T-REX Logo, 10983 byte jpg

Project # 2006-503 T-REX

Terrain-induced Rotor EXperiment

Principal Investigator(s):   Vanda Grubišic´, et al.

NSF/NCAR Gulfstream-V (N677F)

RAF Logo, 5,367 byte png

Low-Rate Variable List from Production netCDF File

If a variable name shows a hyperlink, clicking on it will display information from RAF Bulletin No. 9

Name Units Description
Time seconds since 2006-04-02 14:39:00 +0000time of measurement
ACINS m/s2IRS Vertical Acceleration
ACINS_IRS2 m/s2IRS Vertical Acceleration
ADIFR hPaVertical Differential Pressure, Radome
ALT_GmAvionics GPS Altitude (MSL)
ALT_IRS2mIRS Altitude
PACN_WCNhPaWCN Absolute Pressure
AT_A deg_CADC Ambient Air Temperature
BDIFR hPaHorizontal Differential Pressure, Radome
CNTS_WCNcountWCN Accumulated Particle Counts
CONCN_WCN#/cm3WCN Aggregated Concentration
DK_LHLcountZero Level, TDL Strong Absorption Line
DK_LHScountZero Level, TDL Weak Absorption Line
DPLS deg_CDew/Frost Point Temperature, Fuselage Left
DPRS deg_CDew/Frost Point Temperature, Fuselage Right
DRFTAdegreeIRS Drift Angle
DRFTA_IRS2degreeIRS Drift Angle
ETCN_WCNsWCN Sample Time (Elapsed Time)
FSACN_WCNcm3/minWCN Sample Flow Rate
GGALT mReference GPS Altitude (MSL)
GGLAT degree_NReference GPS Latitude
GGLON degree_EReference GPS Longitude
GGNSATcountReference GPS number of satellites tracked
GGSPD m/sReference GPS Ground Speed
GGSTATUSnoneReference GPS rcvr status: 1=OK(A), 0=warning(V)
GGTRKdegree_TReference GPS Track Angle
GGVEW m/sReference GPS Ground Speed Vector, East Component
GGVNS m/sReference GPS Ground Speed Vector, North Component
GSF m/sIRS Aircraft Ground Speed
GSF_Gm/sAvionics GPS Ground Speed
GSF_IRS2 m/sIRS Aircraft Ground Speed
GSTAT_GnoneAvionics GPS Sensor Status
TGCN_WCNdeg_CWCN Growth Tube Temperature
GTIME_GsAvionics GPS UTC Measure Time
IDX_LHLcountSpectral Line Position, TDL Strong Absorption Line
IDX_LHScountSpectral Line Position, TDL Weak Absorption Line
IWD_IRS2degree_TIRS Wind Direction
IWS_IRS2m/sIRS Wind Speed
LAT degree_NIRS Latitude
LAT_Gdegree_NAvionics GPS Latitude
LAT_IRS2 degree_NIRS Latitude
LON degree_EIRS Longitude
LON_Gdegree_EAvionics GPS Longitude
LON_IRS2 degree_EIRS Longitude
MACH_AnoneADC Mach Number
MCN_WCNnoneWCN Current Operating Mode
NOSETMPdeg_CRadome Environmental Box Temperature
TOCN_WCNdeg_CWCN Optics Temperature
PALT_AmADC Pressure Altitude
PCAB hPaInterior Cabin Static Pressure
PCELL_LHShPaSample Cell Pressure, TDL Weak Absorption Line
PCN_WCNhPaWCN Absolute Pressure
PDUMPPLhPaPressure of instrument exhaust duct, left
PDUMPPRhPaPressure of instrument exhaust duct, right
PHIM2VPressure in sample tube of HIMIL inlet
PITCH degreeIRS Aircraft Pitch Angle
PITCH_IRS2 degreeIRS Aircraft Pitch Angle
PLWC VRaw PMS-King Liquid Water Content Output
PP2F_LHLcount2f Signal Amplitude, TDL Strong Absorption Line
PP2F_LHScount2f Signal Amplitude, TDL Weak Absorption Line
PSF hPaRaw Static Pressure, Fuselage
PS_AhPaADC Static Pressure
PT_AhPaADC Total Pressure
PWR_LHLcountLaser Power, TDL Strong Absorption Line
PWR_LHScountLaser Power, TDL Weak Absorption Line
QCF hPaRaw Dynamic Pressure, Fuselage
QCR hPaRaw Dynamic Pressure, Radome
QC_AhPaADC Impact Pressure
ROLL degreeIRS Aircraft Roll Angle
ROLL_IRS2 degreeIRS Aircraft Roll Angle
RPCN_WCNnoneWCN Raw Photometric Value
FSHCN_WCNcm3/minWCN Sheath Flow Rate
SFLCN_WCNnoneWCN Status Flags
TSCN_WCNdeg_CWCN Saturator Temperature
TAS_Am/sADC True Air Speed
TCAB1deg_CCabin Temperature at CHAPS Rack Location
TCAB1DIAdeg_CCabin Temperature at CHAPS Rack Location
TCAB2deg_CCabin Temperature at Chemistry Rack Location
TCAB3deg_CCabin Temperature at Aerosol Rack Location
TCAB4deg_CCabin Temperature at TDL Hygrometer Rack Location
TCELL_LHSdeg_CSample Cell Temperature, TDL Weak Absorption Line
FTCN_WCNcm3/minWCN Total Flow Rate
THDG degree_TIRS Aircraft True Heading Angle
THDG_IRS2 degree_TIRS Aircraft True Heading Angle
TKATdegree_TIRS Aircraft Track Angle
TKAT_Gdegree_TAvionics GPS Track Angle
TKAT_IRS2degree_TIRS Aircraft Track Angle
TTRL deg_CTotal Temperature, Radome Left
TT_Adeg_CADC Total Air Temperature
VEW m/sIRS Ground Speed Vector, East Component
VEW_Gm/sAvionics GPS Ground Speed Vector, East Component
VEW_IRS2 m/sIRS Ground Speed Vector, East Component
VNS m/sIRS Ground Speed Vector, North Component
VNS_Gm/sAvionics GPS Ground Speed Vector, North Component
VNS_IRS2 m/sIRS Ground Speed Vector, North Component
VSPD m/sIRS Vertical Speed
VSPD_Gm/sAvionics GPS Vertical Velocity
VSPD_IRS2 m/sIRS Vertical Speed
XCOMRppbvCO Mixing Ratio
XO3ppbRaw Ozone Mixing Ratio
ACVARm2/s4Vertical Acceleration Energy
AKRD degreeAttack Angle, Radome Diff. Pressure
AQRATIOnonePCOR Input Pressure Ratio
ATCdeg_CATRL/AT_A Filter Adjusted Ambient Temperature
ATRL deg_CAmbient Temperature, Radome Left
ATTACK degreeAttack Angle, Reference
ATX deg_CAmbient Temperature, Reference
DPLC deg_CDew Point Temperature, T-Electric Left
DPRC deg_CDew Point Temperature, T-Electric Right
DPXC deg_CDew Point Temperature, Reference
EDPC hPaAmbient Water Vapor Pressure, Reference
IASknotIndicated Airspeed
LATC degree_NGPS-Corrected Inertial Latitude
LONC degree_EGPS-Corrected Inertial Longitude
MR gram/kgMixing Ratio, T-Electric
MRTDL_LHL ppmvMixing Ratio, TDL Strong Absorption Line
MRTDL_LHS ppmvMixing Ratio, TDL Weak Absorption Line
ONEnoneConstant value of 1.
PALT mNACA Pressure Altitude
PALTF feetNACA Pressure Altitude
PLWCC gram/m3Corrected PMS-King Liquid Water Content
PSFC hPaCorrected Static Pressure, Fuselage
PSX hPaRaw Static Pressure, Reference
PSXC hPaCorrected Static Pressure, Reference
QCFC hPaCorrected Dynamic Pressure, Fuselage
QCRC hPaCorrected Dynamic Pressure, Radome
QCX hPaRaw Dynamic Pressure, Reference
QCXC hPaCorrected Dynamic Pressure, Reference
RHODR gram/m3Absolute Humidity, T-Electric Right
RHUM %Relative Humidity
SSLIP degreeSideslip Angle, Reference
SSRD degreeSideslip Angle, Radome Diff. Pressure
TASF m/sAircraft True Airspeed, Fuselage
TASHC m/sAircraft True Airspeed, Humidity Corrected
TASR m/sAircraft True Airspeed, Radome
TASX m/sAircraft True Airspeed, Reference
THETA KPotential Temperature
THETAE KEquivalent Potential Temperature
THETAV KVirtual Potential Temperature
TKEm2/s2Total Kinetic Energy
TTCdeg_CTTRL/TT_A Filter Adjusted Total Temperature
TTX deg_CTotal Temperature, Reference
UI m/sWind Vector, East Component
UIC m/sGPS-Corrected Wind Vector, East Component
UX m/sWind Vector, Longitudinal Component
UXC m/sGPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Longitudinal Component
VEWC m/sGPS-Corrected Inertial Ground Speed Vector, East Component
VI m/sWind Vector, North Component
VIC m/sGPS-Corrected Wind Vector, North Component
VNSC m/sGPS-Corrected Inertial Ground Speed Vector, North Component
VY m/sWind Vector, Lateral Component
VYC m/sGPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Lateral Component
WD degree_THorizontal Wind Direction
WDC degree_TGPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Direction
WI m/sWind Vector, Vertical Gust Component
WIC m/sGPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Vertical Gust Component
WS m/sHorizontal Wind Speed
WSC m/sGPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Speed
XMACH2 noneAircraft Mach Number Squared
ZEROnoneConstant value of 0.
LATDGdegree_NDGPS latitude
LONDGdegree_EDGPS longitude
ALTDGmDGPS antenna altitude (MSL, NAD83)
VEWDGm/sDGPS Ground Speed Vector, East Component
VNSDGm/sDGPS Ground Speed Vector, North Component
VSPDDGm/sDGPS vertical velocity
ALTXDGmDGPS altitude PSX reference (MSL, NAD83)
MRTDL ppmvMixing Ratio, TDL Strong Absorption Line
XO3MRppbvCorrected Ozone Mixing Ratio

Last update: Wed Nov 22 22:01:44 GMT 2006