Project #2005-304 RAINEX

NRL P-3 Orion

RAF Daily Activity Sheet

Project Name:  RAINEX Flight Date:   11 September 2005
Aircraft:  NRL P-3 Project #:  304 Flight Hour Allocation:  100
Location:  Tampa, FL PI:  Houze, et al. Duration:  15 August - 2 October 2005
Pilot:  ? ADS:  John Cowan PM:   Romashkin

Research Flight #:  RF05 Flight Hrs:   Project Total:  
Data Start Time:  16:41:30 UTC Data End Time:  00:57:11 UTC

IRU Performance: IRU Serial #:   432?
Departure Coordinates (MCF): LAT:  N  27° 50.9' LON:  W  82° 29.6'
Time in NAV:  15:18 UTC
Destination Coordinates (MCF): LAT:  N  27° 50.9' LON:  W  82° 29.6'
Destination Readout: LAT:  N  27° 50.2' LON:  W  82° 29.3'
Time OFF:  00:58 UTC
LAT Error LON Error Nav TimeTHDG Dest. LAT ERROR
S 0.7' E  0.3' 9.67 hr  N/A   N  27° 50.9' 0.08 nmi/hr

Technician Notes:

Numerous satcom dropouts -- 5 before takeoff.
QCR and QCF did not agree on takeoff -- fixed in about 5 minutes.
At 21:31 UTC disconnected satphone from power.   Noticing spikes in ALT, PITCH, ROLL that affect winds.   Satphone still powered off (on battery). [phone off - 12 counts <-- dropouts?]
QCR got water in it for a time; turbulence fixed it.
Did reverse heading on ferry home; starts at 23:38 UTC.

Project Manager Notes:
