Plotscatter is a program developed by Wen-Chau Lee to retrieve the majority of errors in ELDORA data due to the Inertial Navigation System (INS) or antenna mounting errors. This includes errors in aircraft altitude, speed, drift, vertical velocity, pitch and roll, radar range delay, antenna spin angle (rotation angle) and tilt angle. This routine is also applicable to P-3 data.
Plotscatter is an iterative program that utilizes the radar echoes returned from the earth's flat surface to calculate the corrections and is written in Fortran (F77) and contains calls to NCAR Graphics. In addition, the data for plotscatter is in the form of ground echo files generated by the translator. Please refer to Appendix E for a description of the format of the ground echo files. Running plotscatter involves repeating the following sequence of steps multiple times.
1. Creating ground echo files
2. Running plotscatter
3. Interpreting results and adding to the correction factor files (one for each radar).
There is a perl script available to automate the iterative process.
Once the corrections have been calculated (either interactively or automated), they can be applied to the data via the translator or solo.
The tilt angle for waveguide antenna should be known accurately other than the mounting error. In the mathematical derivation, there are 8 unknowns and only 7 equations. Therefore, one unknown has to be pre-determined before the set of equations can be solved. It is decided that the tilt angle can be pre-determined. A list of possible tilt angle corrections (e.g., -0.5 to 0.5 degree in 0.1 deg increment) is prescribed to obtain corresponding corrections on other 7 variables. Since some unknowns should have the same corrections for fore and aft radars, the tilt angle corrections are determined by finding the closest match between fore and aft radars among these runs. The experience from past experiments (e.g., VORTEX and LakeIce) suggested that for ELDORA data, the tilt angle corrections are aft .30° and fore -.20°. All other errors are calculated based on the assumption that the initial tilt angles are correct. The tilt angles can be adjusted if the results are not satisfactory. Tilt angle errors on the P-3 antenna can be found using similar procedures.
In order to maximize the accuracy of plotscatter, the data must be carefully chosen. The data should reflect a five to ten minute data set where the earth surface is flat. Additionally, the desired aircraft altitude should be anywhere above 3 km and the aircraft should not be climbing or descending. Because the echoes returned from the surface are based on values with high reflectivity and near zero velocity, the data should not be in a stormy environment, where reflectivity of 45 dBZ and higher are near the surface, as the echoes returned from the storm may be confused with the earth surface.
Due to the intrinsic accuracy of the instruments (e.g., INS, radar altimeter, etc.), the accuracy of each parameter is shown below:
Drift |
+/- 1 degree |
Pitch |
+/- .1 degree |
Range |
+/- 1/2 gate spacing |
Altitude |
+/- 10 meters |
Tilt |
+/- .05 degree |
Rotation |
+/- .1 degree |
Ground Speed |
+/- 1 m/s |
The accuracy shown in the table suggests that drift and ground speed have the largest uncertainty.
There are two modes in which to run plotscatter: separate and combined. Initially, each radar should be run separately with the initial tilt angles until the correct tilt angle is established and the results are satisfactory. If necessary, the tilt angles can be adjusted (usually by .05° - 1°). This process identifies radar dependent correction factors, such as, tilt angle, rotation angle, and range delay. Once the results returned from running each radar separately are sufficient, then plotscatter should be run in combined mode to obtain the final set of corrections on radar independent parameters, such as drift, pitch, ground speed, aircraft altitude. The procedure converges when changes in each parameters on successive iterations fall within the tolerance in the above table.
The first step in running plotscatter involves generating the files that contain the gates of each beam that intersect the earth surface, hereafter referred to as ground echo files. These files are generated by the translator and have a naming convention similar to sweep files except the prefix is 'gde' as opposed to 'swp'. Please refer to Appendix A for sample translator scripts.
In addition to the ground echo files, plotscatter uses an input file to set run-time parameters. The file must be named and a brief description is listed in the table below:
plotscatter input file ( | ||
fore_gde |
name of the fore ground echo file |
User Specify |
aft_gde |
name of the aft ground echo file |
User Specify |
outfile |
ascii output file used for debugging |
points.out |
radarflag |
(0 = both,1 = fore,2 = aft) |
2 |
radar |
char string (7chars) |
stdw |
standard deviation of vertical wind |
0.1 |
stdbeta |
standard deviation of pitch angle |
.02 |
stdb2 |
standard deviation of coefficient b2 |
.10 |
stdc |
standard deviation of coefficient c |
10.0 |
mu |
lagrangian multiplier |
.01 |
mu1 |
lagrangian multiplier for variable e (2nd time) |
100.0 |
mu2 |
lagrangian multiplier for deltabeta and deltaw |
1.0 |
stdval(1) |
is the data within this many |
1.0 |
stdval(2) |
standard deviations? |
1.0 |
imin |
minimum scan number to plot |
User Specify |
imax |
maximum scan number to plot |
User Specify |
direct_sol |
true = lagrangian multiplier,false = gauss |
.true. |
num_scan |
number of scans to process |
User Specify |
The values listed as 'User Specify' are the values that are usually edited before running plotscatter. Please refer to Appendix C for a sample file.
The CFAC Files are ascii files, one for each radar, that contain the corrections (generated in plotscatter) to be applied to the data. The environment variable CFAC_FILES must be set in the translator script in order to apply the corrections to the data. Please refer to Appendix C for sample CFAC files.
The data can be in either ELDORA field format or DORADE and can be accessed via tape or disk file. Due to the iterative nature of plotscatter, it is more time efficient to put the data on disk.
In order to run plotscatter separately on each radar, the radarflag must be set to either 1 (fore) or 2 (aft) in
The following is a list of steps to be followed to run plotscatter by hand.
1. Initialize cfac files with all values set to 0.0 except for the initial tilt angles.
2. Save CFAC files to reflect the current iteration and radar (i.e.: cfac.aft.1, cfac.fore.1, cfac.aft.2..etc).
3. Create ground echo files by running the translator. Make sure that the translator script includes the CFAC_FILES environment variable.
4. Edit to include the proper ground echo file names and radar (1 = fore; 2 = aft).
5. Run plotscatter by typing the name of the executable (plotscatterN). The values of the coefficients will scroll by on the screen and it is helpful to scan these to make sure that none of the values are set to NaN, a sign indicating that something is wrong.
6. Save the gmeta file to reflect the current iteration and radar (i.e.: gmeta.aft.1, gmeta.fore.1, gmeta.aft.2...etc).
7. View the gmeta file produced by plotscatter. If the plots look satisfactory, then eyball the averages (throwing out the outliers) for the following plots and add the averages to the values in the CFAC files. The following table lists the plotscatter output variable and the corresponding cfac file entry:
delta R FORE (AFT) |
range_delay_corr |
deltaphi (Rotation Correction) |
rot_angle_corr |
deltaalpha (Drift Correction) |
drift_corr |
deltabeta (Pitch Correction) |
pitch_corr |
deltavh (Ground Speed Correction) |
ew_gndspd_corr |
deltah (Altitude Correction) |
pressure_alt_corr |
7. Repeat steps 2 - 6 until all the corrections are converging and within the acceptable tolerance.
Running plotscatter in combine mode is similar to running each radar separately except for the radarflag is set to 0 and the CFAC files are initialized with the final CFAC files from running plotscatter in the separate mode. The CFAC files should contain radar dependent corrections (i.e., tilt, rotation angle, range delay) while radar independent variables (i.e., pitch, drift, ground speed and altitude) can be set to zero or the average value of the two separate runs.
In the following example, the radar independent corrections are the average of the two separate runs.
Aft CFAC file (final run of separate mode) |
Fore CFAC file (final run of separate mode) |
aft separate azimuth_corr 0.000 elevation_corr 0.000 range_delay_corr 141.250 longitude_corr 0.000 latitude_corr 0.000 pressure_alt_corr -0.042 radar_alt_corr 0.000 ew_gndspd_corr 1.590 ns_gndspd_corr 0.000 vert_vel_corr 0.000 heading_corr 0.000 roll_corr 0.000 pitch_corr -1.380 drift_corr -0.320 rot_angle_corr -1.080 tilt_corr 0.300 |
fore separate azimuth_corr 0.000 elevation_corr 0.000 range_delay_corr 107.420 longitude_corr 0.000 latitude_corr 0.000 pressure_alt_corr -0.051 radar_alt_corr 0.000 ew_gndspd_corr -0.900 ns_gndspd_corr 0.000 vert_vel_corr 0.000 heading_corr 0.000 roll_corr 0.000 pitch_corr -1.240 drift_corr -0.030 rot_angle_corr 2.610 tilt_corr -0.200 |
Aft CFAC file (initial run of combine mode) |
Fore CFAC file (initial run of combine mode) |
azimuth_corr 0.000 elevation_corr 0.000 range_delay_corr 141.250 longitude_corr 0.000 latitude_corr 0.000 pressure_alt_corr -0.047 radar_alt_corr 0.000 ew_gndspd_corr 1.590 ns_gndspd_corr 0.000 vert_vel_corr 0.000 heading_corr 0.000 roll_corr 0.000 pitch_corr -1.310 drift_corr -0.180 rot_angle_corr -1.080 tilt_corr 0.300 |
azimuth_corr 0.000 elevation_corr 0.000 range_delay_corr 107.420 longitude_corr 0.000 latitude_corr 0.000 pressure_alt_corr -0.047 radar_alt_corr 0.000 ew_gndspd_corr -0.590 ns_gndspd_corr 0.000 vert_vel_corr 0.000 heading_corr 0.000 roll_corr 0.000 pitch_corr -1.310 drift_corr -0.180 rot_angle_corr 2.610 tilt_corr -0.200 |
The perl script ( is a wrapper script that runs plotscatter, but automatically handles all the steps required in the interactive version.
This is a template translator script that uses to generate the translator script that creates the ground echo files. The following environment variables must exist in the template script:
The values to these variables are updated by to reflect the current data set so it doesn't matter what the actual values are in the template script. Please refer to Appendix A for an example of translator scripts that produce ground echo files.
This file is an ascii file where the user can set all the parameters necessary to run The file is divided into 3 sections:
· translator variables: used to create the translator script
· variables: used to create the plotscatter input file (
· threshold/tolorance variables: used to determine when to stop updating corrections factors
A brief description is listed in the table below:
trans_fname |
name of template translator script |
User Specify |
date_begin |
begin date MM/DD/YY |
User Specify |
time_begin |
begin time HH:MN:SS |
User Specify |
date_end |
end date MM/DD/YY |
User Specify |
time_end |
end time HH:MN:SS |
User Specify |
dor_dir |
directory for the ground echo files |
User Specify |
data_fname |
data filename or device filename |
User Specify |
#fskip |
number of files to skip if data is on tape |
User Specify |
radar_name |
radar 7 character string |
stdw |
std deviation of vertical wind |
0.1 |
stdbeta |
std. deviation of pitch angle |
.02 |
stdb2 |
std. b2 |
.10 |
stdc |
std. c |
10.0 |
mu |
lagrangian multiplier |
.01 |
mu2 |
lagrangian multiplier for deltabeta and deltaw |
1.0 |
mu1 |
lagrangian multiplier for variable e (2nd time) |
100.0 |
stdval1 |
is the data within this many std. |
1.0 |
stdval2 |
deviations? |
1.0 |
imin |
plot the scans between these |
User Specify |
imax |
values (scan imin to scan imax are plotted) |
User Specify |
direct_sol |
true = lagrangian multiplier,false = gauss |
.true. |
scan_count |
number of scans to process |
User Specify |
num_iter |
number of iterations |
5 |
alt_av_thresh |
program will exit if the average altitude is less than this number (indicating that the aircraft is flying too low) |
.20 |
alt_std_thresh |
program will exit if the altitude std is greater than this number (indicating that the aircraft is climbing) |
.20 |
alt_tol |
do not apply corrections to the altitude if the value is within this number; units = Meters |
10 |
scan_thresh |
program will exit if the # of scans from the data file is less that this amount |
10 |
fore_range_tol |
do not apply correction to the fore radar if the value is within this number; units = Meters |
20 |
aft_range_tol |
do not apply correction to the aft radar if the value is within this number; units = Meters |
20 |
grndspd_tol |
do not apply corrections to the groundspeed if the value is within this number; units = M/S |
.40 |
pitch_tol |
do not apply corrections to the pitch if the value is within this number; units = Degrees |
.10 |
drift_tol |
do not apply corrections to the drift if the value is within this number; units = Degrees |
.10 |
rot_tol |
do not apply corrections to the rotation angle if the value is within this number; units = Degrees |
.10 |
The values listed as 'User Specify' are the values that are usually modified by the users before running Please refer to Appendix D for a sample input file for and a more detailed description of the parameters.
The data can be in either ELDORA field format or DORADE and can be accessed via tape or disk file. Due to the iterative nature of plotscatter, it is more time efficient to put the data on disk.
Since generates a variety of output files, it is important that the files generated from the single and combine mode are in separate directories to avoid files inadvertently being renamed. Listed below is a sample directory structure:
where all the output files from the single run are contained
where all the output files from the combine run are contained
where all the necessary files to run are contained (i.e.: translator script, input file..etc).
If is run without any arguments in the command line, then the following list of options will appear:
-a: tilt angle aft
-f: tilt angle fore
-i: batch input filename
-m: mode (separate or combine)
-A: *aft cfac file (use if mode=combine)
-F: *fore cfac file (use if mode=combine)
-p: plotscatter executable (optional)
*note: Option -A and -F should be the final
cfac file from running in separate
Example: -a.30 -f-.20 -i1234.inp -mcombine
-A../single/1234.cfac.aft -F../single/1234.cfac.fore
The first line in executes perl ( #!/localbin/perl ). Therefore, if the perl executable is in a different path, this line may need to be altered to reflect the correct path.
Additionally, contains the default location of the plotscatter executable (plotscatterN) with the following line:
# default name of plotscatter executable
$opt_p = "/scr/science19/snorman/src/plotscatter/scatterdir/plotscatterN";
Although the path name of the executable can be changed with the -p command line option, the default path must be changed in
Listed below are the steps required to run The examples are utilizing the recommended directory structure discussed previously.
1. Assemble all the necessary files in /VORTEX/950507/0057/files
2. Go to the directory where the output from the single mode should go
eg: cd /VORTEX/950507/0057/single
3. Edit the input file with the appropriate values ( date, time, data location..etc).
4. Run in single mode:
eg: -a.30 -f-.20 -i../files/0057.inp -msingle
The example above assumes that location of is included in the default path.
5. Run in combine mode:
Once the results from the single run are satisfactory, go to the directory where the output from the combined mode should go and run plotscatter in combined mode:
eg: cd /VORTEX/950507/0057/combine -a.30 -f-.20 -i../files/0057.inp -mcombine
-A../single/0057.cfac.aft -F../single/0057.cfac.fore
The -A and -F options reflect the final cfac files from the single run and are necessary to run in combined mode.
#script to ground echo files from an eldora dorade tape
setenv AC_NETCDF_FILES /scr/science22/dmg/raf_cdf/vortex/07may95.cdf
setenv DORADE_DIR ../data
setenv SOURCE_DEV /dev/rmt/1bn
setenv ALTITUDE_LIMITS "-5. < 22.5"
setenv TIME_LIMITS "05/08/95:00:57 < 05/08/95:01:03"
# the correction files
setenv CFAC_FILES "TF > 0057.cfac.fore \
TA > 0057.cfac.aft"
# field for gates that intersect the ground
setenv GECHO_VEL "VG"
# fix for record size bug
2 radarflag !(0=both,1=fore,2=aft)
ELDORA radar !char string (7chars)
0.1 stdw !std. deviation of vertical wind
.02 stdbeta !std. deviation of pitch angle
.10 stdb2 !std. b2
10.0 stdc !std. c
.01 mu !lagrangian multiplier
100.0 mu1 !lagrangian multiplier for variable e (2nd time)
1.0 mu2 !lagrangian multiplier for deltabeta and deltaw
1.0 stdval(1) !is the data within this many std.
1.0 stdval(2) ! deviations?
10 imin !plot the scans between these
20 imax ! values (scan imin to scan imax are plotted)
.true. direct_sol !true is lagrangian multiplier,false=gauss
124 number of scans to process
FORE Radar:
azimuth_corr = 0.000
elevation_corr = 0.000
range_delay_corr = 107.420
longitude_corr = 0.000
latitude_corr = 0.000
pressure_alt_corr = -0.051
radar_alt_corr = 0.000
ew_gndspd_corr = -0.900
ns_gndspd_corr = 0.000
vert_vel_corr = 0.000
heading_corr = 0.000
roll_corr = 0.000
pitch_corr = -1.240
drift_corr = -0.030
rot_angle_corr = 2.610
tilt_corr = -0.200
AFT Radar:
azimuth_corr = 0.000
elevation_corr = 0.000
range_delay_corr = 141.250
longitude_corr = 0.000
latitude_corr = 0.000
pressure_alt_corr = -0.042
radar_alt_corr = 0.000
ew_gndspd_corr = 1.590
ns_gndspd_corr = 0.000
vert_vel_corr = 0.000
heading_corr = 0.000
roll_corr = 0.000
pitch_corr = -1.380
drift_corr = -0.320
rot_angle_corr = -1.080
tilt_corr = 0.300
# This is a sample input file used in
#***translator variables****************************
trans_fname = ../files/dor2gde ! name of template translator script
date_begin = 05/08/95 ! begin date MM/DD/YY
time_begin = 00:57:00 ! begin time HH:MN:SS
date_end = 05/08/95 ! end date MM/DD/YY
time_end = 01:03:00 ! end time HH:MN:SS
dor_dir = gde ! directory for the ground echo files
data_fname = ../files/ ! data filename or device filename
#fskip = 8 ! number of files to skip if data is on tape
#*** variables***************************
radar_name = ELDORA ! radar 7 character string
stdw = 0.1 ! std deviation of vertical wind
stdbeta = .02 ! std. deviation of pitch angle
stdb2 = .10 ! std. b2
stdc = 10.0 ! std. c
mu = .01 ! lagrangian multiplier
mu2 = 1.0 ! lagrangian multiplier for deltabeta and deltaw
mu1 = 100.0 ! lagrangian multiplier for variable e
! (2nd time)
stdval1 = 1.0 ! is the data within this many std.
stdval2 = 1.0 ! deviations?
imin = 10 ! plot the scans between these
imax = 20 ! values (scan imin to scan imax are plotted)
direct_sol = .true. ! true is lagrangian multiplier,false=gauss
scan_count = 500 ! number of scans to process
#***threshold / tolorance variables***************************
num_iter = 5 ! number of iterations
alt_av_thresh = .20 ! altitude average threshold
alt_std_thresh = .20 ! altitude std threshold
alt_tol = 10 ! altitude tolorance (m)
scan_thresh = 10 ! scan threshold
fore_range_tol = 20 ! fore range tolorance (m)
aft_range_tol = 20 ! aft range tolorance (m)
grndspd_tol = .40 ! ground speed tolorance (m/s)
pitch_tol = .10 ! pitch tolorance (deg)
drift_tol = .10 ! drift tolorance (deg)
rot_tol = .10 ! rotation angle tolorance (deg)
ng (# gates) |
%3d |
rotation_angle +rotation angle_corrrction |
%7.1f |
tilt_angle + tilt_correction |
%6.1f |
drift_angle + drift_correction |
%6.1f |
pitch + pitch_correction |
%5.2f |
heading |
%7.2f |
ew_velocity |
%8.1f |
ns_velocity |
%8.1f |
vert_velocity |
%8.1f |
altitude*.001 |
%7.2f |
ground_intersect |
%8.1f |
rotation_angle_correction |
%8.1f |
drift_correction |
%8.1f |
pitch_correction |
%8.1f |
pressure_altitude_correction |
%8.1f |
ew_ground speed_correction |
%8.1f |
gate spacing |
%6d |
hour |
%3d |
minute |
%3d |
second |
%3d |
heading_change |
%8.4f |
pitch_change |
%8.4f |
dH |
%8.4f |
dP |
%8.4f |
dt |
%8.4f |
vert_wind |
%8.4f |
d2 |
%8.4f |
u |
%8.4f |
v |
%8.4f |
insitu_wind |
%8.4f |
DEGREES(ra->azimuth) |
%8.4f |
DEGREES(ra->elevation) |
%8.4f |
gate_number |
%6d |
reflectivity (dbz) |
%10.1f |
velocity (m/s) |
%10.1f |
range (km) |
%10.1f |