This humidity sensor sensor provides a direct measurement of ambient ambient dew point temperature using an optically monitored chilled / heated mirror surface. The temperature of the mirror is monitored and controlled to maintain a uniform level of condensation on the surface.
Full Name: Thermo-electronic Dew Point Sensor
Short Name or Acronym:DP_type
Model if applicable: Buch Research Model 1011C
Measurements Provided: Dew Point Temperature leading to other derived humidity variables
Manufacturer or Builder of the Instrument: Buck Research
When Acquired: 2002
Operational Status: Part of Standard State Parameter Package
General Description:
Measurement Characteristics:Range:-80 to 50C; Accuracy: 0.5C > 0.0 or 1.0C < 0.0; Response Time: 0.2 to 10 s, response time varies as as function of dew point depression
Calibration Methods: Annual recertification by manufacturer; pre and post deployment calibrations using CARI Calibration Cart
History of Significant Changes to the Instrument: cavity pressure measurements added to GV sensors
Description of Software, Data Handling, and Data Flow:
Software Components (data acquisition, display, processing, and analysis): Standard "nimbus" processing
Data Processing Chain (from flight to archival): See the discussion of processing algorithms referenced in the "Documentation" section at the bottom of this page. The standard processing converts to temperature measured by the sensor in contact with the mirror into an ambient dewpoint and other derived humidity variables, but there are some subtleties involved that are documented in those notes. The primary output variables are dew point DPXC and vapor pressure EDPC. DPXC represents the ambient dew point, even below 0ÂșC, as related to temperature by the Murphy and Koop (2006) equilibrium vapor-pressure relationship (without enhancement of the equilibrium vapor pressure by the presence of air). It is corrected for the difference in pressure between the sensor housing and the ambient air and for the enhancement factor that arises from the presence of air in addition to water vapor. DPXC is selected by the project manager on the basis of which sensor (right or left) appears to provide the best measurement in a particular project and flight. These become part of the standard netCDF data archives produced by the RAF. See the StandardDataPath page for more information.
QA Procedures and Needs: comparison against redundant measurements and against temperature during cloud passes
Safety Issues: none
Examples of Measurements:
Lead Contact: Kurt Zrubek
Basis for the vapor pressure calculations and conversion to/from dewpoint
Internal users: See (last edited 2012-12-08)