Minimal Antenna Cam Demo

S-PolKa RICO, Codrington, Barbuda
Nov 2004 - Jan 2005

For the small sub-set demo of the RICO S-Pol Antenna Camera Viewer, note the following:

For echo tracking tests, try following these echoes (time, scan elevation, and echo direction are shown):

Northern Echo
       15:14:54    0.5 elev     ~360 Az
    to 15:34       0.5          ~320

Most southern element in Eastern squall line:
       15:15       0.5          ~76
    to 15:38       2.5          ~79

Launch the viewer. (Just hit "Submit" for your first demo.)

--- Bob Rilling --- / NCAR Earth Observing Laboratory
Created: Thu Dec 8 14:48:32 MST 2005
Last modified: