Project #2001-161 EPIC 2001

Eastern Pacific Investigation of Climate Processes in the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere System

Principal Investigators: David Raymond, et al.

NSF/NCAR EC-130Q Hercules (N130AR)

Aircraft Variable List from netCDF file (High-Rate)

If a variable name shows a hyperlink, clicking on it will display information from RAF Bulletin No. 9

TTX C Total Temperature, Reference
Name Units Description
base_time s Seconds since Jan 1, 1970
time_offset s Seconds since base_time
RSTB1 C Radiometric Surface Temperature
RSTT C Radiometric Sky/Cloud-Base Temperature
SWB W/M2 Shortwave Irradiance, Bottom
SWT W/M2 Shortwave Irradiance, Top
TEO3C ppbv Corrected TECO (UV) Ozone Concentration
TTRL C Total Temperature, Radome Left
TTRR C Total Temperature, Radome Right
TTWH C Total Temperature, Deiced Wing
XGLWC g/M3 Gerber PV-100 Probe Liquid Water Content
DAY day Raw Tape Date Component
GLAT deg GPS Latitude
GLON deg GPS Longitude
GVEW M/s GPS Ground Speed Vector, East Component
GVNS M/s GPS Ground Speed Vector, North Component
HGM232 M Geometric (Radar) Altitude (APN-232)
HOUR hours Raw Tape Time Component
MINUTE minutes Raw Tape Time Component
PITCH deg Aircraft Pitch Angle
ROLL deg Aircraft Roll Angle
SECOND s Raw Tape Time Component
THDG deg Aircraft True Heading Angle
ALTX M Altitude, Reference (MSL)
ATRR C Ambient Temperature, Radome Right
ATWH C Ambient Temperature, Deiced Wing
ATX C Ambient Temperature, Reference
CONC3_RPC N/cM3 FSSP-300 Concentration (all cells)
CONC6_RWO N/L 260X Concentration (all cells)
CONCF_LPC N/cM3 FSSP-100 Concentration (all cells)
CONCN N/cM3 Condensation Nuclei (CN) Concentration
CONCP_RPO N/cM3 PCAS Concentration (all cells)
DBAR3_RPC µM FSSP-300 Mean Particle Diameter
DBAR6_RWO µM 260X Mean Particle Diameter
DBARF_LPC µM FSSP-100 Mean Particle Diameter
DBARP_RPO µM PCAS Mean Particle Diameter
DPLA1 C Dew Point (Lyman Alpha)
DPXC C Dew Point Temperature, Reference
MR g/kg Mixing Ratio, T-Electric
MRLA1 g/kg Mixing Ratio, Lyman-alpha
ONE none Constant value of 1.
PLWCC g/M3 Corrected PMS-King Liquid Water Content
PLWCC1 g/M3 Corrected PMS-King Liquid Water Content (second probe)
PLWCF_LPC g/M3 FSSP-100 Water/Ice Content
PSXC mbar Corrected Static Pressure, Reference
TASX M/s Aircraft True Airspeed, Reference
THETA K Potential Temperature
THETAE K Equivalent Potential Temperature
TTX C Total Temperature, Reference
UIC M/s GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, East Component
VIC M/s GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, North Component
WDC deg GPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Direction
WIC M/s GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Vertical Gust Component
WSC M/s GPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Speed
XTSURF C Calculated Surface Temperature

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Last update: Thu Apr 18 17:25:30 MDT 2002