The RICO S-Pol Antenna Camera data set is being prepared for distribution. As part of that effort, unique viewing code has been developed. Two demos of that code have been prepared. Feedback is solicited. Data structures and linked scan images have been completed for about one-third of the RICO experiment; completion of the daily structures will depend upon user's level-of-interest.
The first demo is on-line, served by the EOL webserver. Time limits are 050114, 11:00 to 15:59 (all times UTC). This demo is unlikely to be satisfactory for anyone with a slow connection. Launch that demo here. Be sure to read the introductory information.
You may also want to review a READTHIS file (written for the small demo detailled in the next paragraph) prior to using the on-line demo.
A second, minimal demo is available for download (size ~100 MBytes for 35 minutes of images). This is a zip file, and should be placed on your local hard drive, preferably on a PC. See the accompanying READTHIS file, once the structure is unzipped. Also be sure to read the first page (informational page) of the demo itself. Download here (97 MB).