Full Name: Ultra-High Sensitivity Aerosol Spectrometer
Short Name or Acronym: UHSAS
Model if applicable: (DMT UHSAS-a)
Measurements Provided: aerosol size distribution and concentration, 60- 1000 nm dia
Manufacturer or Builder of the Instrument: PMI (Particle Metrics, Inc.) subsequently acquired by DMT
When Acquired: March 2007 delivery
Operational Status (requestable, under development, obsolete, etc.): requestable
General Description:
The specifications for the instrument limit its operation to > -40ºC and < 12 km altitude, and there have been some operational problems at higher altitude and lower temperature, notably noise in the first channels or anomalously low measurements of concentration. These have been addressed through modifications to the instrument and are not expected to be present in future experiments beyond 2012. The instrument covers the full size range through the use of two different detectors, each having two different gain circuits, and there is some overlap among the sensitive regions of these four channels so the instrument must choose the best signal for each size pulse. The ranges change somewhat during flight, so sometimes gaps or discontinuities develop in the size distributions. This also has been addressed in recent changes and is expected to be of less concern in projects beyond 2012.
The probe must receive a startup record, which can come from a host laptop PC with a LabView application, or from a static record sent by a Data System Module (DSM). The instrument fits in a standard 6" instrument wing pod.
Calibration Methods: particle size - use monodisperse aerosol particles, typically PSL or any aerosol source with DMA system; air flow rate - Gilibrator; pressure - use RAF standard
History of Significant Changes to the Instrument:
Description of Software, Data Handling, and Data Flow:
Software Components (data acquisition, display, processing, and analysis):
Data logging & display is provided by a mix of vendor-provided LabView code on a host laptop and the RAF Airborne Data System. Variables CONCU and CUHSAS are respectively the concentration (ambient cm-3) and size distribution (ambient cm-3 per channel in 100 channels), normally output at 1 Hz. The probe provides measurements that are recorded at 10 Hz, so higher time resolution can be obtained through special high-rate processing. Additional variables represent the temperature and pressure in the canister, the laser current, flow rates, and other instrument housekeeping measurements. The boundaries of the bins of the size distribution are recorded as attributes in the netCDF data files. The data files also contain the mean diameter of the size distribution (DBARU) and the concentrations that exceed 100 and 500 um (CONCU_100 and CONCU_500).
Data Processing Chain (from flight to archival):
Digital size distributions are provided to the NIDAS data system and that system records them with other measurements, then the resulting "raw" or "ADS-format" data files are processed by the 'nimbus' processing program to produce netCDF-format data files for archival. For many projects, other measurements not acquired by NIDAS may be merged into these data files to produce more comprehensive final archive files. There is normally documentation included in the netCDF header describing each measurement. For more information, see this page: StandardDataPath. Relevant routines in nimbus are nimbus asas.c and pcasp.c
QA Procedures and Needs:
LabView procedure calculates coefficients for three size ranges where there are overlaps. This procedure is initiated by the operator, using LabView on the host laptop computer.
Safety Issues: none
Examples of Measurements:
Lead Contact: Dave Rogers
More description of this probe is on this EOL web page, and on the NCAR U: drive (U:\EOL\EOL Users\dcrogers\UHSAS).
A description by the current manufacturer is available at this DMT web site. This description is a little out-of-date because it doesn't take into account a recent change, as described in the next item:
http://catalog.eol.ucar.edu/hippo3/other/report.NCAR_G5.20100329.UHSAS_report.html -- a preliminary description of the performance of this instrument during the early flights of HIPPO-3
DMT Manual (50 pages).
http://www.dropletmeasurement.com/products/ground-based/uhsas.htm. This is the ground-based version; the airborne version has similar characteristics.
Cai, Y., D.C. Montague, W. Mooiweer-Bryan, T. Deshler, 2008: Performance characteristics of the ultra high sensitivity aerosol spectrometer for particles between 55 and 800 nm: Laboratory and field studies. J. Aerosol Sci., 39, 759--769.
Internal users: See http://wiki.eol.ucar.edu/rafscience/UHSAS (last edited 2012-12-13)