast_cals.
t.50.181 jd 181 = 6-29-92
This procedure is the same as used by Tom Horst at Stormfest92,
see logbook entry for FASTT calibrations.
1. Edited those files to remove transient points near voltage jumps.
The edited files have a ".ed" suffix.
2. Computed the mean and sd of the voltage jumps, using 10 points
on either side of the jumps. This was done with the Splus
function fun.fastT.cal (source: $ASTER/apps/sfun/xtra/fastT.cal.S)
Parameters for prep.config linear cal function:
50m: .001520 degC / count
100m: .001463 degC / count
175m: .001457 degC / count
250m: .001510 degC / count
Here is the output from the fun.fastT.cal computations:
50m Tower
> fun.fastT.cal(scan("t.50.6-6-92.ed"),10)
[1] -5.030545 5.018509 -5.030682 5.021973 -5.031809 5.022482 -5.034564
[8] 5.025282 -5.036000 5.028627
[1] 5.028047
[1] 0.005772322
> fun.fastT.cal(scan("t.50.181.ed"),10)
[1] -5.010909 5.032727 -5.010000 5.018182 -5.013636 5.026364 -5.003636
[8] 5.040000 -4.950909
[1] 5.011818
[1] 0.02566069
These 2 averages at 50m differ by less than .35%
Average of 50m calibrations (10 * 5.028 + 9 * 5.0118) /19 = 5.02036 +- .02
So the prep.config linear calibration coefficient should be:
5degC / 5.02036 V * (100 V / 65534 counts) = 1.520e-3 degC / count
100m Tower
> fun.fastT.cal(scan("t.100.6-6-92.ed"),10)
[1] -5.218927 5.210609 -5.219518 5.212982 -5.230600 5.219209 -5.227282
[8] 5.222809 -5.228364 5.218927
[1] 5.220923
[1] 0.006457685
> fun.fastT.cal(scan("t.100.181.ed"),10)
[1] -5.206364 5.199091 -5.215455 5.185455 -5.216364 5.200909 -5.220000
[8] 5.200909 -5.219091 5.209091
[1] 5.207273
[1] 0.0109511
These 2 averages at 100m differ by less than .27%
Average of 100m calibrations: 5.2141 +- .011
prep.config linear calibration coefficient:
5degC / 5.2141 V * (100 V / 65534 counts) = 1.463e-3 degC / count
175m Tower
> fun.fastT.cal(scan("t.175.6-6-92.ed"),10)
[1] -5.261791 5.248927 -5.265845 5.255427 -5.268464 5.257345 -5.269409
[8] 5.259018 -5.270827 5.262209
[1] 5.261926
[1] 0.006944764
> fun.fastT.cal(scan("t.175.182.ed"),10)
[1] -5.185455 5.190000 -5.219091 5.198182 -5.224545 5.206364 -5.215455
[8] 5.213636 -5.220909
[1] 5.208182
[1] 0.01406155
These 2 averages at 175m differ by less than 1.1%
Average of 175m calibrations: 5.23648 +- .03
prep.config linear calibration coefficient:
5degC / 5.23647 V * (100 V / 65534 counts) = 1.457e-3 degC / count
250m Tower
> fun.fastT.cal(scan("t.250.6-6-92.ed"),10)
[1] -5.066073 5.048336 -5.099227 5.049009 -5.095482 5.058845 -5.090609
[8] 5.057627 -5.105345 5.062455
[1] 5.073301
[1] 0.02193027
> fun.fastT.cal(scan("t.250.182.ed"),10)
[1] -5.014545 5.020000 -5.039091 4.998182 -5.036364 5.020000 -5.041818
[1] 5.024286
[1] 0.01573467
These 2 averages at 250m differ by less than 1.1%
Average of 250m calibrations: 5.0515 +- .03
prep.config linear calibration coefficient:
5degC / 5.0531 V * (100 V / 65534 counts) = 1.510e-3 degC / count
Since the calibrations at 6/6/92 and 6/29/82 agreed to within 1.1%
we will use the average of the two results for the entire experiment.
- 163: RAD , Site none, Fri 14-Aug-1992 19:59:18 GMT, Post calibration of Tsoil probes
Post calibration of Tsoil probes
I had Allen do a calibration run on the Tsoil units
after he repaired the boards. Results of the tests can
be gotten from Steve Semmer.
The test consisted of placing the probes in an
aluminum block with the temperature reference device.
The electronics were also in the chamber at the time of the test.
A soak time of 1 hour was used at each temperature.
The first sensor looked pretty good.
There was a definite change in slope with respect to the temperature.
This may have been due to the electronics response to temperature
changes. Calibrations before StormFest and FootPrint did not allow
for the electronics to be subjected to changes.
All four probes followed each other.
The other two sensors did not fair as well.
There was a slope change; however, the tracking between sensors
was not that good. I will have Allen do another 3 point check
on this units.
The table below specs the worst error of each probe in the
range of 20C to 40C (FootPrint). The table also has the error
band if a simple linear fit were applied over the specified
temperature range. The error information is computed using the
pre-calibration coefficients with the post-calibration voltage
The question to answer is do we want to apply a correction to
the FOOTPRINT and or STORMFEST data. The components changed on the
circuit boards should not have had a major impact on the sensor
output since the impedence of the mux swithes are low compared to
the thermistor values.
sensor mean error (C) linear fit error (C)
TS1-1cm -.2 to .2 -.01 to .02
TS1-3cm -.2 to .2 -.01 to .01
TS1-5cm -.2 to .2 -.01 to .01
TS1-7cm -.2 to .2 -.01 to .01
TS2-1cm .1 to .3 -.04 to .07
TS2-3cm -.1 to .1 -.01 to .02
TS2-5cm .0 to .1 -.02 to .03
TS2-7cm -.1 to .0 -.02 to .04
TS3-1cm -.1 to .1 -.01 to .01
TS3-3cm -.1 to .1 -.01 to .01
TS3-5cm -.1 to .7 -.03 to .06
TS3-7cm -.1 to 1.0 -.06 to .11
- 164: LOG , Site none, Fri 22-Jan-1993 23:01:06 GMT, Measurement of Soil Parameters.
Measurement of Soil Parameters.
In order to define the heat flux into the soil the heat capacity of the soil,
Csoil, needs to be defined.
In order to calculate Csoil the values of certain soil parameters must
be input. These parameters are:
Bulk density of dry soil (g cm-3) = blkdens
Mineral volumetric fraction = blkdens/mindens = minvolfrac
Organic volumetric fraction = orgvolfrac
Gravimetric water fraction = gravmoist
The parameters blkdens, mindens, and orgvolfrac are constant for any
particular site and may be entered into the project specifications.
The parameter gravmoist varies throughout the deployment and is
calculated from the results of the daily soil collection
gravmoist = (fresh.soil.wt - cooked.soil.wt)/cooked.soil.wt
(gravmoist is contained in the file soil.reduced)
In order to obtain these parameters for the FOOTPRINT92 site a soil sample
was returned to the lab and processed.
1 Triplicate samples were processed.
2 The soil (actually a loose sand with very little organic content and no
cohesion) was dried.
3 Plastic vials (~50 ml) were tared and then using a syringe were filled to
20.0 g = 20.0 cm3. This level was marked on the vial.
4 Soil was added to the vial to this level and the vials weighed.
5 Water was then added to the soil until the soil was saturated. The excess
water was drawn off with trhe syringe. The vials were reweighed.
6 The following relaionships were applied
blkdens = Dry.soil/Volume
watervolfrac = (Pore.water/Volume)*Waterdensity
= ((Saturated.soil-Dry.soil)/Volume)*1.0
minvolfrac = 1- watervolfrac
= 1- ((Saturated.soil-Dry.soil)/Volume)*1.0
mindens = (Dry.soil/Volume)/minvolfrac
= blkdens/minvolfrac
orgvolfrac = Estimated to be very small. A value of 0.01 is to be used.
Vial Volume Dry.soil Saturated.soil Pore.water blkdens minvolfrac mindens
cm-3 g g g g cm-3 g cm-3
A 20.0 28.53 35.68 7.15 1.43 0.643 2.22
B 20.0 28.72 35.60 6.88 1.44 0.656 2.20
C 20.0 28.61 35.85 7.24 1.43 0.638 2.24
---- -----
1.43 0.65
The required parameters are:
blk.dens = 1.43
min.vol.frac = 0.65
org.vol.frac = 0.01
Together with gravmoist data this allows the heat capacity of the soil,Csoil,
to be calculated in units of J m-3 degC-1
blk.dens <- 1.43
min.vol.frac <- 0.65
org.vol.frac <- 0.01
gravmoist <- fun.gravmoist(jday)
Csoil <- ( 1.9*min.vol.frac + 2.5*org.vol.frac +
4.2*gravmoist*blk.dens )*1e6
- 165: RAD , Site none, Wed 03-Mar-1993 23:41:09 GMT, Soil thermal conductivity correction
Soil heat flux correction due to thermal conductivity, the Philip correction.
The surface heat flux, G, is obtained from the heat flux measured at 8cm and
the time varying mean temperature of the top 8cm of soil.
G(i) = G8(i)
+ Csoil*(0.08)*(Tsoil(i+1)-Tsoil(i-1))/(t(i+1)-t(i-1))
where: G8 is the heat flux at 8cm depth in the soil
Csoil is the soil heat capacvity
Tsoil is the mean temperature of the top 8cm of soil
and: the subscript i refers to data at ti seconds
(i-1) refers to data recorded at t(i-1)seconds
(i+1) refers to data recorded at t(i+1)seconds
Soil temperatures are measured at the depths of 1cm, 3cm, 5cm, and 7cm.
These are weighted to generate a mean soil temperature.
Tsoil = ((Tsoil1) + (3 * Tsoil3) + (3 * Tsoil5) + (Tsoil7))/8
Soil heat capacity is derived by determination of the mineral fraction,
the organic fraction and the water fraction of the soil.
For the FOOTPRINT92 deployment the soil heat capacity was:
Csoil = (1.26 + 6.01 wf) * 10**6
(J degK-1 m-3)
where: wf is the gravimetric soil moisture:
wf = (mass of fresh soil - mass of dry soil)/mass of dry soil
The gravimetric soil moisture, wf, is determined by collecting
surface to 8 cm depth soil samples, weighing them fresh, drying the samples
in an oven at 110 degrees C, and after 24 hours reweighing them.
An additional consideration in the determination of the soil heat flux
is that the soil heat flux measured at 8cm, G8,
needs to be corrected for the convergent flow of heat through the plate
due to the difference in the thermal conductivity of the soil and the plate.
The problem is compounded because the heat flux plates are calibrated in a
medium, the thermal conductivity of which is different still.
A relationship was composed by Philip (1961) and further extended by
Fritschen and Simpson (1989) which corrects for these factors.
G8(corrected) = G8(measured)
* (1 -1.92(t/d)(1 -(ks/kt))/(1 -1.92(t/d)(1- (km/kt)))
where t = transducer thickness
d = transducer diameter
kt = thermal conductivity of the transducer
km = thermal conductivity of the calibration medium, wet glass beads
ks = thermal conductivity of the soil
The values used for t, d, kt, and km were provided by
Radiation Energy Balance Systems
P.O.Box 15512, Seattle, WA 98115-0512
with respect to the HFT1 square plates which they sold to us and have since
calibrated in Apr87 and Dec91.
Nominal dimensions of HFT1 heatflux plate 0.39cm thick, 3.2cm * 3.2cm.
This defines an effective diameter of 3.61cm, and a t/d of 0.39/3.61 = 0.108.
Values of kt = 1.00 W m-1 degC-1
km = 0.906 W m-1 degC-1
t/d = 0.108
km/kt = 0.906
The value for the thermal conductivity of soil, ks, is calculated from an
expression developed by McInnis (1981) which involves the gravimetric soil
water percentage, wf.
ks = 0.64 + (1.63 * wf) - 0.05 * e**(-17 * (wf)**2)
To confirm the reasonableness of these figures a sample calculation follows:
A typical value of wf = 0.08, would lead to a soil thermal conductivity of:
ks = 0.64 + (1.63 * 0.08) - 0.05 * e**(-17 * (0.08)**2)
ks = 0.64 + 0.13 - 0.05 * e**(-17 * 0.0064)
ks = 0.64 + 0.13 - 0.05 * e**(-0.1088)
ks = 0.64 + 0.13 - 0.05 * 0.897
ks = 0.64 + 0.13 - 0.045
ks = 0.725
This gives a ratio of ks/kt = 0.725
Substituting these values in the Philip correction term gives:
G8(corrected) = G8(measured)
* (1 -1.92(t/d)(1 -(ks/kt)))/(1 -1.92(t/d)(1- (km/kt)))
G8(corrected) = G8(measured)
* (1 -1.92(0.108)(1 -(0.725))/(1 -1.92(0.108)(1- (0.906))
G8(corrected) = G8(measured)
* (1 -1.92(0.108)(0.275))/(1 -1.92(0.108)(0.094))
G8(corrected) = G8(measured)
* (1 -0.057)/(1 -0.0195)
G8(corrected) = G8(measured)
* (0.943)/(0.981)
G8(corrected) = G8(measured)
* 0.961
This looks like a good number; a 4% correction for 8% soil moisture.
- 166: SONIC , Site none, Fri 28-May-1993 23:09:11 GMT, Computed biases for uw sonics.
Computed biases for uw sonics.
Using data gathered on days 158, 160, and 180 with
the zero wind tubes (see logbook entries 62 and 161), averages
were computed for the uw zeroes.
The zero wind data files are in directory
The means and sd's were calculated with Splus function
uw.zero.S in $ASTER/apps/sfun/sonics.
Here are the results from that function for the a, b and c paths and s:
Filename jday n med n sd a med a sd b med b sd c med
uw.100.og.158 2 0 -18891.5 739.465671 -30106.0 872.031704 166.0
uw.100.og.160 2 0 -18830.0 771.887921 -29931.0 862.952025 179.0
uw.100.og.181 2 0 -18877.0 766.500485 -30110.0 883.750534 176.0
uw.100.wg.158 2 0 -18333.0 888.508256 -156.0 4.987600 -29715.0
uw.100.wg.160 2 0 -18275.5 1270.996124 -170.0 2.615674 -29672.0
uw.100.wg.181 2 0 -18003.5 1105.119859 -167.0 4.190566 -30048.0
uw.100.yb.158 2 0 175.0 1.653627 -30361.0 967.193417 -28639.0
uw.100.yb.160 2 0 32.0 2.918266 -30445.5 951.436930 -28645.5
uw.100.yb.181 2 0 27.0 5.056332 -30176.0 994.640173 -28874.0
uw.175.og.160 1 0 -19244.0 768.380930 -30522.0 886.014393 -41.0
uw.175.og.182 1 0 -19219.0 762.714473 -30492.0 861.921993 -46.0
uw.175.wg.160 1 0 -18442.0 1260.303476 -19.0 3.105111 -29583.0
uw.175.wg.182 1 0 -18193.5 1185.146810 -19.0 4.095747 -29805.0
uw.175.yb.160 1 0 -638.0 4.031459 -30329.0 1053.126334 -28758.5
uw.175.yb.182 1 0 -19130.0 3600.000310 -30156.0 777.943373 -28910.0
c sd s med s sd
uw.100.og.158 9.657437 -21070.5 230.988857
uw.100.og.160 3.591711 -21047.0 238.458963
uw.100.og.181 5.843478 44468.0 238.877747
uw.100.wg.158 924.216656 -20909.0 262.379806
uw.100.wg.160 1410.626975 -20914.0 360.275509
uw.100.wg.181 1184.101548 44708.0 312.329786
uw.100.yb.158 968.201062 -28125.0 3.939563
uw.100.yb.160 949.273152 -28158.0 3.966031
uw.100.yb.181 990.355113 37496.0 8.511049
uw.175.og.160 2.020809 -21207.0 244.366044
uw.175.og.182 3.570118 44331.0 305.040397
uw.175.wg.160 1379.984355 -21017.0 359.644870
uw.175.wg.182 1283.226676 44664.5 467.635171
uw.175.yb.160 1043.026925 -28416.0 1.879472
uw.175.yb.182 773.379323 44312.0 640.878852
The biases for a, b, c and s were then chosen to be:
# FOOTPRINT92 uw sonic at 100 meters
# azero bzero czero szero
92 153 0000 175 -155 165 480
92 160 1950 30 -170 180 410
# FOOTPRINT92 uw sonic at 175 meters
# azero bzero czero szero
92 153 0000 -640 -20 -40 260
These values are in files uw_sonic.1 and uw_sonic.2 on
directory $ASTER/cal_files.
- 167: SONIC , Site none, Mon 08-Nov-1993 20:25:12 GMT, Sonic data for FOOTPRINT92
Sonic data for FOOTPRINT92
In late Oct and early Nov 93 the bias and tilt calculations for
the FOOTPRINT92 sonics were carried out.
The two functions used:
were composed by T. Horst and subsequently modified by G. Maclean.
The programs are annotated and the default values for parameters
displayed in the listing. Specified values for parameters which were
utilized in this analysis were:
prop.corr = 65.75 for ops1
flagmax = 0.1 for ops1, 2, and 3
wmax = 1.0 for ops1, 2, and 3
Three configuration were specified during the FOOTPRINT92 deployment;
ops1 from jday 154:157
all sonics at 10m height on the four towers
atiK.50.10m, uw.100.10m, uw.175.10m, atiK.250.10m
prop vane at 10 m at 50m station
prop azimuth not adjusted and a prop correction of 65.75 degrees needed
ops2 from jday 157:174
(This was an error as two separate sonics were deployed on the 50m tower,
atiK from jday 157:163
atiS from jday 167:174
NB atiS.50.10m underwent a radical change on jday 171 at ???. See logbook 126
I have split the 167:174 into 167:170 and 172:174
all sonics at 10m height on the four towers
jday 157:163 atiK.50.10m, uw.100.10m, uw.175.10m, atiK.250.10m
jday 167:174 atiS.50.10m, uw.100.10m, uw.175.10m, atiK.250.10m
NB atiS.50.10m underwent a radical change on jday 171 at ??????
I have split the 167:174 into 167:170 and 172:174
prop vane at 10 m at 50m station
prop azimuth properly adjusted and no prop correction needed
ops3 from jday 174:181
all sonics at 5m height on the four towers
atiK.50.5m, uw.100.5m, uw.175.5m, atiK.250.10m
prop vane at 5 m at 50m station
prop azimuth properly adjusted and no prop correction needed
For all sonics for each ops the sonic azimuths were determined with
a theodolite. These values of sonic.azm are the nominal values. The
first step in processing the sonic data was to determine the true
values for sonic.azm. This was done by comparing the difference
between the propvane and the sonic as the value of the sonic's azimuth
is varied. The value of the function,
tot err = ((error in u)^2 + (errorin v)^2)^1/2
was plotted as the assumed azimuth of the sonic, sonic.azm, was varied.
A minimum in the curve corresponded o the true azimuth of the sonic.
These true sonic.azm's were then used as input to the bias program which
plots out wind speeds given by the sonic and the prop for both u and v.
The gains and intercepts of these lines are given as:
u.gain, v.gain, u.off, and v.off.
These gains and intercepts were then used as input to the tilt program
which calculates for each sonic for each ops the offset, pitch and roll,
given as elements of b.
The entire calculation set was repeated in one session on Mon 8 Nov
and the values are reported below:
NB. On 15 Dec 1993 the atiS.50.10m data was reexamined.
atiS.50.10m 167:174 has been split into 167:170 and 172:174 because of
a radical change which occured on jday 171 at ?????
sonic.name jdays sonic.azm prop.corr u.off v.off u.gain v.gain
atiK.50.10m 154:157 296.6 65.75 0.06 -0.03 1.03 1.03
uw.100.10m 154:157 292.4 65.65 0.11 -0.01 0.96 0.96
uw.175.10m 154:157 294.6 65.75 0.11 0.02 0.95 0.97
atiK.250.10m 154:157 299.0 65.75 0.09 0.08 0.98 1.04
sonic.name jdays offset pitch roll b
atiK.50.10m 154:157 0.0 -2.0 2.9 -0.004 -0.034 -0.052
uw.100.10m 154:157 1.0 -1.8 -0.7 0.010 -0.032 0.013
uw.175.10m 154:157 1.0 -1.7 -0.7 0.011 -0.029 0.011
atiK.250.10m 154:157 -2.0 -0.7 0.5 -0.015 -0.011 -0.008
sonic.name jdays sonic.azm prop.corr u.off v.off u.gain v.gain
atiK.50.10m 157:163 296.0 0.0 0.06 -0.02 1.04 1.04
atiS.50.10m 167:170 296.4 0.0 -0.02 -0.08 0.96 1.03 NEW DATA
atiS.50.10m 172:174 296.4 0.0 -0.01 -0.12 0.95 1.01 NEW DATA
uw.100.10m 157:174 291.2 0.0 0.10 -0.04 0.96 0.93
uw.175.10m 157:174 293.9 0.0 0.11 0.01 0.95 0.95
atiK.250.10m 157:174 297.0 0.0 0.12 0.15 0.99 1.02
sonic.name jdays offset pitch roll b
atiK.50.10m 157:163 1.0 -2.3 2.5 0.011 -0.040 -0.044
atiS.50.10m 167:170 -2.0 0.2 1.1 -0.019 0.003 -0.019 NEW DATA
atiS.50.10m 172:174 304 -2.3 2.7 3.040 -0.040 -0.048 NEW DATA
For the above I used wmax=5.0 rather than wmax=1.0 as elsewhere.
uw.100.10m 157:174 1.0 -2.1 -0.6 0.008 -0.037 0.011
uw.175.10m 157:174 0.0 -1.6 -0.6 0.002 -0.028 0.010
atiK.250.10m 157:174 -3.0 -0.4 0.7 -0.032 -0.006 -0.013
sonic.name jdays sonic.azm prop.corr u.off v.off u.gain v.gain
atiK.50.5m 174:181 295.6 0.0 -0.01 -0.04 1.04 1.03
uw.100.5m 174:181 291.0 0.0 0.04 0.02 0.94 0.93
uw.175.5m 174:181 295.2 0.0 0.09 -0.01 0.95 0.95
atiK.250.5m 174:181 297.5 0.0 0.11 0.00 0.98 1.00
sonic.name jdays offset pitch roll b
atiK.50.5m 174:181 -2.0 -0.9 1.8 -0.020 -0.017 -0.032
uw.100.5m 174:181 0.0 -1.9 -0.1 -0.003 -0.034 0.002
uw.175.5m 174:181 -2.0 -1.5 -0.8 -0.017 -0.026 0.014
atiK.250.5m 174:181 -3.0 -1.0 0.8 -0.027 -0.018 -0.013
Checked these numbers against the two sets of plots 9 Nov
- 168: SONIC , Site none, Tue 09-Nov-1993 20:22:48 GMT, Sonic azimuth errors
Sonic azimuth errors
The difference between the wind direction measured by the prop vane
on a tower at 50m and the
The total error = (u.err^2 + v.err^2)^1/2
ops1 atiK.50.10m uw.100.10m uw.175.10m atiK.250.10m
0.170 0.301 0.413 0.679
ops2 atiK.50.10m uw.100.10m uw.175.10m atiK.250.10m
0.161 0.296 0.377 0.516
ops3 atiK.50.5m uw.100.5m uw.175.5m atiK.250.5m
0.178 0.303 0.393 0.519
Increases with separation distance
The difference between the theodolite value for the sonic (Nominal) and
the value obtained from minimising the error relative to the prop (True)
(True - Nominal)degrees
ops1 atiK.50.10m uw.100.10m uw.175.10m atiK.250.10m
1.2 -2.1 1.7 2,8
ops2 atiK.50.10m uw.100.10m uw.175.10m atiK.250.10m
0.6 -3.3 1.0 0.8
ops3 atiK.50.5m uw.100.5m uw.175.5m atiK.250.5m
1.4 -2.5 2.3 1.7
No perceptable tendency