Project #2001-161 EPIC 2001

Eastern Pacific Investigation of Climate Processes in the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere System

Principal Investigators: David Raymond, et al.

NSF/NCAR EC-130Q Hercules (N130AR)

Aircraft Variable List from netCDF file (Low-Rate)

If a variable name shows a hyperlink, clicking on it will display information from RAF Bulletin No. 9

Name Units Description
base_time none Seconds since Jan 1, 1970.
time_offset none Seconds since base_time.
ADIFR mbar Vertical Differential Pressure, Radome
BDIFR mbar Horizontal Differential Pressure, Radome
CNTEMP C CN Counter Inlet Temperature
CNTS cnts TSI CN Counter Output
DPB C Dew/Frost Point Temperature, Fuselage Bottom
DPT C Dew/Frost Point Temperature, Fuselage Top
DTB C Pyrgeometer Dome Temperature, Bottom
DTT C Pyrgeometer Dome Temperature, Top
FCN slpm Raw CN Counter Sample Flow Rate
IRB W/M2 Raw Infrared Irradiance, Bottom
IRT W/M2 Raw Infrared Irradiance, Top
PCAB mbar Interior Cabin Static Pressure
PCN mbar CN Counter Inlet Pressure
PLWC W Raw PMS-King Liquid Water Content Output
PLWC1 W Raw PMS-King Liquid Water Content Output
PSF mbar Raw Static Pressure, Fuselage
PSFD1 cnts Raw PSFD, Low-order word
PSFD2 cnts Raw PSFD, High-order word
QCF mbar Raw Dynamic Pressure, Fuselage
QCR mbar Raw Dynamic Pressure, Radome
RICE Vdc Raw Icing-Rate Indicator
RSTB C Radiometric Surface Temperature
RSTB1 C Radiometric Surface Temperature
RSTT C Radiometric Sky/Cloud-Base Temperature
STB C Pyrgeometer Sink Temperature, Bottom
STT C Pyrgeometer Sink Temperature, Top
SWB W/M2 Shortwave Irradiance, Bottom
SWT W/M2 Shortwave Irradiance, Top
TEO3C ppbv Corrected TECO (UV) Ozone Concentration
TEO3P mbar Internal TECO Ozone Sampling Pressure
TRSTB C RSTB Sensor Head Temperature
TTRL C Total Temperature, Radome Left
TTRR C Total Temperature, Radome Right
TTWH C Total Temperature, Deiced Wing
UVB W/M2 Ultraviolet Irradiance, Bottom
UVT W/M2 Ultraviolet Irradiance, Top
VLA1 Vdc Raw Lyman-alpha Hygrometer Output
XGLWC g/M3 Gerber PV-100 Probe Liquid Water Content
XGMODE cnts Gerber PV-100 Probe Mode
XGREFF µM Gerber PV-100 Effective Droplet Radius
XGSFC cM2/M3 Gerber PV-100 Particle Surface Area (Raw)
XICN slpm CN Isokinetic Side Flow Rate
XOAT C Ambient Temperature, Ophir III
A1DC_RWI1 cnts 2D-C Accumulation, 260X Emulation (per cell)
A1DP_LWO1 cnts 2D-P Accumulation, 260X Emulation (per cell)
A260X_RWO cnts 260X Raw Accumulation (per cell)
A2DC_RWI2 cnts 2D-C Accumulation, Reconstruction (per cell)
A2DP_LWO2 cnts 2D-P Accumulation, Reconstruction (per cell)
ACINS M/s2 Aircraft Vertical Acceleration
AS100_LPC cnts FSSP-100 Raw Accumulation (per cell) - DMT
AS200_RPO cnts SPP-200 (PCASP) Raw Accumulation (per cell) - DMT
AS300_RPC cnts FSSP-300 Raw Accumulation (per cell) - DMT
ATLH C Total Temperature, TDL Hygrometer
DAY day Raw Tape Date Component
DT1DC_RWI1 ms PMS-2D Cloud Probe Dead Time
DT1DP_LWO1 ms PMS-2D Precip Probe Dead Time
DT2DC_RWI2 ms PMS-2D Cloud Probe Dead Time
DT2DP_LWO2 ms PMS-2D Precip Probe Dead Time
FREF3_RPC none SPP-300 Laser Reference Voltage
FREF_LPC none FSSP-100 Laser Reference Voltage
FRNG_LPC none FSSP-100 Size Range Category
FTMP3_RPC C SPP-300 Housekeeping Data
FTMP_LPC C FSSP-100 Housekeeping Data
GALT M GPS Altitude (MSL)
GLAT deg GPS Latitude
GLON deg GPS Longitude
GMODE none GPS Mode
GSF M/s Inertial Ground Speed
GSTAT none GPS Status
GVEW M/s GPS Ground Speed Vector, East Component
GVNS M/s GPS Ground Speed Vector, North Component
GVZI M/s GPS-Computed Aircraft Vertical Velocity
HGM232 M Geometric (Radar) Altitude (APN-232)
HGM232S none Geometric Altitude Status Monitor (APN-232)
HOUR hours Raw Tape Time Component
LAT deg Inertial Latitude
LON deg Inertial Longitude
MINUTE minutes Raw Tape Time Component
MONTH month Raw Tape Date Component
MRLHS g/kg Mixing Ratio, TDL Hygrometer - strong
ODETSG cnts Ophir-III Raw Detector Signal
OTBBC cnts Ophir-III Controlled Black Body Temperature
OVFLW_LPC cnts SPP-100 AtoD Converter Overflow/Overrange
P6E01_RWO Vdc 260X End Diode Voltage
P6E64_RWO Vdc 260X End Diode Voltage
P6RST_RWO cnts 260X Resets
P6TMP_RWO C 260X Temperature
PFLWS_RPO std cM3/s SPP-200 Sheath Flow
PFLW_RPO std cM3/s PCAS Flow
PHGB_RPO Vdc SPP-200 High-Gain Baseline
PITCH deg Aircraft Pitch Angle
PLGB_RPO Vdc SPP-200 Low-Gain Baseline
PMGB_RPO Vdc SPP-200 Mid-Gain Baseline
PREF_RPO Vdc PCAS Laser Reference Voltage
PSFD mbar Raw Static Pressure, Fuselage Digital
PSFRD mbar Raw Static Pressure, Fuselage (Ruska)
PSLH mbar Raw Static Pressure, TDL Hygrometer
PTMP_RPO C PCAS Detector Temperature
RDMAHVPS Vdc RDMA High Voltage Power Supply
RDMAPABS mbar RDMA Absolute Pressure
RDMAQA Lpm RDMA Aerosol Inflow
RDMAQEX Lpm RDMA Excess Outflow
RDMAQS Lpm RDMA Classified Aerosol Outflow
RDMAQSH Lpm RDMA Sheath Inflow
RDMARH % RDMA Relative Humidity
RDMATEMP C RDMA Sample Temperature
RDMAVD Vdc RDMA Dilution Valve Control Voltage
RDMAVSH Vdc RDMA Sheath Valve Control Voltage
REJAT_LPC Unk DMT-100 Reject Average Transit
REJDOF_LPC cnts Particles Rejected (Outside Depth-of-Field))
ROLL deg Aircraft Roll Angle
SECOND s Raw Tape Time Component
SHDORC_RWI cnts 2D-C Shadow OR Counts
SHDORP_LWO cnts 2D-P Shadow OR Counts
THDG deg Aircraft True Heading Angle
TKAT deg IRS Track Angle, True
VEW M/s Inertial Ground Speed Vector, East Component
VNS M/s Inertial Ground Speed Vector, North Component
VSPD M/s IRS-Computed Aircraft Vertical Velocity
YEAR year Raw Tape Date Component
AKRD deg Attack Angle, Radome Diff. Pressure
ALTX M Altitude, Reference (MSL)
ATRL C Ambient Temperature, Radome Left
ATRR C Ambient Temperature, Radome Right
ATTACK deg Attack Angle, Reference
ATWH C Ambient Temperature, Deiced Wing
ATX C Ambient Temperature, Reference
C1DC_RWI1 N/L 2D-C Concentration, 260X Emulation (per cell)
C1DP_LWO1 N/L 2D-P Concentration, 260X Emulation (per cell)
C260X_RWO N/L 260X Concentration (per cell)
C2DC_RWI2 N/L 2D-C Concentration, Reconstruction (per cell)
C2DP_LWO2 N/L 2D-P Concentration, Reconstruction (per cell)
CONC1DC_RWI1 N/L 2D-C Concentration, 260X Emulation (all cells)
CONC1DP_LWO1 N/L 2D-P Concentration, 260X Emulation (all cells)
CONC2C_RWI N/L 2D-C Concentration
CONC2DC_RWI2 N/L 2D-C Concentraton, Reconstruction (all cells)
CONC2DP_LWO2 N/L 2D-P Concentraton, Reconstruction (all cells)
CONC2P_LWO N/L 2D-P Concentration
CONC3_RPC N/cM3 FSSP-300 Concentration (all cells)
CONC6_RWO N/L 260X Concentration (all cells)
CONCF_LPC N/cM3 FSSP-100 Concentration (all cells)
CONCN N/cM3 Condensation Nuclei (CN) Concentration
CONCP_RPO N/cM3 PCAS Concentration (all cells)
CS100_LPC N/cM3 FSSP-100 Concentration (per cell) - DMT
CS200_RPO N/cM3 SPP-100 (PCASP) Concentration (per cell) - DMT
CS300_RPC N/cM3 FSSP-300 Concentration (per cell) - DMT
DBAR1DC_RWI1 µM 2D-C Mean Particle Diameter, 260X Emulation
DBAR1DP_LWO1 µM 2D-P Mean Particle Diameter, 260X Emulation
DBAR2DC_RWI2 µM 2D-C Mean Particle Diameter, Reconstruction
DBAR2DP_LWO2 µM 2D-P Mean Particle Diameter, Reconstruction
DBAR3_RPC µM FSSP-300 Mean Particle Diameter
DBAR6_RWO µM 260X Mean Particle Diameter
DBARF_LPC µM FSSP-100 Mean Particle Diameter
DBARP_RPO µM PCAS Mean Particle Diameter
DBZ1DC_RWI1 dBZ 2D-C Calculated Reflectivity, 260X Emulation
DBZ1DP_LWO1 dBZ 2D-P Calculated Reflectivity, 260X Emulation
DBZ2DC_RWI2 dBZ 2D-C Calculated Reflectivity, Reconstruction
DBZ2DP_LWO2 dBZ 2D-P Calculated Reflectivity, Reconstruction
DBZ6_RWO dBZ 260X Calculated Reflectivity
DBZF_LPC dBZ FSSP-100 Calculated Reflectivity
DIFF1 Unk No title
DISP1DC_RWI1 none 2D-C Dispersion, 260X Emulation (sigma/dbarx)
DISP1DP_LWO1 none 2D-P Dispersion, 260X Emulation (sigma/dbarx)
DISP2DC_RWI2 none 2D-C Dispersion, Reconstruction (sigma/dbarx)
DISP2DP_LWO2 none 2D-P Dispersion, Reconstruction (sigma/dbarx)
DISP6_RWO none 260X Dispersion (sigma/dbarx)
DISPF_LPC none FSSP-100 Dispersion (sigma/dbarx)
DISPP_RPO none PCAS Dispersion (sigma/dbarx)
DPBC C Dew Point Temperature, T-Electric Bottom
DPLA1 C Dew Point (Lyman Alpha)
DPTC C Dew Point Temperature, T-Electric Top
DPXC C Dew Point Temperature, Reference
EDPC mbar Ambient Water Vapor Pressure, Reference
FCNC vlpm Corrected CN Counter Sample Flow Rate
IRBC W/M2 Corrected Infrared Irradiance, Bottom
IRTC W/M2 Corrected Infrared Irradiance, Top
LATC deg GPS-Corrected Inertial Latitude
LONC deg GPS-Corrected Inertial Longitude
MR g/kg Mixing Ratio, T-Electric
MRLA1 g/kg Mixing Ratio, Lyman-alpha
OAT C Ambient Temperature, Ophir III
ONE none Constant value of 1.
PALT M NACA Pressure Altitude
PALTF feet NACA Pressure Altitude
PFLWC_RPO vol cM3/s PCAS Corrected Flow
PLWC1DC_RWI1 g/M3 2D-C Water/Ice Content, 260X Emulation
PLWC1DP_LWO1 g/M3 2D-P Water/Ice Content, 260X Emulation
PLWC2DC_RWI2 g/M3 2D-C Water/Ice Content, Reconstruction
PLWC2DP_LWO2 g/M3 2D-P Water/Ice Content, Reconstruction
PLWC6_RWO g/M3 260X Water/Ice Content
PLWCC g/M3 Corrected PMS-King Liquid Water Content
PLWCC1 g/M3 Corrected PMS-King Liquid Water Content
PLWCF_LPC g/M3 FSSP-100 Water/Ice Content
PSFC mbar Corrected Static Pressure, Fuselage
PSFDC mbar Corrected Static Pressure, Fuselage Digital
PSURF mbar Calculated Surface Pressure
PSX mbar Raw Static Pressure, Reference
PSXC mbar Corrected Static Pressure, Reference
QCFC mbar Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Fuselage
QCRC mbar Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Radome
QCX mbar Raw Dynamic Pressure, Reference
QCXC mbar Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Reference
RADCF none Radiation Correction Factor
RHLA1 % Relative Humidity (Lyman Alpha)
RHODT g/M3 Absolute Humidity, T-Electric Top
RHOLA1 g/M3 Absolute Humidity, Lyman-alpha
RHUM % Relative Humidity
SOLAZ radians Solar Azimuth Angle
SOLDE radians Solar Declination Angle
SOLEL radians Solar Elevation Angle
SOLZE radians Solar Zenith Angle
SSLIP deg Sideslip Angle, Reference
SSRD deg Sideslip Angle, Radome Diff. Pressure
SWTC W/M2 Shortwave Irradiance, Top, (Attitude-Corrected)
TASF M/s Aircraft True Airspeed, Fuselage
TASHC M/s Aircraft True Airspeed, Humidity Corrected
TASR M/s Aircraft True Airspeed, Radome
TASX M/s Aircraft True Airspeed, Reference
THETA K Potential Temperature
THETAE K Equivalent Potential Temperature
THETAV K Virtual Potential Temperature
TTX C Total Temperature, Reference
UI M/s Wind Vector, East Component
UIC M/s GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, East Component
UX M/s Wind Vector, Longitudinal Component
UXC M/s GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Longitudinal Component
VEWC M/s GPS-Corrected Inertial Ground Speed Vector, East Component
VI M/s Wind Vector, North Component
VIC M/s GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, North Component
VNSC M/s GPS-Corrected Inertial Ground Speed Vector, North Component
VY M/s Wind Vector, Lateral Component
VYC M/s GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Lateral Component
WD deg Horizontal Wind Direction
WDC deg GPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Direction
WI M/s Wind Vector, Vertical Gust Component
WIC M/s GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Vertical Gust Component
WP3 M/s Damped Aircraft Vertical Velocity
WS M/s Horizontal Wind Speed
WSC M/s GPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Speed
XICNC vlpm Corrected CN Isokinetic Side Flow Rate
XMACH2 none Aircraft Mach Number Squared
ZERO none Constant value of 0.
XTSURF C Estimated Surface Temperature

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Last update: Tue Apr 15 16:47:41 MDT 2003