Description of Software, Data Handling, and Data Flow: - Raw data (counts) from three channels
- Calibration applied using target brightness temp and ambient measurement from aircraft sensors
- Large set of historical radiosondes acquired for region and season; run through radiative transfer model to calculate corresponding brightness temperature profile
- Retrieval coefficients generated from modeled brightness temperature profiles (i.e., regression coefficients relate brightness temperature to physical temperature)
- Identify best match between measured brightness temperature profile and modeled brightness temperature profile
- Apply retrieval coefficients from best match to measured brightness temperature profile to obtain physical temperature profile
Software Components (data acquisition, display, processing, and analysis):
- Real-time Data Acquisition -- straightforward
- Display -- profiles, temperature curtain plots, isentropes, housekeeping variables
- Processing -- multi-stage with multiple software components (RAOBget, RAOBmanager, RCcalc, MTPbin, MTPsim, some interim calculations in Excel spreadsheets)
Data Processing Chain (from flight to archival): - Pre-project -- acquire raobs in region and season of project. Generate retrieval coefficients for preliminary, real-time retrievals
- Field -- Process data post-flight
- Post-project --
- Select an in situ temperature measurement for use in gain calculation.
- Acquire raobs near flight tracks plus large set of "similar" raobs.
- Generate final retrieval coefficients.
- Initial processing of each flight, generate additional retrieval coefficients as needed.
- Determine side lobe errors, apply corrections, reprocess.
- Determine errors arising from statistical retrieval process.
- Edit suspicious scans manually.
QA Procedures and Needs: