Determination of Bias in Zdr
S-Pol MAP Italy, 1999
Importance of Bias Determination
Differential Reflectivity (Zdr) is a residual of two large quantities
of limited absolute accuracy. The accuracies of the larger
quantitiies (the H and V polarized system-derived reflectivities) is a
function of system calibration and signal statistics. If the H and V
reflectivity calibrations are stable, there is likely to be a bias in
Zdr due to the inaccuracies of those reflectivity calibrations; under
such circumstances, it is possible to apply a bias correction to Zdr,
even if there is a relatively large uncertainty in the calibration of
the H and V subsystems.
Note that high accuracy in Zdr is desired when Zdr is applied to
precipitation accumulation estimates. For precipitation estimates, a
change of 0.3 dB in Zdr will result in a 17% change in estimated
Since S-Pol is a research radar system, particular attention is
given to ensuring the accuracy of all parameters. Every effort is
made to minimize the error in Zdr, with the goal of obtaining
accuracies of .2 dB, or better.
For MAP, analysis indicates that a bias correction must be applied to
raw S-Pol Zdr values. This correction will be applied to all data
prior to distribution.
To estimate Zdr bias, we require a well-characterized, non-biased,
system-independent data set for analysis. Such a data set can be
obtained from viewing rainfall at vertical incidence.
For purposes of Zdr bias estimation, there is no consistent axial
asymmetry in raindrop shape when viewed from directly below. In the
case of a strongly sheared environment, there might arguably be
preferential orientation of a collection of hydrometeors.
Fortunately, preferential orientation effects can be reliably removed
by rotating the vertically pointing antenna in azimuth and averaging
results over several rotations. It may also be surmised that snow
crystals can serve for bias determination, however, experience with
frozen hydrometeors shows somewhat greater variablility in results,
and there was one particular problem during MAP that reduces the
utility of frozen hydrometeors for bias determination.
Practical Considerations
During any S-Pol field project, radar operators and scientists must be
aware of the high priority assigned to collecting appropriate vertical
pointing data sets. A case is considered appropriate if it meets the
following (subjective) criteria:
- light precipitation at the radar
- precipitation-sized hydrometeors extend vertically for several kilometers
- radar dish not too wet from previous precipitation
- signal power return is not too great
During data collection, the radar is operated in the following way:
- data collection period of 2 minutes or greater
- antenna is slowly rotated while looking vertically
- clutter filter is OFF (error on this during MAP)
Every attempt is made to process appropriate cases in a very
consistent way. Vertical-pointing scans are transferred to a data
processing system. A script is used to drive the SOLO analysis
package, performing parameter thresholding and general data selection,
through production of a histogram of Zdr values for qualifying data.
The only operator interaction is in the definition of a broad boundary
to time-window the data and to eliminate obvious artifacts.
Table 1 summarizes the automatic thresholding criteria applied to
vertical pointing data.
TABLE 1. Vertical Pointing for Zdr Bias Determination: threshold criteria
Description |
Relation |
Reason |
eliminate data when received power is too high |
DM > -45.0 dBm |
avoid regions of non-linear receiver response |
eliminate data in regions of weak reflectivity |
DZ < ~0 dBZ (flexible criteria) |
avoid refractive index scattering or any other low-reflectivity oddities |
eliminate bright band and regions of wet hydrometeors |
LDR > -13.0 dB |
Zdr can have a very wide distribution in these regions |
avoid regions close to radar |
range < 1.2 km |
eliminates regions of TR tube recovery, and selects data in far-field, only |
remove data above the atmosphere |
range > 14.0 km |
also eliminates inadvertant inclusion of test pulse |
For MAP, twenty-one separate events of vertical pointing were
logged. Of these, about one-third were considered to be ultimately
unsuitable. Within the 21 events, subsets were deliniated and
processed separately. These subsets provide an indicator of the
short-term consistency of the procedure and results. All events are
listed in Table 2. Each independent event is separated by a
horizontal line; within each event, any subsets are shown on their own
line. For determination of gross conclusions, subsets are first
combined to provide a single set of event values. Within the table,
links are provided to either an image of the data (time section of
received power, DM, and thresholded Zdr, TZDR), or the histogram
produced in the analysis. Futhermore, events and their subsets have
been subjected to multiple analysis in an attempt to separate the
characteristics based on hydrometeor type (ice or liquid; upper or
lower layer).
The Results Section follows Table 2.
TABLE 2. Determined values of Zdr Bias, by event.
Date |
Liquid/Lower |
mean |
sdev |
#pts |
Zdr Test Pulse,dBm |
Comment |
990904 |
unkwn |
990906 |
-.77 |
not usable |
990913 |
not usable |
990913 |
not usable |
990916 |
-1.00 |
assume liquid |
990917 |
-.92 |
990918 |
-.92 |
990925 |
-.90 |
990930 |
-.88 |
991003 |
-.86 |
weak ice/liq distinction |
991003 |
-.88 |
weak ice/liq distinction |
Feedhorn changed out after ops of 991003 |
991013 |
-1.09 |
v little liq |
v little liq |
poor distinc. |
991017 |
991018 |
-1.04 |
probably ice |
probably ice |
991020 |
-.83 |
991020 |
-.83 |
liquid distribution is poor |
991020 |
-.85 |
991021 |
-.87 |
991023 |
-.88 |
a poor case |
991103 |
-.78 |
991104 |
-0.77 |
Unfortunately, there were/are several problems in determining Zdr bias
for MAP.
- An error was made in leaving the clutter filter "ON" during MAP
Zdr bias determinations. Work needs to be done to estimate
typical bias for vertical pointing in rain due to the clutter
filter, and to understand why such a rain/snow bias should
exist in the first place. It is also possible that the
perceived rain/snow difference has nothing to do with the
clutter, but is an effect of differential recovery of the S-Pol
T/R tubes.
- S-Pol uses two T/R (transmit-receive) tubes, one for each
transmitted polarization. These tubes contain a gas that
ionizes during the strong transmit pulse, protecting the
receiver components from damage. Recovery from ionization
takes a finite amount of time, with most recovery (to within 3
dB of non-ionized tube) occuring within 1 km of the radar. For
MAP, the two tubes recovered at slightly different rates, with
the resulting differential recovery likely causing the
difference observed between the ice and liquid hydrometeor
regimes. Generally, the T/R tubes may be considered fully
recovered after a range of 6 km, but most vertical pointing
observations were performed for particles closer to the radar
than this.
All results are based upon analysis of raw, uncorrected S-Pol data.
- Within a single event, Zdr bias determinations are very reproducible (mean of
about +/- .03 dB)
- The Zdr bias varies with date and time.
- Zdr bias over a half-day period varies very little, and may be
considered constant within that timeframe (variability of +/- .02 dB; see
supporting information; likely exception on 991017)
- There is a difference in the bias in Zdr between particle types (ice or liquid);
this is likely due to range effects (related to T/R tube recovery).
- Zdr bias characteristics change somewhat with the change of antenna feedhorn.
- The majority of Zdr bias change is closely correlated to the change in Zdr
test pulse value (particularly true from 991013, onward). Inter-event
reproducibility is on the order of +/- .05 dB, after corrections are made
using the test pulse.
- Final, absolute accuracy of corrected Zdr is estimated on the order of +/- 0.20 dB,
with some small, additional uncertainty introduced by miscellaneous effects.
Other items of note (complete supporting information is not provided):
- Zdr bias drift was not evident in previous two S-Pol deployments; cause is
being investigated.
- A table will be developed detailing the applied Zdr bias correction vs date/time.
- There is some small hint in prior experiments of different Zdr bias for
different particle types or radar range, but the effect is much smaller than that
seen for MAP (rain/snow or near/far difference of < .05 dB).
Document Maintenance:
Bob Rilling, / NCAR Atmospheric Technology Division
Created: 28-Feb-2000
Last Modified: 28-Feb-2000