RAF's EC-130Q at Jeffco Airport (1024x768)
RAF's EC-130Q on ramp at Huatulco, Mexico
Tail view looking forward showing ocean-probe deployment chute
(two-tone) and dropsonde chute
Right wingtip showing PMS-2DC Cloud probe and 260X probe
Right wing pod showing (CW from top forward): Ophir-III, TDL
hygrometer, an unused canister, SPP-300 probe, Ophir-III venturi
and SPP-200 probe
Rosemount temperature and General Eastern dew point sensors
on right fuselage aft of radome
Flux instrumentation next to radome (Rosemount temperature,
Lyman-alpha hygrometers)
Left wing pod showing (CW from left forward): SABL, PVM-100,
SPP-100 and an unused canister
Left wingtip showing PMS-2D Precip. probe
Belly looking aft showing the RAF's CN counter inlet and exhaust
(view 1)
Belly side view showing RAF's CN counter inlet and exhaust (view 2)
Right fuselage: group of three RAF's chemistry inlets (CO,
CO2, Ozone) and the University of Mexico City's
aerosol inlet (forward) -- all aft facing
University of Mexico City's aerosol rack (view 1)
University of Mexico City's aerosol rack (view 2)
RAF's Nephelometer connected to University ofMexico City's
aerosol inlet
RAF's Chemistry rack (CO, CO2, Ozone) (view 1)
RAF's Chemistry rack (CO, CO2, Ozone) (view 2)
ADS operator station
Scientist's workstation
WINDS and User displays on Scientist's workstation
Cabin forward view showing ocean-probe storage rack at near right
Rack with GPS Dropsonde station and RAF's CN counter
Ocean-probe signal receiver rack
SABL and WARDS operator station
Cockpit mission scientist station
RAF's DMA sample chamber on bench (view 1)
RAF's DMA sample chamber on bench (view 2)
University of Mexico City Staff
NOAA P-3 on ramp at Huatulco, Mexico