The GIF image control toolbar provides fast reverse, backspace, stop, forward space, and fast forward capabilities for progression through the series of GIF images. An attempt has been made to make the commands issued from the toolbar logical and robust.
This is the toolbar:
The functions of the toolbar are defined as follows:
step forward in time a single image
step backward in time a single image
progress forward automatically, one image after another
progress backward automatically, one image after another
stop automatic image progression
Note that most control buttons will turn red (some briefly, some until another appropriate action is selected). The meaning of the red buttons should be obvious.
The speed of the automatic image progression can be
controlled with the
buttons. These
buttons will become disabled when you run out of adjustment range in a
given direction. These buttons are also designed to briefly turn
yellow when a selection is actually registered by the running code.
When using the GIF control options, you may effectively replay limited sequences of images by combining automatic progression with explicit selection of a start frame (from the list of times below the control widget). Selecting a frame from the list, while automatic progression is in use will cause a jump to the selected frame, with progression continuing from that frame. You may create the effect of movie looping.
Note that some actions may take a while to register, particularly when you are pushing your browser to the limits of its capabilities. Be somewhat patient when making button selections.