Full Name: Airborne Vertical Atmospheric Profiling System (dropsonde)
Short Name or Acronym: AVAPS or dropsonde
Model if applicable: AVAPS-III (using smaller-profile sondes)
Measurements Provided: Soundings of temperature, humidity, and wind from the altitude of the aircraft to the surface
Manufacturer or Builder of the Instrument: NCAR/EOL/ISSF
When Acquired: scheduled for completion in early 2013
Operational Status:
still under development
General Description:
Measurement Characteristics:
Calibration Methods:
History of Significant Changes to the Instrument:
Description of Software, Data Handling, and Data Flow:
Software Components (data acquisition, display, processing, and analysis):
Data Processing Chain (from flight to archival): Data from the sondes are recorded on the aircraft and subsequently processed by NCAR/EOL/ISF, which provides quality-controlled soundings using the "Aspen" software program. For information on the formats and that program, see http://www.eol.ucar.edu/data/software.
QA Procedures and Needs:
Safety Issues:
Examples of Measurements:
Lead Contact: Terry Hock, ISSF
Internal users: See http://wiki.eol.ucar.edu/rafscience/AirborneVerticalAtmosphericProfilingSystem (last edited 2012-12-08)