Full Name: Inertial Navigation System, A.K.A Inertial Reference Unit
Short Name or Acronym:IRU
Model if applicable: GV: Laseref IV P/N HD2001; C-130: Laseref V-SM P/N YG4037AB07
Measurements Provided: Aircraft position (Latitude, longitude, baro-inertial altitude), N-S, E-W ground speeds, baro-inertial (pressure damped) vertical aircraft speed, and aircraft attitude angles (pitch, roll, true heading/yaw).
Manufacturer or Builder of the Instrument: Honeywell Aerospace
When Acquired: 2005 / 2011
Operational Status:
General Description:
Measurement Characteristics:Position and ground speed data subject to Shuler Oscillation drift errors until blended with GPS data in post processing. Additionally there are "transport delays" and digital filtering in the IRU computer that are accounted for in post processing to align measurements with other recorded data.
Calibration Methods: Initially "sighted - in" on the leveled aircraft for offsets in attitude angles and reference to (radome) gust probe.
History of Significant Changes to the Instrument: none
Description of Software, Data Handling, and Data Flow:
Software Components (data acquisition, display, processing, and analysis):
Data Processing Chain (from flight to archival): Standard aeros data acquisition and processing via nimbus to archived netCDF data files. "Raw" data from aircraft are blended with GPS data in post processing (nimbus) and transport delays are accounted for. See the StandardDataPath page for more information on data processing.
QA Procedures and Needs: check of final position errors post flight
Safety Issues: none
Examples of Measurements:
Lead Contact: Robert Olson
Internal users: See http://wiki.eol.ucar.edu/rafscience/InertialReferenceUnits (last edited 2012-12-08)