Project #2005-304 RAINEX
NRL P-3 Orion
RAF Daily Activity Sheet - Katrina
Project Name: RAINEX | Flight Date: 27 August 2005 | |
Aircraft: NRL P-3 | Project #: 304 | Flight Hour Allocation: 100 |
Location: Tampa, FL | PI: Houze, et al. | Duration: 15 August - 2 October 2005 |
Pilot: ? | ADS: Ta | PM: Romashkin |
Research Flight #: RF01 | Flight Hrs: | Project Total: |
Data Start Time: 12:27:50 UTC | Data End Time: 21:39:50 UTC |
IRU Performance: | IRU Serial #: 432? | |
Departure Coordinates (NHK): | LAT: N 38° 19.6' | LON: W 76° 33.8' |
Time in NAV: 13:00 UTC | ||
Destination Coordinates (MCF): | LAT: N 27° 50.9' | LON: W 82° 29.6' |
Destination Readout: | LAT: N 27° 49.6' | LON: W 82° 32.6' |
Time OFF: 21:38 UTC |
LAT Error | LON Error | Nav TimeTHDG | Dest. LAT | ERROR | |
S 1.3' | W 3.0' | 8.63 hr | N/A | N 27° 50.9' | 0.34 nmi/hr * |
* IRU initialized with incorrect longitude.
Note: IRU performance calculation was NOT based on this incorrect coordinate. |
Technician Notes:
Take-off 13:16 UTC
About 30 minutes before take-off discwin hangup; restart ran OK.
At 13:28 UTC Iridium dropped out when the aircraft banked (found power off). Restarted Iridium at 13:30 UTC; at 13:52 UTC Iridium dropped out again; at 14:48 UTC Iridium dropped out again (power off); at 14:55 UTC Iridium dropped out and reset by itself. (Battery-full level showed zero.) Iridium total dropouts: 18 times.
All instruments working fine.
Hurricane Katrina began cat "4".
Project Manager Notes: