CASES97: Logbook Entries

CASES97: LOG Messages: 4 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
269 Mon 22-Sep-1997list of netCDF updatesnoneOncley, Steve
268 Mon 08-Sep-1997Sensor Change DatabaseallMichaelis, Matt
78 Tue 22-Apr-1997Quick trip to 66Semmer, Steve
1 Fri 28-Mar-1997Logbook creatednonetklog

269: LOG, Site none, Mon 22-Sep-1997 17:36:12 GMT, list of netCDF updates
Just so I don't forget, these are the tasks which will require manual updating
of the netCDF files for CASES:

1. Tilt PAM sonic data.  Tilts determined by Jay Sklar are listed in the WWW
   report.  They have been applied to the covars from the ASTER sites.
   (done 10/15/97 as

2. Edit out the rain gauge calibrations.  An S-object (cases.rain.cals)
   containing the times and sites of these calibrations (determined from 
   logbook) is in my home .Data directory.  Note that the site are numbered
   1-8 for MRI gauges and 9-16 for the ETIs.  I set the rain rates +/- 5 minutes
   of these to zero and integrated from the beginning of the project to get 
   (done 10/15/97 as

3. Apply Matt's polynomials to convert the CS615 transit times to soil moisture.
   These only exist in his (hardcopy) soil moisture evaluation report as of
   (done 10/15/97 as

4. Insert the new lat/lon positions obtained from Peggy & Julie's GPS 
   measurements.  (Though this will be done automatically if covar is rerun?)
   These are more accurate, though they haven't changed much.
   (not done as of 10/15/97, though the .cdl file is now correct)

5. Compute Rlw.down and Rlw.up from pile, comp, dome, and case.  I've found
   that Tdome.up is bad, so I only used: R=Pile + Comp^4 + 0.0356*Rsw for
   Rlw.up, which shouldn't be too bad.  Note that the gain (in 
   cal_files/pyg.out) for Rpile.up is positive, so no extra sign reversal is
   necessary.  (Though sfun/CASES97/rad.config has signed=T. Is this wrong?)
   (done 10/15/97 as

6. Tsrfc at site 5 used an emissivity of 0.94, rather than the correct 0.98
   used at the other sites.  We can correct this using:
   T_.98 = T_.94 * (0.94/0.98)^0.25 = T_.94 * 0.9896
   (not done as of 10/15/97, though Julie has been notified)

268: LOG, Site all, Mon 08-Sep-1997 21:49:00 GMT, Sensor Change Database
                                Project CASES
                                Component Changes
                               Grouped By Station

                               Printed on:  9/08/1997

Site#   Date      Time   Action      Component        Old_id#               New_id#               Comments
------  --------  -----  ----------  ---------------  --------------------  --------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------
     1   4/18/97  19:28  Install     TRH              NA                    3                     crossarm inserts don't have indents for set screws.
     1   4/26/97  18:24  Change      Barometer        S0610001              S0610002              Swapped baro with st 3

     2   4/18/97  20:29  Install     TRH              NA                    2                     OK

     3   4/26/97  17:09  Remove      Barometer        S0610002              NA                    experiment to sort out crashing barometers at st 1 and st
     3   4/26/97  20:00  Install     Barometer        NA                    S0610001              checking to see if this baro is bad---locks up every
                                                                                                  other day

     6   4/24/97  20:35  Change      RMY Wind         ENG 002               00245                 How did I know it was the original RMY which was bad?
                                                                                                  Mast elbow on new one was too big---dagnabit.


78: LOG, Site 6, Tue 22-Apr-1997 18:39:48 GMT, Quick trip to 6
  I took a trip to station 6 to rotate the krypton 90
degrees so it agrees with the alignment of the other
  A soil sample was taken.
  I also took a boom alignment measurement with the
datascope: prop - 342.5, gill (NE-SW) - 212.4.

1: LOG, Site none, Fri 28-Mar-1997 01:08:14 GMT, Logbook created
initial log file /net/aster/projects/CASES97/logbook/tklog.log created by tklog