Project Name: PASE | Flight Date: 9 August 2007 | |
Aircraft: C-130Q | Project #: 2007-114 | Flight Hour Allocation: 121 / 178 |
Location: Kirimabati | Duration: 4 August - 8 September 2007 |
PI: Bandy, et al. | Pilot: Ringleman | ADS: Irwin | PM: Schanot |
Flight #: RF01 | Flight Hrs: 9.3 | Project Total: 9.3 / 37.8 |
Data Start Time: 17:23:41 UTC (17:59:49) | Data End Time: 03:14:48 UTC |
Block Out: 17:57 UTC | Block In: 03:18 UTC |
IRU Performance: | IRU Serial #: 176 | |
Departure Coordinates: | LAT: N 01° 59.1' | LON: W 157° 21.3' |
Time in NAV: 17:00 UTC | ||
Destination Coordinates: | LAT: N 01° 59.1' | LON: W 157° 21.3' |
Destination Readout: | LAT: N 02° 02.8' | LON: W 157° 21.3' |
Time OFF: 03:19 UTC |
LAT Error | LON Error | Nav TimeTHDG | Dest. LAT | ERROR | |
N 3.1' | 0.0' | 10.32 hr | - ° | N 01° 59.1' | 0.30 nmi/hr |
Technician Notes: |
Flow problems with Ultrafine CN continue. |
Project Manager Notes: |
Changed FCN offset in flow to match U of H XCNCOLD (-0.254) |