Special thanks are given here to the operators of S-Pol who ran the system and wrote this log. The operators' initials are provided at the far right of the entry for each day, after the data tape number. See the end of this page for a list of operator names.
04-Sep-99 P25220/21 JL/RR 09:37 General testing. Creation of scan tables by Wilson. Clutter filter is to be "ON" for MAP 10:45 Vertical pointing.
06-Sep-99 P25222 JL 09:00 Start. Recording tests for rda2 [radar data axquisition (recording) system number 2] 09:40 VIRAQ syste re-initiated. Lutz had changed config parameters on VIRAQ (cofig.rdr) 09:50 going to data collection at 800 gates. TP @ 116 km 10:05 [Began writing tape.] 14:42 [Stop]
07-Sep-99 P252xx DF xx:xx No operations today. Continued system calibration and testing.
09-Sep-99 P25223 DF/RR 09:38 Started fast clutter scans (6.5 deg/sec); filter "ON" 09:45 Filter "OFF", slow clutter scans (2.0-3.5 deg el) 09:53 Filter "OFF", slow clutter scans [had to restart?] 10:26 Filter "ON", slow clutter scans 11:13 Done clutter. Clear air today. 11:29 Stopped recording.
13-Sep-99 P25224 ?? 08:00 Vertical, 88-deg scan 08:50 MAP SUR [surviellance sequence] 09:10 Vertical 10:00 West-8 sequence 13:15 Vertical, 80-deg scan 15:20 Stop
14-Sep-99 P25225 DF/RR 08:49 Vertical, 60-deg [for profiler-mode tests] 09:29 Reset processor to dual-pol, non-full matrix 09:38 Started clutter scans (CF OFF; full matrix OFF) 10:15 Back in full-pol-plus mode, clutter filter "ON" 10:17 Doing operational scan sequences in clear air. 13:57 Shut down. 13:40 Noted the following test pulse values (range 116 km): DBZH= 50.86 HDBm= -58.64 Vel= -8.07 PHIDP= 27.72 ZDR= -.99 DBZV= 51.74 VDBm= -57.97 RHOHV= 1.00 LDR= .75
15-Sep-99 P25226/27 JV/RR/DF/PT 05:01 Started operations 20:14 VIRAQ RDA2 had write error when changing tapes. 21:11 [Continued VIRAQ tape problems?] 16-Sep 07:38 Changed to vertical pointing 08:10 back to Surveillance 10:58 Shut down.
17-Sep-99 P25228/29 JV/SE 09:15 Start 09:18 Vert SWR fault. 09:18 MAP SUR [thru 10:17] 09:57 Noted the following test pulse values (range 115 km): DBZH= 50.92 HDBM= -58.62 Vel= -8.07 PHIDP= 27.8 ZDR= -.97 10:17 60-deg VAD 12:28 Transmit in H only 12:38 back to switch 17:50 Changed to high resolution RHIs 21:00 Changed to sector, 330 to 20 deg 21:11 Went vertical pointing in light to moderate rainfall 21:30 Started WEST 12 scans sequence 22:00 Center WEST 12 seq to 90-deg Az 22:51 MAP SUR 23:10 SCAN 12 seq center to 100-deg 23:50 Had to reset processor
18-Sep-99 P25230 TR/DF 00:10 Went to MAP SUR scan 01:20 Went to WEST 12 Az 210-330 for cells approaching SW 02:20 MAP SUR 02:30 WEST 12 seq 06:47 Noted the following test pulse values (range 115 km): DBZH= 50.82 HDBM= -58.73 Vel= -8.07 PHIDP= 27.92 ZDR= -.92 07:20 Vertical 07:24 MAP SUR 08:30 Horizontal only mode 08:40 H and V tx 08:50 MAP 12 new 09:00 MAP SUR 09:30 WEST 12 seq 10:10 WEST 8 seq 10:40 SUR 10:50 WEST 8 15:18 Halt
19-Sep-99 P25230-34 JV/SE 13:50 MAP SUR Running WEST 8 sequence with 10-minute MAP SUR at top of hour. 20-Sep-99 22:05 Noted the following test pulse values (range 116.7 km) DBZH= 51 HDBM= -58.7 V= -8.07 PHIDP= 27.95 ZDR= -.93 DBZV= 51.69 VDBM= -58.05 LDR= .71 RHOHV= 1.00 21-Sep-99 10:05 End of data collection.
22-Sep-99 P25235 ?? 09:41 Began profiler scans (60-deg el, 5-deg/sec). 10:30 Show and tell scans for Bob Serafin. 13:00 [Done with Serafin scans] 15:00 Shut down.
23-Sep-99 P25236 DF/JVA 04:00 Began MAP SUR scan. 09:40 Had to restart processor. 13:35 Shut down.
24-Sep-99 P25237 DF 10:00 Began scans for French aircraft support, sync at 0, 20, 40 (20 minute scan sequence). 13:20 Noted the following test pulse values (range 116.4 km) DBZH= 50.88 HDBM= -58.67 V= -8.07 PHIDP= 27.56 ZDR= -.94 DBZV= 51.73 VDBM= -58.04 LDR= .68 RHOHV= 1.00 15:06 Stop ops.
25-Sep-99 P25238/39 DF/JK 03:51 Began MAP SUR scans. 04:30 Synchronized scans to 10 minute (stopped and restarted scan) 05:30 Changed to WEST 8 sequence, 300 to 60 degrees az 06:50 Changed to 250-10 deg WEST 8 sequence. 18:04 Vertical. 20:09 Reset processor.
26-Sep-99 P25239/40/41 TR/DF/LV 00:00 Continued operations. WEST 8 50 minutes, MAP SUR 10 minutes, top of hour. 03:12 Noted the following test pulse values (range 116.4 km) DBZH= 50.91 HDBM= -58.62 V= -8.07 PHIDP= 27.65 ZDR= -.92 DBZV= 51.72 VDBM= -58.00 LDR= .68 RHOHV= 1.00 04:30 Changed sector from 270-30 to 250-10. 06:10 Changed sector back to 270-30 degrees 09:30 Changed sector to 330-90 degrees to cover possible NE development.
27-Sep-99 P25241 LV 06:30 Reset processor. 08:10 End of operations.
30-Sep-99 P25242 DF/JK 03:43 Began MAP SUR scans. 08:15 Went vertical pointing. 08:30 Back to MAP SUR scans. 18:33 Stop ops.
02-Oct-99 P25243/44 DF/SE 20:00 Started MAP SUR scans. 20:10 Ran WEST 8 sequence from 330-90 degrees. 03-Oct-99 07:47 Ran vertical scan (rain stopped just after vert scan started) 15:18 Changed scan to 330 to 90. 15:42 Corrected above scan. 16:00 Changed scan to 300 to 60 21:04 Ran vertical scan; light rain. 23:40 End of operations.
12-Oct-99 P25245/46 LV xx:xx [Special Note: new feed/feedhorn installed prior to operations. Using new feed from here out.] 22:00 Started MAP SUR. 04:53 Noticed date on radar display was bad. Possibly died at day change. 06:27 Fixed date, offset = 285 days. Date changed at 00:00:41 to 12/17/98. Zdr bias not adjusted yet. 11:45 SUR scan at 2-degrees for DOW test. 12:43 Vertical pointing ending 12:43. Raised Zdr by 0.1 17:42 Shutdown.
17-Oct-99 P25247/48 JL 11:02 Start. Vertical pointing. Do not use. Adjusted Zdr -.1. This puts it back to where it was before the feed change. Best-guess; may be off. 11:37 MAP SUR 18:15 Restarted Zebra. Had a tape drive problem; switched to top tape drive. 18-Oct-99 10:20 Stopped for five minutes to check oil. 13:21 Started sector and RHI 160-280 14:00 Started sector and RHI 180-300 14:49 Vertical pointing. 14:54 End vertical pointing. 17:21 Go to MAP SUR.
20-Oct-99 P25250/53 JL 06:01 Started. Numerous minor problems. 17:57 Vertical pointing. 18:54 Vertical pointing. 20:55 Vertical pointing. 23:27 Rotary polarization switch dropped-out big time, but recovered. 21-Oct-99 03:39 West 8, 260-20 sector. 16:56 Vertical pointing. 22-Oct-99 05:19 Stop collection.
22-Oct-99 P25254/55 JL 17:42 Started MAP SUR 23-Oct-99 07:50 Rotated sector to 30-150, and RHIs 08:00 Rotated sector to 330-90; removed .5, 1.3, added .7 09:20 Rotated sector to 290-50 12:09 Vertical pointing; not so good. 16:30 Shutdown.
24-Oct-99 P25256 MS 06:00 MAP SUR
25-Oct-99 P25257 MS 06:09 MAP SUR
27-Oct-99 P25258 MS 09:42 Clear air scans.
30-Oct-99 P25259 JV 12:56 West 10 started. 15:33 MAP SUR.
31-Oct-99 P25260 TR/DF 02:10 Start SUR ops. 02:20 Restart processor. 02:12 Noted the following test pulse values (range 116.0 km) DBZH= 50.62 HDBM= -58.94 V= -8.07 PHIDP= 56.97 ZDR= -.78 DBZV= 51.29 VDBM= -58.55 LDR= .50 RHOHV= 1.00 06:42 Stop.
02-Nov-99 P25261-65 MS 19:13 MAP SUR 03-Nov-99 09:10 Went vertical pointing mode, light precip. 15:00 RHI for aircraft. 16:10 MAP SUR 19:30 30 min WEST 8. 04-Nov-99 00:39 2.5 SUR too fast. No sweep file generated. Changed AZ rate from 8.8 5.5, samples 94 to 130. 08:02 Vertical pointing; light precip. 08:09 End vertical. Had to reset processor. Restarted 30-min WEST 8. 08:34 Changed RHIs in 30-min WEST 8 to 308-336 with 1-deg step. 14:00 Restarted tape. POC not getting sweep files. 05-Nov-99 00:22 Noted the following test pulse values (range 116.4 km) DBZH= 50.67 HDBM= -58.8 V= -8.07 PHIDP= 55.27 ZDR= -.8 DBZV= 51.38 VDBM= -58.39 LDR= .55 RHOHV= 1.00 08:10 Went to MAP SUR 10:10 End of ops.
05-Nov-99 P25266/67 MS 19:02 MAP SUR. 06-Nov-99 09:00 Changed to 30-min WEST 8, 270-30 sector. 12:40 Went to MAP SUR scan.
Initials | Name |
SE | Scott Ellis |
DF | Don Ferraro |
JH | Jean Hurst |
JK | Jeff Keeler |
JL | Jon Lutz |
AP | Al Phinney |
RR | Bob Rilling |
TR | Tim Rucker |
MS | Mike Strong |
PT | Peggy Taylor |
JVA | Joe VanAndel |
LV | Lou Verstrate |
JV | Joe Vinson |