ELDORA Project Data
MAP: Mesoscale Alpine Experiment (September to November 1999)
IHOP 2002: International H20 Project (May to June 2002)
CRYSTAL-FACE: Cirrus Regional Study of Tropical Anvils and Cirrus Layers - Florida Area Cirrus Experiment (July 2002)
BAMEX: Bow-Echo and Mesoscale Convective Vortex Experiment (May to July 2003)
Data from projects prior to 1999 is available through ATD's automated NCAR Mass-store data retrieval tool. All of the above listed data is available in DORADE sweepfile format from that location as well if the user prefers. Any problems, comments, or other data queries regarding ELDORA data should be sent to Michael Bell.
Michael Bell <mbell@ucar.edu>
Last modified: Mon June 01 2004