Project #2001-161 EPIC 2001

Eastern Pacific Investigation of Climate Processes in the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere System

Principal Investigators: David Raymond, et al.

NSF/NCAR EC-130Q Hercules (N130AR)

Aircraft Variable List

If a variable name shows a hyperlink, clicking on it will display information from RAF Bulletin No. 9

Reference Variables
Description Units Name
Reference Altitude: MSL m ALTX
Reference Ambient Temperature C ATX
Reference Total Temperature C TTX
Reference Ambient Static Pressure mbar PSXC
Reference Dew Point Temperature C DPXC
Reference Corrected Dynamic Pressure mbar QCXC
Reference Raw Dynamic Pressure mbar QCX
Reference True Air Speed m/s TASX
Reference Liquid Water Content g/m3 PLWCC1
Reference Corrected Surface Temperature C XTSURF
GPS Corrected Horizontal Wind Speed m/s WSC
GPS Corrected Horizontal Wind Direction deg WDC
GPS Corrected Wind Vector, East Component m/s UIC
GPS Corrected Wind Vector, North Component m/s VIC
GPS Corrected Wind Vector, Longitudinal Component m/s UXC
GPS Corrected Wind Vector, Latitudinal Component m/s VYC
GPS Corrected Wind Vector, Vertical Gust Component m/s WIC
GPS Corrected IRS Ground Speed Vector, East Component m/s VEWC
GPS Corrected IRS Ground Speed Vector, North Component m/s VNSC

Standard Variables
Description Units Name
Raw IRS Latitude Left deg LAT
Raw IRS Longitude Left deg LON
GPS Latitude deg GLAT
GPS Longitude deg GLON
Corrected Static Pressure (digital) Fuselage mbar PSFDC
Corrected Static Pressure, Fuselage mbar PSFC
Cabin Pressure mbar PCAB
Ambient Temperature, Radome Right Side C ATRR
Ambient Temperature, Radome Left Side C ATRL
Ambient Temperature, Heated, Wing C ATWH
OPHIR-III Radiometric Ambient Temperature C OAT
Corrected Dew Point Temperature, Top Fuselage C DPTC
Corrected Dew Point Temperature, Bot Fuselage C DPBC
Corrected Dew Point Temperature, Lyman Alpha C DPLA
Corrected Dew Point Temperature, Laser Hygrometer C DPLH
Horizontal Wind Speed, Radome m/s WS
Horizontal Wind Direction, Radome deg WD
Wind Vector, Radome East Component m/s UI
Wind Vector, Radome North Component m/s VI
Wind Vector, Radome Longitudinal Component m/s UX
Wind Vector, Radome Latitudinal Component m/s VY
Wind Vector, Radome Vertical Gust Component m/s WI
Inertial Reference System Altitude: MSL m ALT
GPS Altitude: MSL m GALT
Pressure Altitude: MSL m PALT
Pressure Altitude: MSL ft PALTF
Radar Altitude: AGL m HGM232
Potential Temperature K THETA
Equivalent Potential Temperature K THETAE
Absolute Humidity, Top g/m3 RHODT
Absolute Humidity, Lyman Alpha g/m3 RHOLA1
Relative Humidity, Reference % RHUM
Relative Humidity, Lyman Alpha % RHLA1
Mixing Ratio, Reference g/kg MR
Mixing Ratio, Lyman Alpha g/kg MRLA1
Radiometric Surface Temperature, Raw C RSTB
Radiometric Surface Temperature, Reference C RSTB1
Radiometric Sky Temperature C RSTT
Shortwave Irradiance, Top W/m2 SWT
Shortwave Irradiance, Bottom W/m2 SWB
Infrared Irradiance, Top W/m2 IRTC
Infrared Irradiance, Bottom W/m2 IRBC
Ultraviolet Irradiance, Top W/m2 UVT
Ultraviolet Irradiance, Bottom W/m2 UVB
TSI CN Particle Concentration n/cm3 CONCN
FSSP 100 Cloud Particle Concentration n/cm3 CONCF_LPC
FSSP 100 Mean Particle Diameter µm DBARF_LPC
FSSP 300 Cloud Particle Concentration n/cm3 CONC3_RPC
FSSP 300 Mean Particle Diameter µm DBAR3_RPC
260X Cloud Droplet Concentration n/l CONC6_RWO
260X Mean Droplet Diameter µm DBAR6_RWO
PCASP Aerosol Particle Concentration n/cm3 CONCP_RPO
PCASP Mean Particle Diameter µm DBARP_RPO
2D-C Cloud Particle Concentration n/l CONC2C_RWI
2D-P Cloud Particle Concentration n/l CONC2P_LWO
FSSP Water/Ice Content g/m3 PLWCF_LPC
260X Water/Ice Content g/m3 PLWC6_RWO
Corrected King Probe Liquid Water Content, left wing g/m3 PLWCC
Corrected King Probe Liquid Water Content, right wing g/m3 PLWCC1
TECO Ozone Concentration ppb TEO3C
TECO Sampling Pressure mbar TEO3P
Gerber PVM-100 Liquid Water Content g/m3 XGLWC
Gerber PVM-100 Effective Droplet Radius µm XGREFF
Gerber PVM-100 Particle Surface Area cm2/m3 XGSFC
Aircraft True Heading deg THDG
Aircraft Roll Attitude Angle deg ROLL
Aircraft Pitch Attitude Angle deg PITCH
Aircraft IRS Vertical Velocity m/s VSPD
Damped Aircraft Vertical Velocity m/s WP3
IRS Ground Speed m/s GSF
IRS Ground Speed Vector, East Component m/s VEW
IRS Ground Speed Vector, North Component m/s VNS
GPS Ground Speed Vector, North Component m/s GVNS
GPS Ground Speed Vector, East Component m/s GVEW
Aircraft True Airspeed, Fuselage m/s TASF
Aircraft True Airspeed, Radome m/s TASR
Aircraft True Airspeed, Humidity Corrected m/s TASHC
Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Fuselage mbar QCFC
Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Radome mbar QCRC
Raw Dynamic Pressure, Fuselage mbar QCF
Raw Dynamic Pressure, Radome mbar QCR
Attack Angle, Radome Differential Pressure deg AKRD
Sideslip Angle, Radome Differential Pressure deg SSRD
Vertical Differential Pressure, Radome mbar ADIFR
Horizontal Differential Pressure, Radome mbar BDIFR
Raw Static Pressure, (digital) Fuselage mbar PSFD
Raw Static Pressure, Fuselage mbar PSFRD
Total Temperature, Radome Right C TTRR
Total Temperature, Radome Left C TTRL
Total Temperature, Heated, Wing C TTWH
Raw Dew Point Temperature, Fuselage Top C DPT
Raw Dew Point Temperature, Fuselage Bot C DPB
Raw IR Irradiance, Top W/m2 IRT
Raw IR Irradiance, Bot W/m2 IRB
Top Pyrgeometer Dome Temperature C DTT
Top Pyrgeometer Sink Temperature C STT
Bottom Pyrgeometer Dome Temperature C DTB
Bottom Pyrgeometer Sink Temperature C STB
Heimann Sensing Head Temperature, Housekeeping C TRSTB
Raw Icing Rate Indicator vdc RICE
Raw King Probe Liquid Water Content Watts PLWC
Raw King Probe Liquid Water Content Watts PLWC1
TSI CN Counter Output N CNTS
TSI CN Counter Flow, Raw slpm FCN
TSI CN Counter Sampling Pressure mbar PCN
TSI CN Counter Sampling Temperature C CNTEMP
TSI CN Counter Corrected Flow slpm FCNC
TSI CN Counter Bypass Flow, Raw slpm XICN
TSI CN Counter Corrected Bypass Flow slpm XICNC
Solar Azimuth Angle radians SOLAZ
Solar Declination Angle radians SOLDE
Solar Elevation Angle radians SOLEL
Solar Zenith Angle radians SOLZE
Radiometer Correction Factor none RADCF
Corrected Shortwave Irradiance, Top W/m2 SWTC
TDL Laser Hygrometer Sample Pressure mbar PSLH
TDL Laser Hygrometer Sample Temperature C ATLH
TDL Laser Hygrometer Raw Signal Output g/kg MRLHS

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Last update: Tue Apr 15 16:43:38 MDT 2003