Full Name: In-Cloud Air Temperature Radiometer
Short Name or Acronym: ITR
Model if applicable:
Measurements Provided: Radiometric ambient air temperature
Manufacturer or Builder of the Instrument: RAF
When Acquired: 2011
Operational Status:
not on request list but could be available if requested
General Description:
Measures air temperature by comparing air radiance in CO2 4.3 um band with a reference blackbody at near-ambient temperature. Generally unaffected by wetting caused by cloud passes so the main use is anticipated to be in clouds and immediately upon leaving clouds when the Rosemount sensors are affected by wetting or evaporation.
Measurement Characteristics:
Calibration Methods: Initially the calibration is being done in the same manner as for the Ophir radiometer - a 3 component linear least-squares fit, consisting of the detector signal, the blackbody temperature, and an internal optics bench temperature, is performed against the aircraft reference temperature ATX. If the system shows sufficient stability then it can be calibrated against lab blackbody sources to give a temperature measurement independent of ATX.
History of Significant Changes to the Instrument:
Description of Software, Data Handling, and Data Flow: Internal firmware records detector voltage when looking at the air and at the reference blackbody, and records the internal RTD voltage measurements. Many samples are averaged over 0.1 second. These are currently output as raw counts.
Software Components (data acquisition, display, processing, and analysis):
Data Processing Chain (from flight to archival): Currently raw counts for RTD voltage are converted to temperatures. The fit coefficients are applied to the detector voltage and RTD temperatures. Data processing follows the standard data path for RAF measurements: instrument -> NIDAS -> nimbus -> netCDF archives. See this page for more information.
QA Procedures and Needs: Compare against ATX, check for sun glints, roll-induced offsets
Safety Issues: None
Examples of Measurements:
Lead Contact: Stuart Beaton
Internal users: See http://wiki.eol.ucar.edu/rafscience/RadiometricThermometer (last edited 2012-12-10)