Project #2001-181 DYCOMS-II
The Dynamics and Chemistry of Marine Stratocumulus, Phase II: Entrainment Studies
Bjorn Stevens, et al.
NSF/NCAR EC-130Q Hercules (N130AR)
High-Rate Aircraft Variable List from netCDF file
Name | Units | Description |
base_time | seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 | Start time of data recording. |
Time | seconds since 2001-07-10 06:27:00 +0000 | time of measurement |
time_offset | seconds since 2001-07-10 06:27:00 +0000 | Seconds since base_time. |
CINB | V | Gerber CIN Backscatter |
CINCB | V | Gerber CIN Cosine of Scattering Angle Times Backscatter |
CINCF | V | Gerber CIN Cosine of Scattering Angle Times Forward Scatter |
CINF | V | Gerber CIN Forward Scatter |
DAY | day | Raw Tape Date Component |
GALT | m | GPS Altitude (MSL) |
GLAT | degree_N | GPS Latitude |
GLON | degree_E | GPS Longitude |
GVEW | m/s | GPS Ground Speed Vector, East Component |
GVNS | m/s | GPS Ground Speed Vector, North Component |
HGM232 | m | Geometric (Radar) Altitude (APN-232) |
MONTH | month | Raw Tape Date Component |
PITCH | degree | Aircraft Pitch Angle |
ROLL | degree | Aircraft Roll Angle |
SHDORC_RWI | count | 2D-C Shadow OR Counts |
SWB | W/m2 | Shortwave Irradiance, Bottom |
SWT | W/m2 | Shortwave Irradiance, Top |
THDG | degree_T | Aircraft True Heading Angle |
TKAT | degree_T | IRS Track Angle, True |
UFTP | V | Polish UFT-F Dynamic Pressure Fluctuations from Venturi or Pitot |
UFTT1 | V | Polish UFT-F Fast Temperature Fluctuations, Sensor 1 |
UFTT2 | V | Polish UFT-F Fast Temperature Fluctuations, Sensor 2 |
UVB | W/m2 | Ultraviolet Irradiance, Bottom |
UVT | W/m2 | Ultraviolet Irradiance, Top |
VEW | m/s | Inertial Ground Speed Vector, East Component |
VLA | V | Raw Lyman-alpha Hygrometer Output |
VLA1 | V | Raw Lyman-alpha Hygrometer Output |
VNS | m/s | Inertial Ground Speed Vector, North Component |
VSPD | m/s | IRS-Computed Aircraft Vertical Velocity |
XGLWC | gram/m3 | Gerber PVM-100 Probe Liquid Water Content |
XGSFC | cm2/m3 | Gerber PVM-100 Particle Surface Area (Raw) |
YEAR | year | Raw Tape Date Component |
AQRATIO | none | PCORS Dependent Variable |
ATRL | deg_C | Ambient Temperature, Radome Left |
ATRR | deg_C | Ambient Temperature, Radome Right |
ATTACK | degree | Attack Angle, Reference |
ATX | deg_C | Ambient Temperature, Reference |
CING | none | Gerber CIN Asymmetry Parameter |
CINSIG | /km | Gerber CIN Extinction Coefficient |
CONC2C_RWI | #/L | SPP-100 Particle2D-C Concentration |
CONC3_RPC | #/cm3 | FSSP-300 Concentration (all cells) |
CONC6_RWO | degree_T | 260X Concentration (all cells) |
CONCF_LPI | #/cm3 | FSSP-100 Concentration (all cells) |
CONCN | #/cm3 | Condensation Nuclei (CN) Concentration |
CONCP_RPO | #/cm3 | PCAS Concentration (all cells) |
DBAR3_RPC | µm | FSSP-300 Mean Particle Diameter |
DBAR6_RWO | µm | 260X Mean Particle Diameter |
DBARF_LPI | µm | FSSP-100 Mean Particle Diameter |
DBARP_RPO | µm | PCAS Mean Particle Diameter |
DBZ6_RWO | dBZ | 260X Calculated Reflectivity |
DBZF_LPI | dBZ | FSSP-100 Calculated Reflectivity |
DISP6_RWO | none | 260X Dispersion (sigma/dbarx) |
DISPF_LPI | none | FSSP-100 Dispersion (sigma/dbarx) |
DISPP_RPO | none | PCAS Dispersion (sigma/dbarx) |
DPLA1 | deg_C | Dew Point Temperature, Lyman-alpha |
DPXC | deg_C | Dew Point Temperature, Reference |
EDPC | mbar | Ambient Water Vapor Pressure, Reference |
IRBC | W/m2 | Corrected Infrared Irradiance, Bottom |
IRTC | W/m2 | Corrected Infrared Irradiance, Top |
LATC | degree_N | GPS-Corrected Inertial Latitude |
LONC | degree_E | GPS-Corrected Inertial Longitude |
MR | gram/kg | Mixing Ratio, T-Electric |
MRLA | gram/kg | Mixing Ratio, Lyman-alpha |
MRLA1 | gram/kg | Mixing Ratio, Lyman-alpha |
ONE | none | Constant value of 1. |
PALT | m | NACA Pressure Altitude |
PLWC6_RWO | gram/m3 | 260X Water/Ice Content |
PLWCC | gram/m3 | Corrected PMS-King Liquid Water Content |
PLWCC1 | gram/m3 | Corrected PMS-King Liquid Water Content |
PLWCF_LPI | gram/m3 | FSSP-100 Water/Ice Content |
PSXC | mbar | Corrected Static Pressure, Reference |
PVOL3_RPC | cm3/m3 | SPP-300 Equivalent Volume |
PVOLP_RPO | cm3/m3 | SPP-200 (PCASP) Equivalent Volume |
QCFC | mbar | Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Fuselage |
QCRC | mbar | Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Radome |
QCXC | mbar | Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Reference |
RHLA1 | % | Relative Humidity, Lyman-alpha |
RHODT | gram/m3 | Absolute Humidity, T-Electric Top |
RHOLA | gram/m3 | Absolute Humidity, Lyman-alpha |
RHOLA1 | gram/m3 | Absolute Humidity, Lyman-alpha |
RHUM | % | Relative Humidity |
SSLIP | degree | Sideslip Angle, Reference |
TASHC | m/s | Aircraft True Airspeed, Humidity Corrected |
TASR | m/s | Aircraft True Airspeed, Radome |
TASX | m/s | Aircraft True Airspeed, Reference |
THETA | K | Potential Temperature |
THETAE | K | Equivalent Potential Temperature |
THETAV | K | Virtual Potential Temperature |
TTX | deg_C | Total Temperature, Reference |
UIC | m/s | GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, East Component |
UXC | m/s | GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Longitudinal Component |
VEWC | m/s | GPS-Corrected Inertial Ground Speed Vector, East Component |
VIC | m/s | GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, North Component |
VNSC | m/s | GPS-Corrected Inertial Ground Speed Vector, North Component |
VYC | m/s | GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Lateral Component |
WDC | degree_T | GPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Direction |
WI | m/s | Wind Vector, Vertical Gust Component |
WIC | m/s | GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Vertical Gust Component |
WP3 | m/s | Damped Aircraft Vertical Velocity |
WSC | m/s | GPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Speed |
XGRFF | µm | Gerber PVM-100 Effective Droplet Radius |