Full Name: Georgia Tech Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer
Short Name or Acronym: GT CIMS
Model if applicable:
Measurements Provided: sulfur dioxide, nitric acid, pernitric acid, and nitrous acid. Many others are possible, including an organic detection mode.
Manufacturer or Builder of the Instrument: Greg Huey, Georgia Tech
When Acquired: delivered 2009; flight tests in 2010 during DC3 Test; accepted 2010
Operational Status:
requestable, ready for deployment
General Description:
Measurement Characteristics: Contact Greg Huey or Frank Flocke for current information on the performance of this instrument.
Calibration Methods:
History of Significant Changes to the Instrument:
Description of Software, Data Handling, and Data Flow:
Software Components (data acquisition, display, processing, and analysis): Measurements are recorded by this instrument and must be merged into the standard netCDF archive files that RAF produces. In the future, information can be recorded in the standard way at least for first-look information.
Data Processing Chain (from flight to archival):
QA Procedures and Needs:
Safety Issues: gas cylinder needed, SF6 (non-toxic)
Examples of Measurements:
Lead Contact: Frank Flocke
Proposal (treat as confidential)
Internal users: See http://wiki.eol.ucar.edu/rafscience/CIMS (last edited 2012-12-13)