Project #1999-102 INDOEX

NSF/NCAR EC-130Q Hercules (N130AR)

Summary of Calibration Factors

Pre-Calibration - 1/22/99
Variable (Units) Variable Name C1 C2 C3
Static Pressure-Fuselage (mbar) PSF 539.950 54.256 -0.0026
Dynamic Pressure-Fuselage (mbar) QCF 87.357 8.622 0.0012
Total Temperature-Radome Right (C) TTRR -1.980 6.004 -0.0009
Total Temperature-Radome Left (C) TTRL -3.45 6.023 0.0035
Remote Surface Temp. Bot. (C) RSTB -52.720 10.111 0.0000
Remote Surface Temp.-Bot. (C) RSTB1 -53.450 10.238 -0.0037
Downward Shortwave Irrad. (W/M2) SWT 2809.000 203.286 -7.7651
Upward Shortwave Irrad. (W/M2) SWB 2465.000 242.675 -0.3624
Downward Infrared Irrad. (W/M2) IRT 283.500 138.985 .7615
Upward Infrared Irrad. (W/M2) IRB 317.000 133.632 -1.2127
Downward Ultraviolet Irrad. (W/m2) UVT 84.100 8.240 -.0044
Upward Ultraviolet Irrad. (W/m2) UVB 35.300 3.530 -.0001
Dew Point Temperature-Bottom (C) DPB 0.000 9.961 -.0546
Dew Point Temperature-Top (C) DPT -1.560 9.991 -.0014
Vertical Press. Diff. Radome (mbar) ADIFR 0.172 5.150 -.0050
Horizontal Press. Diff. Radome (mbar) BDIFR -0.065 5.131 .0010
Dynamic Pressure-Radome (mbar) QCR 86.374 8.626 -.0031
Cabin Pressure (mbar) PCAB -2.430 109.344 -.0797
CN Inlet Pressure (mbar) PCN 1498.100 148.495 -.0954
Total Temperature: Heated-Wing (C) TTWH -0.810 6.345 -.0343
CAI Shroud Static Pressure (mbar) INPS1 140.400 188.237 .2262
CAI Sample Plane Static Press. (mbar) INPS2 1029.800 103.262 -.0052
CAI Exhaust Cone Static Press. (mbar) INPS3 1030.500 103.395 .0080
CAI Shroud Dynamic Press. (mbar) INQC1 260.500 27.790 -.0047
CAI Sample Plane Dynamic Press. (mbar) INQC2 13.650 1.380 .0011
CAI Exhaust Cone Dynamic Press. (mbar) INQC3 51.500 5.168 .0016

Post-Calibration - 4/14/99
Variable (Units) Variable Name C1 C2 C3
Static Pressure-Fuselage (mbar) PSF 539.918 54.229 -.0047
Dynamic Pressure-Fuselage (mbar) QCF 86.689 8.620 -.0003
Total Temperature-Radome Right (C) TTRR -1.352 6.030 -.0055
Total Temperature-Radome Left (C) TTRL -2.841 6.043 -.0001
Remote Surface Temp: Bot. (C) RSTB -69.239 15.006 -.3072
Remote Surface Temp: Bot. (C) RSTB1 -57.917 11.807 -.0897
Downward Shortwave Irrad. (W/M2) SWT 3202.200 320.495 -.0550
Upward Shortwave Irrad. (W/M2) SWB 2604.500 256.172 -.4116
Downward Infrared Irrad. (W/M2) IRT 258.200 136.383 .0187
Upward Infrared Irrad. (W/M2) IRB 285.200 138.055 1.1857
Downward Ultraviolet Irrad. (W/M2) UVT 58.900 5.913 .0004
Upward Ultraviolet Irrad. (W/M2) UVB 84.400 8.443 .0016
Dew Point Temperature-Bottom (C) DPB -0.058 9.975 -.0310
Dew Point Temperature-Top (C) DPT -0.270 9.993 -.0050
Vertical Press. Diff. Radome (mbar) ADIFR -0.008 5.167 .0005
Horizontal Press. Diff. Radome (mbar) BDIFR -0.038 5.174 .0006
Dynamic Pressure-Radome (mbar) QCR 85.798 8.620 -.0017
Cabin Pressure (mbar) PCAB -2.460 109.171 -.0696
CN Inlet Pressure (mbar) PCN 1504.600 148.620 -.0797
Total Temperature:Heated- Wing (C) TTWH -0.456 6.199 -.0100
CAI Shroud Static Pressure (mbar) INPS1 140.288 188.164 .2384
CAI Sample Plane Static Press. (mbar) INPS2 1029.162 103.398 .0033
CAI Exhaust Cone Static Press. (mbar) INPS3 1030.377 103.396 .0043
CAI Shroud Dynamic Press. (mbar) INQC1 261.128 27.719 -.0115
CAI Sample Plane Dynamic Press. (mbar) INQC2 13.916 1.379 .0000
CAI Exhaust Cone Static Press.(mbar) INQC3 51.871 5.166 .0001

* Differences between the Pre- and Post-Calibrations were generally within acceptable levels, thus indicating generally stable response. Except for the channels indicated, Pre-Project calibrations have been used in the final data processing. In the case of the reference Heimann remote temperature sensor (RSTB1), it was necessary to apply a third-order calibration factor to achieve the best results.

+ Certain sensors had to be replaced during the course of the experiment. Post Calibration coefficients were used from the point of the exchange to the end of the project.

Calibration Manuevers 01/26/99, 03/16/99

RAF uses sets of in-flight maneuvers specifically designed to help evaluate the performance of the 3-D wind measurement system on the aircraft. Sets of maneuvers were flown on one early test flight and one of the research flights: TF03, RF13, respectively. In each case the variations observed fell within acceptable limits.

PMS-1D Probe Bin Sizes

The 260X, FSSP-100, FSSP-300 and PCASP 1-D probes were used on the project. The 260X probe provides measurements for 64 bins of 10 micrometers each. Listed below is the minimum droplet diameter (micrometers) of each sampling bin for the other three probes.

PMS-1D Probe Bin Diameter (micrometers)
bin FSSP-100 (Range 0) FSSP-300 PCASP
#1 2.3 0.30 0.10
#2 6.7 0.35 0.12
#3 10.7 0.40 0.14
#4 13.8 0.45 0.17
#5 17.0 0.50 0.20
#6 20.4 0.55 0.25
#7 23.8 0.60 0.30
#8 27.6 0.65 0.40
#9 32.0 0.70 0.50
#10 36.8 0.80 0.70
#11 41.8 0.90 0.90
#12 47.0 1.00 1.20
#13 52.2 1.20 1.50
#14 57.4 1.40 2.00
#15 62.6 1.70 2.50
#16 67.9
(upper size limit of last bin)
2.00 3.00
(upper size limit of last bin)
#17   2.50  
#18   3.00  
#19   3.50  
#20   4.00  
#21   4.50  
#22   5.00  
#23   6.00  
#24   7.00  
#25   8.00  
#26   9.00  
#27   10.00  
#28   12.00  
#29   14.00  
#30   16.00  
#31   18.00  
#32   20.00  

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Last update: Wed Mar 29 12:48:03 MST 2000