Full Name: Two-Dimensional Optical Array Cloud Probe
Short Name or Acronym: 2D OAP or 2DC
Model if applicable: 2DC
Measurements Provided: two-dimensional images of hydrometeors
Manufacturer or Builder of the Instrument: Particle Measuring Systems, Inc.
When Acquired: pre-1995
Operational Status:
requestable, ready for deployment
General Description:
The 2DC records the two-dimensional shadow cast by a hydrometeor as it passes through a laser beam. The image of the shadow is focused onto a plane containing a linear photodiode array, and the status of the elements of that array (illuminated or not) is recorded at a rate that permits reconstruction of the image. Fpr the 2DC, the array has resolution for the image of 25 micrometer along the linear array, so to provide rectangular resolution at 100 m/s the array must be sampled at 4 MHz. This section of RAF Bulletin 24 provides some additional information. The optical configuration is shown in the following diagram:
Optical Diagram of a 2DC probe. Additional mirrors and lenses are not shown here. The shadow of the hydrometeor passes over the diode array as the aircraft moves in the flight direction, so rapid sampling of that array records the image of the hydrometeor.
Measurement Characteristics:
Overall estimate of uncertainty: For sizes above 125 micrometers, the uncertainty in concentration is approximately as determined by counting statistics, but for sizes below 125 micrometers the concentrations can be in error by as much as a factor of five (arising from mis-application of the depth of field to mis-sized images). Often in processed files there is no correction for reduced depth-of-field at small sizes, so users must apply corrections or else use only the size range where the depth-of-field is limited by the sample arms (i.e., >= 125 micrometers).
Calibration Methods:
History of Significant Changes to the Instrument:
Description of Software, Data Handling, and Data Flow:
Software Components (data acquisition, display, processing, and analysis):
Data Processing Chain (from flight to archival): Data processing produces two types of output, one consisting of normal variables produced at the frequency of other standard measurements and summarizing the size distribution and derived characteristics, the second providing data files with full image information that can be used with special software (like the package XPMS provided by RAF) to examine and analyze the images. The former follow the standard data processing chain as described on the StandardDataPath page; the latter are special-format archives saved in a format that is usable by some available programs to examine the images and perform finer-scale analyses.
QA Procedures and Needs:
Safety Issues:
Examples of Measurements:
Lead Contact: Jorgen Jensen
Bulletin 24 section that describes the 2DC
Internal users: See http://wiki.eol.ucar.edu/rafscience/2DC (last edited 2012-12-10)