Full Name: Counter-flow Virtual Impactor inlet
Short Name or Acronym: CVI
Model if applicable:
Measurements Provided: Depends on the choice of instruments that are fed by CVI. May include cloud particle concentration, condensate mass, water vapor (for isotopic analysis) and aerosol particle residuals.
Manufacturer or Builder of the Instrument: CVI designed and built by NCAR/EOL
When Acquired:
Operational Status:
requestable, ready for deployment (special request)
General Description:
Measurement Characteristics:
Calibration Methods:
History of Significant Changes to the Instrument:
Description of Software, Data Handling, and Data Flow:
Software Components (data acquisition, display, processing, and analysis): Data acquisition is a mix of LabView control and display, plus aircraft data system logging.
Data Processing Chain (from flight to archival): Data reduction and q/a are done separately, then results are merged into netcdf files.
QA Procedures and Needs:
Safety Issues:
Examples of Measurements:
Lead Contact: Cindy Twohy; Dave Rogers
see also EOL web page CVI General information
Internal users: See http://wiki.eol.ucar.edu/rafscience/CVI (last edited 2012-12-13)