Byte |
Type |
Description |
0 |
char[4] |
Comment descriptor identifier: ASCII characters "COMM" stand for Comment Descriptor. |
4 |
long |
Comment descriptor length in bytes. |
8 |
char [500] |
comment (N byte ascii, n divisible by 4) |
Byte |
Type |
Description |
0 |
char[4] |
Volume descriptor identifier: ASCII characters "VOLD" stand for Volume Descriptor. |
4 |
long |
Volume descriptor length in bytes. |
8 |
short |
ELDORA/ASTRAEA field tape format revision number. |
10 |
short |
Volume Number into current tape. |
12 |
long |
Maximum number of bytes in any physical record in this volume. |
16 |
char[20] |
Project number or name. |
36 |
short |
Year data taken in years. |
38 |
short |
Month data taken in months. |
40 |
short |
Day data taken in days. |
42 |
short |
Hour data taken in hours. |
44 |
short |
Minute data taken in minutes. |
46 |
short |
Second data taken in seconds. |
48 |
char[8] |
Flight number. |
56 |
char[8] |
Identifier of facility that generated this recording. |
64 |
short |
Year this recording was generated in years. |
66 |
short |
Month this recording was generated in months. |
68 |
short |
Day this recording was generated in days. |
70 |
short |
Total Number of sensor descriptors that follow. |
Byte |
Type |
Description |
0 |
char[4] |
Identifier for a radar descriptor block (ascii characters "RADD"). |
4 |
long |
Length of a radar descriptor block in bytes. |
8 |
char [8] |
Eight character radar name. |
16 |
float |
Radar/lidar constant |
20 |
float |
Typical peak power of the sensor in kw. Pulse energy is really the peak_power * pulse_width |
24 |
float |
Typical noise power of the sensor in dBm. |
28 |
float |
Gain of the receiver in db. |
32 |
float |
Gain of the antenna in db. |
36 |
float |
System Gain in db. (Ant G - WG loss) |
40 |
float |
Horizontal beam width in degrees. Beam divergence in milliradians is equivalent to beamwidth |
44 |
float |
Vertical beam width in degrees. |
48 |
short |
Radar Type (0)Ground, 1)Airborne Fore, 2)Airborne Aft, 3)airborne Tail, 4)Airborne Lower Fuselage, 5)Shipborne. |
50 |
short |
Scan Mode (0)Calibration, 1)PPI (constant Elevation) 2)Coplane, 3)RHI (Constant Azimuth), 4) Vertical Pointing, 5)Target (Stationary), 6)Manual, 7)Idle (Out of Control). |
52 |
float |
Requested rotational velocity of the antenna in degrees/sec. |
56 |
float |
Scan mode specific parameter #0 (Has different meaning for different scan modes). |
60 |
float |
Scan mode specific parameter #1. |
64 |
short |
Total number of parameter descriptor blocks for this radar. |
66 |
short |
Total number of additional descriptor block for this radar. |
68 |
short |
Data compression. 0 = none, 1 = HRD scheme. |
70 |
short |
Data Reduction algorithm: 1 = none, 2 = between 2 angles, 3 = Between concentric circles, 4 = Above/below certain altitudes. |
72 |
float |
1 = smallest positive angle in degrees, 2 = inner circle diameter, km, 4 = minimum altitude, km. |
76 |
float |
1 = largest positve angle, degress, 2 = outer cicle diameter, km, 4 = maximum altitude, km. |
80 |
float |
Longitude of radar in degrees. |
84 |
float |
Latitude of radar in degrees. |
88 |
float |
Altitude of radar above msl in km. |
92 |
float |
Effective unambiguous velocity, m/s. |
96 |
float |
Effective unambiguous range, km. |
100 |
short |
Number of frequencies transmitted. |
102 |
short |
Number of different inter-pulse periods transmitted. |
104 |
float |
Frequency 1. |
108 |
float |
Frequency 2. |
112 |
float |
Frequency 3. |
116 |
float |
Frequency 4. |
120 |
float |
Frequency 5. |
124 |
float |
Interpulse period 1. |
128 |
float |
Interpulse period 2. |
132 |
float |
Interpulse period 3. |
136 |
float |
Interpulse period 4. |
140 |
float |
Interpulse period 5. |
Byte |
Type |
Description |
0 |
char [4] |
Parameter Descriptor identifier (ascii characters "PARM"). |
4 |
long |
Parameter Descriptor length in bytes. |
8 |
char [8] |
Name of parameter being described. |
16 |
char [40] |
Detailed description of this parameter. |
56 |
char [8] |
Units parameter is written in. |
64 |
short |
Inter-pulse periods used. bits 0-1 = frequencies 1-2. |
66 |
short |
Frequencies used for this parameter. |
68 |
float |
Effective receiver bandwidth for this parameter in MHz. |
72 |
short |
Effective pulse width of parameter in m. |
74 |
short |
Polarization of the radar beam for this parameter (0 Horizontal,1 Vertical,2 Circular,3 Elliptical) in na. |
76 |
short |
Number of samples used in estimate for this parameter. |
78 |
short |
Binary format of radar data. |
80 |
char [8] |
Name of parameter upon which this parameter is thresholded (ascii characters NONE if not thresholded). |
88 |
float |
Value of threshold |
92 |
float |
Scale factor for parameter. |
96 |
float |
Bias factor for parameter. |
100 |
long |
Bad data flag. |
Byte |
Type |
Description |
0 |
char[4] |
Cell descriptor identifier: ASCII characters "CELV" stand for cell vector. |
4 |
long |
Comment descriptor length in bytes |
8 |
long |
Number of sample volumes |
12 |
float |
Distance from the radar to cell 1 in meters |
4*n + 12 |
float |
Distance from the radar to cell n in meters |
Byte |
Type |
Description |
0 |
char [4] |
Correction descriptor identifier: ASCII characters "CFAC" stand for Volume Descriptor. |
4 |
long |
Correction descriptor length in bytes. |
8 |
float |
Correction added to azimuth[deg] |
12 |
float |
Correction added to elevation[deg] |
16 |
float |
Correction used for range delay[m] |
20 |
float |
Correction added to radar longitude |
24 |
float |
Correction added to radar latitude |
28 |
float |
Correction added to pressure altitude (msl)[km] |
32 |
float |
Correction added to radar altitude above ground level(agl) [km] |
36 |
float |
Correction added to radar platform ground speed(E-W)[m/s] |
40 |
float |
Correction added to radar platform ground speed(N-S)[m/s] |
44 |
float |
Correction added to radar platform vertical velocity[m/s] |
48 |
float |
Correction added to radar platform heading [deg]) |
52 |
float |
Correction added to radar platform roll[deg] |
56 |
float |
Correction added to radar platform pitch[deg] |
60 |
float |
Correction added to radar platform drift[deg] |
64 |
float |
Corrrection add to radar rotation angle [deg] |
68 |
float |
Correction added to radar tilt angle |
Byte |
Type |
Description |
0 |
char[4] |
Comment descriptor identifier: ASCII characters "SWIB" stand for sweep info block Descriptor. |
4 |
long |
Sweep descriptor length in bytes. |
8 |
char[8] |
comment |
16 |
long |
Sweep number from the beginning of the volume |
20 |
long |
number of rays recorded in this sweep |
24 |
float |
true start angle [deg] |
28 |
float |
true stop angle [deg] |
32 |
float |
Fixed angle [deg] |
36 |
long |
Filter Flag 0=no filtering in use, 1 = On (Filtering algorithm should be described in the ASCII file at the beginning of the file) |
Byte |
Type |
Description |
0 |
char [4] |
Identifier for a data ray info block (ascii characters "RYIB") |
4 |
long |
length of a data ray info block in bytes. |
8 |
long |
sweep number for this radar. |
12 |
long |
Julian Day |
16 |
short |
Hour in hours. |
18 |
short |
Minute in minutes. |
20 |
short |
Second in seconds. |
22 |
short |
Millisecond in milliseconds. |
24 |
float |
Azimuth in degrees. |
28 |
float |
Elevation in degrees. |
32 |
float |
Last measured peak transmitted power in kw. |
36 |
float |
Actual scan rate in degrees/second. |
40 |
long |
Ray Status, 0 = normal, 1 = transition, 2 = bad. |
Byte |
Type |
Description |
0 |
char [4] |
Identifier for the aircraft/ship parameters block (ascii characters ASIB) |
4 |
long |
Length in Bytes of the aircraft/ship arameters block |
8 |
float |
Antenna Longitude (Eastern Hemisphere is positive, West negative) in degrees |
12 |
float |
Antenna Latitude (Northern Hemisphere is positive, South Negative) in degrees |
16 |
float |
Antenna Altitude above mean sea level (MSL) in m |
20 |
float |
Antenna Altitude above ground level (AGL) in m |
24 |
float |
Antenna east-west ground speed (towards East is positive) in m/sec |
28 |
float |
Antenna north-south ground speed (towards North is positive) in m/sec |
32 |
float |
Antenna vertical velocity (Up is positive) in m/sec |
36 |
float |
Antenna heading (angle between rotodome rotational axis and true North, clockwise (looking down) positive) in degrees |
40 |
float |
Roll angle of aircraft tail section (Horizontal zero, Positive left wing up) in degrees |
44 |
float |
Pitch angle of rotodome (Horizontal is zero positive front up) in degrees |
48 |
float |
Antenna drift Angle. (angle between platform true velocity and heading, positive is drift more clockwise looking down) in degrees |
52 |
float |
Angle of the radar beam with respect to the airframe (zero is along vertical stabilizer, positive is clockwise) in deg |
56 |
float |
Angle of radar beam and line normal to longitudinal axis of aircraft, positive is towards nose of aircraft) in degrees |
60 |
float |
east - west wind velocity at the platform (towards East is positive) in m/sec |
64 |
float |
North - South wind velocity at the platform (towards North is positive) in m/sec |
68 |
float |
Vertical wind velocity at the platform (up is positive) in m/sec |
72 |
float |
Heading change rate in degrees/second. |
76 |
float |
Pitch change rate in degrees/second. |
Byte |
Type |
Description |
0 |
char[4] |
parameter data descriptor identifier: ASCII characters "RDAT" stand for sweep info block Descriptor. |
4 |
long |
parameter data descriptor length in bytes. |
12 |
char[8] |
name of parameter |
16 |
Type as described in parameter data descriptor |
Data (length as described in parameter data descriptor) |