Finding More Help

Some help and documentation should be available online on the ISS workstation. On the Zebra Iconbar, the menu has a few entries for browsing different sources of information:

Browse ISS Operator Manual

Browse this manual.

Browse Zebra Help Index

Zebra has online help pages which mostly cover user interaction with the Zebra tool windows and the graphics plots.

Browse Zebra Advanced Users Manual

The Zebra Advanced Users Manual contains in-depth and technical information on setting up, monitoring, and controlling the whole Zebra system.

Each menu entry opens a netscape web browser window to the given topic. The browser will be started if not currently running.

The rest of the Zebra manuals, should you wish to look them over, can be found by browsing the HTML document directory:


Zebra documentation can also be found on the Web:

This ISS manual may also be found on the Web:

As mentioned in the section UNIX Commands, the UNIX manual pages are all online and can be found with the man command. However, this does not work for programs which are only part of the ISS software.

Many of the Zebra and ISS programs will give basic usage information if called with a -h or -help option, or sometimes without any options. For example, run the iss and jaz commands without any options to see a summary of their use:

39 iss2:/iss/home/iss> jaz
Usage: jaz {mount|umount|eject|data|backup|install}

mount      Mount Jaz disk device /dev/jaz onto /jaz.
umount     Unmount the Jaz disk on /jaz.
eject      Eject the Jaz disk; it must be unmounted first.
data       Run jaz_install to create a data disk.
backup     Backup the current system with jaz_install.
install    Run jaz_install to create an installation.

The /dev/jaz and /dev/rjaz device links must
already exist, and the /jaz directory must already exist.
/iss/etc/init.d/jazdevice should create them at boot.

40 iss2:/iss/home/iss> iss
Usage: iss {ntpdate|config|reboot|halt}

ntpdate    Run ntpdate command to sync system time.
           '/usr/sbin/ntpdate -s -t 60 ntpserver'
config     Run iss system and module configuration.
reboot     Reboot the ISS computer.
halt       Halt ISS computer so it can be turned off.

Likewise, the ingest programs cam_ingest and prof_ingest list their flags when run without options:

44 iss2:/iss/home/iss> prof_ingest
Usage: prof_ingest -p platform -f file [-n] [-d ndata-lines]              

45 iss2:/iss/home/iss> cam_ingest
usage: cam_ingest -l dev -b baud -f fields -w lat:lon:alt [-o obsfile] [-t] [-p] [-z platform] [-s secs] -v          

The Zebra dsdump is an example of a program which gives lots of usage information when run with the -h option, but the actual output is not included here. The example below shows how to pipe the output into the paging program more.

47 iss2:/iss/home/iss> dsdump -h | more