Project #1999-102 INDOEX
NSF/NCAR EC-130Q Hercules (N130AR)
Aircraft Variable List
Reference Variables | ||
Description | Units | Name |
Reference Ambient Temperature | C | ATX |
Reference Total Temperature | C | TTX |
Reference Ambient Static Pressure | mbar | PSXC |
Reference Dew Point Temperature | C | DPXC |
Reference Corrected Dynamic Pressure | mbar | QCXC |
Reference Raw Dynamic Pressure | mbar | QCX |
Reference True Air Speed | M/s | TASX |
Reference Liquid Water Content | g/M3 | PLWCC1 |
Reference Surface Temperature | C | RSTB1 |
Reference High Rate Mixing Ratio | g/kg | MRLA1 |
GPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Speed | M/s | XWSC |
GPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Direction | deg | XWDC |
GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, East Component | M/s | XUIC |
GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, North Component | M/s | XVIC |
GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Longitudinal Component | M/s | XUXC |
GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Latitudinal Component | M/s | XVYC |
GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Vertical Gust Component | M/s | XWIC |
GPS-Corrected IRS Ground Speed Vector, East Comp. | M/s | XVEWC |
GPS-Corrected IRS Ground Speed Vector, North Comp. | M/s | XVNSC |
Standard Variables | ||
Description | Units | Name |
Raw IRS Latitude Left | deg | LAT |
Raw IRS Longitude Left | deg | LON |
GPS Latitude | deg | GLAT |
GPS Longitude | deg | GLON |
Corrected Static Pressure (digital) Fuselage | mbar | PSFDC |
Corrected Static Pressure, Fuselage | mbar | PSFC |
Cabin Pressure | mbar | PCAB |
Ambient Temperature: Radome Right Side | C | ATRR |
Ambient Temperature: Radome Left Side | C | ATRL |
Ambient Temperature: Heated, Wing | C | ATWH |
Ambient Temperature: OPHIR-III, Wheel Well | C | OAT |
Corrected Dew Point Temperature, Top Fuselage | C | DPTC |
Corrected Dew Point Temperature, Bot Fuselage | C | DPBC |
Horizontal Wind Speed, Radome | M/s | WS |
Horizontal Wind Direction, Radome | deg | WD |
Wind Vector, Radome East Component | M/s | UI |
Wind Vector, Radome North Component | M/s | VI |
Wind Vector, Radome Longitudinal Component | M/s | UX |
Wind Vector, Radome Latitudinal Component | M/s | VY |
Wind Vector, Radome Vertical Gust Component | M/s | WI |
Pressure Altitude : MSL | M | PALT |
Pressure Altitude : MSL | ft | PALTF |
Radar Altitude : AGL | M | HGM232 |
Potential Temperature | K | THETA |
Equivalent Potential Temperature | K | THETAE |
Absolute Humidity, Top | g/M3 | RHODT |
Absolute Humidity: Lyman-alpha, Radome stub | g/M3 | RHOLA |
Absolute Humidity: Lyman-alpha, Radome crossflow | g/M3 | RHOLA1 |
Relative Humidity | % | RHUM |
Mixing Ratio, Reference | g/kg | MR |
Mixing Ratio, Lyman Alpha stub | g/kg | MRLA |
Mixing Ratio, Lyman Alpha crossflow | g/kg | MRLA1 |
Radiometric Surface Temperature: Raw | C | RSTB |
Radiometric Surface Temperature: Raw | C | RSTB1 |
Corrected Surface Temperature | C | XTSURF |
Shortwave Irradiance, Top | W/M2 | SWT |
Shortwave Irradiance, Bottom | W/M2 | SWB |
Infrared Irradiance, Top | W/M2 | IRTC |
Infrared Irradiance, Bottom | W/M2 | IRBC |
Ultraviolet Irradiance, Top | W/M2 | UVT |
Ultraviolet Irradiance, Bottom | W/M2 | UVB |
TSI CN Particle Concentration | N/cM3 | CONCN |
FSSP 100 Cloud Particle Concentration | N/cM3 | CONCF_RPC |
FSSP 100 Mean Particle Diameter | µM | DBARF_RPC |
FSSP 300 Cloud Particle Concentration | N/cM3 | CONC3_RPO |
FSSP 300 Mean Particle Diameter | µM | DBAR3_RPO |
260X Cloud Droplet Concentration | N/L | CONC6_OBL |
260X Mean Droplet Diameter | µM | DBAR6_OBL |
PCASP Aerosol Particle Concentration | N/cM3 | CONCP_IBL |
PCASP Mean Particle Diameter | µM | DBARP_IBL |
PMS 2D-C Droplet Concentrations | N/L | CONC2C |
PMS 2D-P Droplet Concentration | N/L | CONC2P |
FSSP Water/Ice Content | g/M3 | PLWCF_RPC |
260X Water/Ice Content | g/M3 | PLWC6_OBL |
Corrected King Probe Liquid Water Content, left wing | g/M3 | PLWCC |
Corrected King Probe Liquid Water Content, right wing | g/M3 | PLWCC1 |
Aircraft True Heading | deg | THDG |
Aircraft Roll Attitude Angle | deg | ROLL |
Aircraft Pitch Attitude Angle | deg | PITCH |
Aircraft IRS Vertical Velocity | M/s | VSPD |
Damped Aircraft Vertical Velocity | M/s | WP3 |
IRS Ground Speed, Left | M/s | GSF |
IRS Ground Speed Vector, East Comp. | M/s | VEW |
IRS Ground Speed Vector, North Comp. | M/s | VNS |
GPS Ground Speed Vector, North Comp. | M/s | GVNS |
GPS Ground Speed Vector, East Comp. | M/s | GVEW |
Aircraft True Airspeed, Fuselage | M/s | TASF |
Aircraft True Airspeed, Radome | M/s | TASR |
Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Fuselage | mbar | QCFC |
Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Radome | mbar | QCRC |
Raw Dynamic Pressure, Fuselage | mbar | QCF |
Raw Dynamic Pressure, Radome | mbar | QCR |
Attack Angle, Radome Diff. Pressure | deg | AKRD |
Sideslip Angle, Radome Diff. Pressure | deg | SSRD |
Vertical Differential Pressure, Radome | mbar | ADIFR |
Horizontal Differential Pressure, Radome | mbar | BDIFR |
Raw Static Pressure, (digital) Fuselage | mbar | PSFD |
Raw Static Pressure, Fuselage | mbar | XPSFD |
Raw Static Pressure, Fuselage | mbar | PSF |
Total Temperature, Radome Right | C | TTRR |
Total Temperature: Radome Left | C | TTRL |
Total Temperature: Heated, Wing | C | TTWH |
Raw Dew Point Temperature, Fuselage Top | C | DPT |
Raw Dew Point Temperature, Fuselage Bot | C | DPB |
Raw Lyman-alpha Voltage, Left Stub | Vdc | VLA |
Raw Lyman-alpha Voltage, Left Crossflow | Vdc | VLA1 |
Raw IR Irradiance, Top | W/M2 | IRT |
Raw IR Irradiance, Bottom | W/M2 | IRB |
Top Pyrgeometer Dome Temp. | C | DTT |
Top Pyrgeometer Sink Temp. | C | STT |
Bottom Pyrgeometer Dome Temp. | C | DTB |
Bottom Pyrgeometer Sink Temp. | C | STB |
Heimann Sensing Head Temp.: Housekeeping | C | TRSTB |
Raw Icing Rate Indicator | Vdc | RICE |
Raw King Probe Liquid Water Content | W | PLWC |
Raw King Probe Liquid Water Content | W | PLWC1 |
TSI CN Counter Output | N | CNTS |
TSI CN Counter Flow: Raw | slpm | FCN |
TSI CN Counter Sampling Pressure | mbar | PCN |
TSI CN Counter Sampling Temperature | C | CNTEMP |
TSI CN Counter Corrected Flow | slpm | FCNC |
TSI CN Counter Bypass Flow: Raw | slpm | XICN |
TSI CN Counter Corrected BYPASS Flow | slpm | XICNC |
C.A.I. Excess Flow | splm | INFLOW |
C.A.I. Corrected Excess Flow | vlpm | INFLOWC |
C.A.I. Shroud Static Pressure | mbar | INPS1 |
C.A.I. Sample Plane Static Pressure | mbar | INPS2 |
C.A.I. Exhaust Cone Static Pressure | mbar | INPS3 |
C.A.I. Shroud Dynamic Pressure | mbar | INQC1 |
C.A.I. Sample Plane Dynamic Pressure | mbar | INQC2 |
C.A.I. Exhaust Cone Dynamic Pressure | mbar | INQC3 |
C.A.I. Shroud True Air Speed | M/s | INTAS1 |
C.A.I. Sample True Air Speed | M/s | INTAS2 |
C.A.I. Exhaust Cone True Air Speed | M/s | INTAS3 |
C.A.I. Sample Plane Temperature | C | INTEMP |
Corrected TECO Ozone Concentration | PPB | TEO3C |
Raw TECO Ozone Output | PPB | TEO3 |
TECO Ozone Sampling Pressure | mbar | TEP |
TECO Ozone Sampling Temperature | C | TET |
Raw Carbon Monoxide Signal | Vdc | COCOR |
Corrected Carbon Monoxide Concentration | PPB | COCAL |
Carbon Monoxide Analyzer Status | Vdc | CMODE |
Gerber PVM-100 Liquid Water Content | g/M3 | XGLWC |
Gerber PVM-100 Status Mode | Vdc | XGMODE |
Gerber PVM-100 Effective Droplet Radius | µM | XGREFF |
Gerber PVM-100 Droplet Surface Area | µM2 | XGSFC |
Solar Azimuth Angle | radians | SOLAZ |
Solar Declination Angle | radians | SOLDE |
Solar Elevation Angle | radians | SOLEL |
Solar Zenith Angle | radians | SOLZE |
Radiometer Correction Factor | none | XRADCF |
Corrected Shortwave Irradiance, top | W/M2 | XSWTC |
CVI Corrected Condensed Water content | g/M3 | CVCWC |
CVI Concentration Factor | N | CVFACT |
CVI Corrected Volumetric Flow Rate | L/min | CVFX1C |
CVI Inlet Sampling Flag | N | CVINFLAG |
CVI Lyman-alpha Output Voltage | Vdc | CVLA |
CVI Cloud Particle Number Concentration | N/cM3 | CVN |
CVI Minimum Cut Radius | µM | CVRAD |
User Variables | ||
Description | Units | Name |
Univ. of Arizona Status | Vdc | AZSAMP |
Univ. of Arizona Sample Flow 1 | Vdc | AZFLOW1 |
Univ. of Arizona Sample Flow 2 | Vdc | AZFLOW2 |
Clarke Cold Particle Counts | N | XCNCOLD |
Clarke Cold Particle Concentration | N/cM3 | XCNCC |
Shetter Actinic Flux: Top Temp | Vdc | XDAFSTA |
Shetter Actinic Flux: Bottom Temp | Vdc | XDAFSTB |