National Center for Atmospheric Research
ATD... S-Pol TRMM-LBA Brazil 1999

Quick-Look Images: User Hints

Several suggestions are made to improve the review of images.

Erratic performance of the browser can be caused by memory and disk caching features. Network transfer of images can also cause uneven progression through images. Use the buttons and to try and tune input for the maximum your system configuration can handle.

Use the button if your system seems to fall behind in the image updates. Slow machines may not finish entire images if the requested update rate is too fast; watch for incomplete image updates.

If your browser hangs and fails to refresh/load an image, consider reloading the HTML page. Combine this with changing the frame speed, as necessary.

Clicking on a specific time while automatic time-stepping is running will immediately move to the selected time and continue from there.

Note that some actions may take a while to register, particularly when you are pushing your browser to the limits of its capabilities. Be somewhat patient when making button selections. The "slower", "faster", and "stop" buttons are designed to briefly change color when a selection is actually registered by the running code.

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--- Credits --- / NCAR Atmospheric Technology Division
Created: 28-Feb-1999
Last modified: Sun Feb 28 13:55:42 MST 1999